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The irony is that you're saying this on a site that enforces it's own opinion over others in a crude way, delibertaign putting down those who share an opposite viewpoint. Built right into the posting system no less.

I'm very, very confused by what you're referring to... I can only think of a few ways Eurobricks "enforces it's own opinion over others", and none of them really apply in this situation. Eurobricks certainly doesn't have any policies for or against CCBS or Technic-based constraction.

Beyond that, if you think Eurobricks is the be-all and end-all of the Bionicle fandom, you're deeply, deeply mistaken. There's also BZP, TTV, the enigma that is BioTube (shudder), plenty of Facebook groups, and legions upon legions of fans who don't participate in organized communities but express their fandom on sites like Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook. And across all those sites, you'd be able to find contrasting opinions and viewpoints fairly easily. You can't point to two different statements by two different individuals, one praising CCBS and one condemning it, and acting like Bionicle fans can't make up their mind. Because in all likelihood both individuals HAVE made up their minds, and the reason for their conflicting viewpoints is that they've individually come to different conclusions.

So I was pondering today as to how the new torso works. At first, I was thinking it used a new custom hip piece with what can best be equated to this turntable with a ball on it, with a 9L bone on top of that forming the core of the majority of the torso. I was looking at Umarak and thinking of the placement of the torso armor, and I've come to a pretty interesting result. Here's a sketch of the resulting piece that could fix this issue: the bottom hip part that we have already seen, and the other part is essentially said turntable with a built in 7M technic beam and a neck joint sticking out of the top. This means that there are no conflicts attaching parts to said beam; the chest armor and Piece of Unification are featured, but it still works with the technic bit attaching the PoU around the front. It's a bit of a specialty part, sure, but it works pretty dang elegantly to make sure there is enough space for everything on the torso.

I apologize for the cruddy sketches, but I had to rush when I thought of the idea.

Beyond that, if you think Eurobricks is the be-all and end-all of the Bionicle fandom, you're deeply, deeply mistaken. There's also BZP, TTV, the enigma that is BioTube (shudder), plenty of Facebook groups, and legions upon legions of fans who don't participate in organized communities but express their fandom on sites like Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the Deviant Art fans. What I've seen of their work has blown me away. It deserves to be more publicized than it is, methinks.

@One Very Agile Cat

While I agree that folks here seem to have shifted their opinions considerably on Technic mixed with CCBS (as is their prerogative,) I'm rather puzzled by your assertion that Eurobricks is a hive of censorship and conformity. Admittedly, I mostly use the Action Figures forum, but I have never seen a moderator silence a view which didn't tow the party line (which is non-existent here, as far I can tell.) If you're going to make such drastic allegations, please elaborate a great deal.

Yeah, it always weird me out that people seem to not understand that there's more than one healthy female body type. Come on posters, people can be heavily built or lightly built regardless of most other factors.

Real Toa have CUUUUUUURRVES! Also, what's this BioTube everyone keeps mentioning?

Also, can we start getting plushies of the creatures? They're so cute!

Also, can we start getting plushies of the creatures? They're so cute!

I like!

i mean we got these


Also, what's this BioTube everyone keeps mentioning?

It's the name Bionicle fans on YouTube have come up with for their community.

It's the name Bionicle fans on YouTube have come up with for their community.

Oh, ok. Do they produce anything good?

I'm very, very confused by what you're referring to... I can only think of a few ways Eurobricks "enforces it's own opinion over others", and none of them really apply in this situation. Eurobricks certainly doesn't have any policies for or against CCBS or Technic-based constraction.

I'm talking about how the site auto-changes c-r-a-p to "megablocks." (spelled wrong because that's the best way to seem smart when insulting something) I'm sure there's other cute auto-corrections it does.

Though really, it's the attitude of adult Lego fans in general. Eurobricks is just an example. I'm sure the other sites you posted are just as unfriendly to whatever doesn't fit their preferences.

So I was pondering today as to how the new torso works. At first, I was thinking it used a new custom hip piece with what can best be equated to this turntable with a ball on it, with a 9L bone on top of that forming the core of the majority of the torso. I was looking at Umarak and thinking of the placement of the torso armor, and I've come to a pretty interesting result. Here's a sketch of the resulting piece that could fix this issue: the bottom hip part that we have already seen, and the other part is essentially said turntable with a built in 7M technic beam and a neck joint sticking out of the top. This means that there are no conflicts attaching parts to said beam; the chest armor and Piece of Unification are featured, but it still works with the technic bit attaching the PoU around the front. It's a bit of a specialty part, sure, but it works pretty dang elegantly to make sure there is enough space for everything on the torso.

I apologize for the cruddy sketches, but I had to rush when I thought of the idea.

I think your sketches are fine. I'll be interested to see how close your predictions are.

