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This challenge entry will have a lot of photos and text, so you are forewarned. 


There is a livery stable in Arlinsport on North Street. It was run by Henry the livery master, and his son Harry. Its ownership was held by the WETEC, though it was being transferred to Henry at a rate of 10% ownership per year that he oversaw the business. Today the trot of horse hooves on cobblestone stopped in front of the livery. It brought Henry to the door.


Micah was informed by Henry that Elizabeth had arrived. He came out to meet her. 

  Henry: "Harry get back to sweeping and quit trying to eavesdrop on the young lovers."
  Harry: "Father, the sawdust can wait..." But he was cut off by a stern look from his father. 

  Micah: "It is great to see you, Elizabeth. You are as lovely as a filly in the spring." 
  Elizabeth: "Thank you, Micah. You always do say the strangest and sweetest things. I have come to expect to hear some magnificent horse reference from you." 
  Micah: "I could always stop if you wish me too."
  Elizabeth: "Not at all. Please carry on."
  Micah: "I definitely shall. What brings you down to the livery today?"
  Elizabeth: "I came to invite you to supper. We have many things to discuss in regard to our wedding in two months, and mother suggested if you came over we could spend the evening finalizing plans."
  Micah: "That sounds like a good idea. Let us go for a short walk down to the bakery."



Right as they reached the edge of the livery, Micah slowed up. His left hand reached for his sword, starting it from its scabbard. 

  Elizabeth: "What is wrong, Micah?"
  Micah: "I smell a rat." 
  Stranger in the alley: "Greetings, sir. and fair woman. You wouldn't happen to be the one they call Silent Wolf and his fancy fiancee?"


  Stranger: "Let me introduce myself. I am Philippe the Intelligent." As he bowed deeply. "I hail from the fun town of Pontelli in the wealthy empire of Eslandola. I wish to give you something."


Micah had drawn his saber, in uncertainty over this man's contradictions and uncertain motives. For though he was dressed as a gentleman, he spoke like a man who was not used to polite speech. 


  Philippe as he advanced toward them: "I have a business proposition for you. It involves a great treasure that I know of that is sailing soon. It can be yours for a price."



  Micah: "Elizabeth, would you please go back to the carriage. I would like to speak to Philippe alone. I shall be there shortly."

  Philippe: "I know of a treasure fleet that is sailing under silence from the new islands back to the Old World. For a fee of 200 doubloons and a share of the end of the profits, I can tell you all I know including where the fleet will be travelling. All you have to do is intercept it and take the treasure for yourself. Imagine us being the richest friends in all of world."
Micah always the analytical, skeptical, and thoughtful person, stayed silent. 
  Philippe: "I can assure you my information is valid. I heard it directly from Major Woward Holowitz in Pontelli."
  Micah: "So it is an Eslandolian treasure?"
  Philippe gleefully: "Yes, yes it is."
  Micah: "I see. Well, let me send my fiancee off, then I will get you your payment inside."


  Micah: "Elizabeth, please tell your mother that I will be there at supper. I am sorry we cannot spend more time, but I have to take care of this business right now."
  Elizabeth: "I do not trust him."
  Micah: "Nor do I..."

As soon as Elizabeth left, Micah and Philippe entered the stable. 


A saber swept from Micah's scabbard and planted itself against Philippe's throat. 

  Micah: "Who are you really and what traitorous deeds have you committed? If you mean to do me harm by implicating me among the cutthroats that would start a war for money, I shall kill you where you stand."
  Philippe with a plaster smile: "I don't know what you are speaking about."
  Micah: "I know of Major Holowitz. As an officer in the Eslandolean army, he would not betray such secret information to someone who would sell it for profit. Even more if you were a man of honor, you would not stoop to such levels of selling out your own nation. No matter how well you dress I can tell you are not a gentleman."
  Philippe: "I will not tell you anything. How dare you challenge me, a wealthy man? Besides what does it matter to you. There are many others who paid the prices I set for such information and they will be very upset if I am injured in any way."
  Micah: "You are indeed not a man of honor. Henry and Harry, tie this man up in one of the empty stalls. We will find out what he knows. Any man who would sell out his own nation has evil plans afoot." Turning to Philippe, "You may have expected to make easy money today. However, there is one thing I cannot stand above all and that is a man of dishonor. No matter your station in life, you should carry yourself with integrity, honesty, and honor. You, sir, with your traitorous schemes have done everything that I would deplore.Even more I am a business man who trades throughout the world. Did you think I would cross Eslandola and risk putting my trade with them at risk? " 


After a while of questioning, Micah was able to get out of Philippe that he had indeed sold this information to others. Yet he would not reveal who he had sold it too, nor what their plans were. Philippe was convinced that they would let him go very shortly, in fear that these mysterious powerful friends would be too dangerous. Micah was not one to fear, especially in contrast to principle.


