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After almost two whole years of story we've had some theories and discussions, but I haven't seen much talk about the headcanons each one of us created around Okoto and its characters. This topic is the right place to share this beloved and yet controversial aspect of any thriving fandom.

I'll start with mine:

-the toys are 100% accurate representations of the characters

JtO made an awesome job in giving life to the Uniters, Creatures and Umarak, but I still think it took too many liberties (an example: the legs on Ekimu's falcon). I know sets may be gappy and all, but I still think they're solid enough to be actual biomechanical beings fighiting, hunting and living their lifes. As a consequence of this first headcanon...

-the biological components of the characters are actually inside their bones

We don't have a percentage telling us how much biological the Okotoans are, unlike the 15% back in G1, but we could guess it's not much more than that. And, as delicate as they are, I think these components are well protected inside their bones and armors, far from the eyes.

-the side of the torso/limb left uncovered by armor is actually protected by a small magnetic field

The easiness with whom mechanical parts need to be replaced created a series of consequences, the most glaring one represented by the fact that the armor covers just one side of the torso/limb. To compensate, a small magnetic field generated by the armor itself protects the uncovered area. This applies as well for torso armor.

-the society of the Okotoans isn't patriarchal neither matriarchal, yet there are more males than females

Onua was surprised Korgot was female, even though the legend talked about "fathers and sons", but I think this happened just because he wasn't part of their society. For the Okotians male or female is not a big deal, and while in G2 most of the leading figures were males (beginning with Makuta and Ekimu), I think it's just because there are mole males than females. Nothing suggests us that males have more power than females, and I think that in this aspect G1 and G2 are the same: females exist, they don't face any problem because of that, but there are simply less of them. And speaking of females and males...

-the Okotoans don't reproduce as we do

I think it's more of an energy thing. They may fall in love and such, but when they decide to have babies some sort of meditation comes in play along with their limited amount of biological components. They don't get pregnant neither lay eggs, but after the "meditation" the newborn is just there. Not much different from how matorans were made in G1, except this time love plays a role.

I think those are the most relevant headcanons I have for G2. Please remember: they're just that, headcanons. :classic:

I'd love to hear yours, I hope this thread sparks an interesting discussion.

Edited by TwistLaw

Interesting thoughts! I've got a few of my own too:

  • Ekimu and Makuta are the last of a Mask Maker lineage

Although the two are treated with reverence by current Okotoans, they are clearly normal beings and not the near-mythical spirits Mata Nui was in G1. It's likely they come from a line of Mask Makers, but Makuta's betrayal occured before they found their own apprentices or heirs.
  • Runes are used in Okoto to create non-elemental Masks

This one's from analysing the sets: the only masks with runes are the ones with non-elemental powers (Creation, Control, Unity), so they're probably related to the process. Of course, the Skull Creatures' and Hunter Masks contradict this headcanon, unless...
  • There are other ways to create Masks of Power

The Skull Creatures/Raiders are pirates from another island, and Umarak is an ancient being of pure shadow, so it's likely their Masks of Power follow different rules from those made by the Mask Makers.
  • This universe and the G1 universe are in the same multiverse, but different clusters

I'm basically folowing the
classification system: in simple-ish terms, universes from the same multiverse share some underlying concepts and characters (masks of power, the Toa, six elements, biomechanical beings...); within a multiverse, universes from the same "cluster" are mostly variants of the same history and characters (G1 and its alternate realities), while universes from different "clusters" have massive changes in background - both history and characters - and universe mechanics (G1 and G2).

Here's mine;

  • The sets portray the canon appearances of the characters with 99% accuracy
    The discrepancies being emotive hands, mouths and brows, and the back of armour shells being closed off around the bone.

  • Transparent pieces on the sets represent glowing portions of the characters bodies
    Said glowing is produced by the elemental/magical energy of the character.

  • Silver, Gold and Gunmetal pieces on the sets represent plain metal
    Coloured pieces however represent areas which are coated in a natural colourant not too dissimilar aesthetically to paint used on car bodywork, which is also able to heal if damaged. This colourant reacts to the elemental/magical energy of its host, giving characters of different elemental/magical persuasions their recognisable colours. However, it can also be dyed into other colours if desired, and will heal back in the colour of the dye if damaged.

  • Gravity is weaker on Okoto than on Earth
    Hence why hulking metallic warriors can jump and skip about the place without causing the ground beneath them to shatter into pieces.

Edited by Logan McOwen

Runes are used in Okoto to create non-elemental Masks

This one's from analysing the sets: the only masks with runes are the ones with non-elemental powers (Creation, Control, Unity), so they're probably related to the process. Of course, the Skull Creatures' and Hunter Masks contradict this headcanon, unless...

I like the idea of linking runes to non-elemental powers. It fits with the beginning of Escape from the Underworld, where runes prevent Kulta from moving when he gets angry.

Here's what I imagined :

-The Masks of Creation and Control have been forged with crystals of each element.

The elemental crystals were initially hidden beneath the surface of Okoto. It's an explorer from the Jungle Region, Ohliko, who first discovered one, and he noticed the trees grew when he touched them with the crystal in his hand. He gave it to Khaeli, who was a blacksmith, and after experimenting with the crystal, she created the first Mask of Power. She also used the crystals to give elemental powers to pieces of armour and weapons, and not only masks. She was the first Mask Maker ever, and also the only one able to use more than one elemental power in a mask. She forged the Masks of Creation and Control, which were passed down through the generations until Ekimu and Makuta get them. She was the daughter of the best blacksmith of Okoto, who lived in the Region of Jungle, and it's their family's forge that eventually became the Temple of Creation. Most of her masks were in the Museum of the Capital of Okoto when Makuta and Ekimu fought, and most of them have been lost or destroyed by the explosion. However, some of them are said to be hidden below the Temple of Creation.

  • Author
  • Gravity is weaker on Okoto than on Earth
    Hence why hulking metallic warriors can jump and skip about the place without causing the ground beneath them to shatter into pieces.

My goodness, this is so obvious and yet I never thought of it. Makes plenty of sense.

I'm really liking what I'm reading in this thread. Makes me wish we still had those threads with the author of the story like we did in G1...

Ryder Windham did A LOT to make the G2 story richer and more sensible. I think he's the kind of guy that would be glad to take a couple of suggestions from the fans.

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