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I bet we'll have the preliminary pictures next week.

My thoughts exactly, right down to the shell-shield.

Also, I've been thinking about Kopaka and Melum and how the sets will look. I really hope Melum doesn't cheat Kopaka out of parts. It felt like that was the case with Ekimu and Kulta where Ekimu got a nice filled-in design and Kulta was a little... empty (yeah, he's a skeleton, but let's face it. He's pretty bland in terms of build). But that's mainly due to Ekimu being more like a small $15 set and Kulta being a large $15 set.

Basically, I just hope the sizes of the sets are well divided. Melum as a $10 set and Kopaka at $20.

I hope the oppossite- that we use some bulk from a $20 Kopaka (one of the main complaints about him this year was being more bulky than we are used to and this would be both a great response to that and a chance for us to see how they tackle him at another price) and give it to the $10 Melum (enabling him to be a bigger creature than the others which might go in-hand with a story signifigance of some sort).

I bet we'll have the preliminary pictures next week.

I wouldn't bet on it but this - next week seem very possible.

I hope the oppossite- that we use some bulk from a $20 Kopaka (one of the main complaints about him this year was being more bulky than we are used to and this would be both a great response to that and a chance for us to see how they tackle him at another price) and give it to the $10 Melum (enabling him to be a bigger creature than the others which might go in-hand with a story signifigance of some sort).

Oh yes, that too.

Just depends on how Lego wants to go about things; if they want to keep the original sizes of the Toa from the first wave. But I could totally go for a smaller-sized Kopaka.

Oh yes, that too.

Just depends on how Lego wants to go about things; if they want to keep the original sizes of the Toa from the first wave. But I could totally go for a smaller-sized Kopaka.

Hm I'd rather get a bulky Kopaka and a smaller creature that can combine with him to form some awesome big Kopaka thing.

Hm I'd rather get a bulky Kopaka and a smaller creature that can combine with him to form some awesome big Kopaka thing.

I'd rather have the opposite, and end up with a huge creature.

I'd rather Kopaka stay the same size for consistency and it would just make sense. His bulkiness is part of his G2 aesthetic and I doubt they'll change that much. I for one like it and would rather Melum was a wolf-like creature, which wouldn't need to be huge compared to Kopaka. I like the idea of Ketar being an armadillo that turns into a shield for Pohatu, but it puts me in mind of Power Rangers or something. Robot creatures turning into weapons for the heroes and such, IF that is in fact what they do. We don't even know for sure that the critters are aiding or fighting the Toa, despite the whole 'Unity' thing.

Edited by ToaDraco

I'd rather Kopaka stay the same size for consistency and it would just make sense. His bulkiness is part of his G2 aesthetic and I doubt they'll change that much. I for one like it and would rather Melum was a wolf-like creature, which wouldn't need to be huge compared to Kopaka. I like the idea of Ketar being an armadillo that turns into a shield for Pohatu, but it puts me in mind of Power Rangers or something. Robot creatures turning into weapons for the heroes and such, IF that is in fact what they do. We don't even know for sure that the critters are aiding or fighting the Toa, despite the whole 'Unity' thing.

Totally agree with your comments regarding Kopaka. The set by itself could be another version of 'Maxilos and Spinax'. Would be awesome to have,.

I'm curious as to why some folks are so certain that leaks are iminent. Sure, we could get leaks around this time, but there's no particular reason to assume that. I'd think, if anything, that the leakings of the 2015 sets would have prompted LEGO to tighten its security in regards to BIONICLE.

I'm curious as to why some folks are so certain that leaks are iminent. Sure, we could get leaks around this time, but there's no particular reason to assume that. I'd think, if anything, that the leakings of the 2015 sets would have prompted LEGO to tighten its security in regards to BIONICLE.

I just want them to come out soon...only because I'm impatient to see what else LEGO's cooking up for the theme. Perhaps some may be certain that leaks are coming out soon because there is a toy fair (?) I believe in October....so LEGO might reveal the figures then. October is only a few weeks away.

there is a toy fair (?) I believe in October....

Don't think so, Toy Fairs take place in London, Nuremberg and New York late January / mid-February. But there's the NYCC in October, where Lego officially announced Bionicle's return last year.

