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Hello everyone, has been a while since i have posted here, i was moving from home so i had not too many time to make any advances in my models, but now i am ready to continue, so, here is some advance in the Uni-moc, i have made some work in the cab, it is supposed that the exterior structure is finished, only some details need to be made, like the mirrors and the rear air intake tube:



Another thing that i have made is a kind of mudguards expansion, which is good if i would like to put some wide tractor tires and make an "Agro" version, good thing is that they can be easily attached to the standard mudguards:



But this came with an small problem, i needed to make the dump bed wider, so the dropping sides wouldn't collide with the mudguards, the solution was to make the dump bed 25 studs wide, so it should work properly, this widening (like the mudguards) can be optional, it can be done with some extra spare parts:


This is some of the work i have made so far, there is more, but i will be posting it by parts and depending of how important these updates might be, thank you for your waiting, i hope to share more and possibly better models soon.

Edited by Imanol BB

Good to see some progress here! I like the idea of being able to use the tractor tires and wider mudguards as an option. Curious how that will look. I'm also curious if the wheels will still stand straight when you use tires that don't have a flat surface. It will be a nice test of the suspension.

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some more advance, i think that cabin exterior is finished, the mirrors and some other details are finally placed:


I have placed the air intake (with that weird shape o the middle part) and the exhaust pipe:


Now i will start to make the interior, the seats may be only 2 and dark grey (because blue is overused), and i will also try to make them with some kind of adjustable mechanism, something similar to seats that Didumos has made, but a bit smaller and more simple, and i will also make the steering wheel system, and i am thinking to make it with vario-pilot (that is why i am thinking to place only 2 seats), here is the first sketch (i now it barely seems like a seat, but it should look better soon):


And here is how the Mog looks with 9398 tires and extended mudguards:



Basing in these pictures, i think that the Xerion tires should look ok on it, at least they wont make the truck look too silly IMHO.

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Here are the seats, you can see they are grey because blue is too overused, they have some studded elements to get that rounded shape that i really liked to have, they also have more simple connections with the cabin, so they can be decoupled more easily:


i was able to make some kind of adjustment system with a worm gear, very simple but should work properly:


If you have any suggestion for improvements i am happy to hear you, well, actually read you :laugh:.

Now i will start to make the central console and the other elements of the interior of the cabin, i think that i will be able to put a vario-pilot steering system after all.

Edited by Imanol BB

Nice seats! I do have some doubts about their adjustment though. My experience is that a worm gear slides over its axle very easily. So I'm affraid this way the worm gear will slide off very quickly. Or pull its axle out. You should brace the worm gear on both ends IMO. Maybe wait for the new 1L work gear?

EDIT: Just noticed you're using an axle with end stop. So it won't slide off. But it still might pull the axle out off the 8t gear.

Edited by Didumos69

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Thank you both, i have made some upgrades, now the seats use 8L axle with stop instead of the 4L one, and i have putted some half bushes on it to avoid it from sliding off:



And new:


I think this setup should be enough to hold the back part of the seat in position, and i think that this upgrade was worth, thanks Didumos.

  • 2 months later...

Hello, I'm Fabio from Italy. Is my first message. After over 35 years (!!) I have bought one month ago a Technic set, the Unimog 8110 (original box closed of 2011). Now I have discovered this interesting forum. Excuse me for my bad english and if some things that I will say may appear trivial (this discussion is active since 6 years). My MOG is stock, I have only perform some little modifications, like the smart system to open the cabin, or the tilt of the caisson (only rear side at the moment). I have increase the height of the MOG of 1 stud, working on the lower attachment of the suspensions, and increase the steering angle removing the 4 pins, and finally replacing the pins with friction with axle as suggested in the discussion. About the front suspension, nobody has noted the disalignment of the front axle respect the chassis (it seem to be an error of LEGO!!)? I have solved it changing the double hole piece that fix the bar, with a single hole piece. Now I'm eager to do other modifications (trilateral tilt caisson, pneumatic opening of cabin, crane moved on the rear of the cabin, pneumatic stabilizers, rc command, motorization of steering and movement, etc.) My problem is that I have only this set of modern Technic.. I have my old Technic sets (851, 856, 8859, etc.) but the pieces are not suitable for these modifications! Then I need to buy another set or spare technic bricks if I want to perform the modifications!


