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These pictures are doing a fantastic job of presenting these sets. The more I see Ekimu, the better my impression of him gets. Lava Beast is still the best of the 3 and I like that he can fly, given his wyvern-esque look. That Beast combiner is awesome and huge! I'm also quite glad that they are a hoard enemy as I like the idea of the Toa going up against an army of monsters, just like the good ol' days of the Bohrok and Visorak.

I really wish the Mask of Control looked more like the impression the poster gives. I mean, the angle shown by the poster makes it look like a nigh-perfect recreation of the version of the 2003-2004 movie Kraakhan.

Wow, new pictures!

Umarak looks pretty cool (Althrough the mask is ugly) and the Beasts looks better than in the early pictures.

I don't hate the corrupted Mask of Control, in fact I quite like it, but I wish it wasn't tr neon green at the top. In the leaked pics it was fully gold and I had already thought of some uses for it. But now it has the same problem most mask this year have, that you can use it only on a MOC with trans neon green (and none of my ideas featured such colour!).

I hope we get an exclusive recolour of it down the line, like maybe something black or gunmetal.

As for the shape, I think it should've been less squashed and with more proper horns so it can be used on its own: I know the horns of the original MoCo mutated into those huge gold Ben 10 horns, but four horns would've fit right into the mostruosity that Umarak the Destroyer is supposed to be.

Late EDIT: Purpl'd.

Edited by Shakar

Y'know, the more I see of Ekimu, the less inclined I am to skip buying him. I may end up getting him after all.

Y'know, the more I see of Ekimu, the less inclined I am to skip buying him. I may end up getting him after all.

Yeah, same here ^_^ I think I might get Quake Beast too...I'm just hoping the head is in fact changed to darker purple.

Y'know, the more I see of Ekimu, the less inclined I am to skip buying him. I may end up getting him after all.

He's not an awful set by any means. But even in these latest pictures where he looks pretty good, he still disappoints me a little, if only because I feel like they could've done so much more with him...

He's not an awful set by any means. But even in these latest pictures where he looks pretty good, he still disappoints me a little, if only because I feel like they could've done so much more with him...

What else could they have done with him, in your opinion if I may ask?

Personally, I think they could have distributed the colours better (maybe had a blended mask although I know some people wouldn't like that), made a better looking hammer with a function like his Protector form, and of course having new pieces would be nice.

Also, new user here, hi everyone :)

Yeah, I think the combiner model has the problem of looking too much like Destroyerak with some blades and traps slapped on him. I am definitely going to remake him with more of a 'scramble city' style of it looking like the beasts form the entire limb, which is what I was expecting from him at first glance.

Yeah, I think the combiner model has the problem of looking too much like Destroyerak with some blades and traps slapped on him. I am definitely going to remake him with more of a 'scramble city' style of it looking like the beasts form the entire limb, which is what I was expecting from him at first glance.

So like what Dr Scorpion X does? Though how will it work with only 3 beasts? Umarak would be the torso for sure. But would the beasts form two legs and an arm. or Two arms and a backpack?

What else could they have done with him, in your opinion if I may ask?

I feel like compared to the updated Toa (who featured changes in their color schemes, armor styles, and weapons), the new Ekimu feels a little too safe. His color scheme is mostly the same, just organized differently. Armor-wise, he feels mostly like last year's Ekimu, just... stretched out (even reusing the same Chima armor pieces that defined a big part of his look last year). And his weapons are just another hammer and shield—both of which almost feel like downgrades from last year's weapons in terms of functionality (his shield no longer has a gear for spinning it, and his hammer no longer has a shooter).

When we first heard that we'd be getting a standalone Ekimu set this year, it wasn't clear what to expect. Part of me was hoping that, rather than the cliché "Toa Ekimu" everyone was wanting, he might get an upgrade while remaining a diminutive mentor character for the Toa. Armor-wise, I was kind of hoping for him to trade the Chima armor for gold recolors of the Vorox armor that's shared by two thirds of the new Toa, which would be an awesome recolor for that part and help to create a sense of unity with the new Toa designs (use of the Unity piece might have helped in this same way). In terms of functionality, part of me was hoping for him to do something unique with parts like the Creature gears instead of mostly repeating the functionality of last year's Ekimu and this year's Toa. And I really wasn't sure what to expect, weapon-wise—but it certainly wasn't the reuse of the same shield from last year.

