August 14, 20159 yr Gah. Making that quick draw and photoshopping masks and it turns out to be a fake. I had my doubts but because of Scarilian's confidence on the "leaker" I jumped onto it. I don't know why but despite having any info about I'm pretty confident that Gali will have SW kneeguards. They would just match so well. I also hope that they would use those system pieces to cover the back of the legs.
August 14, 20159 yr Well, at the very least we've got hope now that the Toa might not be clones of their forms from this year. There will be virtually no point in buying them if there isn't something new to differentiate them.
August 14, 20159 yr Why do we have so many fake leaks this year? To put it bluntly: because people will believe them and spread them, and people are desperate to be the first to know these things. The allure of confidential and often illegal methodology behind leaks coupled with the fanbase not having a massive media event to tide them over, plus the very public and very very early leaks from last year, not to mention the rise of many fan-sites and fan groups with less strict leak policies all feeds into this. Ghost sets, play-testing rumours made after reveals of new parts from the SW lines, early leaks on a Russian site with no pictures, "a confident friend who sent only me this information", etc and so forth. There are, unfortunately, a lot of people in the community who want to be "the person" who is first to present leaks or images or any information possible because they care less about the community, the product, or the fanbase, and more about their own standing within it. It's a problem a lot of fanbases and franchises have to deal with, and until there are pictures, if you guys want to stop falling for fake leaks left and right, perhaps take the course most of the older fanbase has done, which is "wait until pictures".
August 14, 20159 yr Author I miss the days when people created MOCs and took blurry photos of them. Still just as ridiculous as spreading fake leaks, but at least more creative than some kid making up fake descriptions based on what they want to see.
August 14, 20159 yr Hahahaha!! Ahem. Would've like it if the leaks were true, but not surprised that they aren't. Oh well. Time to wait for the next batch.
August 14, 20159 yr I miss the days when people created MOCs and took blurry photos of them. Still just as ridiculous as spreading fake leaks, but at least more creative than some kid making up fake descriptions based on what they want to see. Oh, they still do that. link =P Edited August 15, 20159 yr by Jim Removed confidential image
August 14, 20159 yr Yeah, those "Bohrok" were kinda fun in their own way. But unfortunately, lists seem to be the way to go. And sometimes they can actually be "accurate", whether through lucky guessing or decent pattern recognition or some combination of both. People want to believe, and others enjoy being believed. The way of things, sadly.
August 15, 20159 yr Oh, they still do that. If people want to make them look legit, maybe they should make 'em look like the actual ones, with white blank backgrounds: link 1 link 2 Edited August 15, 20159 yr by Jim Removed confidential image
August 15, 20159 yr If people want to make them look legit, maybe they should make 'em look like the actual ones, with white blank backgrounds: It's not allowed to embed confidential images in a post! Please read the site guidelines. Oh, they still do that. Same goes for you
August 15, 20159 yr Same goes for you I would have thought that, since the one Quisoves used was fake, it would have been okay?
August 15, 20159 yr I would have thought that, since the one Quisoves used was fake, it would have been okay? Better not do this at all. There are people (like me) who don't know what's fake and what's not.