Micah decided to let Henry have a try with the bullwhip. Philippe may be a criminal, but he is not a true spy. His tongue loosed very quickly when the whip began to play.  


  Henry: "So it appears that he found out by overhearing Major Howitz being told about it. They were talking overtly loud and it became easy to eavesdrop. He followed the Major and was able to acquire more information using his particular set of skills, cat burglary."
  Micah: "Who has he sold this information too? Do they know the exact route?"
  Henry: "He said the fleet was supposed to be leaving Nelissa enroute to Terelli. They are supposed to sail past An Holli then meet additional escorts for the time they sail near the larger ports and shipping lanes. He has sold the information to the Order of Oleon, the kingdom of Mardier, and the factions within Garvey. Apparently Garvey intends to send a large vessel to intercept the fleet. It is presently stationed at their settlement on Alicentia."
  Micah: "Tie up our 'friend' and hand him over to the Eslandolean ambassador. Eslandola shall treat this traitor the way he truly deserves. Plus, they may find he has more information that is useful. Tell the ambassador everything we have found out so far. I will head to the docks and attempt to find a fast vessel heading east that can alert our settlements in Mooreton Bay, or King's Harbor. Maybe they can mount a defense against Garvey's vessel. I will also command the Soupfish to resupply and set sail as soon as possible. Perhaps it can reach our Eslandolean friends and warn them to alter their route. Then I have to get to supper to discuss wedding plans." 


Edit: Fixed some of the text, and added a photo I missed.

To refresh on previous parts of the story, here is a link to all the builds I have done

Edited by SilentWolf
Title Added

Very nice job on that carriage in particular!  You've achieved a really good shape! :thumbup:

Nice MOC and accompanying story! Also Micah's fiance's torso and dress is sooo fitting and era appropriate :classic: But why hand Philippe to the Eslandolan authorities? :pir-tongue:

Great building SilentWolf, you seem to have a real talent for the wooden construction look! Some favourite features, of which there are many include: the minifig posing throughout the story - you've seemingly got them all spot on!, The small tower on top of the roof (unsure of the technical name) with the weather vane and the yellow bricks with grille as hay bales. Great entry that I think will be difficult to beat!

Great wooden stable with great textures. The layers of plate works well like bands holding together the log bricks, and the base of brick bricks is really nice. Building-wise, the highlight is the roof, which is very well executed. I agree with Ayrlego that that small tower is just brilliant and I will probably steal that at some point. Details like the hay bales and the stacked crates round the back finish of the build perfectly. :pir-sweet:

Storywise, you have done a great job, and the posing is nice too. My only suggestion is to think a little bit more about how the pictures relates to the text directly below and above, as a few places, I read something I can't find on the pics, which can be a little confusing. Generally, however, it works out perfectly. :pir-blush:

Also, I did not expect Micah to be such a harsh man and resort to torture! :pir-oh3: I really like how you have tied your story into the existing entries, including Ayrlego's, Captain Braunsfeld's and mine. Very well done!

That went very wrong for Phillipe very quickly!


I really like the build, the hay bales are a very good idea, as are the previously praised roof, tower and carriage. GJ.

Really nice stables! The Coyle family now are considering raising horses on Tiberia as well. :classic:

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16 hours ago, Kai NRG said:

Very nice job on that carriage in particular!  You've achieved a really good shape! :thumbup:

Thank you! It does break apart in the middle, so it is not kid friendly but it is at least an easy fix. 
Also thank you for fixing my title mishap!

16 hours ago, blackdeathgr said:

Nice MOC and accompanying story! Also Micah's fiance's torso and dress is sooo fitting and era appropriate :classic: But why hand Philippe to the Eslandolan authorities? :pir-tongue:

Thank you. The dress came from the Lego Movie airplane set, and I just switched out the yellow arms for blue to give her sleeves. Sadly it is her only outfit so I need to work on diversifying that. I did just edit the story to fix some sections and clarify some things I left vague including why he is being handed over to Eslandolan (Eslandolian? Eslandian? Esla...?) authorities. Answer to the question is because he is a traitor, and Micah can't stand traitors. Eslandola will treat him the most severely. 

10 hours ago, Ayrlego said:

Great building SilentWolf, you seem to have a real talent for the wooden construction look! Some favourite features, of which there are many include: the minifig posing throughout the story - you've seemingly got them all spot on!, The small tower on top of the roof (unsure of the technical name) with the weather vane and the yellow bricks with grille as hay bales. Great entry that I think will be difficult to beat!

Thank you. I was planning on doing this in the tan brick to make a masonry look but that got scratched because I didn't have enough available. I was pleased that this time I was able to create a little more texture and variation on the wooden walls. Too many of those log pieces can get monotonous quickly. I don't know the name of that tower either. 

