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Anyone rememberes LEGO universe? ninjago, the quests, the races, nimbus plaza, the nexus force, paradox?

it was such a complete and fun game to play, cheap per month (cheaper than many other games), was not pay to win, challenging, thrilling story, cool character creation, PvE survival, building in plots, the music concert in nimbus plaza, the weapons, the consumables and lots of cosmetics that did nothing but where fun, such as radios, guitars and more!!!!! and it was more fun and addictive than other RPG out there, then and now. it still is the most difficult and insane RPG i ever played, there was no grinding, and there was always something new to do!!!!

anyways, hope someone feels the same about LU.

Thanks, and lets bring LEGO Universe back!


You're far from the first person to want Lego Universe back, but it's not really that simple.

MMOs are an expensive business model. Unlike traditional video games, they require constant investment in servers and moderation, and they have to be able to make that money back somehow. During its lifespan Lego and NetDevil experimented with multiple revenue models (starting with paid software and transitioning to a "free-to-play" model with paid subscription for most content), and nonetheless they could not keep the game profitable. That's why it ended up getting axed. Even its successor, the much less impressive Lego Minifigures Online, could not remain profitable with a character-based revenue model. Generally, Lego has a bad track record with MMOs and even if they do give the genre another go in the future, I doubt it will be with an older game that never had much success making a profit.

I loved what little I got to play of LEGO Universe, and I'd dearly love to have another crack at it myself, but unfortunately there's, well... everything Lyichir said. Moreover, I doubt they even could easily bring it back at this point even if they wanted to. The team behind it was disbanded and they've all moved on to other things.

Lyichir, mind if I put your post over on the LEGO Message Boards? There's a ton of whining about this over there. I basically quit because the cancellation of the other two games dialed it to 11.

  • Author

You're far from the first person to want Lego Universe back, but it's not really that simple.

MMOs are an expensive business model. Unlike traditional video games, they require constant investment in servers and moderation, and they have to be able to make that money back somehow. During its lifespan Lego and NetDevil experimented with multiple revenue models (starting with paid software and transitioning to a "free-to-play" model with paid subscription for most content), and nonetheless they could not keep the game profitable. That's why it ended up getting axed. Even its successor, the much less impressive Lego Minifigures Online, could not remain profitable with a character-based revenue model. Generally, Lego has a bad track record with MMOs and even if they do give the genre another go in the future, I doubt it will be with an older game that never had much success making a profit.

but is it that expensive? that a company as big as lego cant maintain?

but is it that expensive? that a company as big as lego cant maintain?

Simply put, yes.

Lego wants to make a profit, they aren't running a charity. Lego has axed games, products, and themes before despite having a large fan following if they can't sell enough product. Just look at what happened to Bionicle the other day, Lego knows there are lots of fans of that theme, but it wasn't making the money they wanted. They didn't wait to see if somehow the fans could magically save it, instead they cut their losses and dropped the theme. A lot of fans are angry still, but Lego needs to focus on what makes them money if they want to survive as a business. In the early 2000's Lego went nearly bankrupt because they weren't cutting their losses and being wise in business. I don't want them to sink their business, just to serve a few fans.

Lego won't bring back a money-losing game such as Lego Universe, unless they have a new idea to make it profitable.

Being a person who played LEGO Universe i can't say anything that wasn't already said on this thread, it is never coming back and if it did in some shape or form i doubt it would be a sequel to LEGO Universe maybe a spin off game like LEGO Minifigures Online or LEGO Legends of Chima but not a game like LEGO Universe was. But seeing as LEGO Minifigures Online and LEGO Chima have shut down i doubt LEGO Will try to return to the MMO market.

Edited by Ordinareo

still remembering it... and i remember that i got a full dump of the beta msg boards floating around on my harddisk (knowing the game since it was mentioned in a note in a article about the 2008 anniversary of lego in a german newspaper)

How is Minifigures Online a successor to Universe? The only thing they have in common is that they're MMOs... Other than that, there's a noticeable difference in gameplay.

But yeah. No matter what LEGO tries, I doubt they will ever make money off large multiplayer games, unless they're actually super fun, like REALLY fun... Like world record fun.

Selling sets would only delay it's cancellation, not prevent it, and that's really the only other thing they could have done to help it.

Now for the solutions. In another topic talking about Lego Universe (which is fairly recent), I learned of a server to play the old, free Lego Universe, I think you still can, but try to ask them for specifics. So if you crave the game or something you can try that.

