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Marble table in the kitchen, that's so nice ! Ehh what ? The ship ? Ah ehh...

Your ship reminds me those 90's video games ships like wings commander and this kind of stuff. Nicely done from what we see, but would it be possible to have different angles ? :)


Ahhh, nice little ship!!! :oo

I really love the overall shape of this, the position of the cockpit and the wings that make this whole ship T-shaped!

The bubble part at the front makes this thing looking somehow nostalgicly... Nice!

The position of the engines is great though they could need some little beefing up ;) (at the front, the back with those whatever pieces (looking like the end parts of fire fighter hoses) is just fine!)

Finally two suggestions: The square parts of the wings could need the 2x4 slopes to give the whole ship a less box shape and I'd replace the 2x4 slope at the front with a part that makes it looking less like a ram (unless you want to achieve the ram-shape) and more "round"...

Nontheless a great start for your gallery, please keep your MOCs coming!!! *satis*


Thanks Apo ;)

Always great to have nice and constructive input from you ;)

I totally agree with you for the front 2X4 slope - kind of ruins the front and the piece is not the same color!!!! I will change it - thanks for the pointer!!!

I don't get the "wing tip" though!!! Could you explain that to me please.

I'll start on another one soon hehe ;)



Thanks for you kind words!!!!!

Yeah, I have to find other part for the inside cokpit!!!!!!

I will update some pics once the front is changed, the same with the cokpit and when weapons will be built ;)


I like it. I think it would like a little nicer if you added a small amount of variety in color. Perhaps a racing stripe or special colored weapons. You could also use more black parts to make it not so all gray.

What does the pilot look like?



Glad you like it!!!!

Because I finished it at 3 am, i realize that some things were not great!!!!

Actually I intended this ship to be grey, like the USAF fighter jets.

I also intended to make color weapons - did not have time to do them yet though! - like the pilot ;)

I will change a couple of things and edit the Shelf gallery!!!!

EDIT: Here's what I intend to do:

* create a pilot

* add som small details

* redesign the cokpit interior

* change the front of the ship!!!

* maybe change the sides (i am not pleased how the side turned out)

* add the weapons: 2 proton bombs and two proton torpedos (to have a little color touch)

Thanks guys for all the insights ;)

As my sig reads, "do or do not, there is no try" I shall make it a much better fighter thanks to you all!!!!!!


I just stay here and wait...

...is it done soon??

Actually, I'm totally stupid - you cannot place a minifig in the cokpit - duhhhhh >:(

Oh well, because I like the shape, I'll leave it like that (mistake that will not happen in future Mocs ;) !!!).

Also I realised that I don't have enough space between the body and the first segment under the wing to place protons bombs - have to dismantle it and replace those 2X4s by 2X2s.

Arghhhhh, stupid Moc newbie's mistake!!!!

I also have good ideas on details I can put on the ship!!! (ha!!, finally some positive hehe)

I'll work on it tonight and will probably post pics tomorrow (the Shelf gallery has to be totally replaced - will do this this week-end!!).


Ras 74,


I can't put a minifig because the interior is only 2 wide (the arms can't pass!!!) Now I know you need at least 3!!! I wanted a thin ship - oh well crap!!!!

No pressure at all ;) I'm a perfectionnist and those comments make you realise that things can have been done a lot better on the first place!

Tonight I'll try to finish the ship and make the weapons - will post p


How well it looks like the Trans-Black piece and the slope piece fit together.

Guess I can enter my LEGO DOOM and just find out myself.

But since you did such a nice ship, I wanted to see it on your ship.



Pardon me in advance those pics are crap because I have a bad light here (the Shelf gallery will be better because pics are taken outside ;) )

Here is a close-up of the dismantled engine: only composed of 4 pieces.


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