Edited by One Very Agile Cat

I like!

i mean we got these


I... I need these. Seriously though, there was a ton of non-lego Bionicle merchandise back then. Anybody remember the nerf guns? No, don't answer that, too off-topic...

I'm talking about how the site auto-changes c-r-a-p to "megablocks." (spelled wrong because that's the best way to seem smart when insulting something) I'm sure there's other cute auto-corrections it does.

For Pete's sake, that's EB forcing its views on others? It's a joke, plain and simple. The vast majority of LEGO fans abhor Megablocks, and the swear-filter humorously reflects that fact.

There are far more effective methods of thought-control.

Though really, it's the attitude of adult Lego fans in general. Eurobricks is just an example. I'm sure the other sites you posted are just as unfriendly to whatever doesn't fit their preferences.

Again, not something I've seen in much evidence on EB. I'm sure it happens. We humans are a biased lot. But EB, from what I've seen, is quite good in that respect. I've seen too many differences of opinion to bear out what you've said.

Oh, ok. Do they produce anything good?

YouTube is an incredibly large website, so your mileage may vary. :P

Oh wow, talk about a derailed forum, sheesh.

BACK ON SUBJECT, yes it appears Onua also has a disk to hold extra ammo like Umarak has and I like that they've decided to do this because on the protectors, I just resorted to attaching the extra studs to the sides of their feet. One would assume Akida has them as well but I haven't been able to tell by the pictures. Also, I'm loving the sets more and more, especially Onua although I am bothered by his runes only being over his right eye. It completely throws off an otherwise symmetrical scheme. It affects my OCD to a degree.

Oh wow, talk about a derailed forum, sheesh.

BACK ON SUBJECT, yes it appears Onua also has a disk to hold extra ammo like Umarak has

Kopaka has them too, however I doubt (yet I hope) that Akida has them. Wouldnt bother me anyway, I rather put the extra ammo on the normal ammo and make larger ammo. Ok ok what I'm trying to say is that I put the studs together and make them bigger therefore harder to lose and more powerful when shot.

How quaint.

I love how frighteningly inconsistent the Bionicle fanbase is. First, CCBS was ruining what used to be a technic-based line, now technic is ruining CCBS by makign the sets look more like OG Bionicle sets.

You really can't make up your minds at all. Seems like people hate/like whatever's convenient so that they can complain about something, I guess.

News flash: The people who think CCBS was ruining Bionicle and the people who think Technic is ruining Bionicle are two different sets of people. This is not the Bionicle fandom being fickle and inconsistent, it is two different groups of people with differing opinions. I know it's easier to lump a group together so you can put yourself above them for your contrary opinion, but that doesn't make it a sensible or rational argument.

I have been a huge fan of CCBS since its introduction almost five years ago, and have viewed heavy technic use as a disappointing step away from both getting more CCBS pieces and introducing new CCBS techniques to sets. My disappointment in 2016's Uniters is not inconsistent.

(Nor do I think it's "ruining" Bionicle, it is just a major factor in why I don't like a lot of the 2016 winter wave. But that's besides the point.)

Edited by CabooseBM

Is everyone else as welcome to the System elements adding detail to the sets as I am? I mean, what we've seen in Protectors of Jungle and Stone seems to have increased quite largely this time. The Creatures even seem to have bars and spots in their masks for this purpose, and the Hunter-traps have all kinds of neat attachments in them.

For example, Uxar looks like it has little robot arm horns, and Terak has the same claw pieces used in it's paws on the mask as well (making the set have 10 of those! :0) I've been actively looking for sets from other themes as well, but looks like I won't have to "go fish further than the shore" next year. :D

Is everyone else as welcome to the System elements adding detail to the sets as I am? I mean, what we've seen in Protectors of Jungle and Stone seems to have increased quite largely this time. The Creatures even seem to have bars and spots in their masks for this purpose, and the Hunter-traps have all kinds of neat attachments in them.

For example, Uxar looks like it has little robot arm horns, and Terak has the same claw pieces used in it's paws on the mask as well (making the set have 10 of those! :0) I've been actively looking for sets from other themes as well, but looks like I won't have to "go fish further than the shore" next year. :D

Such pieces have been around on Constraction sets for a while, IIRC. Regardless, I do enjoy them for giving us some extra details.

But I'd really like to see System bricks in Constraction. Much like what was done on some of the SW Constraction sets except maybe to a slightly higher degree. If done correctly, I think it'd look pretty cool.

Oh, ok. Do they produce anything good?

Some of them are decent MOCists, for sure! But to be honest I don't pay all that much attention to that part of the community because I prefer to look at MOCs, news, and speculation as text/pictures rather than as videos (just personal preference).

But I'd really like to see System bricks in Constraction. Much like what was done on some of the SW Constraction sets except maybe to a slightly higher degree. If done correctly, I think it'd look pretty cool.

