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On 4/23/2018 at 9:18 PM, Didumos69 said:

After driving around for a few minutes, sometimes even after a few seconds, one of the BuWizzes disconnects. It doesn't matter if I'm in normal, fast or ludicrous mode, it doesn't matter whether I'm close to or at 20 meters from the model and it doesn't matter on what surface I'm driving, tarmac or cobblestones. I have two devices that I use as remote, an IPad Mini 1 and a modern Android One phone (Xiaomi Mi A1). The IPad connects (start engine) easily, but disconnects one of the BuWizzes within one to two minutes. The phone connects to both BuWizzes only once in 5 to 10 attempts, but connections last much longer. But after a 3 to 5 minutes also one of the BuWizzes disconnects. I'm beginning to think I should buy a new IPad or something, to get these connections to last, but that would actually be quite ridiculous imo.

On 4/28/2018 at 1:53 PM, Jude said:

Hi! I have this same problem. Im using one Buwizz V2 and controlling it with Brickcontroller and wired Xbox 360 controller. My phone is Sony Xperia Z5 Compact. Have this issue with two vehicles, 42069 modded with 4 L motor and servo with Claas tires and 42077 modded with 2 XL motors and servo. Sometimes it disconnects after 10 seconds, sometimes after minute. The app doesnt crash or anything, vehicle just stops responding.

On 4/28/2018 at 2:10 PM, T Lego said:

My buwizz disconnects sometimes too, but only when I am using brickcontroller though. And the same here, the app doesn't crash, but the car just stops responding...

On 5/6/2018 at 11:46 AM, suffocation said:

The lag issue remains unsolved and now another one has popped up. When using two BuWizz units, they're both recognised as HMSoft, so when I use the mobile crane profile it keeps telling me that I need to connect both devices to start, even though they're both switched on and recognised.

Interestingly, the same problems occur even using other smartphones, so I guess I landed two dud units.

12 hours ago, Strzalka said:

I have ridiculous short range of BuWizz, max 5m and get disconnected. Someone got same situation? 
Another thing it's while using buwizz in bigger MOC I get often been disconnected. Even when I tried use it on 41999 got same situation, weird because on Lego Lipo pack + v2 works like a charm.
Could you support me in that case?

Tested on iPhone 6S and BuWizz v.1.3.1

1 hour ago, jrx said:

Same for me with iPhone 7. Small range and very often disconnects.

@Ron1, by now there are so many reports on 'disconnecting' (sometimes not connecting) BuWizzes in situations that give no reason for this behavior, that I think BuWizz.com should start addressing these issues. For me the problems seem to be solved after switching to the BrickController app, but at the cost of more lag. Others do experience the same problems when using the BrickController app. If you want BuWizz to be a long-term success, I think it will be necessary for BuWizz.com to do some research, test the BuWizz app on different phones, try to reproduce the issues and give pointers on how to resolve them.

Edited by Didumos69

@Ron1 +1 to above, but I see the limitations of testing all phones, so I would be rather constantly active on forums like this, interact with users who give valuable feedback, even let them Beta test in case. Or just letting know, that You are working on issues. Lifesignals, anything.

Yes it is criticism, but only for the sake of making a good product even better :wink:, service, availability, communication are also key factors in business.

Edited by agrof

I submited issue at 14.05, no answer till now.

So I made last video with that low quality product (read BuWizz)


12 minutes ago, Strzalka said:

I submited issue at 14.05, no answer till now.

So I made last video with that low quality product (read BuWizz)

Are the led lights of the BuWizz still indicating they are connected (leds burning continuously, not blinking) when it halts?

3 hours ago, Strzalka said:

I submited issue at 14.05, no answer till now.

So I made last video with that low quality product (read BuWizz)

What motors, servos, lights etc are you running and how are they connected to the buwizz(s)?

5 hours ago, Didumos69 said:

Are the led lights of the BuWizz still indicating they are connected (leds burning continuously, not blinking) when it halts?

It blinks green.


1 hour ago, technic_addict said:

What motors, servos, lights etc are you running and how are they connected to the buwizz(s)?

In video I use 4xL motors and 1x servo
Connected like this:

Buwizz 1,2,3,4 ports

1 - 1xL, 2 - 2xL, 3 - 1xL, 4 - 1xServo

But same situation its when I use small car (Madoca's Type R) which got 1xServo and 1xL motor.

2 minutes ago, Strzalka said:

It blinks green.


In video I use 4xL motors and 1x servo
Connected like this:

Buwizz 1,2,3,4 ports

1 - 1xL, 2 - 2xL, 3 - 1xL, 4 - 1xServo

But same situation its when I use small car (Madoca's Type R) which got 1xServo and 1xL motor.

