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2 hours ago, Zerobricks said:

Unfortunately I don't know the exact drivers, you can try writing an E-mail.

I already ahd an idea for this feature so you can select what happens after you loose connection and how long is timeout. This way you can keep all motors running, brake, coast, etc for a given timeout. Would be very useful for preventing crashes or simply to keep running trains after you lost connection. But there's only so much a small team can do at once.

I absolutely understand this. Working in a software development team as DevOps person.. development is tidious...

Does anyone know if Buwizz 3 app already supports moving PU motors with slow speed and max power (like the Technic hub does)? And what is the latest status for the support of servo steering with the PU L motor? Is it working smoothly in the app already? @Zerobricks maybe?

I can see in the Buwizz protocol that there are modes for normal power control and speed servo control, so the HW should be able to do it, was just wondering if the app actually uses them already, as I remember some discussions about not all being supported in the beginning.

I'd also be interested in the resolution of issues reported here when running 2 Buwizz motors from 1 Buwizz cut down the whole Buwizz and people seemed to be unable to revive it. Has that issue been resolved? Thanks!

Edited by gyenesvi

19 hours ago, gyenesvi said:

Does anyone know if Buwizz 3 app already supports moving PU motors with slow speed and max power (like the Technic hub does)? And what is the latest status for the support of servo steering with the PU L motor? Is it working smoothly in the app already? @Zerobricks maybe?

I can see in the Buwizz protocol that there are modes for normal power control and speed servo control, so the HW should be able to do it, was just wondering if the app actually uses them already, as I remember some discussions about not all being supported in the beginning.

I'd also be interested in the resolution of issues reported here when running 2 Buwizz motors from 1 Buwizz cut down the whole Buwizz and people seemed to be unable to revive it. Has that issue been resolved? Thanks!

We are very close to the next app update which will add many more steering parameters options including the calibration power and duration. The new update will laso feature FW updates, that is why it's taking a bit longer than usual.

Regarding BuWizz 3.0 cutting off, the battery has a 7 A overcurrent protection. In normal use two BuWizz motors can draw up to 3,5 A, but there are cases where you can draw even more when you are quickly reverseing a heavy model for example. Once the current protection on the battery is triggered, you simply have to plug in the charger to turn BuWizz 3.0 back on. We will be adding an option to limit the currents in FW and app in the future to reduce this scenario from happening.

1 hour ago, Zerobricks said:

We are very close to the next app update which will add many more steering parameters options including the calibration power and duration. The new update will laso feature FW updates, that is why it's taking a bit longer than usual.

Thanks for the response! I have ordered a Buwizz and motors, so maybe they arrive together with the updates :)

1 hour ago, Zerobricks said:

Regarding BuWizz 3.0 cutting off, the battery has a 7 A overcurrent protection. In normal use two BuWizz motors can draw up to 3,5 A, but there are cases where you can draw even more when you are quickly reverseing a heavy model for example. Once the current protection on the battery is triggered, you simply have to plug in the charger to turn BuWizz 3.0 back on. We will be adding an option to limit the currents in FW and app in the future to reduce this scenario from happening.

Am I correct that if I use power curves in the app, to reduce the voltage and hence the speed of the motors, that also reduces the chance of triggering the protection?

24 minutes ago, gyenesvi said:

Thanks for the response! I have ordered a Buwizz and motors, so maybe they arrive together with the updates :)

Am I correct that if I use power curves in the app, to reduce the voltage and hence the speed of the motors, that also reduces the chance of triggering the protection?

Yes, power curves and especially time ramps. Using a small ramp of like 0,5 seconds greatly reduces a chance of current spikes.

7 minutes ago, Zerobricks said:

Yes, power curves and especially time ramps. Using a small ramp of like 0,5 seconds greatly reduces a chance of current spikes.

Thanks for the tip, I guess avoiding sudden changes is beneficial altogether, as according to my experience, those are the moments that can put high stress on the drivetrain and break things..

On 11/29/2021 at 10:49 AM, Zerobricks said:

We are very close to the next app update which will add many more steering parameters options including the calibration power and duration. The new update will laso feature FW updates, that is why it's taking a bit longer than usual.

Regarding BuWizz 3.0 cutting off, the battery has a 7 A overcurrent protection. In normal use two BuWizz motors can draw up to 3,5 A, but there are cases where you can draw even more when you are quickly reverseing a heavy model for example. Once the current protection on the battery is triggered, you simply have to plug in the charger to turn BuWizz 3.0 back on. We will be adding an option to limit the currents in FW and app in the future to reduce this scenario from happening.

haha.. can't believe they're still talking of fw updates. You promised those for BW2 already years ago. Nothing ever came.. 

