January 31, 20169 yr Are we arguing for shaped or for filled? It's such a bizarre, inconsistent argument anyway; sometimes people want more humanoid proportions, but also unrealistic back shapes? 2015 had gears on the back, 2016 has it on the waist. I'm fine with whatever, personally, as long as the build informs the play well. 2016 does a fabulous job of that with the various features.
January 31, 20169 yr Bionicle should be half technic IMO. That's not too far from what the actual ratio (for the Toa, at least) has been since Bionicle came back. The 2015 Toa were about 44% Technic on average, and the 2016 Toa are about 56% Technic on average. That's defining Technic by the Brickset/LEGO Customer Service parts categories.
January 31, 20169 yr I personally feel that G2 sets should be 90% CCBS and 10% Technic. Edited January 31, 20169 yr by Volthoom
February 1, 20169 yr By the looks of it, it seems like I'm one of the only ones who like 2016 sets better than 2015. Than again I'm a sucker for some good technic. Visually, the sets' colors may not be as good, but they feel like they have grown out much more compared to their 2015 counterparts. The 2015 sets were kind of clunky in some areas, and these are too, but definitely not as much, IMO. The torsos are a great example of this. They just look so much better and evened out, even though they are a little flat. This is just my opinion though. I wholeheartedly agree. 2015 felt more of a parts pack with lots of nice shells, basic build yet awesome. 2016 has a bit more technic in it bringing out some cool different shapes like Umarak's legs. Colour wise, 2015 is better. But I modified them all. Don't understand why people complain about builds when it's LEGO and you can change whatever you don't like. I added waist swivel from Umarak to First Order Stormtrooper because stormie was not so poseable. Lewa had too little green so I broke Chi Cragger and replaced a few shells, added the olive green bones. I personally feel that G2 sets should be 90% CCBS and 10% Technic. That would be quite backward. You can't get nice shapes.
February 1, 20169 yr Author I don't think bionicle should be a certain % of anything, I think it should be what makes sense with the set. Being that the other two themes I enjoy besides Bionicle are Technic and Star Wars, I'm certainly used to technic elements and enjoy them, but only in situations where they add something to the build. In some situations a build can be complicated but result in a messy final result. I guess an example here would be skull scorpio. (Skorpio? Skopio? Scorpion? GET OVER HERE!) it's cool that we got a tail function and refreshing to have a neat technic construct, and it fit in with giving technic pieces to the set, but it really didn't fit with the look of the set overall. And to illustrate my point further- take for example Darth Vader and Grievous. Both are great figures in my opinion, and yet they couldn't be any more different build wise. Grievous didn't need technic, but I still hold both of the figures at an equal mantle. I don't think every set in Bionicle has to have a certain amount of technic, just use it when it will have a pleasing result.
February 1, 20169 yr I don't think bionicle should be a certain % of anything, I think it should be what makes sense with the set. ... I don't think every set in Bionicle has to have a certain amount of technic, just use it when it will have a pleasing result. Word. There shouldn't be a set rule. Those pins and axles sure inflate parts count so there's actually more technic than you think. Not everything is vanilla as Ogrums. 10% technic is actually very low. Don't think you can have shells on both side of torso in this case, or weapons. Can't wait for my Grievous to arrive from Amazon. It will be amazing.
February 1, 20169 yr So I got Tahu over the weekend, as I wanted the recoloured parts and the masks. He wasn't quite as bad as I thought he'd be, but I still didn't like the abundance of gold. I've since modded him with more red on his limbs, and will take pictures soon.
February 1, 20169 yr A random question for everyone: what do you think, will we see more elemental beasts in the first half of 2017? Just an idea that occured to me, given the low number of summer sets (although there's nothing to be suprised about in that as last year also saw 5 sets in the summer wave). Still, having only 3 elemental beasts with only 3 new blended masks is a bit strange, even if the masks are of the larger Toa sets.
