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So how about that Netflix Bionicle?

Also, not sure if pointed out but the new torso looks to be a new torso and chestplate. Pohatu's torso looks to be silver/gunmetal while his chest is brown. And the chest has piston aesthetics as well as the torso, Kopaka legs/creature torsos, and "flame-add on".

Edited by MakutaOfWar

I hope it's done in a style kind of halfway between the soothingly simple-looking yet intricate style of the 2015 animations and that of the first three movies. Which, now that I think about it, is pretty much CM4Sci's style as an animation.

As others have said previously, the new sets confuse me.

It isn't that they don't look good to me. It's just that I don't know where is CCBS leading to, or rather I know it but I'm not happy with it...

I love me some good innovation, but to me this feels more like they have listened to the tRu BonklEs faNs and their whinning on the new system, and have thus decided to slowly make it similar to Bionicle's old look.

I mean, unless it hides some yet unknown function, swaping the lower ball joint in the torso beam for a weird decoration doesn't make any sense. Nor does that the new "shell" connects by pins instead of balljoints.

Also the fact that there seems to be only one new weapon mold does not please at all.

And please tell me I'm not blind but where the Megablocks is Tahu's Skull add-on attached to? Because I see no shell under it.

Edit: Actually I think I figured out the new torso beam: where the balljoint was in the old one, there's now a pin hole used to attach the rear gear using a 4M axle with stop. And I guess the extra decoration was used in order for the rear gear not to be visible from the front.

Edited by Darking

I'm a bit mixed on these sets. On one hand they have cool new parts. On the other there very different from there previous looks. I know that's expected. But being someone who loves the G1 Nuva for how they had roughly the same build to the G1 Mata but still had a somewhat new look. This radical change is a bit jarring to me.

As for the sets themselves

Onua- I wonder if the studs in his hammer are transparent purple. There doesn't appear to be any solid purple in his set and the studs purple matches Basher's purple ribcage on his shoulders. Onua's eyes are also now blue.

Tahu- Not much to say on him except on his right shoulder the Gold skull villain armor doesn't appear to be attached to anything. Might be a CG error. The new flame piece is interesting. Might want to use that on Fire Lord

Kopaka- I don't like the fact that he lost his shield for a blaster. The shield is what separates Kopaka from Tahu in terms of a sword wielding character

Gali, Lewa and Pohatu- The pictures I'm seeing aren't as clear as the others so I can't give judgement yet. Though Lewa looks to have the Bohrok eyes in the new trans green color that the Protector of Jungle used. Pohatu's eyes are now blue and he might be using reddish brown instead of dark orange this time around.

The creatures are the same. Until better pictures are released I'm reserving judgement

Umarak- I do not like his antlers. His lower legs look like a mess with the back CCBS bone not even having armor. The only thing I like from this set so far is the Mask of Control and it doesn't even resemble the animation one as well as the Mask of Creation. Perhaps they just wanted to add more detail to it and the animation one will follow suit. But I'd like it more if it was the other way around.

I do hope the new torso bone will be compatible with the gearbox from this year

Unlike 2015 where I bought all the sets. I'll only be getting a choice amount of sets. Any parts that interest me I'll just order from lego or bricklink

As other have said previously, the new sets confuse me.

It isn't that they don't look good to me. It's just that I don't know where is CCBS leading to, or rather I know it but I'm not happy with it...

I love me some good innovation, but to me this feels more like they have listened to the tRu BonklEs faNs and their whinning on the new system, and have thus decided to slowly make it similar to Bionicle's old look.

I mean, unless it hides some yet unknown function, swaping the lower ball joint in the torso beam for a weird decoration doesn't make any sense. Nor does that the new "shell" connects by pins instead of balljoints.

And please tell me I'm not blind but where the Megablocks is Tahu's Skull add-on attached to? Because I see no shell under it.

Yeah, I'm worried about that too. There's just so much ugly-looking technic.

Also, I think Tahu's skull-like add-on (it's pretty definitely not the same thing) may be attached unconventionally, considering that only one pin seems to be connected. Maybe it's another technic connection? Hopefully not though, and it'll just turn out to be a CGI fail.

