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There is already an animal costume (butterfly). The third costume should be something else. Like the plant guy in S14 or the Cute Little Devil in S16

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Posted (edited)
32 minutes ago, Robert8 said:

There is already an animal costume (butterfly). The third costume should be something else. Like the plant guy in S14 or the Cute Little Devil in S16

In that case, how about instead of frog or rhino costume, TiCdR is Tipo in Costume da Razzo (Rocket Suit Guy). It would fit in with Itara's 'Sky Rocket' comment and would be something nobody had thought of before.

This also frees up 'V' to be the animal-related Veterinario (Vet) - a shame as I was really hoping this would be Violinist!!!


So my guesses and reasoning would be as follows...

1) Circus Strongman
2) Butterfly Suit Girl

3) Hello, I am a town character that is present in at least 25 minifigures since the 80's and I am never been released as a collectible minifigure - C for Cuocere/Capocuco (Cook or Chef)
4) Hello, I am a guy and seeing me will make people think what you thought when it was series 4 and there was one character related to series 1 - S for Skateboarder (same in Italian)
5) Hello, I am a guy, I have been hinted before in the guessing game, I will make many army builders happy, I have a counterpart scattered somewhere in the first 10 waves - this is the Dwarf
6) Hello, I am a girl, I have been hinted before in the guessing game, I will make... blah blah blah. Read 5 - EF for Elfo Femmina (Female Elf)
7) Hello, I am a character and my presence here is related to a new minifigure accessory that has been released in 2016 - this is the Hot Dog vendor
8) Hello, I am a guy and my silhouette is visible in the leaftlet for batman series. I am not a pirate - H for Highwayman (although Google Translate disagrees)
9) Hello, I am your food costume guy - TiCdP for Tipo in Costume da Pannochia (Corn Cob Suit Guy)
10) Hello, I am a character from one nationality specifically - A (C) for Australiano (Canguro) - Australian with Kangaroo
11) Hello, I am a girl, and I am related to someone in series 5 and someone in series 15 at the very same time - IdD for Istruttore di Danza (Dance Instructor)
12) Hello, I am a character, and you don't want to mess with me. I sound like a re-hash from someone in the first 5 waves, if this is historically correct - GR for Gladiatore Romano (Roman Gladiator)
13) Hello, I am a guy and this is totally bizarre. Really, nobody would have thought that I would have ever been a minifigure. And my price will sky-rocket. At least this is what Shintaku thinks - TiCdR for Tipo in Costume da Razzo (Rocket Suit Guy)
14) Hello, I am a guy and I will make the 80's great again. No I am not Donald Trump. Y for Yo-yo (although I'm not convinced this is a valid answer as he wouldn't just be called 'Yo-yo' more like Yo-yo Boy..)
15) Hello, I am a character, and I am not always on planet Earth - AR for either Astronauta (Russo/Rosso) or Russian/Red Astronaut or for Alieno Rosso/Rosa - red/pink alien???
16) Hello, I am a charater and I am somewhat related to animals - V for Veterinario (Vet)

Edited by lifeinplastic
Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, lifeinplastic said:

In that case, how about instead of frog or rhino costume, TiCdR is Tipo in Costume da Razzo (Rocket Suit Guy). It would fit in with Itara's 'Sky Rocket' comment and would be something nobody had thought of before.

This also frees up 'V' to be the animal-related Veterinario (Vet) - a shame as I was really hoping this would be Violinist!!!

Just to clear something up real quick, "tipo" means "type" in Italian according to google translate.  "Tizio" seems more of a reasonable translation (Google Translate says it means "someone")

So that doesn't say it it is male or female.  I'd think there would be a mix

Edited by JGuy
Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, JGuy said:

Just to clear something up real quick, "tipo" means "type" in Italian according to google translate.  "Tizio" seems more of a reasonable translation (Google Translate says it means "someone")

So that doesn't say it it is male or female.  I'd think there would be a mix

But the other way, if you type 'guy' in and then translate into Italian you get tipo, which is a valid translation. Tizio works too - try typing in 'dude' and translating to Italian.

Edited by lifeinplastic
Posted (edited)
On 9 January 2017 at 1:01 PM, lifeinplastic said:

OK, so we're still unsure which language it definitely is but nobody has suggested anything better than Italian, which fits in with the corn suit guy so I've thought about some further translation options for the remaining figures...


