August 9, 20168 yr My take on the matter... Just like with the release of Holiday Train 10173 exactly 10 years ago people hated it! They didn't like the colour and it didn't go with anything at the time. It also sold really slowly after the x-mas season even at half the price. Now that the set sells for +$600 a lot of people wanted a new and affordable train. So this is the correct answer from TLG and I must say I kind of like it. I will purchase a couple to complete the series and hope a new set will be released next year! But all in all, I'm quit happy with the 10254 Winter Holiday Train...
August 9, 20168 yr On 8/9/2016 at 3:55 PM, (1)Stein said: Now that the set sells for +$600 a lot of people wanted a new and affordable train.So this is the correct answer from TLG If this set turns to be unpopular, TLG might see trains not important enough to release new sets. Bricklink price tags after retirement won't change that, because TLG doesn't earn on those sets anymore (they were already sold, possibly at a discount). Time will tell, I hope I'm wrong. Yes, people wanted a new train. I just doubt it was a christmas train they wanted. Just my €0,02
August 9, 20168 yr I know what I wanted was something steam based which is a little less disappointing than Emerald Night.... This is not that.
August 9, 20168 yr I. for one, like the train, and am eagerly awaiting purchasing it when released. I think with a little modifications, it could be even better than it is now. Example: I would use this brick for the number plate where the green panels currently are: With just a few mods, it could look really cool on a western layout or in a amusement park. The engine on which it looks like it is based is a model built by Chance Rides Inc. for use on 2 foot gauge railways all over the USA, such at least 10 of them at the Saint Louis Zoo and two at the Museum Of Transportation, among many others with 379 total engines built, according to Wikipedia. You could even make the Little Engine That Could from the famous children's book as it most frequently appears to be this type as well. (It's blue and not green but it's still possible to remake it!) The solutions to the "problems" are there, as after all it's Lego so build yourself a better engine if you don't like it.
August 9, 20168 yr On 8/9/2016 at 8:02 PM, Murdoch17 said: I. for one, like the train, and am eagerly awaiting purchasing it when released. I think with a little modifications, it could be even better than it is now. *snip* The solutions to the "problems" are there, as after all it's Lego so build yourself a better engine if you don't like it. Of course that's always an option, but you kinda missed the point... If the train sets being offered from TLG directly aren't attractive enough, how can they expect to sell more than a handful of copies except to the few "die-hard" fans like ourselves? It makes me think of the Fantastic Four movie franchise, where 20th Century Fox makes "something" every few years just to retain the rights to that franchise. Unfortunately for the fanbase, that "something" is more like a large waste of time and resources than an actually decent try at producing something that's worth their while. There are four main categories of people who purchase items under the 'trains' theme: new lego users (newbs), railfans (hobbyists), lego users (general admission), and lego trainheads (ppl on this forum). From a marketing standpoint, TLG should be making train sets that pander more to the 'newbs' and 'hobbyists' for the sake of increasing sales as well as the fanbase. If they would only take the time to make sets of a higher caliber than what's been released in the last two decades combined... Now would be the time to do so... But enough ranting fer now -- Did it occur to anyone else that we might be getting ripped of in terms of the Large train wheels? Think about it -- in the teaser image (which is still lingering out there on the internet) -- the locomotive is shown to be a 4-2-0, which means that there are only 2 large drivers... And if the part's mold consists of two flanged and two blind, we'd only be getting 3 large wheels... And that's another potential gripe to ad to the list, if I'm right...
August 10, 20168 yr On 8/9/2016 at 10:23 PM, M_slug357 said: If the train sets being offered from TLG directly aren't attractive enough, how can they expect to sell more than a handful of copies except to the few "die-hard" fans like ourselves? I suspect that it'll actually be the opposite way around, in that it's the real train enthusiasts who won't buy it, whereas the general public - who aren't as bothered about colours and accuracy - will buy it in droves. Lets face it, the general Lego-buying public far far outnumber us 'real train enthusiasts'. I also suspect that because of this, TLG knows what it's doing...
August 10, 20168 yr I think that the train cars are far too short and small to be of any real use, and I can't quite figure out how to modify them into anything particularly worthwhile. Overall, I'm disappointed in the whole concept and I was really hoping for something closer to Canadian Pacific's "Holiday Train." Maybe with a few modifications to the engine I can get there, but--again--the cars just look pathetic and relatively useless to me.
