August 24, 20159 yr Guys I can't tell you how but a friend of mine sent me a picture of a 2016 set, he was able to grab a prototype here's the picture, handle with care. I'm not laughing.
August 24, 20159 yr Leewan that is so cool. Do you think that build would work for Skull Scorpio if made on a slightly larger scale?
August 24, 20159 yr I'd love that. Also, I worked on a small set-like scorpion MOC (52 parts) the last few days : (More pictures here) Animation of the function : I hate to be the odd man out here, but this only serves to reinforce my wariness of function-based constraction-sets. It's technically impressive, but not much to look at. Even if the feet were less disproportionately large, the most eye-catching thing about the figure would still be the tail, and that sacrifices form and aesthetics for functionality. It looks grafted-on. Edited August 24, 20159 yr by Quisoves Pugnat
August 24, 20159 yr Guys I can't tell you how but a friend of mine sent me a picture of a 2016 set, he was able to grab a prototype here's the picture, handle with care. That moment you claim to hate Nekchir but proceed to pull stuff straight off of 4chan..... That one was obviously a joke, but I'm fairly sure everyone of EB is sick of these "jokes".
August 24, 20159 yr Aand back to square one. Better stick with "pics or it didn't happen" rules from now on.
August 24, 20159 yr Frankly I'm glad the leaks were fake. Several things I personally didn't like about them, and I will actually give credit to Nekchir for fooling most of the community. That being said, I'm also glad this has happened. It's going to serve as a wake-up call for those that haven't had one yet, and seeing as most of the community will probably shun him now (he's just been banned for over two centuries on TTV's boards ) these events will serve as a solemn warning to anyone else that wants to knowingly spread fake leaks. So, with that out of the way, I'm hoping we see a large amount of new molds created. I wasn't here for G1's run, so I'd love it if each Toa set had at the very least two new mask molds (Kualsi please?), a new weapon mold and across each of them a new torso, new feet and new shells/add-ons would be great too. Pohatu needs to have tan to offset his silver, it's ridiculous when he has more silver than brown (perhaps it was to remove some of the "yuck" factor of a brown color scheme to a kid, and to help HF fans ease into having no silver character?), but he did do a good job of establishing brown as his main color. Probably not going to happen, but a special edition "flashback" set with Makuta pre-MoUP sort of like how they released the Toa Hagah would be great as well. Edited August 24, 20159 yr by Mandate
August 24, 20159 yr Doubt we will see a pink eyestalk, it just feels unnecessary. Whatever Makuta will be protector sized or not I think he'll just have orange eyes, Ekimu didn't have blue so I wouldn't be that surprised. I know it's not budget friendly but the toa need individual molds for their weapons. It just isn't right and it's rather strange why Onua and Pohatu got them. sure they can be used on other sets after that and I was rather surprised not to see the axe piece or Onua's hammer get re-used. And Leewan, is there something you can hold onto while using the gimmick? This is the problem I encountered with my spider too. And I don't think your's looks too complicated so having creatures like that might not be out of the question. Would be wonderful if they still could have the spring shooter.
August 24, 20159 yr Anyway, I wonder what types of heads these creatures will have. Brick built? Perhaps too expensive for $10... Nah. Too delicate. I'd love that. Also, I worked on a small set-like scorpion MOC (52 parts) the last few days : (More pictures here) Animation of the function : Edited August 24, 20159 yr by LewiMOC
August 24, 20159 yr So, I tried my hand at making a Protector-size, function-based quadruped in Digital Designer. I'm not sure what to think of it. It was meant to be a bull, though it turned out resembling a pantomime horse. Of course, given some time, its appearance could be spruced up. The function, that of the bull bucking, is achieved primarily through the use of two 3m double-ballcups and two Technic knobs, over which is spread a rubber-band (sadly absent from LDD.) How well it works in reality, I cannot say. It comprises 58 pieces.
August 24, 20159 yr Two balljoints is far too much friction for such a small thing like that, remember that Onua only uses one. And I gotta say that thing ain't a beauty either. But the concept itself could work. Edited August 24, 20159 yr by GK733
August 24, 20159 yr (I was supposed to post this yesterday, the post was completed and all but I legit korgot to hit the Add reply button. Let's add some quotes so that the post feels less random) My best is that we will see a Protector-sized Makuta next summer trying to go after the MoCo, ala Ekimu this year. That way we will have the main two characters lined up for 2017's presumed epic showdown for the MoUP. it is unknown whether he will be in his Protector form or enlarged form; I'm hoping for him to be reverted back to his Protector form so that him and Ekimu will be evenly matched. I really doubt they would just Make Makuta a re-skin of Ekimu, but there's the problem that the MoCo has to be fitting for his color scheme too. But they for sure won't try to sell gold and purple guy as a baddie unless he has some large changes to his animation version. I really hope we get a Protector Makuta, just for completion sake. It could always be said that when the MoUP was removed he reverted back to his original self. I do love that gold and purple. Along with a gold/trans purple protector mask ? Yes please. Gold and purple aren't strictly hero colours. Gold has been used on a few villains, namely Brutaka, Speeda Demon, Scarox and Queen Beast as far as constraction goes. As for purple, Voltix, Skull Basher and Antimatter (Ultra Agents) are a nice proof of that- plus tr. purple looks less vibrant and more evil than solid purple (lilac) in my opinion, like a dark stormy sky. The Overlord in Ninjago even used both colours. But without much black/titanium metallic/red/trans reddish orange (Lego's favourite evil colours) to even them out yeah, those are more on the heroic side. I can see Protector Makuta working as a "flashback set" of sorts, it's just that special small sized figures that exist outside the yearly group of six small sets (Dume, Ekimu) are never sold on their own. HF did its own thing 2012 onwards, but BIONICLE and its formula are much stricter about that. And, just some personal rambling to finish the post. If the "kids have to tell heroes and villains apart" rule wasn't in effect, I'd gladly have a demonic titan clad in gold and purple as Makuta. Having him start out as a ruined and dark creature and have him recover his power to turn into a regal, strong and dangerous villain- just like his brother (minus the villain part...I...guess). I like looks/personality contrast in general- villains who look majestic and regal and heroes who look dark. But I'll stop, I'm fully on wishful thinking territory now.