1. V - a few options here Violinista/Veterinario/Ventriloquo/Vichingo/Vagabondo/Vampiro/Vacanziere/Vasaio (Violinist, Vet, Ventriloquist, Viking, Tramp, Vampire, Holiday-Maker, Potter...)

2. EF - Could this be Elfo Favola (Fairytale Elf) or Elfo Femmina (Female Elf)?

3. H - a tough one as not many words beginning with H in Italian. My best options were Hippy or Hawaiano (Hippy or Hawaiian). However, the picture in the catalogue still looks like a Highwayman so although Google Translate suggests a Highwayman is a Bandito, it may be a specifically English term with no real translation. Likewise, is there a real translation for 'Hipster' other than the Google option 'Fricchetone'?

4. C - Too many options here so take your pick...Centauro (Centaur), Conduttore (Conductor), Cantante (Singer), Chitarrista (Guitar Player), Cornista (Horn Player), Cavaliere (Knight), Cuocere/Capocuoco (Cook/Chef), Clown (Clown), Cameriera (Maid), Ciclista (Cyclist), Cowboy/Cowgirl (Cowboy/Cowgirl) or Chirugo (Surgeon)

5. A (C) - several option for 'A' too (see No 7 below). The C in brackets is strange so may indicate there is also a different translation. My best guess is Astronauta/Cosmonauta (Astronaut/Cosmonaut) - essentially the same thing and the earlier clues suggested there would be something that is not always on Planet Earth. "Alieno (Cthulu)" would also fit the description but we have recently had a Cthulu. There was also a clue about a figure being specifically from one nationality - perhaps Itaria used brackets to represent an animal separate from the figure so A (C) could be Australiano (Canguro) or Australian (Kangaroo).

6. GR - didn't we earlier establish the possibility of a Gladiator making a reappearance as a result of the original clues - in which case GR could be Gladiatore Romano (Roman Gladiator) or possibly Guerriero Romano (Roman Warrior). Another option could be Genio Rosso (Red Genie).

7. AR - not sure about this one as I cannot think what the R could be yet. Favourite options beginning with A include Apicoltore (Beekeeper), Attore/Attrice (Actor/Actress), Arbitro (Referee), Atleta (Athlete), Aviatore (Aviator), Avvocato (Lawyer - although not likely as a bit of a dull figure), Angelo (Angel) and Azteco (Aztec).

8. TiCdR - As mentioned before this could be Tipo in Costume da Rana (Guy in Frog Costume) or possibly Rinoceronte (Rhino)

9. Y - very few options here as not many Italian words beginning with a 'Y' - cannot think of much other than a yeti, although this would be a repeat - possibly a female yeti although there are no other letters suggesting this is called 'Lady' Yeti. The other option is a Yo-Yo guy (relating to Itaria's comments about making the 80s great again)

10. S - again lots of options here - perhaps Sposo (Groom), Stregone (a Sorcerer, Warlock or Shaman), Sacerdote (Priest - albeit unlikely), Scheletro (Skeleton - a bit dull), Skydiver (uninteresting repeat), Supereroe (Super Hero), Scultore (Sculptor) and Spazzacamino (Chimney Sweep)

11. IdD - Insegnante/Instruttore di Danza (dance teacher/instructor). Otherwise the 'I' could also be for Infermiera (Nurse), Ingegnere (Engineer) or Inventore (Inventor)

12. TiCdP - I think this has to be Tipo in Costume da Pannocchia (Guy in Corn Cob Costume)


I'm going to try and pick just one of these for each character, stating which of Itaria's original clues I am thinking towards.

By the way, thanks for doing this! I really appreciate it.

1. Vet (somewhat related to animals.)

2. Female elf (relates to the clue about being female, having a counterpart in the first five waves and making army builders happy.)

3. Hawaiano (from a specific nationality)

4. Guitar player (Itaria's clue about series 4 and 1 makes me think towards a minifigure that is unnecesery since the skater was unnecesery in series 4. A guitar player would be one of many, and therefore unnecesery.)

5. Astronaught (not always on planet earth)

6. Roman Gladiator (around before 500ad)

7. Higwayman (visible in leaflet)

8. We already have an animal - so a rocket costume (clue 13).

9. Yuppie (80's)

10. Groom (town character never in a cmf line and s)

11. Dance instructor (Idb and s5 ands15)

12. Corn cob suit

Just my ideas!