I believe you are overloading the buwizz in first example.  For the Type R I recall someone saying there was a problem with the servo motor on one of the ports on buwizz 2.0.  Try switching the servo connection.


49 minutes ago, Strzalka said:

It blinks green

I had similar problems when I used my IPad mini. Indoors it worked fine, but outdoors it disconnected all the time. It works better with my Android phone, but that one has problems connecting to two BuWizzes. Have to try to connect about 10 times before it works, but once it connects it usually does not disconnect. Recently I found out that when the BuWizzes have just been turned on, my phone connects immediately. So that's what I do now. I also tried with the Brickcontroller app, but that introduces lag. Not much, but enough to make a fast vehicle uncontrollable. It made me drive my 4WD buggy into a trench filled with water.

Edited by Didumos69

I'm in the process of migrating my 4WD Buggy from BuWizz to SBrick + PF AAA battery boxes. I would like to know how much extra weight this is going to add. Does anybody know the weight of a BuWizz 2.0. I could check myself, but would be quite a hassle to remove one. Maybe someone with an unemployed unit laying around could check the weight?

9 minutes ago, Didumos69 said:

I'm in the process of migrating my 4WD Buggy from BuWizz to SBrick + PF AAA battery boxes. I would like to know how much extra weight this is going to add. Does anybody know the weight of a BuWizz 2.0. I could check myself, but would be quite a hassle to remove one. Maybe someone with an unemployed unit laying around could check the weight?

Buwizz 1.0 is  69 gr. I think B2.0 is same.

30 minutes ago, Didumos69 said:

I'm in the process of migrating my 4WD Buggy from BuWizz to SBrick + PF AAA battery boxes. I would like to know how much extra weight this is going to add. Does anybody know the weight of a BuWizz 2.0. I could check myself, but would be quite a hassle to remove one. Maybe someone with an unemployed unit laying around could check the weight?

Based on my experience the weight difference of the power sources does not matter, even with a very light vehicle you can barely see the difference. The lack of high voltage option will have a more visible effect, as you'll have only 7.2V (unless you buy fresh alkaline batteries for every run). I made a comparison video to see the practical difference of the power sources:


45 minutes ago, mj002 said:

Buwizz 1.0 is  69 gr. I think B2.0 is same.


29 minutes ago, kbalage said:

Based on my experience the weight difference of the power sources does not matter, even with a very light vehicle you can barely see the difference. The lack of high voltage option will have a more visible effect, as you'll have only 7.2V (unless you buy fresh alkaline batteries for every run). I made a comparison video to see the practical difference of the power sources:

Thanks! Well, in case of my 4WD Buggy, weight is imporant, not so much becase of the speed, but because of the suspension. I spent 2 weeks to reduce the number of parts by 200 (and the wieght by 110gr), which made quite a difference as to how deep the model sits in its suspension. It would be a pitty if migrating to SBrick is going to add that same weight again. Two AAA batery boxes with batteries and 2 SBricks are going to add that same weight again.

Edited by Didumos69

I've got same problems with buwizz connection, sometime it's connected for 1 min, sometime it won't connect after 10 times of trying to start engine. It's totally random working device. Especially with 5292 RC motors. That's why I have abandoned Buwizz and switched to Sbrick and 3s LiPo with current limiter to 10,8v and everything works fine. 

It would be great if issues with buwizz will be solved because I feel very dissapointed with spent lot of money on grey brick that randomly or doesn't work. :/

7 minutes ago, Didumos69 said:

Two AAA batery boxes with batteries and 2 SBricks are going to add that same weight again.

My biggest concern is that the AAA battery box might not be able to fully power 2x L and 1 servo, when the L-motors are loaded heavily (which they are here i think) they draw a lot of current, i think 2 l motors and a servo exceed 800ma in this situation, i am not sure whether it can deliver enough amps, but maybe test this before fully switching over. the Lego Lipo would solve it but only gives 7.2v..

18 minutes ago, Didumos69 said:


Thanks! Well, in case of my 4WD Buggy, weight is imporant, not so much becase of the speed, but because of the suspension. I spent 2 weeks to reduce the number of parts by 200 (and the wieght by 110gr), which made quite a difference as to how deep the model sits in its suspension by default. It would be a pitty if migrating to SBrick is going to add that same weight again. Two AAA batery boxes with batteries and 2 SBricks are going to add that same weight again.

AAA box is 110 g, LiPo is 76 g and sbrick is 13g.  The extra wires are several grams as well.

It sounds like it may work with LiPo version?

V2 receiver is 20.6 g according to bricklink.

Edited by technic_addict

I just wanted to let everyone here know that I, too, have had issues with my iPhone 7 iOS 11 not connecting correctly to the BuWizz. I tried everything including deleting and redownloading the app, reassigning motor controls, restarting the BuWizz, turning Bluetooth on me phone on and off.

