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Has anyone found a simple way to put a creature on a Master Toa? Thanks! :)

Has anyone found a simple way to put a creature on a Master Toa? Thanks! :)

Remove the back gears and attach to the top 2 connectors?

Has anyone found a simple way to put a creature on a Master Toa? Thanks! :)

Theoretically (as I don't have a creature to test this out on), removing the Toa's gear knob and using this some pins, pin connectors and the piece with a vertical pin/cross hole arrangement and a half axle/pin would work. It wouldn't be very stable, but it'd be suitable for posing.

What on earth are you talking about, regarding "safer" designs? I assume by "fake vents" you mean ones like the one on the upper left of his jaw, that don't actually have a cavity running through them, but there's nothing "unsafe" about that. It achieves the look they were going for to the best of their ability, while still being able to be molded efficiently. Lego may strive for the best but they can't get everything perfect—the whole reason for the ingenious "lens" solution for the eyepiece on that same mask was the inability to have the eyepiece either filled or totally hollow, a problem that was otherwise unfixable in the late development period after the issue became known. Good design often means making sacrifices.

By "safer" designs, I meant designing masks without any extra vents (holes) in the first place. I though that designing the masks with small vents was a risk, because the designers would have known that half of the masks last year had to resort to the compromise of "fake vents", but I guess it wasn't much of an "unsafe" decision because Lego and most people are fine with fake vents. Still, getting a design feature right the first time is better than wasting more time and effort trying to develop a compromise.

Maybe the type of plastic used in the masks is harder to work with than the soft plastics of the old masks/helmets?

By "safer" designs, I meant designing masks without any extra vents (holes) in the first place. I though that designing the masks with small vents was a risk, because the designers would have known that half of the masks last year had to resort to the compromise of "fake vents", but I guess it wasn't much of an "unsafe" decision because Lego and most people are fine with fake vents. Still, getting a design feature right the first time is better than wasting more time and effort trying to develop a compromise.

Maybe the type of plastic used in the masks is harder to work with than the soft plastics of the old masks/helmets?

I don't think a lot of people really consider "fake vents" a bad thing. Whether "real" or "fake", the vents are just decoration, and Bionicle masks have had "fake" ones since the original Kanohi Kakama in 2001 and Kaukau Nuva in 2002. You could arguably even count pretty much all the mouth holes of the classic masks as "fake vents". And frankly, you're the first person I've seen complain about them in all my time as a Bionicle fan.

Saying the designers should have gotten the design feature "right the first time" implies there's something inherently wrong with cavities that don't actually go all the way through the piece. But I don't believe that, and I doubt the designers do either. It's entirely possible that the "fake vents" were how they meant the design to look in the first place.

Edited by Aanchir

Bought Uxar and Lewa. With the right posing (thanks JtO) they look absolutely phenomenal together. Shadow trap is useless though. Is anyone else bothered by Lewa's rather small head?

I'm more bothered by his really short lower legs and the way the arms are a bit limited for posing

Edited by Mutant Orc

What on earth are you talking about

ITT fully grown adults getting over dramatic about a children's toy

The fake vents are annoying because they're implying something that often doesn't even need to be there. So why even trying to make it, instead of leaving the mask plainer and cleaner? Design choice, budget constraints, yada yada.

I've always disliked fake vents and if nobody "pointed them out ever before" is just because it's a very mundane argument about a very mundane topic.

The fake vents are annoying because they're implying something that often doesn't even need to be there. So why even trying to make it, instead of leaving the mask plainer and cleaner

You could say the same about the pistons on the 2015 Toa add-on, the Uniter chestpiece, or lots of G1 parts. It's not because they're not actual moving pistons that they don't need to be there.

Bought Uxar and Lewa. With the right posing (thanks JtO) they look absolutely phenomenal together. Shadow trap is useless though. Is anyone else bothered by Lewa's rather small head?

Man, I've been considering getting Lewa due to his portrayal in JtO. But then I look at set pictures and the other Toa I own and realize that I don't really like the 2016 Toa :P

Might still get him eventually. I think he's one of the better looking.

Also, you mentioned Shadow Traps which reminded me: In JtO there were Ice Shadow Traps. And they seem pretty easy to make considering (from what I recall) they use pieces found in the Kopaka/Melum set. If I'm not mistaken, the front legs used Melum's claws, and the back legs used the small horns on Kopaka's sword. Don't remember how they were attached to the main body. Might have been Exo Force robot arms, which (aside from the main trap construction) would be the only pieces not in Kopaka/Melum...