August 15, 20159 yr I would have thought that, since the one Quisoves used was fake, it would have been okay? When someone posts a confidential image, they are rarely aware it's a fake (except when it's for the lulz like in this case). Edited August 15, 20159 yr by wghost
August 15, 20159 yr Its an unfortunate aspect of Gen 2 Bionicle that unless one takes chances then we wont actually get anywhere. People wont share descriptions because they'll be too worried about them being fake. Leaked images would be discarded because someone will think they are a lie. Its also an unfortunate fact that those sharing leaks will be discredited and disrespected for sharing them should any of them turn out to be fake or have little to support them at the time. Even the original 2015 leaked images were discarded by many as being fake - several official sites and staff of those sites claimed they were not real and discredited those who shared them. It was only because a handful of people trusted that they were actually real that we learned any information about Bionicle's return. It was a leap of faith that paid off. If we were just going to sit here and wait for the confidential image leaks the community would get less and less active while waiting. No need for fans to check Eurobricks for 2016 leaks everyday if the chances of descriptions or more info leaking is minimal. They know they will just be waiting for a confidential leaked image that wil probably not be posted till September and would'nt be allowed to be posted here due to the leak rules on the site I had my doubts but because of Scarilian's confidence on the "leaker" I jumped onto it. Yeah, one of the issues seems to be this year that we have fairly trustworthy and trusting people (Swongo/Vezon) who have confidence in the original sources. Due to this they are more likely to be believed to be telling the truth and due to them being trustworthy, its less likely people will question that the source may be misleading them. In this case; I reposted infromation from a trustworthy friend who had put trust in one of his friends who turned out to be doing it for the luls. Any description leaks require a level of trust, the same way that you trust Twistlaw who trusts the store owner. Without the level of trust the information about Umurak the Hunter being a large black set would be discarded because at the moment the source is word of mouth. Its disheartening, though if this had turned out to be real and was not discussed here, then the community would be even more annoyed than they are currently about another wave of fakes. At the very least these leaks provided a certain level of discussion and speculation rather than us all simply waiting for confidential leaked images and talking about nothing. Waiting for leaked images would have meant no information would have been shared about any of the 2016 stuff, this topic would'nt exists - even the amazon/names list we have at the moment would have been discarded at the time also given the names are no longer on Amazon. They were'nt even on the Lego servers till days/weeks later so we would have missed out on the names if people didnt trust the accuracy of a list that no longer exists. If people want to make them look legit, maybe they should make 'em look like the actual ones, with white blank backgrounds: The backgrounds and set design depeneds on what stage the leaks are at - remembering we got the prototype display leak last year with backgrounds on boxes prior to the Kopaka image leak you shared without a background. Depending on at what stage we see the leaks depends how completed and finalized the boxes will look. Edited August 15, 20159 yr by Scarilian
August 15, 20159 yr What makes a leak real in the firstplace? New pieces and the leaks are not released for one theme only are the most obvious,
August 15, 20159 yr What makes a leak real in the firstplace? Most often the only way to tell they are real is new pieces - on occasions the images will be released around the same time as a bunch of other leaks that appear for other lines. Other times the source is from an online shop which makes it more likely its a legitimate leak - as shops dont tend to advertise fakes. Edited August 15, 20159 yr by Scarilian
August 16, 20159 yr several official sites and staff of those sites claimed they were not real and discredited those who shared them I am a member of every major English-speaking online community. This is a massive exaggeration pushing the boundaries of outright lying. Several people have pointed at BZP specifically in the past, as if we said the leaks were false. Considering several of us were at the time already aware of the line's return, and the line is our sole reason for existing, it would have been suicide to say the leaks were false. But, unlike most other sites, we also have a personal and close relationship with TLG where we don't allow leaks our discussion of them period. This is why we had more tickets for NYCC to give away than any other site. And unlike Eurobricks, we don't have a former site admin working for the CEE team to overlook our transgressions. At the very least these leaks provided a certain level of discussion and speculation rather than us all simply waiting for confidential leaked images and talking about nothing. Discussion based on false information is useless discussion. It's a pretty big waste of time, and even last year's standee leak was verified as best as possible by TTV and the Piece Out Facebook group it was originally leaked in before being reported everywhere. Leaked description lists have almost always been one hundred percent false. It's August, if the 2016 topic has slow discussion that's because 2016 is still a third of the year away. Images will come as they always do, probably in the next few weeks, maybe a month. That's normal. Until then I'd highly advise folks to stop jumping at absolutely anything and everything. We have a set list from Amazon, even that's more than we normally have! Rather nothing to talk about than more fake stuff to talk about.