What fixed it? Restarting my phone.

So just keep in mind that the issue may not be what you think it is.

Edited by PunkTacoNYC

  • Author
On 29-5-2018 at 10:33 AM, Ron1 said:

Hi all,

I get your message about lack of support and you are right. BuWizz is no longer a prototype it was back on Kickstarter, user base has grown and we did not scale our resources accordingly. This is changing now.

This is where we are:

- BuWizz hardware is OK (the issues like protection shutting down outputs too soon is firmware related, so solvable with upgrade)

- BuWizz software lacks features, there are connection issues

- Support is not adequate, feeling of neglect in the community

- Lack of upgrades

- Lack of direction where BuWizz is going

What we are doing and where we are going:

- Software on both iOS & Android with customizable control profiles is being released now

- Software with programmable interface (=where you can set mixers, power curves, sequential motion, etc.) is in alpha testing, soon to go into beta (for now on Android)

- We are working on connection issues on per-phone model basis (mostly an issue on some android phones)

- Open source BuWizz demo app (with sources for Bluetooth communication, control screen, etc.) is already on GitHub since January, we just did not advertise it :classic:


- Bluetooth comm protocol will be part of open source release (the protocol is still being upgraded, but the current command set can easily be found in source code)

- We are working on several add-on modules (this is why the white connector is for) - we will pre-announce them soon (here we will need your help to figure out which modules would benefit you most)

- We are overhauling all internal processes (i.e. technical support, community support, website, competition support) to make them streamlined & scalable (yes, I confess, support is a mess right now)

- We are expanding our team to handle all the above (and more)


Please be patient for a bit longer. We will announce several new things next month, including new add-on modules, software features, competitions, etc.


We will not let BuWizz fade to oblivion, quite the contrary!



I have copied a message from Roni from another topic.

@Ron1 having recently built @agrof class one buggy and upgraded to buggy motors with @kbalage mod which dramatically increased the speed I would like to post the following comments and or suggestions.

Using one Buwizz I was able to choose the two slider option but using two buwizz I was forced to use a different profile which allowed two buwizz's.  Setting up the two buwizz's was not that straight forward and took some time to work.  Both buwizz's had the exact same name, so it was a trial and error process to figure out which was which.  Also switching between the screens required a swipe which was not very straight forward.

It sometimes required multiple attempts to start because it said the connection was lost even though I had just set them up.  This happened just setting up one buwizz as well.  I had to go back into setup and find the buwizz again and try to start again.

I bought the buwizz from the kickstarter campaign and I have been very critical of the lack of software support which resulted in little use and frustration.  I am very happy to see the support for multiple buwizz's and finally a light switch option! (I know these were added awhile ago).

Overall, I would say I was very happy with current state and any additional fixes and software updates (as long as they don't create issues) are very welcome.

I have mentioned this in another thread, but have you considered a remote control which directly connects to buwizz without the need of a phone?  I noticed it is not very easy to control fast vehicle using a flat phone.  I am sure many people would love that additional option!


  • 2 weeks later...

Id like to see an RC Crystal unit that you plug in to buwiz z so you can control models with an RC handset. 

Edited by scifunk

  • 2 weeks later...

I have a very weird issue with my BuWizz 2.0. I have not seen anybody having such an issue.


As you can see, the plastic casing is bowing outwards. Not only on the sides, but also underneath. This means I can't place it anymore on lego plates and in between 4x8 stud areas and therefore it's unusable in my MOCs. It began as a small curve and got bigger and bigger. Now, I can clearly see some of the internals (all the hardware works perfectely fine). It is also not possible to bow it back to it's original position. 

I have sent the Buwizz-team an E-mail but they do not respond. 

1 hour ago, T Lego said:

As you can see, the plastic casing is bowing outwards. Not only on the sides, but also underneath. This means I can't place it anymore on lego plates and in between 4x8 stud areas and therefore it's unusable in my MOCs. It began as a small curve and got bigger and bigger. Now, I can clearly see some of the internals (all the hardware works perfectely fine). It is also not possible to bow it back to it's original position. 

I am afrad it is the Li-Ion battery inside. I strongly recommend not to use it, and keep it away from every flammable material (don't store in a cardboard box f.e.). Do not charge it! It can start fire, and it's smoke is toxic.

I would wait for answer from Buwizz @Ron1 can help for sure.

Also do not send by post back to BuWizz, even if they ask for it! It must need a special inflammable transport case for it, otherwise it can burn down anything around, yes even a complete warehouse, or airplane (happened with UPS). I am working with such batteries, exactly the transportation of them in my profession, injured batteries have very strict transportation regulation with a good reason!

After answer from BuWizz I would bring the injured unit to a shop, where they sell Li-Ion batteries, and ask them if they have waste handling and leave it there.

Edited by agrof

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