Either way, it seems really easy to make. I might give building one a go.

Also, you mentioned Shadow Traps which reminded me: In JtO there were Ice Shadow Traps. And they seem pretty easy to make considering (from what I recall) they use pieces found in the Kopaka/Melum set. If I'm not mistaken, the front legs used Melum's claws, and the back legs used the small horns on Kopaka's sword. Don't remember how they were attached to the main body. Might have been Exo Force robot arms, which (aside from the main trap construction) would be the only pieces not in Kopaka/Melum...

Either way, it seems really easy to make. I might give building one a go.

Yes, they used white Exo-Force robot arms (does anyone remember the last CCBS set to come with those?), but you switched the legs around: it was blue claws on the back, and white arm/horn combo on the front. And I think they also had a chain tail like the Stone Shadow Traps, but without the blades at the end.

A shame this trap design didn't come with the Kopaka & Melum set, really.

Edited by The Outsider

Yes, they used white Exo-Force robot arms (does anyone remember the last CCBS set to come with those?)...

Stormer Freeze Machine! Though they've also been in a lot of System sets since then.

Speaking of Kopaka, I built the Gali+Kopaka "TWOTOA" combo (from here) after finally finding where I'd misplaced Kopaka's right leg. It's an insanely creative build. The bulkiness of the weapon on the right hand is a bit awkward, and I imagine there might've been a more efficient way to build it if it hadn't been a combi model working with limited pieces. But the scissor function makes up for it. The way the shoulders are mounted is really creative, although his midsection could use some filling out in the back. It's also really cool how well the unity pieces on his legs fit together with Melum's creature foot pieces. I have to say, I love a combi model that teaches you things when you build it!

Man, I've been considering getting Lewa due to his portrayal in JtO. But then I look at set pictures and the other Toa I own and realize that I don't really like the 2016 Toa :P

Might still get him eventually. I think he's one of the better looking.

Also, you mentioned Shadow Traps which reminded me: In JtO there were Ice Shadow Traps. And they seem pretty easy to make considering (from what I recall) they use pieces found in the Kopaka/Melum set. If I'm not mistaken, the front legs used Melum's claws, and the back legs used the small horns on Kopaka's sword. Don't remember how they were attached to the main body. Might have been Exo Force robot arms, which (aside from the main trap construction) would be the only pieces not in Kopaka/Melum...

Either way, it seems really easy to make. I might give building one a go.

2016 Toa, or at least Lewa anyway, are very nice. He's hands down better than 2015 Lewa in most ways, and if you can look past the awkward arm build (which isn't too bad) and get Uxar you won't regret it. It's such a good set I'm actually considering buying some other 2016 Toa, even though I hate most of them.

You could say the same about the pistons on the 2015 Toa add-on, the Uniter chestpiece, or lots of G1 parts. It's not because they're not actual moving pistons that they don't need to be there.

Mmh no in G1 early pistons had a reason to be there (that is, implying movement e.g. Pohatu Mata's legs, Metru foot, Mata torso, etc.) and I'm 100% OK with them being there, since they serve a purpose LEGO wasn't able to provide because of valid reasons. Later on they became aesthetical more than anything, especially since the Inika era, and I'm far less OK with it. They help creating a strong aesthetic that I really like, but are far less easy to defend logically. Same goes with G2, where they're there just for our viewing pleasure.

But fake vents... are just stupid. Why not creating a real hole? Why not leaving it plain?

...whatever, it's just a toy.

As far as promoting the sets goes, Journey to One has done its job properly with me. I now have my eye on purchasing Pohatu and Ketar at the next opportunity thanks to their portrayal in the episodes, which is ironic considering they were definitely my least favorite prior to JtO.

JtO has indeed been very good at marketing the toys, as I've ended up buying Pohatu and Akida, which I originally swore I wouldn't buy.