Edited by DraikNova

Kopaka- I don't like the fact that he lost his shield for a blaster. The shield is what separates Kopaka from Tahu in terms of a sword wielding character

It looks like his blaster is built into a shield, albeit a smaller one built from Technic panels.

I don't know if this has been brought up, but I think the Toa/Umarak might have a swivel function.

1. They all have a knob gear behind their.... let's just call it a gear-rear.

2. Gali, Onua, Pohatu, and Umarak all have two handed weapons. A swivel function would be perfect.

3. New bottom torso piece, new opportunities.

Edited by Dr_Chronos

Hm....I dunno guys....I don't think the technic looks that bad for these guys. Yeah, I'll admit that Umarak has issues with the legs, but keep in mind that he may be an undead hunter....so....skeletal legs. Kopaka.....is interesting....he reminds me of last year's Onua with all the pieces in his chest. I think Gali and Lewa are worse than last year....weird weapons, odd masks, uninteresting design (Gali) and, personally, bland colour scheme for Lewa. I think Tahu is ok....the creatures all are somewhat disappointing...except maybe Terak. I think Onua and Pohatu are the best looking out of the bunch, but Onua may have '15 Pohatu's issue of looking like something's missing (for some though). I dunno. I'm excited for all of them regardless, looking forward to seeing functions/combos....but I would have to say that it is unlikely that I will buy all six like I did last year.

I don't know if this has been brought up, but I think the Toa/Umarak might have a swivel function.

1. They all have a knob gear behind their.... let's just call it a gear-rear.

2. Gali, Onua, Pohatu, and Umarak all have two handed weapons. A swivel function would be perfect.

3. New bottom torso piece, new opportunities.

Ah....very good point! I would totally like that.

Well, there's not much for me to say that hasn't already been said. Lewa is probably my least favorite, though he's still interesting, the creatures are sweet, Tahu is much better than his previous iteration, the masks are cool, combined!Kopaka might be my favorite of the lot, and these are all around wonderful. PERMISSION TO SQUEE

As others have said previously, the new sets confuse me.

It isn't that they don't look good to me. It's just that I don't know where is CCBS leading to, or rather I know it but I'm not happy with it...

I love me some good innovation, but to me this feels more like they have listened to the tRu BonklEs faNs and their whinning on the new system, and have thus decided to slowly make it similar to Bionicle's old look.

I doubt that there's been much time for such complaints to affect the current wave. I imagine they'd wait on sales-reports before weighing any criticisms of the line, and I am reasonably certain that 2016 was planned-out before LEGO had any such opportunity.

Count me in on the "feeling confused" boat.

The sets look cool, but there's just so much going on. So many new molds (though that's nice to see). And strange Technic constructions that just leave me asking 'why?'. I imagine more will come to light in terms of some of the design choices when the sets are released, but right now I hope it's not 'complex for complexity's sake.' There's got to be more going on.

Specific thoughts:

The new technic shell or whatever is cool. I don't exactly get why it's a technic connection, though? It's like CCBS doesn't know what it wants. I'll just view it as armor for the small torso first that happens to also be used for limb armor.

The new torso armor... A bit too detailed. And I would have preferred to separate parts (chest and torso).

Finally, I feel the torsos are going to be primarily Technic-based with the pelvis being the sole CCBS bone. And that allows not only a gear swivel, but also a more filled-in inside.

The new technic shell or whatever is cool. I don't exactly get why it's a technic connection, though? It's like CCBS doesn't know what it wants. I'll just view it as armor for the small torso first that happens to also be used for limb armor.

My guess? The new shell is Technic-based so that the Technic pin holes can be used to connect the creatures (many of which use it as a torso shell) to the backs of the Toa. I could be wrong, but that seems probable to me.

What if this is a slow but steady transition to a new system that will be introduced in 2018, the first year after this Legendary Masks trilogy?

I think that Gali could include 5L Trans-Blue armor on her shins and lower arms and 3L Dark Azure armor on her thighs and upper arms. Just throwing the possibility out.

