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Day One: I'm Not Cleaning That Up


The scene outside City Hall was grisly. The Mayor had fallen to his death from his balcony above. The police stood around, securing the scene or something.


"Should we call somebody?" one of them asked.

"No, I think we're alright. After all, we were the ones called here."

Meanwhile, a small crowd of figures assembled. Behind them, others went about their general business, since tragedy like this befell their city often.


"Was he murdered?" Betsy asked.

"What are we going to do?" Edward added.

Lindsey wasn't paying attention, she was turned the wrong way.


Robert echoed his fellow neighbors

"Who could have done something like this?"


Then the doors swung open and Bob, not even bothering to wear an outfit this time, stepped out.

"It's Bob!" they all yelled in panic.

"Not another mafia game!" someone cried.

The poor citizens of Bob's City Collection had been forced through quite a lot over the years. They had been thrown into a strange black and white period game, forced to wear cheesy space outfits on sets that were haphazardly built with clocks that never turned (three times), and had not too long ago dealt with an actual mafia in their city. Each time they played a sadistic game of Mafia, a lighthearted party game, in order to find the bad apples among them.


"Calm down." he said to those assembled. "We're not playing another game of mafia!"

The crowd cheered.

"You mean you're going to allow the police to conduct a fair investigation and then prosecute those responsible?" one asked.

"Sorta. We are going to let the law work this time! However, we don't seem to have a mayor anymore. Every day I will randomly select a new Mayor among you. He will then select a Town Council Chair that will approve a law that is designed to weed out the mafia among us. However, there will be bad laws mixed in as well that the scum will try and get passed."

"So, it's another game." one of the officers asked.

"What? Well, kinda but - "

Everyone groaned and sighed.

"None of you should die this time! Don't worry! Unless five mafia policies are passed that is.

"What was that?" someone asked.

"Nothing, nothing. Carry on!"


Characters (12)


Lindsey Green - Khscarymovie4


Ralph Brooks - Actor Builder


Betsy Bowers - Forresto


Joshua Sutton - Peanuts


Scott Howell - Jackjonespaw


Erik Kelly - Umbra-Manis


Patricia Davis - Tariq J


Anne Martin - Mediumsnowman


Michael Wright - Jluck


Edward Cook - Chromeknight


Christina Phillips - Fhomess


Robert Butler - Dragonfire

The rules are a bit complex as of now and by the end of it I'll have worked them into a numbered list, but please see the detailed explanation in the C&D Thread

Good luck!


Today's Mayor is Edward Cook / Chromeknight!

He must pick a Town Council Chair and nominate that person publicly here. Then you will have 24 hours to approve his government by voting either Yes or No. The 24 hours begins when Edward selects his Town Council Chair. He should do so ASAP without delay.

At the end of 24 hours, I will draw three cards and tell Edward what they are. Edward will then pick one of those three to discard and I will then send the other two to the Town Council Chair who will pick one of the two.

Remember, if three governments fail in a row (that would be 72 hours theoretically - three 24 hour periods), then the top card is flipped and that policy is enacted.

This game is designed to be very accusatory. Trust no one. Good luck again!

Edited by Bob

Well! Edward Cook, our new mayor? A fascinating occurrence! What are the odds?

Excuse me, and allow me to ask a question of you, Bob!

Hypothetically, if one was to accidently or unintentionally abstain from a vote not on purpose, would they be counted as a "Yes" or a "No"?

What I mean to say is, is each citizen generally assumed to be for or against the selected government on each and every given day?

  On 7/12/2016 at 8:53 PM, Actor Builder said:

Hypothetically, if one was to accidently or unintentionally abstain from a vote not on purpose, would they be counted as a "Yes" or a "No"?

What I mean to say is, is each citizen generally assumed to be for or against the selected government on each and every given day?

The way I understand this Bob person (is he our governor again? What is he?) the government has to get more than fifty percent of the vote, so abstaining would be the same as voting no. So remember to go voting, kids! Every vote counts! With only one vote Oliver Cromwell was voted President of the United States, making English rather than German the official world language!

Also, shame our old mayor died. But now we can have a new mayor every day, so there's a silver lining :sweet: and I can't say I'm surprised our old mayor died, he wasn't even a named character. That must have made for an awkward mayoral campaign, come to think of it :tongue:

  On 7/12/2016 at 9:07 PM, Peanuts said:

That must have made for an awkward mayoral campaign, come to think of it :tongue:

Not so! Words are the most awkward portion of language, as the Oliver Cromwell you speak of must have known, so the absence of words would make a campaign utterly and entirely and completely totally simple!