Pohatu is actually really great. I do wish he had more burnt orange originally, but after modding his upper arms to accommodate size 4 shells I'm satisfied. The only major design flaw for me was the trans-lime lower arm armour, which I've swapped out for silver. Otherwise though, I don't know why I was being so pessimistic - He's a good figure, with lots of character. The shaping of his mask's eyeslits still read as somewhat feminine to me, though :P

On the other hand however, I haven't changed my mind on Akida at all. I really do feel that Akida is comparable to LoSS or Skull Scorpio - functionally impressive but aesthetically challenged and lacking in manoeuvrability. To me, the Technic function feels wasted on repositioning the stud shooters - don't get me wrong, it works really nicely, but I feel that it would've been more worthwhile to invest in a less bulky mechanism to steer/flap Akida's tail/flippers, and have the stud shooters on simple hinges. Other than that though, I do like Akida's colourscheme, and the trans-light blue 4M slim liftarms were a nice surprise!

I feel those commenting about how succesful JTO is at getting you to purchase the toys may also need to consider that you were fans of Bionicle and talking on this topic beforehand. I'm honestly more interested to see what impact JTO is having on people who are not already fans of Bionicle, whether a non-Bionicle fan is even likely to find it or be encouraged to get the toys in a show that doesnt particularly connect itself with the toyline. You can watch JTO and all you'd know is that its made by Lego, as far as i can tell it doesnt specifically announce anywhere that they have action figure building sets available for the characters - that would be something you'd have to spot later if you pass a toy isle or otherwise.

Personally if i was watching the show i'd be driven to get Uxar, Umarak, Lewa and maybe Ketar based on their roles in the series, everyone else kind of feels like a side character other than Pohatu who isnt the most likeable character for the most part.

Lego has released some new combo models for some of the new Toa, they're a little weird but I'm happy to see any combo models at this point.


It shows a definite struggle for Lego to really abide by trying to combine them all in a humanoid form, honestly i'm unsure as to why we didnt get combo models that turned the into animals or creatures - as that would use the bone pieces more and enable a more interesting combiner. Trying to empower the Toa with the bodies of their brothers & sister seems a little akward to me and the colours clash on the combo's here. They have some good aspects to them, but i cant say i really prefer the combo models to them seperate.


Wondering if we've heard any news about the Mask Of Creation polybag, is it ever seeing a large release or will it be doomed to being a Russian exclusive like the Golden Kulta mask polybag?

Also, has anyone hear anything about additional polybags or anything? seems strange for us to not really see a wide release of a polybag, especially when similar lines are getting polybags, magazines and promotional items constantly (Ninjago, Nexo Knights)

Edited by Scarilian

You know, I really want a character in a future line to be purple with yellow accents, kind of like a reverse Evo 2.0. That would be pretty cool and give us a lot of purple shells.

Honestly if anything I just want a return to opaque parts. The translucent stuff is kinda outstaying its welcome IMO. Same with gold but to a lesser extent.

Honestly if anything I just want a return to opaque parts. The translucent stuff is kinda outstaying its welcome IMO. Same with gold but to a lesser extent.

Only if we get Dark Green back. Lewa's just not right without it.

Only if we get Dark Green back. Lewa's just not right without it.

Lewa has never had Dark Green in a set in the entire history of Bionicle. It is more of a Matau and Kongu type of color :)

Lewa has never had Dark Green in a set in the entire history of Bionicle. It is more of a Matau and Kongu type of color :)

According to Brickset, the official name of the color is, in fact, Dark Green. Matau and Kongu both used Earth Green (or Metru Green as some like to call it) :wink:

Am I turning into Aanchir now? :tongue:

According to Brickset, the official name of the color is, in fact, Dark Green. Matau and Kongu both used Earth Green (or Metru Green as some like to call it) :wink:

Am I turning into Aanchir now? :tongue:

So classic Lewa Mata Green is, Dark Green? Huh, Lego has such weird name choices for their colors.

That name makes perfect sense to me - it's called Dark Green because it's darker than both Bright Green and Bright Yellowish Green.

Frankly I prefer Lewa with Bright Green. Dark Green worked alright when he had Bright Yellowish Green to offset it. But I think Bright Green is a much nicer primary color when taken on its own. Lewa, Gali, and Pohatu's new colors are now all closer to the same brightness as Tahu's traditional Bright Red, and as a bonus, Lewa and Pohatu's color are a nice "happy medium" between their darker classic colors and the hyper-saturated colors they had in the Phantoka sets.

That said, I do sort of wonder if maybe a future version of Lewa might be able to use Dark Green together with a Bright Green primary color, the same way this year's Gali and Akida sets use Bright Blue together with their Dark Azur primary color.

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