I dunno. The new Ekimu is a solid figure, but he feels... predictable. Instead of really doing much that's genuinely new or surprising, he mostly recombines aspects of last year's Ekimu with aspects of the 2016 Toa. The result is a figure that almost feels more like your average "Toa Ekimu" MOC than it does like an original set design, and that definitely puts a damper on my enthusiasm after I had gotten my hopes up for something exciting and new.

Those are cool Nuva symbol strips on Ekimu's chestplate, and I love the build of his war hammer.

I like the Umarak box's comic strip a lot: transformation, dripping slime, destruction, face-off. Super cool graphic. And that is a gruesome good look at the face: I like that so much elegant form and detail remains in the mask behind the cracks and disfiguration.

I never completely realized Lava Beast's function was one crystal fixed facing back, one lashes out with the turn of a gear. Not so entirely unappealing in motion as it looked from a static pose, still not reaaally up to snuff.

I prefer my skull army broken down to individuals rather than combined, and I'm sure the same will hold for these...

But I like the overkillingly monstrous Mardi Gras edition of U the D well enough. (must be murdering a bunch of parts in the legs though)

I wish next year was to have some surprises in the repetitive lineup format, away from 6 repeated heroes, 6 face sharing allies, tiny enemy critters, and partially face sharing, mono-scale enemies. Figures christened "Beasts" oughtta be much more than gawky bipeds at eye level with the heroes.

Edited by SpiderSpaceman

Armor-wise, I was kind of hoping for him to trade the Chima armor for gold recolors of the Vorox armor that's shared by two thirds of the new Toa, which would be an awesome recolor for that part and help to create a sense of unity with the new Toa designs (use of the Unity piece might have helped in this same way).

On the contrary, I'm glad they didn't use the same parts as the Toa on him. Golden Vorox armours would certainly be good for MOCing and could have looked good on Ekimu, but at least their absence, and the absence of a PoU clearly show that he's not a Toa, but rather a bigger version of his "regular" self. Of course, the end result is predictable, but that doesn't bother me too much, to be honest. However, I also think it would have been refreshing to see a functionality based on the Creature gear. Something similar to Skull Basher's function, maybe.

EDIT : And at least he doesn't have silver hands and feet anymore. :laugh:

I know the horns of the original MoCo mutated into those huge gold Ben 10 horns, but four horns would've fit right into the mostruosity that Umarak the Destroyer is supposed to be.

Ohhhhhhh... now the deformation altogether makes more sense to me. I thought the horns were the antlers mutated, but I guess they just broke off. The gold makes a lot more sense as the gold of the mask and the shape of the mask growing out of control. I think the harsh black technic angles broke it up too much for me to see the intent of the design.

Edited by SpiderSpaceman

It's not stated outright, but at least I believe that's the intent. I personally liked the antlers a lot more since they were more unique, but I guess the parts count was already high as it was.

They should've used a less harsh colour for those parts, like dark or light bley, so the break between his head and the horns feels less dramatic.

Edited by Shakar

(his shield no longer has a gear for spinning it, and his hammer no longer has a shooter).

The shooter you're right about, but it looks like the box says his shield actually does spin.

(EDIT) Just checked the NYTF pics and you're right about the shield. No gear.....but it does still spin. I have to agree that this is a downgrade then. Still, I do like the figure.

Edited by lambda_cla3391

So like what Dr Scorpion X does? Though how will it work with only 3 beasts? Umarak would be the torso for sure. But would the beasts form two legs and an arm. or Two arms and a backpack?

You can always have three beast limbs and have the final one be Destroyerak himself.

Personally, I think they could have distributed the colours better (maybe had a blended mask although I know some people wouldn't like that), made a better looking hammer with a function like his Protector form, and of course having new pieces would be nice.

Also, new user here, hi everyone :)

Mmm I would have liked a blended MoCr. The color distribution is a bit wonky- too much trans blue for my personal tastes. I love trans blue, but everything in moderation.

And welcome to EB! :sweet: Always nice to see new faces in the Action Figures forum.

Those are cool Nuva symbol strips on Ekimu's chestplate, and I love the build of his war hammer.

Yeah, those are dope! And I like the straps coming across. It's a shame that JtO doesn't depict the sets in any stylized, MoL animation, cuz it'd be cool to see that motif expanded.

It's not stated outright, but at least I believe that's the intent. I personally liked the antlers a lot more since they were more unique, but I guess the parts count was already high as it was.

