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7 hours ago, dhc6twinotter said:

Personally, I think having to manually select functions on an RC set defies the whole purpose of having RC.  


6 hours ago, Saberwing40k said:

I know, right? Either make it full RC, or full manual. I think the truck would have been much better as a fully manual push along model, and have the RC flagship be 42069. Then, the truck could have actual suspension.

I am on the opposite side, I find it cool, and it is kind of realistic. Working with real tow trucks requires both manual and remote controlled operations - actually mostly all functions have both.

Using this feature for making the truck RC driveable "Trial Truck" is a great package by LEGO. :thumbup:

(BTW: pendular suspension is actual suspension. :wink:)


Edited by agrof

48 minutes ago, agrof said:


I am on the opposite side, I find it cool, and it is kind of realistic. Working with real tow trucks requires both manual and remote controlled operations - actually mostly all functions have both.

Using this feature for making the truck RC driveable "Trial Truck" is a great package by LEGO.


I always wondered why LEGO hasn't used the implemented motor(s) for the working functions to also make the models drive. But with the crawler crane and the bucket-wheel excavator this mindset changed. And 42070 is the logical next step.

14 hours ago, Saberwing40k said:

U wot m8?

Driving Ring Extension. by Saberwing007, on Flickr

It totally does.

OK, now try to build a frame around it.

It doesn't fit. It's fractionally wider than a whole stud. It's not "in system". If you build in real bricks what you designed, you will find this too.

This is, IMO, a stupid design flaw in the new driving ring system. 

5 minutes ago, Erik Leppen said:

OK, now try to build a frame around it.

It doesn't fit. It's fractionally wider than a whole stud. It's not "in system". If you build in real bricks what you designed, you will find this too.

This is, IMO, a stupid design flaw in the new driving ring system. 

Yep, just checked and it indeed doesn't fit. But using the old DBG gears iso of the new red ones does solve the issue. So it is really the gears that are not in system... I wonder how LEGO will solve this:

1) Use the 'old' DBG gears --> sort of defies the point of introducing the red ones
2) Modify the red gears to make them 'in system' --> but how to tell them apart in your collection?
3) Modify & recolour the red gears --> I'm not sure which colour would make sense. LBG, DBG and red are already taken, black & tan are used for the neighbouring 12T and 20T gears, so that leaves white?
4) Add some play to the mounting so that it stays out of system
5) Design without the extender
6) Redesign (and recolour) the extender piece to make a right with two wrongs --> I would put my money on this one if they really need an extender.

Well this time of year is now kind of sad, few years before there were plenty of videos or photos that well presented upcoming models.I literally was in Nuremberg.This year its like some sneak peek, maybe next year banned permanently.

I know time is harsh but really, this seems to me pretty strict...

2 hours ago, Ondra said:

Well this time of year is now kind of sad, few years before there were plenty of videos or photos that well presented upcoming models.I literally was in Nuremberg.This year its like some sneak peek, maybe next year banned permanently.

I know time is harsh but really, this seems to me pretty strict...

I agree with you ... it's a shame!

20 hours ago, Saberwing40k said:

Well, I decided to do it, I have made a mockup of how I think the gearbox for 42070 could work.

31867205744_bc9b8d5e01.jpg42070 gearbox by Saberwing007, on Flickr

In this image, we have the basic gearbox, with control levers.The brown lever switches between drive and crane modes, and the purple levers switches between crane functions.

32330528890_3a71d7af1f.jpg42070 gearbox2 by Saberwing007, on Flickr

In this image, I have hidden the some structural parts, so you can better see what is going on. For each motor, there is a two position splitter, linked to a common shift lever. When the lever is in the down position, the motors are linked to the drive mechanism, and allow the model to drive. However, the two driving rings can also go the other way, which connects each motor to another splitter. Then, each of those splitters have two positions, and are slaved together so that they shift together. the parts are color coded, as follows:

  • The blue driving ring and red driving rings are run by each motor, and controlled by the brown lever.
  • The dark blue and dark red gears would connect to the drive and steering.
  • The orange and lime green gears take the power from the other output of the red and blue driving rings, and take that to two more driving rings.
  • The black and dark green gears are the two outputs of the XL motor in crane mode.
  • The white and tan gears are the two outputs for the M motor in crane mode.

WOW strill can't believe some of you people here can come up with this by looking at pictures and a movie.........I  couldn't if i wanted

19 hours ago, Erik Leppen said:

The driving ring extension doesn't work with the new driving rings.

Unless, of course, they designed a new mould for it.