Like so:

"Vote _________ for Mayor!"

In this way, everyone who did not vote was supposed to have voted for ______!

And of course, most of us being frightened for our lives to leave our homes, perhaps to be picked up and used in a Mafia, stayed home. So by default, _______ Became Mayor!

This brings us beautifully and delightfully Full-Circle back to the point: Vote, everyone! Even if only to get a sticker, vote, vote, VOTE!

  On 7/12/2016 at 9:17 PM, Actor Builder said:

Not so! Words are the most awkward portion of language, as the Oliver Cromwell you speak of must have known, so the absence of words would make a campaign utterly and entirely and completely totally simple!

Like so:

"Vote _________ for Mayor!"

In this way, everyone who did not vote was supposed to have voted for ______!

And of course, most of us being frightened for our lives to leave our homes, perhaps to be picked up and used in a Mafia, stayed home. So by default, _______ Became Mayor!

This brings us beautifully and delightfully Full-Circle back to the point: Vote, everyone! Even if only to get a sticker, vote, vote, VOTE!

I must admit, his opposition had a hard time running a smear campaign. Gotta be difficult to dig up dirt on a nameless person, what are you going to google? "_______ sex scandal"?

Also, Cromwell could never have become president if Americans hadn't voted in 1923 to execute the king and turn the United States into a republic...with one vote! Vote, kids! Well, not actual kids, since you are underage and not legally allowed to vote unless you get a fake ID, in which case, why would you vote? Get drunk, kids!

I think I, Scott, even though I forgot my last name, would be a good "Town Council Chair", as they call it.

I mean, I live in the town, and I've got a chair, so that's 2/3 of the criteria filled already.

I'll be honest in that I'm not really 100% sure how this game works, but getting voted into office seems like a good first step for me.

Is this when the other side does their rebuttal?

  On 7/12/2016 at 9:36 PM, JackJonespaw said:

Is this when the other side does their rebuttal?

Yes it is :sweet: Honestly, I can't argue why I'd be more qualified as council chair than Scott, but I trust myself and nobody else right now. So I'd also like to throw my figurative hat in the ring and say I'd want to become town council chair.

  On 7/12/2016 at 8:53 PM, Actor Builder said:

Well! Edward Cook, our new mayor? A fascinating occurrence! What are the odds?

1 in 12, actually... what?

I think Edward just needs to name someone at random. Don't think too much about it... it's in the voting that we might learn something. Those asking to be it early on Day 1 are clearly suspect. But what do I know... I've just got the most bada@2 scorpion on my shirt.

I vote ________ for chair!

  On 7/12/2016 at 9:36 PM, JackJonespaw said:

I think I, Scott, even though I forgot my last name, would be a good "Town Council Chair", as they call it.

I mean, I live in the town, and I've got a chair, so that's 2/3 of the criteria filled already.

I'll be honest in that I'm not really 100% sure how this game works, but getting voted into office seems like a good first step for me.

Is this when the other side does their rebuttal?

Scott, you'd be a terrible TCC! You can't even take of your own lawn, and we're supposed to trust you with our beloved town?!

The game is a afoot!

I would throw my hat in the ring, if I had a hat. :cry_sad: It seems at the moment everyone is just as qualified as everyone else. Wait, isn't that communism? We're not playing Red Scare again are we? Oh dear! :oh2:

Drat! Foiled by manually inputted emoticons! It should be :oh3:

Ruins the effect of my brilliant communism punch line. :cry_sad:

Should I thank the random number generator gods or curse them?

In any case I nominate Lindsey Green as TCC, for no other reason than she's top of the list.

It goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway) I vote yes to this.

I expect that future council sessions will be much more deliberative about nominating a chancellor Town council Chair. But as we have nothing to go on yet, let's use this to get some information.

  On 7/13/2016 at 6:40 AM, Chromeknight said:

Should I thank the random number generator gods or curse them?

In any case I nominate Lindsey Green as TCC, for no other reason than she's top of the list.

It goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway) I vote yes to this.

I expect that future council sessions will be much more deliberative about nominating a chancellor Town council Chair. But as we have nothing to go on yet, let's use this to get some information.

Lindsey's as good as anyone else, and not agreeing would be bad for us. I also vote yes.

It was a bank robbery?

  On 7/12/2016 at 7:47 PM, Bob said:

This game is designed to be very accusatory. Trust no one. Good luck again!