Now for what LEGO themselves can do, they can actually make and release a full game called Lego Universe. This game will not be real-time multiplayer, but instead an RPG, where you create your character with a wide array of customizations, then you go through a story involving maelstroms and stuff like that. I never played the game, but if you chose an allegiance or specialty you'll do that here. I don't think there was a main villain in the original, so I guess they can make an original villain, or use Vortech, since he fits well. In the story you will interact with older characters like the original System Ninja and Castle characters, as well as the original troop designs. But in the end you will get everyone together anyway. The story will not consist of you going through set levels, rather to locations or worlds and being able to travel back to those areas if you wanted to (unless in the story the entrance explodes and is buried by rubble or something).

As for gameplay, I guess it's the original gameplay, but expanded upon due to the graphical capabilities of the new consoles and PC. I believe you could freely walk around and attack whenever you want, so I guess do that. You'll explore the main world as the hub, which would be fairly sizable and be more than just the base building. There would be dynamic environments, like purple darkness and dragons filling the sky. A friend can play with you in these levels, but they won't appear in cutscenes. Then you'd have those other worlds (excluding original franchises or including them as DLC) and maybe some original ones as well. As a new mechanic you'd either join up with the ninja, the knight, the engineer, or the pirate and get abilities, weapons, vehicles, etc. accordingly. You of course have a say in what weapons you want to have. Not to mention that after the story is over you can go Online and participate in events like Capture The Flag and other stuff that was in the Original and what would have been in the Original.

And I guess they could actually make sets of it this time, since the minifigure designs would be in good quality and many would like to see it at that point.

Edited by gamejutzu

  • Author

How is Minifigures Online a successor to Universe? The only thing they have in common is that they're MMOs... Other than that, there's a noticeable difference in gameplay.

But yeah. No matter what LEGO tries, I doubt they will ever make money off large multiplayer games, unless they're actually super fun, like REALLY fun... Like world record fun.

Selling sets would only delay it's cancellation, not prevent it, and that's really the only other thing they could have done to help it.

Now for the solutions. In another topic talking about Lego Universe (which is fairly recent), I learned of a server to play the old, free Lego Universe, I think you still can, but try to ask them for specifics. So if you crave the game or something you can try that.

Now for what LEGO themselves can do, they can actually make and release a full game called Lego Universe. This game will not be real-time multiplayer, but instead an RPG, where you create your character with a wide array of customizations, then you go through a story involving maelstroms and stuff like that. I never played the game, but if you chose an allegiance or specialty you'll do that here. I don't think there was a main villain in the original, so I guess they can make an original villain, or use Vortech, since he fits well. In the story you will interact with older characters like the original System Ninja and Castle characters, as well as the original troop designs. But in the end you will get everyone together anyway. The story will not consist of you going through set levels, rather to locations or worlds and being able to travel back to those areas if you wanted to (unless in the story the entrance explodes and is buried by rubble or something).

As for gameplay, I guess it's the original gameplay, but expanded upon due to the graphical capabilities of the new consoles and PC. I believe you could freely walk around and attack whenever you want, so I guess do that. You'll explore the main world as the hub, which would be fairly sizable and be more than just the base building. There would be dynamic environments, like purple darkness and dragons filling the sky. A friend can play with you in these levels, but they won't appear in cutscenes. Then you'd have those other worlds (excluding original franchises or including them as DLC) and maybe some original ones as well. As a new mechanic you'd either join up with the ninja, the knight, the engineer, or the pirate and get abilities, weapons, vehicles, etc. accordingly. You of course have a say in what weapons you want to have. Not to mention that after the story is over you can go Online and participate in events like Capture The Flag and other stuff that was in the Original and what would have been in the Original.

And I guess they could actually make sets of it this time, since the minifigure designs would be in good quality and many would like to see it at that point.

really cool idea!!

Now for what LEGO themselves can do, they can actually make and release a full game called Lego Universe. This game will not be real-time multiplayer, but instead an RPG, where you create your character with a wide array of customizations, then you go through a story involving maelstroms and stuff like that. I never played the game, but if you chose an allegiance or specialty you'll do that here. I don't think there was a main villain in the original, so I guess they can make an original villain, or use Vortech, since he fits well. In the story you will interact with older characters like the original System Ninja and Castle characters, as well as the original troop designs. But in the end you will get everyone together anyway. The story will not consist of you going through set levels, rather to locations or worlds and being able to travel back to those areas if you wanted to (unless in the story the entrance explodes and is buried by rubble or something).

That won't happen. What you just described is basically LEGO Dimensions, just with few changes in gameplay. What's the point of making that? They won't make a big game based on literally the same concept as Dimensions, just to please players who want a 'RPG' version of it. With Dimensions still going strong and being updated with new content constantly, the game you just described would be a huge fail.

  • Author

That won't happen. What you just described is basically LEGO Dimensions, just with few changes in gameplay. What's the point of making that? They won't make a big game based on literally the same concept as Dimensions, just to please players who want a 'RPG' version of it. With Dimensions still going strong and being updated with new content constantly, the game you just described would be a huge fail.