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Hello @FabioF, welcome to Eurobricks, first of all, the original Unimog 8110 Modifications topic with lots of MODs and very helpful information is this one: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?/forums/topic/57543-8110-unimog-mods-and-improvements/&page=1 But don´t worry :laugh:, i still can give you some tips, the misalignment or displacement of the front axle is a well known problem with this model due to the "Panhard Bar Inclination", some time ago (in some of my first posts ever) i posted some solutions for this problem, here is a gallery with some of my pictures: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=557983; i once lifted the truck by 1 stud and needed to make the same solution as you have done there of swapping the double hole piece for the single hole one, and it did worked well, but i just wanted to make it better and that is why i made all of those extra modifications, about the other improvements and features you want to add, the trilateral tilt caisson (also known as "3 side tipping bed"), the pneumatically tilted cabin, the RC conversion, the crane behind the cabin, etc, all these modifications could be possible, maybe not all of the at the same time, but at least most of them, you might need some RC sets (like the 42030), some pneumatic sets (like 42043 or 42053) and possibly a few other sets for other parts, i hope these tips could help you and if you have any other doubts or questions you can always post in the Unimog Modifications topic (the one where there will be more members that will help you too, good luck with your Mog :wink:.



Love your work, ImanoI! There's a lot to learn there.

Incidentally, I believe Nicjasno mentioned that using a 9L towball arm as a Panhard rod instead of a 6L one greatly improves axle alignment.

Edited by suffocation

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2 hours ago, suffocation said:

Love your work, ImamoI! There's a lot to learn there.

Incidentally, I believe Nicjasno mentioned that using a 9L towball arm as a Panhard rod instead of a 6L one greatly improves axle alignment.

Thank you, and thanks for giving that extra information about the panhard bar, actually, i will consider using it in my Uni-Moc, but only if there is enough space in it (i hope there is).

On 14/2/2017 at 2:22 AM, Imanol BB said:

Hello @FabioF, welcome to Eurobricks, first of all, the original Unimog 8110 Modifications topic with lots of MODs and very helpful information is this one: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?/forums/topic/57543-8110-unimog-mods-and-improvements/&page=1 But don´t worry :laugh:, i still can give you some tips, the misalignment or displacement of the front axle is a well known problem with this model due to the "Panhard Bar Inclination", some time ago (in some of my first posts ever) i posted some solutions for this problem, here is a gallery with some of my pictures: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=557983; i once lifted the truck by 1 stud and needed to make the same solution as you have done there of swapping the double hole piece for the single hole one, and it did worked well, but i just wanted to make it better and that is why i made all of those extra modifications, about the other improvements and features you want to add, the trilateral tilt caisson (also known as "3 side tipping bed"), the pneumatically tilted cabin, the RC conversion, the crane behind the cabin, etc, all these modifications could be possible, maybe not all of the at the same time, but at least most of them, you might need some RC sets (like the 42030), some pneumatic sets (like 42043 or 42053) and possibly a few other sets for other parts, i hope these tips could help you and if you have any other doubts or questions you can always post in the Unimog Modifications topic (the one where there will be more members that will help you too, good luck with your Mog :wink:.



Thank you Imanol for your answer, and sorry if I have posted on the wrong discussion! Regarding the sets suggested by you, the 42043 was the alternative set that I have considered when I purchased the Mog. 42053 can be a low cost alternative (in Italy available at 60-70€), with a good assortment of pieces necessary for the modifications that I have in mind. For future questions, I will write on the other discussion.


  • 5 months later...
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Hello guys, after a pretty long inactive time, i am back with some updates and new ideas, despite i haven't been able to use my Legos in real life for a while, i used some time to make digital models, and after watching some videos of some really nice models that i liked and a video of Mercedes Benz and its range of vehicles for the desert, i decided to make some experiments, i must also say that i really like the new "Developer" feature of LDD, it has really helped me a lot.

This is the video which really inspired me, these vehicles are just amazing, and i like the color selection.

The first vehicles i instantly liked where the Zetros 3643 6x6 doka and the G Wagon 6x6 (which if i am correct, it might be a G300):

First, the Zetros, i already saw this version of the truck a long time ago, but i didn't tried to build it until now:


I made an attempt to build the chassis and axles, the front axle doesn't look too bad so far IMHO, i tried to make an sketch for the leaf springs with some parts, but i will have to wait until i test them in real life, and the same goes for the chassis (which might be kept studded):


The axle should also have pneumatically operated locking differential and planetary hubs (the 14x2 plate represents the diameter of the tires, which would be around 1.3m in real life):


The axle without tires will be 25 studs wide (with the outer part of the turntables removed) and 25-27 studs depending of the tires.

