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I feel my model is almost finish, I redesigned about 40% of it from my original idea. While it won't win, I like for what it is. Still trying to find a way for it to hold a weapon without changing the hands.

I'm going for black and tr. purple accents. And a high-collared cape for maximum classic villainyness :tongue:. Also, who needs eyes if you're planning to cover the world in darkness?

Nice. Very compact and well-armored. A little too much gold, though, and those weapons are kind of underwhelming. Personally, I'd either give him a single, huge, dramatic-looking weapon or no weapons at all.

Thanks I'm going to be adding more trans purple in the final model. And as for the weapons. I was inspired by something recent to make them that way. I won't say what but it will be clearer on the final version.

I've started building. I had a plan set, but things started to turn into what can only be called G2 Shadow Titan.

Not that that's a bad thing. Just not as creative as I was planning. I'll skew some proportions and maybe add some stuff on him to mix things up. Right now all I have are legs, so there's room to make changes.

The thing that's hanging me up, though is the mask. I was thinking on using the Umarak mask that came with Ekimu, but I don't have much trans orange on him... I guess I could throw on some gold and give him the Mask of Control...?

EDIT: Wrong Topic.

On topic: Good luck to those participating and I can't wait to see the entries. I may even join, too! Maybe a combiner like the regular set.

Edited by Zorglorfian

So far, my entry is coming along nicely. The high collar is looking pretty great already, even without a head on the MOC. And I think this is probably the tallest bipedal constraction creation I've made since the Quatros Forest Titan. And this one's got a coherent color scheme. A lot has changed in the four years since I made that. Hero Factory ending, Bionicle G2 starting and ending... Anyway, I look forward to seeing other people's presumably much more interesting entries to this contest.

EDIT: So far, his torso is mostly done. Here's hoping Breann doesn't enter again, but if she does, my entry is already taller than her winning entry in the 2015 contest, and that's without the insectile foot design I'm testing in LDD. So I figure I've got the tall and imposing angle pretty well covered.

Edited by DraikNova

The contest is now up!

Thank god... Multiple entries per person. I have one (maybe two already thanks to an older MoC), but I'll definitely be building more!

Oh good, my model follows the rules, so I don't have to rebuild anything.

Edited by DOTM Shockwave

I'm a little confused as to why they decided not to include an optional video. You would think that they would have expected action features that require a video for demonstration (for example, my model has three different action features in just the torso construction).

Edited by FordianL

The contest is now up!

Thank god... Multiple entries per person. I have one (maybe two already thanks to an older MoC), but I'll definitely be building more!

Yes, but they apparently will only be judging one of them, so you'll have to choose which one you think they'll like more.

Just a question about copies of a third party....does that mean we cannot use techniques from other mocers? OR does that also include being not allowed to use techniques used by LEGO themselves?

I've never constructed a MOC for Bionicle, this is literally my first time trying....but I really just want to participate in the contest.

Edited by lambda_cla3391

Do they accept LDD extended submissions for this contest? I have neither the pieces nor the time to work on an actual physical MOC that stands a chance in the contest, but I made two LDD models for fun, and I'm rather pleased with how they turned out, especially the larger of the two. If they don't allow LDD builds, I'll probably just share them on the forum.

So about those pics Dorek?

Yes, but they apparently will only be judging one of them, so you'll have to choose which one you think they'll like more.

From what it sounds, you can enter multiple times, but you can only win once. So it's not like you could win first place with one entry and second place with a different one. They'll choose which of your models is best and use that to compete with the others.

Just a question about copies of a third party....does that mean we cannot use techniques from other mocers? OR does that also include being not allowed to use techniques used by LEGO themselves?

I've never constructed a MOC for Bionicle, this is literally my first time trying....but I really just want to participate in the contest.

By third parties, I can only assume it's like... Don't build Megatron. Or something that's clearly based/inspired on something other than something made by Lego. Building techniques, I'm positive would be fine.

EDIT: Oh... Third Parties probably means custom parts or clone brands. Don't use those.

Edited by Kalhiki

Alright, the rules. I think it's amusing that we have to build the baddest bad guy of all time, slaughterer of millions, bringer of war and plague and starvation and wossname without defarmatory or degrading elements or violent military themes. Actually they even forbade military themes twice. It seems that even evil had its standards. Or probably we should build Friendly Neighborhood Makuta.

I'm a bit upset that only 10% of build may be SYSTEM bricks. I don't remember when I've been using that few SYSTEM pieces in a MOC. Well, challenges are never a bad thing, and at least I haven't even began building yet. Or have any concepts. We'll see.

Also interesting that builders must be at least 13 years old. I wonder why that is.