February 1, 20169 yr A random question for everyone: what do you think, will we see more elemental beasts in the first half of 2017? Just an idea that occured to me, given the low number of summer sets (although there's nothing to be suprised about in that as last year also saw 5 sets in the summer wave). Still, having only 3 elemental beasts with only 3 new blended masks is a bit strange, even if the masks are of the larger Toa sets. Given that last year's summer sets never gave us the rest of the blended gold masks, I highly doubt it, as alluring as a full set sounds...
February 1, 20169 yr A random question for everyone: what do you think, will we see more elemental beasts in the first half of 2017? Just an idea that occured to me, given the low number of summer sets (although there's nothing to be suprised about in that as last year also saw 5 sets in the summer wave). Still, having only 3 elemental beasts with only 3 new blended masks is a bit strange, even if the masks are of the larger Toa sets. Personally I don't think we are going to get more elemental beasts. Also didn't we have less than six blended masks last year too? I am afraid we going to get another wave of heroes which seems unnecessary at this point. However, If 2017 is the last year for Bionicle, I'd like to see mixed waves (like in 2008) with villains with a name. Edited February 1, 20169 yr by Strakk
February 1, 20169 yr A random question for everyone: what do you think, will we see more elemental beasts in the first half of 2017? Just an idea that occured to me, given the low number of summer sets (although there's nothing to be suprised about in that as last year also saw 5 sets in the summer wave). Still, having only 3 elemental beasts with only 3 new blended masks is a bit strange, even if the masks are of the larger Toa sets. I seriously doubt it. Not only will the storyline involving the beasts probably be resolved by then, but next year's winter wave will probably follow the same pattern as this year's and last year's—a new wave of Toa, a set of smaller sets to go with them, and maybe one villain character.
February 1, 20169 yr Thanks everyone for the replies! Yeah, now that you mention it, a new set of Toa sounds more plausible as most likely there won't be room for several villain sets in the first wave of 2017.
February 1, 20169 yr Yup, we'll probably have upgraded Toa (Destiners ? Dutyers ?) VS Makuta (eh, he has to show up sooner or later). Speaking of which, I expect Makuta to be even more massive than Umarak the Destroyer.
February 1, 20169 yr Speaking of which, I expect Makuta to be even more massive than Umarak the Destroyer. I hope he is. He could trade some bulk (I don't think the final boss should look like a brute) for height. How tall is UtD anyway? Around Darth Vader's height maybe?
February 1, 20169 yr Plot twist- Makuta's a polybag. Too 2001? Edited February 1, 20169 yr by MakutaOfWar
February 1, 20169 yr A random question for everyone: what do you think, will we see more elemental beasts in the first half of 2017? Just an idea that occured to me, given the low number of summer sets (although there's nothing to be suprised about in that as last year also saw 5 sets in the summer wave). Still, having only 3 elemental beasts with only 3 new blended masks is a bit strange, even if the masks are of the larger Toa sets. I actually think we might get one of two things for that first wave: The Toa in their usual, but improved/new forms and perhaps upgraded Protectors, who will be joining the fight for the final battle. I think there is a possibility, albeit very small possibility, that rather than have any companions for the Toa, the Toa are way more complex, given more parts/functions and becoming more expensive than their earlier variations, but being that much more awesome. I dunno though.