Somehow I fail to see how it is designed to be very accusatory, as we can't lynch anyone and we don't have any voting patterns to analyse or night action results to rely upon. Could the host please elaborate on his statement?

  On 7/12/2016 at 9:36 PM, JackJonespaw said:

I think I, Scott, even though I forgot my last name, would be a good "Town Council Chair", as they call it.

Much as I can see how you're trying to infuse your post with humour, I do find this fairly suspicious - nomination of oneself so early on into the game rings alarm bells for me, and your eagerness to assume the post of "Town Council Chair" worries me. Not to say that Mr. Sutton is any less suspicious for his self-nomination either.

  On 7/13/2016 at 6:40 AM, Chromeknight said:

Should I thank the random number generator gods or curse them?

In any case I nominate Lindsey Green as TCC, for no other reason than she's top of the list.

It goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway) I vote yes to this.

I expect that future council sessions will be much more deliberative about nominating a chancellor Town council Chair. But as we have nothing to go on yet, let's use this to get some information.

Are you sure you want to nominate one of the least-experienced people in here to the position of Town Council Chair? I'm not sure exactly what the position entails, but seeing as it's the first day and none of us really knows what to do, wouldn't it be better to nominate someone more experienced (no offence meant, Miss Green) who might have a better idea what to do? Plus, Miss Green really wasn't paying much attention to the tragic death of our beloved Mayor - this lapse of attentiveness worries me.

I'm not going to vote Yes or No to this government until a few more of us have thrown our hats into the ring (not figuratively, Mr. Brooks) and more discussion has taken place - I believe in hearing everyone's viewpoints first.

I was going to vote yes no matter what today, we have no evidence of anything yet so voting no is just wasting time. Vote Yes.

I'll vote no. I think it would be better to have a more experienced player assume this important position, especially on Day 1.

  On 7/13/2016 at 10:33 AM, Dragonfire said:

Are you sure you want to nominate one of the least-experienced people in here to the position of Town Council Chair? I'm not sure exactly what the position entails, but seeing as it's the first day and none of us really knows what to do, wouldn't it be better to nominate someone more experienced (no offence meant, Miss Green) who might have a better idea what to do? Plus, Miss Green really wasn't paying much attention to the tragic death of our beloved Mayor - this lapse of attentiveness worries me.

I'm not going to vote Yes or No to this government until a few more of us have thrown our hats into the ring (not figuratively, Mr. Brooks) and more discussion has taken place - I believe in hearing everyone's viewpoints first.

Can you tell us how experience matters here? In my opinion, the town council chair should pass a town law if possible and a scum law if two scum laws are the only two options. Maybe there is more strategy to it later in the game, given that scum laws can give us actions, but at this point I don't think we should blow one of our few investigates on day one. And even if a scum law is passed, the mayor decides who is investigated, not the TCC. I think the TCC's choice should be simple. What matters is that the TCC is a townie, not how experienced they are. I can understand why you should not vote right now though, we have 24 hours, so no need to vote prematurely...

  On 7/13/2016 at 3:11 PM, mediumsnowman said:

I'll vote no. I think it would be better to have a more experienced player assume this important position, especially on Day 1.

Now this I find suspicious. Of course, voting "no" is the same as not voting from a technical point of view, but it's interesting to see that you are that opposed to a TCC who's not "experienced" enough. I wonder why? So, can you tell us how experience matters, "especially on Day 1"? Because I can see how scum would like to do that, one player points out that the designated TCC is inexperienced, and then scum tries to get a "no" bandwagon rolling with little added reason. How does voting "No" over not voting and expressing (and explaining) your concerns benefit the town?

Look, can any of us really be considered experienced at this game?

I'll vote Yes.

I'm not sure about Lindsay, from what are host as told us TCC is an important role and just pulling a name from mid air seems like a poor choice. But on the other hand, I don't want situations where the vote is divided and nothing is accomplished, so I'm saying yes.

I will vote No. I don't have any concerns about Lindsey, other than the fact that she's not me. I don't trust any of you who are eager to vote yes right away (except Lindsey, of course). Those like Robert questioning the value of nominating someone with little experience are off base, too. This isn't a Mafia game and the rules of engagement are different. There's no reason to think that Mafia experience translates here.

The real question is, do you trust Lindsey to be honest about what policies she was given to enact. Those of you voting yes... do you trust her?