August 10, 20168 yr Any also ugly train would be welcome, when it comes with Emerald Night wheels... Hopefully... Max
August 10, 20168 yr On 8/9/2016 at 3:55 PM, (1)Stein said: My take on the matter... Just like with the release of Holiday Train 10173 exactly 10 years ago people hated it! They didn't like the colour and it didn't go with anything at the time. It also sold really slowly after the x-mas season even at half the price. Now that the set sells for +$600 a lot of people wanted a new and affordable train. So this is the correct answer from TLG and I must say I kind of like it. I will purchase a couple to complete the series and hope a new set will be released next year! But all in all, I'm quit happy with the 10254 Winter Holiday Train... I'd have been happy with an updated version of 10173 - unfortunately 10254 isn't it. It has about 25% less pieces and looks like a significantly smaller/less complex build (so they've probably also used a higher proportion of smaller bricks in that reduced piece count). To add insult to injury it costs more.
August 11, 20168 yr For wheels, I beleive we will gut just those from one mold: two flanged and one no-flanged, which will be left after the build. And I'm quite sure sure that such configuration of wheels is becuase of optional motorization and requirement that the train is not long (10173 on basic track circle is just ugly, because it's too long).
August 11, 20168 yr One of the best things about 10173 is that it was an awesome parts pack, the design of the train was nothing special as it was very much akin with the style of the My Own Trains of that era but it had a ton of essential train parts even when compared to the so called Hobby Train 10183. When both of them went on clearance many years ago on LEGO S@H I decided to buy another 10173 instead of a 10183, I had purchased a copy of each about a year before and found that the Holiday Train was far better value, 12 sets of buffers compared to 6, 18 sets of wheels compared to 12 not to mention the 6 x 28 Train Bases and various other bits and pieces, sadly 10254 does not offer the same sort of value.
August 11, 20168 yr People complaining about the price compared to 10173 clearly don't realise the impact that 10 years of inflation has on prices...
August 11, 20168 yr On 8/11/2016 at 11:18 AM, Paperballpark said: People complaining about the price compared to 10173 clearly don't realise the impact that 10 years of inflation has on prices... I don't care about the price that is not the issue, the undeniable fact is the set is a piece of crap and just because it has a LEGO symbol in the top left hand corner does not automatically make it great. Edited August 11, 20168 yr by Steinkopf
August 11, 20168 yr On 8/11/2016 at 12:15 PM, Steinkopf said: the undeniable fact My opinion is the set is a piece of crap FTFY.
August 11, 20168 yr On 8/11/2016 at 12:18 PM, Paperballpark said: FTFY. I'm not the first one to voice that opinion and I won't be the last, there was plenty of other people who aired a similar disdain for this set on the LEGO Trains Facebook page.
August 11, 20168 yr Don't try and dabble in semantics Jamie, the set truly sucks and to be quite frank my 10 year old daughter could do a better job designing a train set compared to this pile of ABS vomit.
August 11, 20168 yr On 8/11/2016 at 12:42 PM, Steinkopf said: Don't try and dabble in semantics Jamie, the set truly sucks and to be quite frank my 10 year old daughter could do a better job designing a train set compared to this pile of ABS vomit. Really? I'd like to see that. I think the train's fine. I don't think it's awful. At least it isn't a giant bulky $300 train with Power Functions nobody could afford. This is a nice compromise. I'm sure the official photos coming today will change some opinions, hopefully.
August 11, 20168 yr At least wait fir official pictures (16CET today). I did not like it at first too, but now I think its perfect for what it is and the price is ok too. There are many nice little details and, at least for me, it catches christmas feeling nicely. It's no emerald night of course, but it should at least drive properly. I gathered about 80% of 10173 and I planned to complete it this year, but I doubt I will bother with it now (those missing parts are quite expensive).
August 11, 20168 yr On 8/11/2016 at 12:48 PM, CM4Sci said: I think the train's fine. I don't think it's awful. Thank you. My thoughts pretty much exactly.
August 11, 20168 yr On 8/11/2016 at 2:16 PM, Cwetqo said: Here it is: Yep it's still the same ungodly hideous jumble of bricks that is trying to be passed off as a train, I certainly won't be wasting any money on it, my advice to LEGO Train fans is to go onto Bricklink and order parts to build your own trains as it's blatantly obvious that TLG is not going to bring out anything remotely decent.
August 11, 20168 yr I actually like it even more now. I think it looks like a really nice Christmasy train. Plus, I'm pretty certain that's a Red 4x6 Bogie plate on the engine, rather than the yellow we normally get. Nice! Edited August 11, 20168 yr by Paperballpark
August 11, 20168 yr I feel like jumping on the hate train, because it's better built. I understand that this isn't an exclusive train set as such, but rather a winter village set, but considering we haven't had an exclusive train for too long this set is a real disappointment. The train is downright ugly (4-2-0? What were they thinking?) and doesn't make for a very useful parts pack. The track is a useless addition too, especially without any straight track - the train may as well be bolted together if the joints never get to rotate. I know us train builders aren't the target audience for this set, but it doesn't mean they couldn't attempt to please us as well.
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