And even if you manage to implement servo steering, it'd be useless anyway without gamepad support. My only hope (as always when about Buwizz) is with Brickcontroller2 app.. :-/

@wower, on the one side I can understand the view of you as a customer, but also the other side a small company is limited in its posibilities.
Also you may have heard about the situation in the IT market - even if you would like to hire an expert, costs are immense, because the market is empty.

Better ask the right questions, like "Have you ever thought about a cooperation with István Murvai for him being able to implementing the last missing bits which the customers ask for to Buwizz being the real kick megablocks product afterwards (hard and software)?


13 hours ago, aFrInaTi0n said:

@wower, с одной стороны, я могу понять мнение о вас как о клиенте, но с другой стороны, небольшая компания ограничена в своих возможностях.
Также вы, возможно, слышали о ситуации на рынке ИТ - даже если вы захотите нанять специалиста, затраты огромны, потому что рынок пуст.

Лучше задавайте правильные вопросы, например: «Вы когда-нибудь думали о сотрудничестве с Иштваном Мурваем, чтобы он смог реализовать последние недостающие части, которые просят клиенты, чтобы Buwizz впоследствии стал настоящим продуктом для мегаблоков (аппаратным и программным)?


when buwizz realizes its helplessness in the software of its own product in terms of a function that is extremely necessary for customers as a normal servo control - and turn to Istvan Imurvai - then really buwizz will become a great product! At the moment, as the owner of buwizz 3.0, for me the purchase of this device was a waste of money, which also damaged my spare parts in an attempt to adjust the servo control - they are irretrievably damaged and damaged !!! and all this for $ 199! brilliant !!! The meaning of power and speed if it is impossible to control them normally? the situation is similar to a Bugatti Chiron without a steering wheel. Buwizz! pay attention to Istvan, and your product will move to a qualitatively higher level! I do not think that the developer who created and maintains the application for free will refuse to assist you. for me at the moment, the most comfortable unit is the 51515 hub with native gamepad support, unfortunately with limited power ...

Edited by Danil

Danil... I understand your frustration and I would love if there was a way just to snap my fingers and have an ideal product with an ideal app which would make every single person happy...

But that is not possible and I'm working and pushing as much as I can to have it done not just soon, but done properly.

Currently we are internally testing the software and firmware for BuWizz 3.0 which fixes the issues with the center steering and adds some 10+ additional steering factors including the adjustment of the steering's calibration PWM power. We are also throughly testing the FW updater. Now please understand these things take time to make sure they are robust and they are working properly, we don't wan't to end up with bricked BuWizz bricks.

6 hours ago, Zerobricks said:

Danil... I understand your frustration and I would love if there was a way just to snap my fingers and have an ideal product with an ideal app which would make every single person happy...

But that is not possible and I'm working and pushing as much as I can to have it done not just soon, but done properly.

Currently we are internally testing the software and firmware for BuWizz 3.0 which fixes the issues with the center steering and adds some 10+ additional steering factors including the adjustment of the steering's calibration PWM power. We are also throughly testing the FW updater. Now please understand these things take time to make sure they are robust and they are working properly, we don't wan't to end up with bricked BuWizz bricks.

"... I would really like there was a way to just snap my fingers and get the perfect product with the perfect application that would make everyone happy ..." - Dear Zerobricks! like everyone present in this topic, I really appreciate your presence! human responsiveness and the fact that you always give the quickest and most detailed answers to the questions that concern the majority. about clicking your fingers? -you can do it without any problems! way-Istvan Murvay. take a look at the brickcontroller2 app and you will see my persistence. sorry for the harshness please!

Hoping to jump in as kind of an moderator: @Zerobricks This may be confidental information and if you can not answer, then I can understand, but nevertheless the question:

Have you thought about asking Istvan for his expertise and "pimping" BuWizz App by licencing his Software Stack to include into BuWizz App?

My personal opinion:
I don't know if both have the same programming language. In general I think Istvan is a nice guy from what I read from his responses to requests from the community.
If it is just about hesitations to do the first contact, I would assume it would be worth it - however the outcome may be.
For me for e.g. the control via touchscreen feels awkward and not good controlable - currently waiting for a BT controller to have haptic feedback.