Second, the G Wagon 6x6, i know you must have already seen the 6x6 "luxury" version, which has portal axles, bigger tires, bigger engine and all the toys everyone would like to have in that kind of truck, but then there is this version, it doesn't have portals or a big engine, or the kind of things the other has, but for some strange reason i really liked it when i first saw it in the video, so i decided to give a try at it:


I started by building the axles, i was inspired by Rm8's Toyota Fj40, and used a "slighly" modified version of the front axle, it should use the new wheel hubs of the Xerion, is turned by a servo:



Then i passed to the rear axles, its possible that i will rebuild a part of them:



And this is a feature that i did, inspired by the zetros, the rear axles are capable of using much wider tires, and by just removing some spacers, they can still inside the vehicle's width:



I have just found a better replacement for the spacers :grin:


After the axles, i started to make the chassis, but it didn't got too far, i just placed 2 L-Motors and the BB and made some progress in the front and rear part, i will have to make a real version of the chassis before i continue building it, but at least i started with some parts of the body and the cargo bed, i am a bit frustrated because i think it still looks a like a Land Rover, i guess it cant be helped :sadnew::



Of course, all of this are just hypothetical models, i will need to test the parts and the design in real life to be sure that they wont fall apart (and disappoint me), but i feel a bit satisfied with how they are coming out, specially the G Wagon.

Another projects that i am checking and possibly redesigning are the UNI-MOC (Designing new axles and studded chassis), a new medium sized 4x2/4x4 truck and a transport ugly-buggy-like vehicle, i will try to give more information about these tomorrow because is a bit late right now, and as always, let me now what you think about these models, any suggestions are welcome.

Edited by Imanol BB
Fix of information

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Here are the other updates, i have made some progress in the G, now it doesn't look like a Land Rover, but now i think it looks like a Toyota Land Cruiser :wacko:, at least it is similar to the one of the previous picture, here it is:


I really like how the hood looks, i must keep working on the roof and the doors, but it is progressing:


I must thank Pat-Ard and Efferman, their G-Wagons inspired me with the body.

Now, continuing with the other models, this is the new axle that i might integrate into the UNI-MOC it has 4 link points so far (I must see where i will put the panhard bar); the Blue input is for the diff-lock, the green for the drive and the red for steering (I know, they are inverted compared to the standard axle design):


The portal hub design is based in Thirdwigg's Kenworth T47 portals, they were slightly modified and i am waiting to test them in a future, in the right picture you can see the internals of the axle, including the locking mechanism, which is inspired by Sariel's locking differential, but with the lack of space, i had to make it mechanic instead of pneumatic, but i might try to make it better.


I will try to upload more updates with more models soon, i hope you like it.

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7 hours ago, suffocation said:

That front axle is awesome! Have you had the chance to test it in real life?

Thanks, i sadly haven't been able to use my pieces in a while, but i hope this axle will work, and i have also made some modifications and upgrades, now the axle has the inputs in more comfortable places, as before, Red=Steering, Green=Drive and Blue=Diff Lock, note that the steering has 2 inputs, the one in the rear above the drive input is connected directly to the 12T gear which moves the gear rack, the one that goes above the axle which faces forward has a reduction of 3:1, so there is less torque needed to move the steering, and because it is closer to the steering itself, there is much less distortion and bending of axles, here you got some pictures of how it looks so far (and some "X-Rays"):





And the Ground clearance under the axle is around 5.5 studs using Unimog 94.3mm tires, which is good (BTW, that is how it looks with the front bumper and the attachment points).


Edited by Imanol BB

  • 1 month later...
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Hey, i have made some more progress on the axle, now i can stack the chassis 1 stud lower to make this model even more realistic, now it uses 2 6.5 studs hard shock absorbers, this reduces the suspension travel, but it is still able to move a enough, and after some thinking, now i want to place a servo for the steering, which is not easy task because of the limited space, and i also lack inspiration for an enough good system, here are some pictures ans the current LDD file of the model:



LDD: http://bricksafe.com/files/imanol/unimog/new-axle/UNI-MOC V2 Axle 09-12-17.lxf

I hope you like it, any suggestions are welcome.