Edited by The lego fan
13 hours ago, VaderFan2187 said:

Not ALWAYS on Planet Earth.


We had one only a couple of series ago, too soon for another astronaut


A bit of research and elimination makes me think Y could be a Yuppie as not many other Italian words start with a Y and another yeti seems unlikely. Therefore instead of Yo-yo the Yuppie could match the 80s clue as it is a very 80s term...

Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, lifeinplastic said:

A bit of research and elimination makes me think Y could be a Yuppie as not many other Italian words start with a Y and another yeti seems unlikely. Therefore instead of Yo-yo the Yuppie could match the 80s clue as it is a very 80s term...

It could also very well be "Yankee".... Maybe the one that we have the silhouette of? :O

Also apparently the Italian language does not have a "y"

Edited by JGuy
1 hour ago, JGuy said:


Also apparently the Italian language does not have a "y"

Yes, you're right.

Only foreign, international or specialised words include a y so it is not an official letter of the Italian alphabet.

That could change absolutely everything!

I suppose the language could still be Italian, but it will be extremely hard to get this one. Or maybe it's not Italian after all!

Who knows?

The lego fan

6 minutes ago, VaderFan2187 said:

Perhaps he used multiple languages? Like one is Italian, another is French, another is Spanish…

It's a possibility but I think that might be stretching it a bit far. It would be too hard for anyone and it wouldn't be as fun if that were the case. I do appreciate the game a lot though, even if it turned out that way. Besides, Itaria said it was done another language, not other languages.

The lego fan


If we're thinking one of them is Aussie, then a koala, wallaby, or joey might come with. A weathered hat with some animal parts detail sounds reasonable.

Also, Rocket Suit Man? Am I going to get my Rocketeer? Or more like a classic Flash Gordon?

15 hours ago, JGuy said:

Just to clear something up real quick, "tipo" means "type" in Italian according to google translate.  "Tizio" seems more of a reasonable translation (Google Translate says it means "someone")

So that doesn't say it it is male or female.  I'd think there would be a mix


15 hours ago, lifeinplastic said:

But the other way, if you type 'guy' in and then translate into Italian you get tipo, which is a valid translation. Tizio works too - try typing in 'dude' and translating to Italian.

"Tizio" comes from "Tizio, Caio e Sempronio", "Tizio, Caio e Sempronio" are like "Tom, Dick and Harry" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom,_Dick_and_Harry

So, "Tizio" or "tipo" are the same "thing" in this case ("someone" or "guy"), but "tipo" could mean also "kind" or "type" (not in this case)


If you type tizio into Italian it comes back with guy, hence I think this is the word that is mentioned in Itaria's clues. If you do it the other way, it comes back as ragazzo which, on further research, is more of a boy or lad (not a guy as such.)

Tipo, however, doesn't seem to come back as anything other than type, kind or sort everywhere I've looked on the web so I'm a bit puzzled why everyone is suggesting this word.?

The lego fan


You are trying to translate the word tipo, which also means type and is probably the most common translation of the word so therefore this appears when translating from Italian into English.

However, Itaria has translated from English into Italian and therefore has typed the word 'guy' into Google translator which comes back with 'tipo' every time I try it.

Also, http://www.wordreference.com/enit/guy shows both tipo and tizio are valid options.


Posted (edited)

I just did English to Italian, typing guy into English and it came back with ragazzo?

I'm confused!

The lego fan

EDIT: Your link does show that tipo can mean guy though, so that's settled. I guess it's more accurate than google translate. I'm still confused about Itaria's clue with the y though, because y is not a standard Italian letter.

Edited by The lego fan

I'm impressed by all the work you all have done figuring out Itaria's clues, and even more impressed that they all seem fairly plausible.

**NB: I don't know any more about this series than you do.**

Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, rodiziorobs said:

I'm impressed by all the work you all have done figuring out Itaria's clues, and even more impressed that they all seem fairly plausible.

**NB: I don't know any more about this series than you do.**

Yeah now we just need Itaria to tell us not everything we've found is wrong :laugh:

Edited by JGuy

I'm italian and I can confirm that "tipo" in italian is "guy" in english. It's a colloquial term sometimes used instead of "ragazzo". So "tipo in costume da ..." is "... suit guy"

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