August 17, 20159 yr I am a member of every major English-speaking online community. This is a massive exaggeration pushing the boundaries of outright lying. Several people have pointed at BZP specifically in the past, as if we said the leaks were false. Considering several of us were at the time already aware of the line's return, and the line is our sole reason for existing, it would have been suicide to say the leaks were false. But, unlike most other sites, we also have a personal and close relationship with TLG where we don't allow leaks our discussion of them period. This is why we had more tickets for NYCC to give away than any other site. And unlike Eurobricks, we don't have a former site admin working for the CEE team to overlook our transgressions. Discussion based on false information is useless discussion. It's a pretty big waste of time, and even last year's standee leak was verified as best as possible by TTV and the Piece Out Facebook group it was originally leaked in before being reported everywhere. Leaked description lists have almost always been one hundred percent false. It's August, if the 2016 topic has slow discussion that's because 2016 is still a third of the year away. Images will come as they always do, probably in the next few weeks, maybe a month. That's normal. Until then I'd highly advise folks to stop jumping at absolutely anything and everything. We have a set list from Amazon, even that's more than we normally have! Rather nothing to talk about than more fake stuff to talk about. This. BZPower's response, that of prohibiting posting, and detailed discussion, of the leaked pictures, is the same for any purported LEGO leaks.
August 17, 20159 yr The backgrounds and set design depeneds on what stage the leaks are at - remembering we got the prototype display leak last year with backgrounds on boxes prior to the Kopaka image leak you shared without a background. Depending on at what stage we see the leaks depends how completed and finalized the boxes will look. Unfinished print or no print at all, unfinished parts and minor color changes. I don't know how may people noticed but on the both leaks Gali's thigh shells were upside down. This is the stage I expect to see them in.
August 17, 20159 yr Discussion based on false information is useless discussion. My thoughts exactly. IIRC the 2016 thread on TTV was temporarily closed for the same reason.
August 17, 20159 yr I never mentioned the name of any site or the staff that believed the leaks were fake and discredited those who shared them and you both jumped to assume i meant BZPower. I'm not sure why you go so far as to call me a liar for stating a vague comment simply because you jumped to believe it referred to that site. Anyway, to prevent this turning into an arguement - I once again shouldy make it noted that i was referring to the general response to the 2015 leaks which was only natural at the time, as that is how leaks work; skepticism -> distrust -> discrediting -> confirmation on legtimacy (Real or fake). It happens every leak season - its to be expected at this stage. My thoughts exactly. IIRC the 2016 thread on TTV was temporarily closed for the same reason. Actually that was a 2016 leak topic which was closed until official image leaks were revealed due to a new user (Now banned) trying to troll people - there is still a 2016 discussion that includes a variety of speculation. Its essentially a combination of a 2016 discussion and a 2016 speculation topic. Unfinished print or no print at all, unfinished parts and minor color changes. I don't know how may people noticed but on the both leaks Gali's thigh shells were upside down. This is the stage I expect to see them in. Would probably need friction adders as otherwise the new Star Wars pieces would restrict movement a bit;
August 17, 20159 yr I never mentioned the name of any site or the staff that believed the leaks were fake and discredited those who shared them and you both jumped to assume i meant BZPower. I'm not sure why you go so far as to call me a liar for stating a vague comment simply because you jumped to believe it referred to that site. BZPower spent several months claiming Bionicle was not coming back and generally discrediting TTV for saying it was. Yeah, they could have easily said 'we cant discuss this at this time' but nope... guessing you are intentionally ignoring those several months of misinformation, censorship and lying so that you can fuel your own childish hatred of TTV and people who may or may not be its fans as being the sole source of misinformation
August 17, 20159 yr That was from way back when DV was hating on TTV for no reason. I think we better move on to on-topic discussion before things start escalating and I start roasting people.Anyways, can that shin armor from SW sets be put into a more 'feminine design' than Gali's? I wanna see how it looks. Edited August 17, 20159 yr by Nekchir
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