Don't think so, Toy Fairs take place in London, Nuremberg and New York late January / mid-February. But there's the NYCC in October, where Lego officially announced Bionicle's return last year.

Yeah that's what I was thinking about.

I'm curious as to why some folks are so certain that leaks are iminent. Sure, we could get leaks around this time, but there's no particular reason to assume that. I'd think, if anything, that the leakings of the 2015 sets would have prompted LEGO to tighten its security in regards to BIONICLE.

Looking at last year;

September 11th - Prices for all winter sets found from a German retailer Werst

September 14th - Confidential photos found by Mesonak.

September 19th - Bionicle return officially announced

September 28th - Final set pictures sent by Just2Good but Onua was missing

September 29th - Confidential catalog by a Reddit user admiraltyphoon

Looking at this year;

August 5th - Bionicle set names and prices for Winter Wave leak on Amazon, Kopaka and Melum set listed shortly after VIA Amazon/Lego server

August 31st - Bionicle set names appear for what is speculated to be the Summer Wave VIA Lego server

My thoughts;

We've had quite a lot of information revealed in recent leaks, we know the prices and names of the winter wave along with a list of names for what is likely the summer sets.They'll probably try cracking down on image leaks, though with catalogues being sent out and websites being prepaired for the release, chances are they'll start getting a little more lax around near September given they'll likely reveal the sets officially at NYCC in October (8th-11th) anyway.

I can't see them trying too hard to prevent leaks when what will likely be the official reveal draws closer and closer.

I bet we'll have the preliminary pictures next week.

We'll probably get some stuff before the end of September, but we should'nt really get too hyped on the idea of getting preliminary pictures in a week or so. If we put close dates to things and expect certain information to be revealed at certain times it may blind us from other information that is released - e.g. if we're looking for pictures we may miss a different type of 2016 leak.

Edited by Scarilian

Looking at last year;

September 11th - Prices for all winter sets found from a German retailer Werst

September 14th - Confidential photos found by Mesonak.

September 19th - Bionicle return officially announced

September 28th - Final set pictures sent by Just2Good but Onua was missing

September 29th - Confidential catalog by a Reddit user admiraltyphoon

Looking at this year;

August 5th - Bionicle set names and prices for Winter Wave leak on Amazon, Kopaka and Melum set listed shortly after VIA Amazon/Lego server

August 31st - Bionicle set names appear for what is speculated to be the Summer Wave VIA Lego server

My thoughts;

We've had quite a lot of information revealed in recent leaks, we know the prices and names of the winter wave along with a list of names for what is likely the summer sets.They'll probably try cracking down on image leaks, though with catalogues being sent out and websites being prepaired for the release, chances are they'll start getting a little more lax around near September given they'll likely reveal the sets officially at NYCC in October (8th-11th) anyway.

I can't see them trying too hard to prevent leaks when what will likely be the official reveal draws closer and closer.

We'll probably get some stuff before the end of September, but we should'nt really get too hyped on the idea of getting preliminary pictures in a week or so. If we put close dates to things and expect certain information to be revealed at certain times it may blind us from other information that is released - e.g. if we're looking for pictures we may miss a different type of 2016 leak.

You're right.

Do you really think we've seen everything that next year's BIONICLE has to offer? In 2011, HF's second year, we got much more sets.

Do you really think we've seen everything that next year's BIONICLE has to offer? In 2011, HF's second year, we got much more sets.

Consider how much cheaper those sets were in total.

And Lego has adapted to produce less sets in summer wave nowadays.

Do you really think we've seen everything that next year's BIONICLE has to offer? In 2011, HF's second year, we got much more sets.

Hard to say. We don't know for certain whether the second leak's sets are winter or summer (though probably summer). Also (and I don't know if this affects anything) Hero Factory 2011 didn't have a concurrent Constraction theme alongside it. BIONICLE 2016 does.

Consider how much cheaper those sets were in total.

And Lego has adapted to produce less sets in summer wave nowadays.

Also true.

Consider how much cheaper those sets were in total.

And Lego has adapted to produce less sets in summer wave nowadays.

What do you mean by cheaper? The introduction of CCBS happened on that year, being quite costly.