Alright, the rules. I think it's amusing that we have to build the baddest bad guy of all time, slaughterer of millions, bringer of war and plague and starvation and wossname without defarmatory or degrading elements or violent military themes. Actually they even forbade military themes twice. It seems that even evil had its standards. Or probably we should build Friendly Neighborhood Makuta.

I'm a bit upset that only 10% of build may be SYSTEM bricks. I don't remember when I've been using that few SYSTEM pieces in a MOC. Well, challenges are never a bad thing, and at least I haven't even began building yet. Or have any concepts. We'll see.

Also interesting that builders must be at least 13 years old. I wonder why that is.

13+ years old is generally a legal requirement. Basically, many countries don't consider someone to have full creative rights or something like that until you're over 13 years of age.

Well, guess what. The Makuta model that the Intern made has GOLDEN Vorox/Skrall Armor. Why couldn't they use that on Ekimu? I really want those...

Just got a reply from LEGO, they won't be doing any actual building instructions, but they will be providing some pictures of the JTO model for us to try and reverse-engineer. Will let everybody know when I have them =)

Edit: Looks like DeeVee will have already taken some pictures, so between us all, I think the community is going to be able to figure it out. I can't wait to build him, myself.

Edited by Dorek

Workin on my own entry, going okay so far, really proud of the chest, still workin on the legs. Looks a bit incomplete without that Mask of Ultimate Obscurity though.

Oh and though it's slightly off topic really grateful for whoever's workin on that Shapeways MoUP, looks good so far, definitely pickin up a V2, only issue is shipping. That's gonna be hella expensive here in the land of cuppas and stereotypes.

Edited by MakutaDreadscythe

Workin on my own entry, going okay so far, really proud of the chest, still workin on the legs. Looks a bit incomplete without that Mask of Ultimate Obscurity though.

Oh and though it's slightly off topic really grateful for whoever's workin on that Shapeways MoUP, looks good so far, definitely pickin up a V2, only issue is shipping. That's gonna be hella expensive here in the land of cuppas and stereotypes.

How large is your entry? Because, if your version of Makuta is large enough, it might be worth it to just build a MoUP. That's what I'm doing, and I found the perfect piece for that weird circular emblem/rune/zit/sapient tumor thing too.

How large is your entry? Because, if your version of Makuta is large enough, it might be worth it to just build a MoUP. That's what I'm doing, and I found the perfect piece for that weird circular emblem/rune/zit/sapient tumor thing too.


Anyways, here is my entry, I don't have that much experience with CCBS but I think I did ok.http://www.lego.com/en-us/rebrick/view-entry?c_id={00A66255-0F67-490B-97E3-3FCD9CF12314}&a_id=fe07937e-53fa-4b3d-b151-72230adf4a92&sortEntry=false

Edited by avatarbrickman

How large is your entry? Because, if your version of Makuta is large enough, it might be worth it to just build a MoUP. That's what I'm doing, and I found the perfect piece for that weird circular emblem/rune/zit/sapient tumor thing too.

It's an option. I'm currently using a MoC with some black bohrok teeth for horns, I was more referring to after the contest to give it the mask it deserves!

I'm definitely tempted to brick-build a mask though, 80% of the entries use a MoC so I'd imagine points off for that. Not that it looks bad mind, I'm not bashing anyone's entries but I admit it'd be tricky to stand out among the crowd.

Got my parts from lego today. So I can now finish my Makuta moc. Expect pictures sometime next week.

Edit: Ended up scrapping the design. I'm going to go with a combiner idea using all the purple sets from 2015 and 2016.

Onua Master of Earth

Protector of Earth

Skull Basher

Onua Uniter of Earth

Terak Creature of Earth

Quake Beast

Edited by Takanuinuva

Well I didn't think I'd ever see this day (due to the sheer complexity of the project) but over TTV they're trying to rebuild Overlord Makuta! The progress is pretty good so far, turns out the model is not that crazy-complicated-never-gonna-rebuild-it-ever, after all.

John Ho, who built him, shared some new angles too.


And turns out the black stickered panels on his limbs do exist, they're from a Marvel Civil War set. So unless I'm missing something, taking those panels and the Shapeways MoUPs into account, the purple cloth parts and the MoUP sigil shield (and the printed chest if you really want to count that one) are the only parts missing. EDIT: forgot the trans orange skull. *sigh*

I really, really like want to build this guy some day. He's like the definitive Bionicle villain to me, in terms of design, though he's not 100% perfect.

Even if we aren't getting more Bionicle sets anytime soon, I find the fact we're managing to get all this stuff thanks to fans' enthusiasm inspiring, to say the very least.

Edited by Shakar

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