  • 1 month later...
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Hello people, after some inspiration and enough enough spare time i have made some improvements to the new front axle, i was able to test it in real life and it was surprisingly strong, and despite i didn't have a Servo motor to test it, i have faith that using a Servo will make it work perfectly, and here it is:


I made some pretty weird drive system, despite is not enough realistic as the one used in Unimogs, at least it looks similar at first sight, and most importantly, it works, it has a gear reduction of 9:1, the portal gears can be changed from 8/24 to 16/16 (with some small rubbing), the small wheels placed in the steering pivot are used to avoid the movement of the tires, because they are held only by a 5L axle and sometimes that's is not enough robust with weight, they can also be removed if needed, but i use them to get a more realistic look without the tires tilting in, they could be changed depending of the width of the tires used:


Next we have the steering, nothing very complex, it could be said that this system may force some parts because the steering rack and the parts connected to it are compressed against the axle while turning, but since the displacement is not enormous, the flexibility of the parts allows this without problems, a reinforcing bar in the front is used to make the steering a little bit more robust a Servo motor is used to power the steering system directly:


And here are the different systems arrangement, including the diff-lock (the same as previous versions):


Rear view:


And last but not less important, the LDD file, the different systems are already grouped, i hope you like it: https://bricksafe.com/files/imanol/unimog/new-axle/New Axle.lxf

Any suggestions are welcome.

Very interesting blog. I have some doubts about G 6x6 transmission. Since you locked all axle differentials and there are no portal gearings, your transmission is in danger! Differentials  are the best way to make it safer. Anyways, only real build can show is it working or not...

Edited by rm8

  • 1 month later...
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Hello, Here are some updates, first, following RM8's advice i have modified the G300 drive train, now it is able to use the 28T differentials, the rear axles have a pretty basic transmission system, which obviously has a lot of power loss, but this was due to some lack of inspiration, maybe in a future it will be better, i have also added a 3 point link suspension in the rear axles, is not the same used in the real thing, but it should do the job, here is how it looks so far:


I have also made some minor improvements to the Mog axle, i tested the integrity and the strength of the axle, and it is surprisingly good, i wish i had a servo motor so i could fully test it, but it works pretty good when manually steered:


I have made some other modifications in the Zetros, but i will upload them later, when they get a better look.

And i have also started to work on an old idea, a Portal Planetary Axle, and i have just discovered that Tatra has used this idea in their T 810 truck (pretty nice, actually), so i am trying to make the super heavy duty version of it, to fit large sized vehicles, more details will come soon:


  • 7 months later...
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Hello everyone, has been a while since i uploaded something here, so far i haven't made much progress in the previous models shown before, but since i have a bit more of free time these days i will try to continue, some small updates right now are 3 projects i am currently working on, the first is a concept 8x8x8 Truck, which should use portal and planetary axles which are directly driven by L-Motors and use Xerion Tires,for some reason i thought i had made a post about this project in another thread, but looks like i just dreamed about it :wacko:, but anyway, here are 2 picture of how it looks so far:



The second one is a 12:1 scale Tatra (not sure about which will be the final model), which started just as an axle, but it could become something even better, here is the post about the axle:

The third project is a Humvee/Hummer H1 of the same scale of the Tatra, the challenge in this one was mainly because of the axle design, size and functionality were crucial, the story of how and why i started this project can be seen here:



Another nice thing about recreating this model is that there is plenty of space to place (and hopefully hide) the PF elements, because the real Humvee has a massive tunnel going right through the chassis and body, where the transmission goes (picture for reference):


After some experimenting, this is how it seems from above and from one side using basic PF elements (1 AAA Battery Box, 2 IR Receivers and 2 L-Motors for drive), it all seems to fit nicely in the chassis, and it should be possible to put a cover for even more realism:



And with the use of a Buwizz, it would be even smaller and better, but it already looks promising, i hope to be giving more updates soon, i hope you like it.

Edited by Imanol BB
Missing information

  • 1 year later...
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Hello everyone, i haven't been active for quite some time because i've been quite busy with college, now that i got some free time i came here to say hi and to also notify that the folders with my various Technic "experiments" is now public to anyone interested, here is the link: https://bricksafe.com/pages/imanol/models/technic-and-model-team/mocs-and-mods

I will try to get updated with all the new things that have been shared here and to keep sharing with the community, BTW how do i change my signature?

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