Thanks for the heads-up on this - I never noticed it, since I'm in the habit of using the red gears as idlers and the old DBG ones with the driving rings. It's a rather disturbing design flaw, although it may be a trade-off for the red gear's smoother coupling.




Edited by suffocation

It seems to me that 42070's gearbox would be very similar to 42042. No problems there. I am more curious as to how it fits in there wth the battery box right there. 

So I know how we all hate unfounded speculation, and it's not the thread for speculation....... so sorry in advance for bringing this up.

I had a good long conversation with my local toy shop manager today, they went up to the London toy show the other day and had a meeting with Lego, because it was press day, she said they were taken into the staff room on the stand to view some of the upcoming licnenced sets which were not allowed to be displayed on the press day, but then the following day they would be on the stand for all to see.  We discussed the crazy Lego logic of this but my point is I'm 60%+ inclined to believe what she is telling me.  She went onto say how she was having to place her orders for sets coming in the 2nd half of the year, in some cases without even seeing even a picture of the set, this combined with Lego expecting her to push a 10% increase on prices this year, it's a hard time to be a toy retailer.

So the discussed moved onto Technic sets, and she told me apart from the three sets on display, there was to be another undisclosed set coming, on par with the BWE (unsure if she means scale, functions or what) but I'm not sure what to make of this, hence my concern of this being speculation, after all last year we did get to hear about the Porsche at the toy fair, so it is somewhat unlikely that a monster set is still coming this year, and then maybe she just meant the 6 wheeled monster truck, who knows.  But I still live in hope that the 40th year will bring us something amazing to finish the year off with other that a small car made up of 3 seperate sets and a pile of left over parts. 



31 minutes ago, paul_delahaye said:

So I know how we all hate unfounded speculation, and it's not the thread for speculation....... so sorry in advance for bringing this up.

I had a good long conversation with my local toy shop manager today, they went up to the London toy show the other day and had a meeting with Lego, because it was press day, she said they were taken into the staff room on the stand to view some of the upcoming licnenced sets which were not allowed to be displayed on the press day, but then the following day they would be on the stand for all to see.  We discussed the crazy Lego logic of this but my point is I'm 60%+ inclined to believe what she is telling me.  She went onto say how she was having to place her orders for sets coming in the 2nd half of the year, in some cases without even seeing even a picture of the set, this combined with Lego expecting her to push a 10% increase on prices this year, it's a hard time to be a toy retailer.

So the discussed moved onto Technic sets, and she told me apart from the three sets on display, there was to be another undisclosed set coming, on par with the BWE (unsure if she means scale, functions or what) but I'm not sure what to make of this, hence my concern of this being speculation, after all last year we did get to hear about the Porsche at the toy fair, so it is somewhat unlikely that a monster set is still coming this year, and then maybe she just meant the 6 wheeled monster truck, who knows.  But I still live in hope that the 40th year will bring us something amazing to finish the year off with other that a small car made up of 3 seperate sets and a pile of left over parts. 



That is a lot off speculation, but I can only hope you are right and TLG has a few good models up their sleeves, if not, this anniversary year will be a lame one.

1 hour ago, paul_delahaye said:

she told me apart from the three sets on display, there was to be another undisclosed set coming, on par with the BWE 

Oh man, don't do this to me. I was already through the 5 stages of grief and accepted 2017 for what it is... 

This, coupled with the 067 on the truck could mean that Lego will pull a switcheroo of sorts and release the truck as 42067 with 42070 being whatever the undisclosed set is. 

11 minutes ago, Huaojozu said:

Oh man, don't do this to me. I was already through the 5 stages of grief and accepted 2017 for what it is... 

This, coupled with the 067 on the truck could mean that Lego will pull a switcheroo of sorts and release the truck as 42067 with 42070 being whatever the undisclosed set is. 

Don't get your hopes up yet, to much anticipation can bring a lot of disappointment. I also hope TLG will come with something good this year, but my money is already in the fridge waiting on 2018.

Man, I forgot this place exsisted. It's been forever since I've posted here.

