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Terminator! Just imagine those Endoskeletons :wub:

Seconded! :oh: It would be awesome getting a castle skelleton in the same silver as the droids in the new Assassin Droid Battle Pack with a battle droid blaster! :cry_happy:

Also, I'm really hoping that the upcoming Avatar: The Last Airbender feature films will bring back life into the Avatar theme! :sweet:

Also, I'm really hoping that the upcoming Avatar: The Last Airbender feature films will bring back life into the Avatar theme! :sweet:

I would not only like to see an Avatar theme, but also a Fairly Odd Parents theme, Jimmy Neutron theme, and maybe some more of the SpongeBob SquarePants theme. Yes, I would like to see more Nickelodeon themes.

Seconded! :oh: It would be awesome getting a castle skelleton in the same silver as the droids in the new Assassin Droid Battle Pack with a battle droid blaster! :cry_happy:

Or! A *cough* chrome *cough* *cough* skeleton! :tongue: But I really don't think that Terminator could be a Lego theme- I doubt if many kids (the target audience) have seen the movies or show, due to the "R" ratings. Plus, the sets would be too violent, although I can think of some pretty good ideas (T2 truck and bike chase... :cry_happy:). And seeing the dying popularity of the SCC, I have many doubts about this as a theme, despite how cool it would be. :sadnew:

A Monkey Island theme would be great (mainly the first 2 games). You could have the Sea Monkey, Le Chuck's ship, Captain Dread's ship, the Scumm Bar, Stan's Previously Owned Vessels (and also Previously Owned Coffins), Elaine's Mansion, Cannibal Village etc., plenty of set options.

And maybe a Final Fantasy or Zelda theme.

Whow. I can´t believe noone´s going to second the General Motors License.

Just imagine all those American Classics! Corvette, Camaro, Firebird, G20, El Camino... The list is endless! And honestly: We NEED more civilian cars for our city layouts, don´t we? :wink:

By the way... I wonder why TLG isn´t making more with their VW Beetle license. A minifig sized beetle would sell pretty good, I guess.

I would like any of the themes from the Command and Conquer franchise. (red alert, tiberium wars, etc).One of the most feasible themes because there are many vehicles ranging from the 10dollar range to the 60dollar range, and plenty of individual buildings like power plants and command posts.

I would not only like to see an Avatar theme, but also a Fairly Odd Parents theme, Jimmy Neutron theme, and maybe some more of the SpongeBob SquarePants theme. Yes, I would like to see more Nickelodeon themes.

i'm with you. i wouldn't mind jimmy neutron replacing the spongebob theme. but i'm no good when it comes to kiddy theme. i've been wrong about how well spongebob will sell. :tongue:

in terms of licensing though, i think a few of the key notes i have noticed from past successes and failures of the license themes are:

1. massive fan base

2. army building capability or many protagonists and antagonists to collect

3. looks great when legorized

on that front, i would agree a disney license would work well as long as they don't do it in the 4+ scale but more in the system scale. the previous 2000 mickey mouse theme failed because of the single block minifigs. they gotta do it more like how they approached the SBSP line: special head mould and standard MF body and prints.

yes, i think toy story (and by extension, toy story 2) would do really well. plenty of characters to make, massive fan base even if the show is almost 20 years old now, and the cartoonish CGI would fit well as lego pieces.

however we all know how MB won the disney licensing rights and disney have been a great seller for MB (cars, the princesses line, etc). it's going to be hard for TLC to wrestle the license from MB.

another good theme would be world of warcraft. massive fan base. they have also just released a third edition to huge sucess. the massive world, cities, vehicles, characters, mounts would make this another run away winner since there is no limit to the possible sets that TLC can make.

the downside might be that the violence is too much for TLC to take. WOW is rated M right?

not sure what other shows, movies, or chars would fit the 3 requirements? james bond maybe? not sure about the third point though. JB fans aren't collectors, and even fewer are lego fans.

Whow. I can´t believe noone´s going to second the General Motors License.

Just imagine all those American Classics! Corvette, Camaro, Firebird, G20, El Camino... The list is endless! And honestly: We NEED more civilian cars for our city layouts, don´t we? :wink:

By the way... I wonder why TLG isn´t making more with their VW Beetle license. A minifig sized beetle would sell pretty good, I guess.

I'll second that. I'd even love to see some big trucks in there as well. And since GM owns Hummer, we could get an H1 set as well! This would also open up so great race car posibilites as well. LMAS Corvette, Trans-am racing Camaro's, Baja Racing trucks... This could really work.

While were at it, a Ford license, as well as mopar would be great. I'd love to get LEGO versions of the new Challenger, or Viper.

Stargate SG-1

Stargate Atlantis

Stargate Universe [New series coming out in '09]

+ All those Stargate movies they made... :tongue:

Also as Jipay said we could use the light functions in the gate and maybe even the control room. :classic:

And who doesn't want a LEGO Puddlejumper :cry_happy:

Stargate SG-1

Stargate Atlantis

Stargate Universe [New series coming out in '09]

+ All those Stargate movies they made... :tongue:

Also as Jipay said we could use the light functions in the gate and maybe even the control room. :classic:

And who doesn't want a LEGO Puddlejumper :cry_happy:

I second that, but Jumpers are ugly.

Bring on the F-302s, Death Gliders, Tel'taks and Adria :wub::laugh:

Also it would allow for some awesome new pieces like the Staff weapons, Ori soldier's armor, Jaffa armor

And some little one piece Goa'uld :laugh::devil:

Call of Duty, Medal of Honour e.t.c. one of those.

