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27654045851_eb09ed460d_c.jpgMitgardia5rs_140616 by Gabriel Thomson, on Flickr]

Runa Hoskuldottir spoke the words of leaving with care and reverence, asking the gods and the ancestors to bless the journey they were about to embark upon. The man by her side stood silent, but he made the offerings at the right time, as she had instructed him, the coins of passage falling into the sacred bowl in a pattern that promised fair winds. The ritual over, she turned to look at him, smiling. “Well Erland, we shall have no trouble until we reach the mainland at least. A good start.”

Erland lifted his careworn face to meet her eyes. “Perhaps I am the trouble on the road. I know your father doesn’t approve of our betrothal, and how can I blame him? He knows next to nothing of me, and I cannot remember enough to quell his fears. Perhaps Sigurd was right and they should have left me to be claimed by the waves, at least that way your family would not be deprived of you in this hour!”

Runa snorted impatience. It was one of the things he loved about her, how little patience she had for his doubt and self-pity. “Don’t talk nonsense, betrothed. Do you think I could remain deceived about your true nature after months of nursing you back to health? You are a good man, I know it, and when we find your family, you will know it again too. As for Sigurd and Bjarke, they are superstitious fools to think that you are ill-omened just because they lost their best fishhook the day they found you floating in the wreckage of that ship. The gods are not responsible for their carelessness!”

Erland smiled. “Well, perhaps it shall be as you say. But we certainly won’t have fair winds to the mainland unless we move soon, no matter what the gods say. Is Olaf ready to go?”

Runa reached down to stroke the stocky grey cat at her feet. “Come then Olaf! I have packed a snack for you on the boat.” He miowed in response and trotted down the steps toward the jetty, with the couple following close behind him.

To be continued…

So i hope this will become a bit of a multi-build storyline... it started mainly cause i realised just how little of Historica i'd built in, and i wanted a reason to roam about a bit. :grin: I'd never built in Mitgardia before now either, so i just had to kick things off there.

But i do want to build more in Peregrinus as well (which has been woefully neglected by me), so the story might become slow going! :wink:

27109890384_5444b377ac_c.jpgMitgardia1.3rb_150616 by Gabriel Thomson, on Flickr]

27647823791_f8549fbb24_c.jpgMitgardia1.2r_150616 by Gabriel Thomson, on Flickr]

27646895542_6bd4f6587a_c.jpgMitgardia1.7rs_150616 by Gabriel Thomson, on Flickr]

27111841603_983f40135b_c.jpgMitgardia1.6_150616 by Gabriel Thomson, on Flickr]

27627998092_f304069240_c.jpgMitgardia7rs_140616 by Gabriel Thomson, on Flickr]

27450513600_44b10feb55_c.jpgMitgardia6rs_140616 by Gabriel Thomson, on Flickr]

27728603935_e33634335c_c.jpgMitgardia10rs_140616 by Gabriel Thomson, on Flickr]

Hope you have enjoyed my first foray into building north of the border... thanks for looking. C&c welcome as always! :classic:

Another beauty! Out of curiosity, it looks like there might be something built into the rocks under the build on the right side of the build....any chance we could see that too?

Awesome MOC! Great rockwork, and I love the houses especially the roofs!

Love it. The contrast of the bright huts on the dark rock is very nice. :thumbup:

  • Author

Another beauty! Out of curiosity, it looks like there might be something built into the rocks under the build on the right side of the build....any chance we could see that too?

Cheers Kayne! Yeah, that cave like entrance on the right side of the build is just a little passage that leads into the main cavern... there isn't anything in it and sadly the view through it isn't terribly good - perhaps i should have made it wider! Anyway i'll try to take a pic when i get it back - it's gone to a local Lego show without me for the weekend.

Awesome MOC! Great rockwork, and I love the houses especially the roofs!

Thanks Titus! I should mention about the roof on the large building btw... i borrowed a shingle technique of Siercon and Coral's for that, if you want more info on it they've made a great

that shows you how it's done. :classic:

Fantastic, the architecture is wonderful, I have to ask though why has that fellow on the balcony got ladies hair, is he Conchita?

Edited by Isundir

Lovely build, great to have you back!

Another nice dwelling protruding from the rocks here, those really add to the composition of your dioramas :classic:

What are those moose antlers btw...?