In general: Thanks for your great products (having no issues so far, but no PU components yet) and also for your great community support here from you personally! ♥

@Danil Your case sounds really harsh and your anger about it is also understandable. I feel you :(

Edited by aFrInaTi0n

On 12/2/2021 at 1:49 AM, aFrInaTi0n said:

@wower, on the one side I can understand the view of you as a customer, but also the other side a small company is limited in its posibilities.
Also you may have heard about the situation in the IT market - even if you would like to hire an expert, costs are immense, because the market is empty.

Better ask the right questions, like "Have you ever thought about a cooperation with István Murvai for him being able to implementing the last missing bits which the customers ask for to Buwizz being the real kick megablocks product afterwards (hard and software)?


Oh dear.. we all know that every company has limitations, but that never justifies lying to customers and selling not-working products. And remember.. Istvan is a one-man show.

At this point it must be clear even to the biggest fanboy: Buwizz does not WANT to solve any problems.. just sell overpriced units as long as possible and delay and distract complaining customers.

Honestly to me the whole "connect rc motors to your phone" is a dead end anyway. Just give me a recharchable battery and some hardware-remote (like the old lego, just not infrared of course.. and of course with analog sticks for smooth steering.. similar to every 30€ kids RC toy car)..

How long can it be until some chinese lego-clone comes up with that?


Edited by wower

I just received my Buwizz 3 and started testing. However, I can't seem to find an option to control a PU motor in steering servo mode. I am guessing it can already be done since @keymaker's trophy truck uses it. Am I missing something obvious, or is this setting hidden somewhere?

I also tested a PF servo with it. It works, but it's quite jerky. Just checked the same servo on a Buwizz 2 and it's much smoother. Is it a firmware difference? How come that it's worse on the newer device?

Furthermore, I also checked the speed control of PU motors. Currently the Buwizz app does not seem to be regulating speed, only power; when I spin it slow, I can easily block an outcoming axle with my fingers. This is not true for the same motors controlled by a technic hub; even if it spins slow, it's very hard to stop it by hand. @Zerobricks, is this also going to be fixed in the upcoming software (FW) update?

Furthermore, will the FW update be automatic as in case of a technic hub? How can I check if I have the latest SW/FW?


21 hours ago, wower said:

How long can it be until some chinese lego-clone comes up with that?

MouldKing has already its 6 channel battery box with a proportional (not really, but stepped) input. Also their 4.0 battery boxes also have the possibilities for stepped control, but just with the app and no hw controller..
But yes, I also thought about the benefits of just having an receiver unit without included battery but instead default rc hobbies connectors for 2c/3c batteries.

And I am no fanboy. Havent had the amount and also non bad experiences with Buwizz so far personally, except for the missing haptic feedback and no support for BT controllers.
But on the other hand I know how tedious software development itself can be and I suppose when additionally hardware comes in, things don't get easier.

I guess one has to invent its own or use regular RC components if Buwizz isnt enough. :D

On 12/5/2021 at 8:03 PM, wower said:

At this point it must be clear even to the biggest fanboy: Buwizz does not WANT to solve any problems.. just sell overpriced units as long as possible and delay and distract complaining customers.

I'm sorry you feel this way. I'm helping people with support tickets and on this forum every working day and more.

On 12/3/2021 at 11:40 PM, aFrInaTi0n said:

Have you thought about asking Istvan for his expertise and "pimping" BuWizz App by licencing his Software Stack to include into BuWizz App?

Yes we did, but we have our own internal developer for that. We also knew that we can't possibly please everyone's needs, that's why I pushed hard to have the API released, so people can develop their own solutions.

2 hours ago, gyenesvi said:

I just received my Buwizz 3 and started testing. However, I can't seem to find an option to control a PU motor in steering servo mode. I am guessing it can already be done since @keymaker's trophy truck uses it. Am I missing something obvious, or is this setting hidden somewhere?

I also tested a PF servo with it. It works, but it's quite jerky. Just checked the same servo on a Buwizz 2 and it's much smoother. Is it a firmware difference? How come that it's worse on the newer device?

Furthermore, I also checked the speed control of PU motors. Currently the Buwizz app does not seem to be regulating speed, only power; when I spin it slow, I can easily block an outcoming axle with my fingers. This is not true for the same motors controlled by a technic hub; even if it spins slow, it's very hard to stop it by hand. @Zerobricks, is this also going to be fixed in the upcoming software (FW) update?

Furthermore, will the FW update be automatic as in case of a technic hub? How can I check if I have the latest SW/FW?