If they did make Final Fantasy they would really make that many new items, They would change the colour of the Exo-Force hairstyles.

I'll second that. I'd even love to see some big trucks in there as well. And since GM owns Hummer, we could get an H1 set as well! This would also open up so great race car posibilites as well. LMAS Corvette, Trans-am racing Camaro's, Baja Racing trucks... This could really work.

While were at it, a Ford license, as well as mopar would be great. I'd love to get LEGO versions of the new Challenger, or Viper.

It could also come with a bailout set :tongue:

I would definately want a Lord of the Rings lego set :classic:

Would be great with all those artefacts, shields, armours and minifigures.

Fellowship of the Ring::

Lothrlorien Forest: includes elven archers minifigures, and lady galadriel. A baseplate with a forest on it.

Rivendell: includes lord elrond, arwen, rivendell building, the sword narsil and some fellowship minifigures.

Prancing Pony Inn: the inn in Bree includes several drinks, cups, a ringwraith, frodo and sam minifigures and the inn itself.

Weathertop: the weathertop rock with 3 ringwraiths, aragorn, a fireplace and sam, frodo, pippin and merry minifigures(also torches :tongue:

Balins tomb: includes the tomb with a skeleton, gimli minifigure, giant troll, orc warriors, a drums, and gandalf minifigure. Also rocks haha

Isengard: the tower of isengard including orc smithers, a tree and saruman the wizard

Two Towers::

The second set in the Lord of the Rings Lego.

Entmoot: ents surrounding a waterplace with merry and pippin minifigures

Riders of rohan battlepack

Uruk hai battlepack

Warg ambush: a warg, aragorn minifigure, rider of rohan minifigure, horse

Helms deep: the fort of helms deep including ladders, mines, uruk-hai minifigures, rohan minifigures,elf archers and king theoden

And with those two sets the last one needs to be included :thumbup:

Return of the King:

Minas tirith packs: these are packs which together can be used to expand and expand your castle grounds of minas tirith; includes towers, walls, siege machines, minifigures and rooms.

Mumakil siege: includes mumak minifigure, raiders, legolas minifigure

Corsair ship: a black corsair ship including corsair minifigures

Corsair port: the port of the corsair crusaders.

has anyone mentioned TRANSFORMER??

A Futurama theme would be awesome.

Hasn't that already been done as KK2? :tongue:

Actually, that was Exo-Force. Sensai Keiken= Sensai Whatever his name is from Power rangers. :laugh:

Ironman and Transformers!

James bond would be awesone :classic::classic:

LEgend of zelda


I dont know what else

Lord of the Rings LEGO:

Year one:

Bag End: On hinges so there can be an interior! Includes Bilbo and Gandalf the Grey. £20.00

Prancing Pony: Once again on hingers, built simular to the bar in medivel village set (execpt stairs inside). Includes Frodo, Pippin, Merry, 'Strider', Barman and Nazgul on black horse. £40.00

Rivindell: BIG set containing Frodo's room, meeting hall, Elronds libary, room with the shards of Narsil . Includes Elrond, Frodo, Sam, Ganalf the Grey, Arwen, Aragon and Borromir. £80.00

Tomb of Balin: Big hall on a 16 by 16 baseplate with Tomb, a pillar and a balcony. Includes Frodo, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, two orcs and Cave troll. £30.00

Frodo Vs. Nazgul: This waves 'little set', includes a Nazgul, transulsant(see through) Frodo and part of Weather top. £5.00

I'll do Two Towers and Return of the King tomorrow!

(And I've just noticed Ptrickvdmeer beat me to it, DAM! :tongue: )

Hows about Ratchet and Clank LEGO? Emphasizing on the latest one (I mean ToD)? That'd make for some nice molds!

How about LEGO Spaceballs, basically a more satirical version of LEGO Star Wars.

+1 on Transformers

+1 on BTTF

+1 on Terminator

+1 on Spaceballs

-1 on LOTR (boring, we already have fantasy-castle. Similar settings possible, minus the license fee)

I wanted Spider MAn 3 sets, but lego didn't make them.

horror theme, the guy "gigerbrick"on youtube mabe his own lego horror stuff :wink:

here is the link to his channel: http://nl.youtube.com/user/gigerbrick

(this post isn't for any advertising!)

and lego star wars KotOR lego!! :laugh:

Edited by repubilcFORCES

As additions to existing themes, I'd like to see SW and IJ expanded into video games and other non-movie material, although most of the best stuff (IJ and the Fate of Atlantis, SW:Knights of the Old Republic and Dark Forces/Jedi Knight) is probably too old to be recognizable to younger fans.

In general, I'd also like to see more real world licenses for City and related themes. They are still plugging along with some promotional sets like the Vestas windmill, but I'd like to see more universal names, like McDonald's, etc. Keeping them as promotional sets would be fine with me, that way people who don't want real-world licenses in their towns would still have the regular release sets as options. I'd especially like to see the return of gas station promos. Many sets with the Shell logo, promo or regular release, were some of the best town sets ever made.

Oh, this is probably more "Trains" than "Licensed", but since LEGO had to get BNSF approval on the Super Chief and GP38-2, and probably TTX's on the Double-Stack, why not a licensed line of relatively-accurate trains? (Kinda like expanding the Super Chief basic-concept to a 6-wide version of my 10-wide passenger trains...)

Definitely. Although this would be hard to do as a regular line due to the regional nature of railroads, I think some single sets of well known trains work well. Famous trains like the 20th Century Limited, Orient Express, and Flying Scotsman are (or should be) universally known amongst railfans.

Edited by Section8

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