Excellent build !

Your rock work is great and the architecture of the dwellings is perfect !

Great job !

Plenty of lovely details to admire, but I think it's the overall composition which makes this build so effective :thumbup: The rock arch, winding path, and zig zagging docks look amazing :wub:Wonderful Mitgardian architecture as well, with the wooden walls, intersecting roofs on the main building, and pretty watchtower. The chain and stake railing, along with the dock ladders/ramps are my favorite details.

Very interesting story as well, I wonder what will happen on Erudhalion/Erland's journey :classic:

Great build! The roof and architecture is excellent and the rock arch steaks the show! The story fits well with the MOC also.

What are those moose antlers btw...?

I think they are from a third party (Brick Arms?) minotaur / moose building kit. I believe it is the same one that Mark of Falworth and Brother Steven use in their MOCs.

Edited by BrickCurve

Just awesome again!

the rock is really great, and I really like the roofs

Wow! Excellent rockwork, and those roofs is simply amazing! Great work :)

This MOC looks absolutely marvellous. I love the roof.

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Fantastic, the architecture is wonderful, I have to ask though why has that fellow on the balcony got ladies hair, is he Conchita?

Thanks! Hair is just hair as far as i'm concerned, lots of guys in the north of Mitgardia have long flowing locks to keep their necks warm. :wink:

Lovely build, great to have you back!

Another nice dwelling protruding from the rocks here, those really add to the composition of your dioramas :classic:

What are those moose antlers btw...?

Cheers Gideon, glad you like it! The moose antlers are from Brickwarriors.

Plenty of lovely details to admire, but I think it's the overall composition which makes this build so effective :thumbup: The rock arch, winding path, and zig zagging docks look amazing :wub:Wonderful Mitgardian architecture as well, with the wooden walls, intersecting roofs on the main building, and pretty watchtower. The chain and stake railing, along with the dock ladders/ramps are my favorite details.

Very interesting story as well, I wonder what will happen on Erudhalion/Erland's journey :classic:

Aw thanks Soccerkid, your praise means a lot coming from the Mitgardian mainstay. :blush: Haha i thought i was being subtle about Erland's origins, but obviously not subtle enough! Yeah i know the old memory loss trope has been done to death, but it's a great licence to have someone wander round aimlessly for a bit having adventures.. :wink:

Thanks to Faladrin, Brickcurve, Dathil, SirGillian and Elostirion for your kind comments! I'm glad you like my build. :classic:

Beautiful build, Gabe, the rock-work and arch are superb, and you really nailed the Norse look with the architecture as well! :wink: Excellent photography too, looking forward to more of Erudhalion's adventures! :excited:

Impressive! I really like the different levels in, great work! :classic:

Amazing build Gabe... Nice to see a build from you once again.

I really like the colors of the roof, the arch and the rockwork! Your moc base is pretty awesome too! :wub:

The height here is really awesome and reflects the mountainous Mitgardian terrain perfectly, plus the rockwork is amazing. Color choices of the structure are unconventional with the tan for the framing instead of darker colors, but it works really well.

Great work Gabe! :thumbup:

The rock work is superb among with many of the other details, particularly the colors. That olive green roof with the brown and tan tiles works great!

Glad to have you here again gabe!!

Absolutely stunning build! The rockwork and all the details carved into it is so lovely!!!

Great viking atmosphere, the rock formation is excellent! Very nice border too, the whole build looks really nice and Mitgardian. :thumbup:

Magnificent, as usual, Gabe :drool: :drool: All the rockwork is outstanding, but I especially like the big arch and various tilted sections.

Wonderful work with the buildings too, the dark orange goes well with the reddish brown and dark brown :thumbup: And of course, those roofs... :wub:

This is a fantastic build in so many ways - I love it!

Wow, it looks fantastic! The rockwork, buildings, minifigures and the natural arch, all of them look great! I'd also comment on the roofwork, and the balcony, and the pier, but I just can't take my eyes off that perfectly done arch! :thumbup:

By the way, it's a bit surprising to see a Mitgardian MOC without snow and ice. Does this part of your story take place in summer, or is the island on the southern parts of Mitgardia? :classic:

Edited by Sorrelon

My god! That rock, that house!

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