Please read the user guide here which will answer most of your questions regarding center steering setup:


The PF servo could be a bit more jerky due to a higher supply voltage as compared to the BuWizz 2.0.

Constant speed control does work, but still has to be implemented in the app, but first we are focusing on fixing bugs.

A small update, we are almost ready for the public beta of the new app with FW update and steering parameters. You will be able to see the version in the manager window. The app will ask you before starting a FW update and it will be mandatory.

Edited by Zerobricks

6 hours ago, aFrInaTi0n said:

MouldKing has already its 6 channel battery box with a proportional (not really, but stepped) input. Also their 4.0 battery boxes also have the possibilities for stepped control, but just with the app and no hw controller..
But yes, I also thought about the benefits of just having an receiver unit without included battery but instead default rc hobbies connectors for 2c/3c batteries.

And I am no fanboy. Havent had the amount and also non bad experiences with Buwizz so far personally, except for the missing haptic feedback and no support for BT controllers.
But on the other hand I know how tedious software development itself can be and I suppose when additionally hardware comes in, things don't get easier.

I guess one has to invent its own or use regular RC components if Buwizz isnt enough. :D

can one buy that mouldking set individually? i haven't found that unfortunately.

17 hours ago, Zerobricks said:

Please read the user guide here which will answer most of your questions regarding center steering setup:

Thanks @Zerobricks, that helped indeed (I had an older version of this document). It works now, reacts a bit slowly compared to the Powered Up app controlling an L motor, but it's okay as a start. I'll test it in a build later. One strange thing about it is that in the very beginning when I start a profile and it connects to the Buwizz, centers the servo, on the first move, it has a tendency to start to wiggle for a while. But it does not do it afterwards, just on the first move. Let's see how the update improves it.

I'd a have a few notes as feedback about the app itself, possible improvements for usability, but not sure where's the best way to give such feedback. Should I send a message on the Contacts page of buwizz.com? I did not find a generic feedback form, just order issues.

Just now, gyenesvi said:

Thanks @Zerobricks, that helped indeed (I had an older version of this document). It works now, reacts a bit slowly compared to the Powered Up app controlling an L motor, but it's okay as a start. I'll test it in a build later. One strange thing about it is that in the very beginning when I start a profile and it connects to the Buwizz, centers the servo, on the first move, it has a tendency to start to wiggle for a while. But it does not do it afterwards, just on the first move. Let's see how the update improves it.

I'd a have a few notes as feedback about the app itself, possible improvements for usability, but not sure where's the best way to give such feedback. Should I send a message on the Contacts page of buwizz.com? I did not find a generic feedback form, just order issues.

Please use the contact page on BuWizz.com for the feedback.

20 hours ago, wower said:

can one buy that mouldking set individually? i haven't found that unfortunately.

Having a total amount of 0 private messages on my account level, otherwise I would share a link - but I don't want to violate any forum rules here.. But yes it is. Receiver and transmitter for ~18-25 euros + shipping & customs etc.

Edited by aFrInaTi0n

Although I'm no moderator I'd recommend to stick to the title of this topic and, for those interested, open (another) topic about alternative batteries and controllers. 

29 minutes ago, aFrInaTi0n said:

Having a total amount of 0 private messages on my account level, otherwise I would share a link - but I don't want to violate any forum rules here.. But yes it is. Receiver and transmitter for ~18-25 euros + shipping & customs etc.


11 minutes ago, HectorMB said:

Although I'm no moderator I'd recommend to stick to the title of this topic and, for those interested, open (another) topic about alternative batteries and controllers. 

I'll PM him and hopefully end this discussion

I'm planning on getting BuWizz 3.0 someday. I already have one 2.0 and am wondering if I can put both 2.0 and 3.0 in the same model and make them work together like two BuWizz 2.0s would.

Is this possible?

As promised, we have published a new Android test version (2.3.7) of our BuWizz app.

With this test release we are mostly focusing on the firmware update feature, but we have also added new configuration options for center steering.

More info can be found in the attached .pdf file link here.

If you are not already a tester, you can join by following this link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.buwizz.buwizz2

We appreciate any feedback, especially regarding the firmware update process.


45 minutes ago, StudWorks said:

I'm planning on getting BuWizz 3.0 someday. I already have one 2.0 and am wondering if I can put both 2.0 and 3.0 in the same model and make them work together like two BuWizz 2.0s would.

Is this possible?

Yes, of course you can use multiple and different BuWizz bricks in the same model and control profile.

Edited by Zerobricks

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