Do you really think we've seen everything that next year's BIONICLE has to offer? In 2011, HF's second year, we got much more sets.


We have probably got a general idea of what next year has to offer based on this year;

  • We've probably seen the names for the Winter and Summer wave of sets
  • The booster pack found by CM4Sci might be amongst the things we get next year
  • We'll probably get promotions similar to this year in the form of polybags
  • There will probably be a few exclusive masks similar to the clear-hau and trans-gali mask
  • There will probably be more books and graphic novels
  • There will be some form of media to tell the story - either animations or something else
  • There will probably be some form of competition giving away masks or other bionicle goodies

Though obviously there is room for new things, but we should'nt expect a blossoming wave of sets given the Star Wars CCBS sets plus the introduction of a new line to replace Chima which would be getting more focus (Nexo Knights). I feel you may be forgetting that Hero Factory likely recieved more sets because it had a TV show at that stage, and according to your comments about the introduction of CCBS, probably a larger budget.

Unless Bionicle gets a TV show i doubt we'll get many more sets than we got this year - a TV show to advertise the sets seems to be Lego's next step for lines they have faith in being succesful. After a TV show is achieved the lines tend to expand more and be more risky as long as the show is doing well.

Edited by Scarilian

I don't know if a couple of books is a fair trade in exchange for a TV show, but as they say

'something is better than nothing".

But it would sadden me to see even less sets than this year and no media apart from books and another 1 minute cartoon created to push BIONICLE. It wouldn't mean a bright future for the series.

Fingers crossed for an outstanding 2016.

It's 17 sets, but it's a 30 Euro set instead of 10+15. And Summer might be more expensive than the Skellies line. So 2016 might end up being heftier.

As for the Kopaka set, I'd like to see something a bit more different than just two sets lumped together in the same box. Something like MMvsSG, with each figure blurring the line a bit would be good. A few more pieces dedicated to Melum so it looks more impressive and a more agile Kopaka, just to change up things a bit.

Edited by Shakar

What do you mean by cheaper? The introduction of CCBS happened on that year, being quite costly.

I figure he's talking about cheaper for the consumer. The average price of a set in 2011 was $12.45 and the most common price was $8, instead of the average price and most common price both being $15 as they are this year.

But it's also important to remember that the only reason Hero Factory's second year (22 sets) was so much larger than its first (13 sets) is that its first year included only a single wave of sets in the summer and its second year included both a winter wave AND a summer wave. When comparing two sequential years that have the same number of waves, there's far less reason to expect a big change in the total number of sets. I think it's plausible that the total number of Bionicle sets in 2016 might be close to the total number of Bionicle sets in 2015.

Edited by Aanchir

No matter the amount of sets or price of sets, I'm runnin' out of room on my shelves. ;-; And I'm running out of room for more shelves. .__. Good thing Bionicle means more to me then HF.

But it's also important to remember that the only reason Hero Factory's second year (22 sets) was so much larger than its first (13 sets) is that its first year included only a single wave of sets in the summer and its second year included both a winter wave AND a summer wave. When comparing two sequential years that have the same number of waves, there's far less reason to expect a big change in the total number of sets.

To be fair in 2010 constraction had 6 other sets in the form of BIONICLE Stars.

But I get what you mean, nonetheless.

Why do people keeping pining for leaks? Last year was not something that will be repeated because photos had to go out to retailers early because of the reveal happening in October, and the reason that reveal even happened so early is because Bionicle was a returning theme with a huge fanbase. I do like the point brought up by Quisoves Pugnat though- that the leaks gaining so much traction last year might have pushed Lego to tighten up their security even more. There is no reason to expect leaks and info at the same time this year because Bionicle is now a normal theme that is just getting another wave, same as City and Star Wars and everything else.

IF Lego does do an NYCC event, it will probably be about Nexo Knights. That's a huge IF though. Also, I don't get what everyone is talking about with the Nexo Knights having constraction figures- it is pretty unreasonable (to me) to expect the $10 'Ultimate' sets to be CCBS-based. I am expecting them to be more along the line of Chima's Legend Beasts and this MOC, small System-based figures that implement the towballjoints.

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