  On 7/13/2016 at 5:15 PM, fhomess said:

I will vote No. I don't have any concerns about Lindsey, other than the fact that she's not me. I don't trust any of you who are eager to vote yes right away (except Lindsey, of course). Those like Robert questioning the value of nominating someone with little experience are off base, too. This isn't a Mafia game and the rules of engagement are different. There's no reason to think that Mafia experience translates here.

The real question is, do you trust Lindsey to be honest about what policies she was given to enact. Those of you voting yes... do you trust her?

As much as I trust anyone. So why should I trust you over her? I would rather see myself TCC than somebody else, but if everyone voted "No" on anyone other than themselves there would never be a TCC and the scum would beat us easily. Honestly, right now there are two people I would not like to be TCC, and those are the two of you who voted "No", and you had the worse argument for doing so. Seriously, give me just one argument why you are better qualified than Lindsey, especially since you already dismissed the experience argument that Anne used.

  On 7/13/2016 at 9:28 AM, DComics Shop said:

It was a bank robbery?

Forgive me, fellow citizens! I was attempting to respond to this intruder, but I said nothing in mistake!

What I had planned to say was as follows:

What ho! A strange voice! Where is this awful and noisy cacophonous sound coming from? This is not the voice of a citizen!

Aha! I have completed my crucial thought with no editing or alterations! This was a close call, fellows, but I made it!

My my! So much discussion! I shall contribute by contributing!

  On 7/12/2016 at 9:47 PM, Peanuts said:

So I'd also like to throw my figurative hat

A figurative hat?

  On 7/13/2016 at 4:31 AM, mediumsnowman said:

I would throw my hat in the ring, if I had a hat.

Of what persuasion? Figurative is the commonplace hat, I hear.

  On 7/13/2016 at 10:33 AM, Dragonfire said:

...until a few more of us have thrown our hats into the ring (not figuratively, Mr. Brooks)

Not figurative! Well! That is news! I agree with what you say! Or, I will once I fully read and comprehend what he said, but I think I'm with him!

And concerning the odds of our new Mayor...

  On 7/12/2016 at 10:50 PM, fhomess said:

1 in 12, actually... what?

I think he's very odd indeed! Although he does know about non-figurative hats...

Much hat discussion! I had no idea I was so fashionable! I am, I know, but I'm certain now!

Vote: Yes for Hats!

But Wait! I see I mixed up our new Mayor, ChromeKnight with DragonFire!

Sigh, what hard times are these where an intelligible man like myself is confused by the simplicity of names and complacency of emotions...

Well, it must be done. I shall make my post even longer!

I agree with DragonFire because of his hat speech, and I still think our mayor is odd. But they are very different people.

I know that now.

  On 7/13/2016 at 5:29 PM, Peanuts said:

As much as I trust anyone. So why should I trust you over her? I would rather see myself TCC than somebody else, but if everyone voted "No" on anyone other than themselves there would never be a TCC and the scum would beat us easily. Honestly, right now there are two people I would not like to be TCC, and those are the two of you who voted "No", and you had the worse argument for doing so. Seriously, give me just one argument why you are better qualified than Lindsey, especially since you already dismissed the experience argument that Anne used.

Exactly this. Right now I just want to test the waters, see how this whole game exactly plays, and although I'd like for the TCC to be myself, that's not who was nominated. Better to mess up once than to continually mess up over and over due to some insane paranoia. This isn't Mafia, people. We have a lot more room for error here.

  On 7/13/2016 at 6:17 PM, Actor Builder said:

I agree with DragonFire because of his hat speech, and I still think our mayor is odd. But they are very different people.

So, you agree with Robert that the TCC should be more experienced, that early self-nominations are suspicious or that it's best to abstain from voting for now? Either way, can you tell us what makes you think so? Contribute!

Though I have to admit, your hat is fashionable... :look:

  On 7/13/2016 at 6:27 PM, Peanuts said:

So, you agree with Robert that the TCC should be more experienced, that early self-nominations are suspicious or that it's best to abstain from voting for now? Either way, can you tell us what makes you think so? Contribute!

Though I have to admit, your hat is fashionable... :look:

I say that experiences define us! So, let the one who is least experienced, and therefor least defined, become The Chair!

In that way, we can define our Chair as she experiences the challenge of being a Chair!

An inexperienced chair is undefined and more open to new ideas, gaining experience and becoming defined as we the people want her to be defined!

An undefined Chair is a Chair for the people!

My vote is YES!

And thank you, it was my grandfather's.

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