Indeed. Perhaps in the future we'll get some nice system integration. I'm glad that some parts this year offer system connection points like the creature head and Kopaka's mask, really opens it up to customization.

Speaking of Star Wars I'm surprised that none of the Toa this year share any of the parts that SW introduced (save Ren's hilt). Particularly the leg armor which now looks like it will fit better with the Toa's increased height. Let's hope the new cloth piece will be used eventually.

Eh, might as well give my overall 2016 thoughts. Individually the Toa are more or less on-par with their 2015 versions, but when combined they outshine them (except Kopaka IMO). Combination is a very taxing feature so I wouldn't worry too much about the sets that come ahead. As for the Technic integration, it could have been better. Some of the custom limbs need a little filling out. I'm a tad disappointed the new Technic shell isn't a marriage piece between CCBS and Texhnic, but I can't reall find fault with it because that was never it's purpose. It was brought in to make the combination feature work and open up connection points in the torso, and it succeeded. Last thing I'll say about it is that it looks underwhelming as limb cover, it might have looked better if there was an addon on it. In the end I'm hyped for 2016 and can't wait to see what comes next.

Indeed. Perhaps in the future we'll get some nice system integration. I'm glad that some parts this year offer system connection points like the creature head and Kopaka's mask, really opens it up to customization.

Speaking of Star Wars I'm surprised that none of the Toa this year share any of the parts that SW introduced (save Ren's hilt). Particularly the leg armor which now looks like it will fit better with the Toa's increased height. Let's hope the new cloth piece will be used eventually.

I don't think the new leg armor fits Bionicle asthetic to be honest, especially consindering that 2016 wave introduced many new pieces with a lot of details, so the smooth shinguards would look really out of place on the new Toa.

I don't think the new leg armor fits Bionicle asthetic to be honest, especially consindering that 2016 wave introduced many new pieces with a lot of details, so the smooth shinguards would look really out of place on the new Toa.

Not only would the leg armor not fit that well aesthetically, but I don't think it would fit in terms of size, either. The lower legs of most of these sets are short—what extra height there is seems to come mostly from the addition of friction extenders on the ankles, taller torsos, and in some cases, longer upper legs. Kopaka is the figure with the longest lower legs, and even in his case they seem to be only 6M—a full module shorter than even the lower legs of the shortest Star Wars figures.

Edited by Lyichir

I think Onua's lower leg crystal add ons and Terak's as well are gold and trans-clear. Those could be useful to put on the smaller 3 toa that don't have any gold. Of course that is assuming that it's not a rendering error.

Edited by Konahrik

Not only would the leg armor not fit that well aesthetically, but I don't think it would fit in terms of size, either. The lower legs of most of these sets are short—what extra height there is seems to come mostly from the addition of friction extenders on the ankles, taller torsos, and in some cases, longer upper legs. Kopaka is the figure with the longest lower legs, and even in his case they seem to be only 6M—a full module shorter than even the lower legs of the shortest Star Wars figures.

I'd take the friction joint on their ankles as part of their leg. It seems they wanted to make sure the toa stand still when you move their waist. But I have to agree, while perhaps on some level necessary, most of them look horrible, and that is partly again because the foot piece isn't versatile enough.

For Pete's sake, that's EB forcing its views on others? It's a joke, plain and simple. The vast majority of LEGO fans abhor Megablocks, and the swear-filter humorously reflects that fact.

There are far more effective methods of thought-control.

A joke at other fans' expense. It's still the site forcing me to say something I don't agree with, and symptomatic of a general problem with adult Lego fans to be of somewhat elitist attitude to whatever doesn't fit their personal tastes. You say the filter reflects a "fact" when not only is that fact not provable, but probably isn't even that true when you factor in the fans that don't post on boards.

Lego or Mega Bloks, It's all just plastic at the end of the day. Why spoil it for others? Certainly doesn't make me want to be more active in a community that uses others as the butt of it's jokes.

Is everyone else as welcome to the System elements adding detail to the sets as I am?

I am, at least. I am also pretty excited over the trans-purple claw-pieces and other useful bits. I'm usually only interested in system sets for pieces like these that I can use in Bionicle, so having these in Bionicle sets to start and a lot more common is pretty much a dream come true for MOCing.

I think Onua's lower leg crystal add ons and Terak's as well are gold and trans-clear. Those could be useful to put on the smaller 3 toa that don't have any gold. Of course that is assuming that it's not a rendering error.

I still think they're trans-purple, and it's just the photoshopping/touchups that washed out the colour, but I would not be at all against them being trans-clear for versatility reasons.

Edited by One Very Agile Cat

I think they're three-colored. Tahu's seem to have a bit of yellow or orange in them besides the gold and red, so it doesn't seem to strange for Onua's and Terak's to be gold, grey and tr. purple, which would align nicely with Korgot's shoulder armor color.

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