August 24, 20159 yr Two balljoints is far too much friction for such a small thing like that, remember that Onua only uses one. Perhaps I'm missing the obvious, but which two balljoints? And I gotta say that thing ain't a beauty either. Quite. Were I making this as a proper MOC, as opposed to a proof-of-concept, it would (hopefully) be easier on the eye. =P
August 24, 20159 yr Administrator of official Bionicle VK group confirmed sets list.
August 24, 20159 yr About the leaks - don't you people learn anything , hm ? Last year I also came with "realible" information and BAM ! everybody thought that Zhodopazik was a real bad guy (to be fair, I would have prefered him over Skull <insert generic name here>, but yeah, you get what you get. ). So, please, next time - ask pics first, then get aboard the hype train, m'kay ? Administrator of official Bionicle VK group confirmed sets list. Well, they also made the biggest joke ever at the expence of the Bionicle community back in 2009 (it was so convincing that even our own members fell for it).
August 24, 20159 yr Dear Mr.Rbshnik, your joke isn't lived so long - EB users remembered the same trick from 2008(am I right?) and forgot it again. Do not show Russian Bionicle Community in a bad light - just stop petrosyanit and don't advertise Rusbionicle - I think, all of Eurobricks members know that you are alive. Oh, it is not Turaga Makuta's group - it is OFFICIAL Lego Russia group. Edited August 24, 20159 yr by mrx_tnn
August 24, 20159 yr Do you think that build would work for Skull Scorpio if made on a slightly larger scale? I have no idea. You'll have to try yourself. I hate to be the odd man out here, but this only serves to reinforce my wariness of function-based constraction-sets. It's technically impressive, but not much to look at. Even if the feet were less disproportionately large, the most eye-catching thing about the figure would still be the tail, and that sacrifices form and aesthetics for functionality. It looks grafted-on. I see what you mean, but the feet don't seem too large to me, and the purely Technic tail doesn't bother me either. And Leewan, is there something you can hold onto while using the gimmick? Yes, I grab the rear legs, and I use my thumb to push the red beam.
August 24, 20159 yr Did I really just see Lyichir recommend that we become like BZP and limit/prohibit discussion? I'm sorry, but no! I left BZP because of that, and I'll be darned if EB starts that stuff as well.
August 24, 20159 yr Administrator of official Bionicle VK group confirmed sets list. This was confirmation enough, there's no reason to doubt the list's legitimacy, though I still run into people calling them unifiers. Did I really just see Lyichir recommend that we become like BZP and limit/prohibit discussion? I'm sorry, but no! I left BZP because of that, and I'll be darned if EB starts that stuff as well. For these reasons I've never have an account there, I can agree that without it there wouldn't be this reboot but the rest of the stuff it has done I can really describe only with mean words.
August 24, 20159 yr This was confirmation enough, there's no reason to doubt the list's legitimacy, though I still run into people calling them unifiers. 'Cause they could be found with the word "unifiers" for some time. Dear Mr.Rbshnik, your joke hasn't lived for so long - EB users remembered the same trick from 2008(am I right?) and forgot it again. Don't show the Russian Bionicle Community in a bad light - just stop joking around and don't advertise Rusbionicle - I think all Eurobricks members know that you are alive. Oh, it is not Turaga Makuta's group - it's the OFFICIAL Lego Russia group. FTFY. Your grammar is great, btw.
August 24, 20159 yr 'Cause they could be found with the word "unifiers" for some time. That was a typo from yous truly Sorry!
August 24, 20159 yr Freedom of speech (or in this case freedom of leaks) often depends on the sayer. Just because one person was a jerk and using their words to hurt people doesn't mean the rest are. That said though, this whole situation has left a bad taste in my mouth. I'm gonna have to add some stuff to my leak flowchart. If it is any comfort, we learn more from our failures than our successes. Edited August 24, 20159 yr by Dr_Chronos
August 24, 20159 yr FTFY. Your grammar is great, btw. Can't speak English so good as you xD I thought that double confirmation will not prevent and can distract people from liar. Edited August 24, 20159 yr by mrx_tnn
August 24, 20159 yr This leak season is proving to be rather fernickety, huh? Lots of hoaxers running about. I wonder when we'll see something legit...
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