I honestly do like alot of the the set's this year, and think that most of the set's look neat, even the small one's. To go on a tangent for a bit, I honestly couldn't make a Technic M.O.C to save my life, and i'm pretty much a complete casual, which I think is why I always see these models as impressive and appreciate Technic sets, since they're something I could never do myself, so seeing others always be critical about these set's always confused me when I was younger and even now, since I don't really have the experience of building my own M.O.C's and knowing the complex intricacies of making a Technic model's like you guys do. I still however, feel as if sometime's people ask way too much of the Lego Technic team, and tend to write off certain set's they don't like as "a set you only buy for parts" before they come out way too often, despite the fact that although AFOL are definitely a majority of Technic's demographic, there are still a minority of younger fans like myself (By younger fan I usually mean around the 14-17 year old mark, with me becoming 18 in June) that may be interested in Technic set's as well, but don't want a set that is too challenging or is too expensive in the first place. I often feel that it's better to make my opinion on a set after it's release and after hearing people review the set and talk about what it's like, how well it's functions work, etc. For example, two things I really don't like in Lego set's are winches and stickers, for the reason mostly being that I am pretty poor at being precise, which makes it hard to place stickers and thread a string through the hook and winch and tying it afterwards. Despite that, I bought the 42052 after seeing it's reviews and I enjoyed building and playing with it. All that dumb ranting on my part aside, I'll probably get the 42070 since it looks cool in my opinion. The only thing I would probably want to add is LED's to the front headlights but that piece doesn't really have any way that you could attach the light's to it unless you placed some bricks behind it. Oh, and the teddy bear on the front is really cute. :wub:

Edited by theultimatetoa001

12 hours ago, paul_delahaye said:

She went onto say how she was having to place her orders for sets coming in the 2nd half of the year, in some cases without even seeing even a picture of the set, this combined with Lego expecting her to push a 10% increase on prices this year, it's a hard time to be a toy retailer.

That is a massively shady strategy.

To bring it back, I'm pleasantly surprised to see what appears to be solid axle suspension on 42069, that coupled with a modern rally car colour scheme this set will be a must buy.

42068 looks very interesting too, so it's a probable buy for me. I love the dark grey panels.

42070 is giving me grief. It's suffering from the same problem 42065 is, which is a lack of sprung suspension where it clearly should be present at both their price points.

TLG and its designers seems to be very scared of building vehicles with live axle suspension. With all the crawler MOCs we see on YouTube there should have definitely been an official set by now.

Additionally, I've noticed that many sets this year are immensely overpriced, at least on the Australian Lego site. The stunt truck and bike are ~$33 which at their piece count puts them at 23c/piece. 42061 is in the same position. A bit annoyed about that.

Edited by Bartybum

On 2017-02-05 at 2:27 AM, dhc6twinotter said:

Personally, I think having to manually select functions on an RC set defies the whole purpose of having RC.  

Aside from the adventure bike, nothing in this year's Technic lineup appeals to me.  I'm hoping for some new drivetrain parts in that tow truck though.

It looks like I'll be focusing more on the Creator line this year.

That makes us two, also i think it wont even be driven at all but only have remote controlled outriggers and crane/winch. Reason? no servo included

1 hour ago, GoldVillage said:

That makes us two, also i think it wont even be driven at all but only have remote controlled outriggers and crane/winch. Reason? no servo included

Eh, well.  That would make the remote a paperweight then.  A remote for controlling functions, but not driving, but with a manual gearbox to select between functions?  I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but you think it's likely?  :classic:  I'll have €10 against you if you like betting :wink:

(Reliable accurate steering with M motor is achievable in multiple ways). 

1 hour ago, andythenorth said:

Eh, well.  That would make the remote a paperweight then.  A remote for controlling functions, but not driving, but with a manual gearbox to select between functions?  I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but you think it's likely?  :classic:  I'll have €10 against you if you like betting :wink:

(Reliable accurate steering with M motor is achievable in multiple ways). 

Hehe considering how much im being wrong i wouldnt even bet 2 cent, :tongue: but having a gear switch in a rc model doesnt make sense either since you need to have the vehicle in front of you within an arm-length, so its a bit suspicious either way.

M-motor used both for steering and crane rotation could ofc work good as well.

1 minute ago, GoldVillage said:

having a gear switch in a rc model doesnt make sense either since you need to have the vehicle in front of you within an arm-length

I agree, but the 41999 does exactly that with its winch. ;)

1 hour ago, AVCampos said:

I agree, but the 41999 does exactly that with its winch. ;)

I disagree, since you need to hook the winch to someting manually, and it is not essential to the model operation. Also, I would not cite 41999 as precedent for anything, as its design process is far different from any other set. If it were designed to be RC from the get go, I'm sure it would have had a remote control winch. But, in this case, the winch is a bonus, and not an essential part of the model.



As for shady practices, I've been behind the scenes at retail, and let me put it this way, you do not want to know how your sausage is made. But, the above sounds like a friend of a friend said, so I'd take it with a grain of salt.

1 hour ago, aminnich said:

do we know anything about H2 sets yet?

Yes, but not a lot. You can see images arround page 70.

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