February 1, 20169 yr Finally found the sets at my nearest Toys 'R' Us and got half of them + Rey. Got Ikir, Tahu, Akida, Gali, Kopaka & Melum and Umarak. Rey - Glossing over her cause this isn't the Star Wars thread but she's easily my favorite. Such interesting construction, great incorporation of cloth, great face mold, wonderful. I wasn't huge on the gear functions at first cause I thought that'd take away from the figure's looks but it looks just fine. Ikir - Beautiful construction and colors, love the function. I love the little details like the talons and the tail. Tahu - I was worried about him due to the lack of red and differing textures but I can't help but be impressed. Yes, he's overstuffed with gold. While he has design problems, he looks seriously impressive. Especially when united with Ikir, he is very imposing. I can't hate him even with the aforementioned flaws. Akida - Love the construction, love the function, love that it's not another bipedal humanoid-ish. The stand is a nice touch too. Gali - I really like her. The asymmetry looks a bit elegant and I love her mix of colors. I prefer her alone than united with Akida. If she is united, I also prefer her normal mask to her gold mask. Kopaka - I absolutely love Kopaka. The arms aren't perfect but they're very different and that's the thing I love seeing most: innovation. It's not perfect, it needs work but it's something new that has potential to grow. Melum - Cute but not as nice as Ikir or Akida. His mauling (or as I call it hugging) function is adorable. Umarak - So cool, so imposing. Love the antlers and the mask. Doesn't look very good with the MoCo but his normal mask is wonderful. His bow is a bit awkward to wield.
February 1, 20169 yr As much as I was opposed to the weirdly textured new addons, handling the gold/clear one from Terak in person I have to admit it looks super pretty. Not particularly useful, but pretty. Also Terak is just a great parts pack in general, those tans purple claws man.
February 1, 20169 yr I just got Lewa and Uxar and I have to say, despite the odd design choices for his colours, arms, legs, he is one awesome figure. I have to admit I was wrong about this set and he looks even cooler combined with Uxar. Uxar has great colours, but the wings are so heavy, that it's difficult to keep posed in ways that don't have his wings either fully held up or down. Still think they are both awesome sets and I'm glad I was wrong about Lewa.
February 1, 20169 yr >BIONICLE fandom in december 2015: "bwaaaah those overtextured-gappy-nonsense-gimmicky sets are horrible, this kills the CCBS" >BIONICLE fandom in february 2016 "well you know what, these sets aren't half bad, they're fun and creative!" Always. The same. Sheet. Every freaking year. (but that's secretely one of the reasons I missed BIONICLE the most) (and I was myself skeptical about 2016, especially with my new lover named Umarak)
February 1, 20169 yr Nah I still think they're garbage parts. They just look kinda pretty on their own. Can't say the same about the "unification piece" though. Ew,
February 1, 20169 yr >BIONICLE fandom in december 2015: "bwaaaah those overtextured-gappy-nonsense-gimmicky sets are horrible, this kills the CCBS" >BIONICLE fandom in february 2016 "well you know what, these sets aren't half bad, they're fun and creative!" Always. The same. Sheet. Every freaking year. Surely everyone does this sort of thing, with all manner of things? I can think of plenty of instances in which I was dubious of something, only to be pleasantly surprised.
February 1, 20169 yr With this year, especially, I've found that hyper-analyzing pictures is pretty worthless as your perceptions on the sets can change drastically once you own them and can see them from a wide assortment of angles and poses. For instance, I still maintain that Tahu 2016's armor having four different conflicting textures isn't a good thing and could have been handled more elegantly. However, it doesn't bother me in person because I'm more able to appreciate the set as a whole rather than staring at a picture where I tend to drift towards analyzing the more intricate details.
February 1, 20169 yr Surely everyone does this sort of thing, with all manner of things? I can think of plenty of instances in which I was dubious of something, only to be pleasantly surprised. Sure, there's plenty of things that cycle from hype to disappointment to acceptance, it's just the immediate snap judgment people pass tends to rub the wrong way. Especially when people are making uninformed or biased comments. It's difficult with a medium like LEGO, where oftentimes you have to actually experience it for yourself to inform a sound opinion. Obviously it's not limited to the sets themselves, though. Look at the Graphic Novel; people slammed the few preview pages we got, but it was a complete reversal of opinion once the book actually came out. Then, as time goes on, people's opinions change even further. I'm not going to argue that BIONICLE G1 was perfect, but to hear people talk now, it was disastrous and awful. It's just sort of how these things go.
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