5 hours ago, Bregir said:

Great wooden stable with great textures. The layers of plate works well like bands holding together the log bricks, and the base of brick bricks is really nice. Building-wise, the highlight is the roof, which is very well executed. I agree with Ayrlego that that small tower is just brilliant and I will probably steal that at some point. Details like the hay bales and the stacked crates round the back finish of the build perfectly. :pir-sweet:

Storywise, you have done a great job, and the posing is nice too. My only suggestion is to think a little bit more about how the pictures relates to the text directly below and above, as a few places, I read something I can't find on the pics, which can be a little confusing. Generally, however, it works out perfectly. :pir-blush:

Also, I did not expect Micah to be such a harsh man and resort to torture! :pir-oh3: I really like how you have tied your story into the existing entries, including Ayrlego's, Captain Braunsfeld's and mine. Very well done!

I am glad the roof turned out well. I still don't feel I have mastered the roof concept, especially if I am trying to create one that doesn't fall apart easily. At least the aesthetic look was achieved even if it was a bit wobbly. I did go back and reorder the photos so now they should appear immediately before the text that relates to them. Hopefully that helps clear up difficulties. I was a little late getting on the ball to join you and Ayrlego's collaboration, but I felt the hooks provided would enable me to tie my build in. Only needed torture. :pir-laugh: Though yes it probably is a little out of his character. However, it seemed so necessary to include in this build. 

5 hours ago, Phadeout said:

That went very wrong for Phillipe very quickly!


I really like the build, the hay bales are a very good idea, as are the previously praised roof, tower and carriage. GJ.

Thank you. The hay was fun to build especially since it added variation, but every change I did on the roof resulted in having to move them so that got annoying fast. 

1 hour ago, Mike S said:

Really nice stables! The Coyle family now are considering raising horses on Tiberia as well. :classic:

Thank you! There are definitely plenty of markets for horses in this era. Farmers, businesses, Lords and Ladies, royalty, military, etc. If you need to buy any good stock to start a herd, feel free to purchase from Charles who oversees the horses on Tiberia or directly from Micah. 

Sorry I didn't comment on this build sooner; it is excellent in all aspects! The build itself is nicely detailed, instantly recognizable, and I like the partial modularity of the build. Others have mentioned various details, and I concur with their comments. But the story (and how the build illustrates it) is the real gem here! Figure posing is spot on; the undressing and whipping of Phillipe is quite good. And how the story builds on others in the challenge is genius. Plus, a man of honor, willing to defend another nation's concerns! There have been some really good challenge entries so far, but I think this one is my favorite! If we get to vote, I'll be voting for this one.

Fine story and pictures - and I spotted the reference to my entry :pir-laugh:

Nice house with a good-looking interior, some cool minifig-poisng, and I like the road texturing as well. My favourite part is surely the cart, fits the time really well and looks great - wonderful work!

  • Author
On 9/29/2016 at 10:21 AM, Capt Wolf said:

Sorry I didn't comment on this build sooner; it is excellent in all aspects! The build itself is nicely detailed, instantly recognizable, and I like the partial modularity of the build. Others have mentioned various details, and I concur with their comments. But the story (and how the build illustrates it) is the real gem here! Figure posing is spot on; the undressing and whipping of Phillipe is quite good. And how the story builds on others in the challenge is genius. Plus, a man of honor, willing to defend another nation's concerns! There have been some really good challenge entries so far, but I think this one is my favorite! If we get to vote, I'll be voting for this one.

The modularity came about due to needing to photograph inside. I did have issues with stability though which my inn attempted to fix with its modular construction. This is one of my longer stories and I am pleased you enjoyed it. I was excited to use that faun torso finally.

On 9/29/2016 at 2:00 PM, Captain Braunsfeld said:

Fine story and pictures - and I spotted the reference to my entry :pir-laugh:

Thank you! I enjoyed connecting to the other challenge builds.

On 10/7/2016 at 1:48 AM, Elostirion said:

Nice house with a good-looking interior, some cool minifig-poisng, and I like the road texturing as well. My favourite part is surely the cart, fits the time really well and looks great - wonderful work!

Thank you! I am working on figuring out how to make the carriage stabler so I can use the design again. I also was pleased with how the texturing of the road worked out. 

I liked the build... And then I saw it had an interior, it it became fantastic! Great job, keep the builds coming!

@SilentWolf, may I ask what you licensed this as? I'm trying to work out what Arlinsport needs to progress to the next level, so far I have your contributions as:

Elizabeth's parents home, small? residence

Arlinsport blacksmith shop ? artisan

Back on the ranch, small plantation

Horse merchant office, ? commercial?

Micah's Residence, ? residence

Livery, medium? artesian?

Can you confirm the license status of all for me? Thanks!


EDIT: All good, I figured them all out! Thanks.

Edited by Ayrlego

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