Edited by TheDesuComplex

Don't you find hilarious that after months of speculation G2 Nuva shoulders ended up being good old Vorox armour? Adorable.

Well, I doubt we'll be seeing Skrall armour used as boobs.

Well, I doubt we'll be seeing Skrall armour used as boobs.

I'm more worried about the gappy thighs, they could have added the new piston shell there instead and skrall armor atop of it. Sincerely hope they will do some small changes ta least like they with her 2015 prelimnary by placing the thigh shells upside down.

Do Lewa and Pohatu have the same coloured add-on piece?

I think Tahu's skull-like add-on (it's pretty definitely not the same thing)

I have Skull Grinder by my side right now and I can asure you that Tahu's shoulder armor is the Skull add-on in gold.

Also has anybody else noticed Pohatu's stone ball at the other side of his spear? Nice G1 homage.

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I did notice that the Toa seem to be a bit less exaggerated in their proportions this time around (no more hunchback Lewa, snowsuit Kopaka, Onua is of course not as wide, etc) the main form of personality outside of [insert feathers here] comes in the form of the creatures combining with the Toa. As a result to Toa are a bit more basic in their overall shape, which I think is what's throwing me off.

But I've had some time and these sets are growing on me. I'm not really sure what Melum is supposed to be, he looks to be about the same build as Terak.

I hope I get them for reviewing :grin:

What if this is a slow but steady transition to a new system that will be introduced in 2018, the first year after this Legendary Masks trilogy?

I suspect it's simply the continued integration of CCBS and Technic, in the same way that System has become considerably more Technic oriented post-2003 (or thereabouts.)

Also has anybody else noticed Pohatu's stone ball at the other side of his spear? Nice G1 homage.

Yup :) that's one of the reasons I'm wanting to get him first!

What if this is a slow but steady transition to a new system that will be introduced in 2018, the first year after this Legendary Masks trilogy?

I doubt an entirely new system. If anything, it'll be something I've been hoping for: a good blend and balance between systems; specifically CCBS and Technic.

Though honestly, it'd be my dream to see Contraction sets utilize not only Technic and CCBS but also System parts.

Though honestly, it'd be my dream to see Contraction sets utilize not only Technic and CCBS but also System parts.

This is already a thing, no?

EDIT: Well, I guess you mean stud-based parts, not simply pin-pieces.

Edited by Quisoves Pugnat

This is already a thing, no?

System parts in Constraction? A bit, but not as much as I'd like.

Also, just noticed the Creature masks have lightsaber-sized bars on the back (as well as a hole on the nose area for horns and things). The Jungle Creature has was looks like Exo Force robot arms attached to the back.

Speaking of which, I find it nice that said masks come in both Gold and Silver to better match their Toa counterpart's color scheme.

Edited by Kalhiki

This is already a thing, no?

Just a part here or there, like the stand in MMvSG or the back of the leg on the First Order Stromtrooper. Not a ton.

Looking at Onua's shoulder, I am seriously considering the torso shown in the SW commercial being a thing. Using that could give a very nice mounting point using these pieces to use these pieces for shoulders.

Also on pieces, I wonder if the sword is a mix of Tahu's fire swords and Furno's plasma swords.

EDIT: Uxar has 4L bones in Trans Bright Green.

Edited by TheDesuComplex

I personally prefer the way Technic was integrated into CCBS in 2015. Technic is relegated to functions only, which makes sense, since it's supposed to be used for mechanisms and technical stuff. CCBS really shines when it comes to aesthetics. Based on this, my ideal version of these sets would have used a seperate, more CCBS-like piece (with a technic mechanism attached to said part) rather than the technic piece actually used for the bottom of the torsos, plus a lack of that technic mass on Kopaka and Lewa's weird legs. I would also have liked to see some use of technic beams with ball joints integrated into them to allow CCBS shells to cover up some of the more obtrusive weapon functions, like Tahu's.

EDIT: Desu, that's exactly what I was thinking, both about the 4m bones and about Tahu's new swords.

Edited by DraikNova

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