May 21, 20168 yr Another look at Quake Beast: I seriously thought the armspan of his function would had been at least a bit larger. That looks just really meh. Edited May 21, 20168 yr by GK733
May 21, 20168 yr Hm...I'm going to collect this whole wave eventually, but I will not get Quake Beast first. It'll have to be Umarak and Lava or Storm's such a tough decision because the function is awesome but Lava Beast looks better. Also, does storm beast remind anyone of Gadunka? Edited May 21, 20168 yr by lambda_cla3391
May 21, 20168 yr Picked up Umarak, Ekimu, and Storm Beast at TRU. (FL) Oh wow.... in Florida???
May 21, 20168 yr Also, does storm beast remind anyone of Gadunka? The face really does. It's because of the bright upper half contrasted against the darker lower jaw.
May 22, 20168 yr OK... now I don't want Quake Beast either. I think the entire wave will have to be a pass for me...
May 22, 20168 yr Another review of Lava Beast has surfaced on Youtube. I'm having a difficult time trying to choose between Storm and Lava Beast.
May 22, 20168 yr It's weird, but I don't particularly want any of these... Ekimu, I guess, but I don't have a place for him now that my G2 shelf has been given over to Star Wars. Umarak looks decent, but I really don't have anywhere to put him. THe rest of the sets look... well, rather bad. And I'm tired of buying a set that I have to do extensive modding/part swapping to be satisfied with. It's sad really, I really do love the Bionicle line, but I stick by my judgment that I like the earlier CCBS sets a lot better than the newest ones. Core Hunter and Breakout Breez weren't garish messes of metallics and trans parts.
May 22, 20168 yr So I went to a TRU in AZ today, and they had all 5 sets. I don't have any spending money at the moment, so I couldn't get them, but I wonder how long they will stick around. There was only one Storm Beast, and multiples of everyone else. I have not personally seen any evidence of Bionicle's decline either, as they were also well stocked with the Summer 2015 and Winter 2016 sets. Very interesting.
May 23, 20168 yr I will definitely be getting all of these. And spares, for MOCing and modding purposes.
May 24, 20168 yr Jang has reviews Umarak the Destroyer by the way He also has a Quake Beast review up!
May 24, 20168 yr I'm thinking of making other designs for 3 more beasts to represent Pohatu, Lewa and Gali I'm going with the names. Sandstorm Beast, Hurricane Beast and Blizzard Beast (Storm Beast has Kopaka's mask but is dark blue so. Gali's beast would be white) What I need help with is functions that differ from the current 3 Beasts. I want at least one of them to be a quadruped.
May 24, 20168 yr I'm thinking of making other designs for 3 more beasts to represent Pohatu, Lewa and Gali I'm going with the names. Sandstorm Beast, Hurricane Beast and Blizzard Beast (Storm Beast has Kopaka's mask but is dark blue so. Gali's beast would be white) What I need help with is functions that differ from the current 3 Beasts. I want at least one of them to be a quadruped. Hurricane could have flapping wings. One could have snappy-jaws (assuming your not using the Beast mask). Maybe another with a tail-swipe? Or even slashy claws... Or retractable claws!
May 24, 20168 yr Hurricane could have flapping wings. One could have snappy-jaws (assuming your not using the Beast mask). Maybe another with a tail-swipe? Or even slashy claws... Or retractable claws! They would have the beast heads. If/when there added to LDD. I was thinking wings on Hurricane. Storm and to an extent Lava and UTD already have a somewhat claw gimmick. I was thinking of going Bohrok function on the quadruped for a head strike action. It would have horns on the side for piercing kinda like the spears on Fangz
May 24, 20168 yr I only see the Umarak review. :P He usually has them up on the Bionicle playlist....they dont show up on the recent uploads for some odd reason.
May 24, 20168 yr He usually has them up on the Bionicle playlist....they dont show up on the recent uploads for some odd reason. Its because the video is unlisted, it doesnt show up in the recent upload or his videos. While its unlisted, only those with the link can see it. === Not sure if double posts are allowed, so adding it in here. Picked up the new Nexo Knights comic today in the UK. NO BIONICLE COMIC ADVERT *Can provide scans later this evening as proof This can mean many things, but the most likely is that the comic's release date for the rest of Europe is probably later than we originally thought. The new Ninjago catalogue is out on June 1st so will be getting that also, and checking to see if there is any Bionicle Comic advertisements. Edited May 25, 20168 yr by Scarilian
May 25, 20168 yr So popped into my TRU last night. Strolled out with UtD and Ekimu. Ho. Ly. Cr. Ap. They're awesome! Looking at them, my excitement is comparable to building my first G2 set. UtD was my only Bionicle must-buy for the summer, but Ekimu drew me in with the mask recolors. And you know what? Ekimu is now my fave. Having the 2015 gearbox and the 2016 hip gear is incredible. His hammer is a bit wonky IRL, but nothing that can't be fixed. For those who think UtD has a too Technic-y build: I thought the same thing, but he's much better IRL. His right-angle neck is still a little jarring, but nothing some modding can't fix. The monstrous MoCo is the cat's pajamas. His hands are real nifty, and the opening/closing function is pure bliss. I really can't recommend these two enough! Get them. They're currently sitting on my desk, posed in glorious combat. They complement each other very nicely. And having them in my hands is making me want some of the beasts.
May 25, 20168 yr Since everything has already had at least one review so far, I went with Lava Beast for the heck of it.
May 25, 20168 yr Since everything has already had at least one review so far, I went with Lava Beast for the heck of it. Great reviews, Dorek! Looking forward to the four reviews!
May 26, 20168 yr He says in the comments that he's working on a video of the combo model now.Despite the sticky-out-y-ness of the gearbox, the lack of friction for the arm function, and the mask colour, Quake Beast is still my favourite of the beasts. I hope to see these in stores soon!
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