Ur right, but lego dimensions is way more expensieve

Edited by Obiwantai

That won't happen. What you just described is basically LEGO Dimensions, just with few changes in gameplay. What's the point of making that? They won't make a big game based on literally the same concept as Dimensions, just to please players who want a 'RPG' version of it. With Dimensions still going strong and being updated with new content constantly, the game you just described would be a huge fail.

Lego Dimensions is just any other Lego game, but with several franchises. It's like LEGO's version of Mario Party.

I do believe, that Lego Universe was quite different. Just watching the gameplay it felt different. And this is coming from someone who is getting sick of the Lego formula, and I feel like gameplay like Lego Universe is what we need.

Just have the original Lego Universe game, just a bit reimagined to make it more easier and interesting to play for the 4-5 hour story (or 3-4), as well as removing the real-time multiplayer.

And besides, in your case, Lego Dimensions is also just Lego Universe with (major) gameplay differences. But no one calls it a rip-off.

Edited by gamejutzu

Lego Dimensions is just any other Lego game, but with several franchises.

And your game would be just another Lego game but with several franchises as well. So we would have two of them.

And besides, in your case, Lego Dimensions is also just Lego Universe with (major) gameplay differences. But no one calls it a rip-off.

Maybe you didn't exactly understand my point. Dimensions came five years after Universe. You seemed like you were talking about what Lego should do now. Dimensions is currently a huge game and Lego doesn't plan to stop supporting it in next few years. New content is being added and new toys are being produced to support Dimensions and it won't stop any time soon. And then even after it stops being supported, which is surely not any time soon, we will need to wait for at least 3-4 years for Lego to make another game based on the same concept (if that ever happeens).

My point is that we shouldn't expect that sort of game in near future, so all these 'bring back Lego Universe' petitions and posts don't make any effect.

This thread looks like the type of thread you would see over on the Lego Message Boards. Oh wait...... :tongue:

Lego Universe is never coming back. It simply cannot happen. If it was that much of a bust that it couldn't even last two years on its own then I don't see a reason for its return.

Bionicle was brought back because, although it started to taper off it later years, the original run was very successful, so successful that it was a large factor in saving the company from bankruptcy.

Ninjago was brought back not only because of massive amounts of fans petitioning, but also because the original run was far more profitable then Lego had expected.

Petitioning itself only has a slight chance of being effecting in any way, and that's only when the actual petitions start long before the line actually leaves the shelves. LU has been gone for 4 1/2 years now, so it's too late, sorry.

And your game would be just another Lego game but with several franchises as well. So we would have two of them.

Maybe you didn't exactly understand my point. Dimensions came five years after Universe. You seemed like you were talking about what Lego should do now. Dimensions is currently a huge game and Lego doesn't plan to stop supporting it in next few years. New content is being added and new toys are being produced to support Dimensions and it won't stop any time soon. And then even after it stops being supported, which is surely not any time soon, we will need to wait for at least 3-4 years for Lego to make another game based on the same concept (if that ever happens).

My point is that we shouldn't expect that sort of game in near future, so all these 'bring back Lego Universe' petitions and posts don't make any effect.

But what I guess i'm trying to say is that Lego Universe and Lego Dimensions feel completely different, I feel like people (including me) couldn't tell the difference between the two if it were to release.

As for gameplay, The Universe formula was original enough compared to other Lego games. And what I mean to say is make the gameplay even more original by giving the player camera and traversal freedom. And other elements you see in adventure games, like inventories and basic stats. This would set Universe apart from the others like it did back then.

And I don't believe Lego Universe really had a bunch of franchises like Lego Dimensions does. It's mostly all original characters, made specifically for this game. They just happen to be Pirates and preliminary Nexo Knights.

All Lego games are basically the same. The only thing that sets apart Lego Dimensions is that multiple franchises are in the game. You seem to be saying that a huge link between Lego Universe and Lego Dimensions are it's franchises. However besides Ninjago, I don't even know if it had other franchises.

Edited by gamejutzu

  • 4 months later...

Bruh, you guys know that people are pretty much remaking a new public server for LU right? Like it's currently in development.

  • 5 years later...

This was my first mmorpg, and I was overjoyed when I received a year subscription for my birthday. I don't remember much since I was only 8 or 10 years old, but I recall the colours and incredibly fascinating spots, such as pirate coves or mystical regions. It was extremely fantastic, and it's what got me fascinated with finding another mmorpg that could bring back that childlike wonderment. I just found out about it as it was going to close down, so I didn't get to play it.

Welcome to Eurobricks, please don't use of necromancy on the forum. This thread passes out 5 years ago.

Please have a look here.



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