+1 on antlers being better. The golden horns could've been cool, but the execution is just not up to snuff. They're a bit jarring with the black Technic extensions.

I wish next year was to have some surprises in the repetitive lineup format, away from 6 repeated heroes, 6 face sharing allies, tiny enemy critters, and partially face sharing, mono-scale enemies.

I think 2016 was sort of the designers attempt to iterate on 2015; they markedly improved the combiner aspect (compared to the silly power-up modes from 2015), diversified the small sets (even if they did share a mask mould), and made the actual theme of "Unity" a design aspect in a lot of ways. I think we'll probably see some toying with the structure for 2017, since the Toa/smaller set combination is as good as it's going to get.

Anyway, digging all of the sets (as per usual). I still like Ekimu; wasn't expecting anything more from him at the price point, and he combines a lot of good design sensibilities. Plus, trans-blue MoCr is waaaaaay better than a blend. My theory all along has been that it's a temporary "super energized" form, and that he'll revert back to normal next year (or, if they want to include him as a set again, maybe the process radically alters his body).

My biggest disappointment with the Beasts is probably their lack of combination with anything else; I know we have SuperDestroyer (who looks great!), but I was sort of hoping that the beasts could combine individually with Destroyer in the way the Creatures did in the first wave.

Ekimu would be 9000% more appealing if he didn't have that gigantic, greebled, single use waste of plastic they call a torso shell.

Ekimu would be 9000% more appealing if he didn't have that gigantic, greebled, single use waste of plastic they call a torso shell.

Like all the other uniters for that matter, but Ekimu has the best back covering.

It seems we have our first reviews coming up:

Edited by GK733

I don't hate the corrupted Mask of Control, in fact I quite like it, but I wish it wasn't tr neon green at the top. In the leaked pics it was fully gold and I had already thought of some uses for it. But now it has the same problem most mask this year have, that you can use it only on a MOC with trans neon green (and none of my ideas featured such colour!).

Yeah, it's not particularly useful for MOCcing, but what's worse is that they look vaguely like clown-ish tufts of hair.

Like all the other uniters for that matter, but Ekimu has the best back covering.

It seems we have our first reviews coming up:

Wow, already? Awesome review! I'm disapointed the leg joints are the same as Pohatu's upper arms and not bright orange like I thought. The black/orange blades are still really cool, the Beast Mask is awesome and I actually really like the crystal armor piece now that I have a better look at it, though I'm still disappointed that lacks any kind of attachment points aside from the socket. The chest print looks fantastic and actually reminds me of the chest print from the combiner beast from Hero Factory Attack from Below wave. He's actually better armored than I realized with the exception of the back. I think if they attached the neck frill on his upper back instead of the back of the head, it would have solved the problem and eliminate the awkward posing of the head. I'll probably do this to mine when I get one. It's unfortunate but not unexpected that the Tahu mask doesn't fit on the head, though I'm glad it isn't super easy to accidentally bump the jaw and knock the mask off unintentionally. Speaking of which, the trans-neon green/bright red mask just doesn't do it for me, though I like the callback to the corrupted Tahu Nuva mask from way back when. That red/green blended mask is still one of my favorites from G1. I feel like of the 3 corrupted masks, Onua's works the best, though my obsession with all things black and green might make me a tad biased. I really like the pose-able claws, though I wish the thumb was pose-able(quite ironic indeed). I really love the Wyvern/Balrog/demon look of this guy! Overall I love this set and it's easily my second favorite of the wave, right behind UtD.

Edited by ToaDraco

After watching the review, I'm still very sure that Lava Beast will be my favorite of the summer wave, but I hope there will be other reviews up soon so I can judge them all fairly (except for Quake, since he wasn't accidentally available at Toys 'R' Us). I really like his wyvern look with the unusual wings and I quite like the function of those. His color scheme is not that new or anything but it works so well. The trans black crystal shells kinda look like smoke so it blends in rather well. Too bad the Beast Mask uses the mask pop-off trigger. I had hoped that the mask would be too big to allow that, as some have speculated here, so that you could still move the jaw up and down. Right now it just looks like the upper half of his face flies off, while his jaw remains.

Hmm...lava beast definitely looks cool. Really interested to see how storm and quake turned out....maybe reviews for the, will be coming soon.

So anyone knows when the sets are officially released? I've been out of the loop for a while and thought that the sets would be coming in August like last year but seeing as there is a review already I assume that is not the case(?). They come out this month or something?

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