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Why would anyone buy sets with such evil people?

People buy sets with Darth Vader in them. :P


Harry Potter is my dream license! I'm so happy it's coming back.

Other ones:

Lord of The Rings

Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass

X-Men (I would LOVE this)

Iron Man (I actually think this could happen, what with the new movie coming out soon)

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (I WOULD LOVE THIS THE MOST)


People buy sets with Darth Vader in them. :P


Yes, true, but he's fiction. Jack the Ripper etc. aren't, and truly did horrendous things in the past, so I don't see why serial killers would deserve forms in Lego.

LEGO have started a new "Minifigure Collector"-line. Here we have for example Robin Hood, a clown, astronaut and so forth....

I think relevant to this line can LEGO to start a "Hollywood"-line with license characters from this movies. And here is enough place for all minifigures regarding your dream license. I believe here finds LEGO a new market.

What do you think?

Interesting idea, but think about it: Every series of collectable figs is comprised of 16 minifigs. If each minifig is from a different movie, Lego would have to buy so many licenses that it would go bankrupt. :wink:

Family Guy

Total Drama Island/Action/Musical

Serial killers license.

Right, because that's the kind of crap I'd want my kids to play with. :hmpf: Seriously, do you guys even think about what you're writing there? I realize this is a dreaming thread, but still.

Besides, no offense, but if you're dreaming of serial killer Lego sets, you might wanna consider seeing a psychiatrist. :tongue:

Anyway, I would love it if there was a Tintin license, possibly tied to the upcoming Spielberg movies. There could be sets like the small submarine, Haddock's mansion, or a mayan temple. :sweet:

And I think I already said this, but it would be great if TLC would make more Avatar: The Last Airbender sets based on the new live-action movies. There are still so many great sets and minifigs that could come out of this theme!

I also wouldn't mind sets from James Cameron's Avatar. :wink: That would be very cool actually.

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

Yes, true, but he's fiction. Jack the Ripper etc. aren't, and truly did horrendous things in the past, so I don't see why serial killers would deserve forms in Lego.

Vikings raped and pillaged and did horrendous things too and they had their own line.

Personally you're just blowing this out of proportion. :P


I'd love to see avatar the last airbender again,

and a movie is coming out in june, so maybe no more cartoon-like.

it would als o be more mainstream then.

  • 2 weeks later...

Iron Man, Lord of the Rings, Back to the Future, and Club Penguin. :oh:

Think of all the great pieces Club Penguin would offer! Penguin heads that could be compatible with minifigs, a one-piece crab, polar bear, new jetpacks, puffles, and a volcano mold! Plus all the black/grey pieces that comes with the Night Club. :wub:

Edited by Tingy Xplode

2012, the Hobbit, Lord of the Rings! It could happen! Think of all of the great fantasy parts coming from there, the minifigures especially! There's also a high demand, and regardless of ratings kids get hooked at an early age!

So many everywhere want it, and when the movie comes out in 2012, it would be the perfect push-out time! Not to mention, Lego is ever-expanding their liscenced themes each year, imagine the possibilities!

EDIT: My worst fear is probably a Shrek license. :tongue: Topic idea!

Edited by Darth Legolas

2012, the Hobbit, Lord of the Rings! It could happen! Think of all of the great fantasy parts coming from there, the minifigures especially! There's also a high demand, and regardless of ratings kids get hooked at an early age!

2012 could actually be a great theme, even if it is a little violent for the kiddies...

Edit: Haha, I don't want an Ogre as a minifigures. :thumbdown:

Edited by Tingy Xplode

Vikings raped and pillaged and did horrendous things too and they had their own line.

Personally you're just blowing this out of proportion. :P


Serial killers license.

-Lots of sets with differend serial killers like: Ed Gein, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Zodiak killer, Jack the Ripper and others

I would like it if the moderators would please lock this thread. I think that the idea of serial killers in Lego form is very disturbing and I don't think that we even need to contemplate it. :thumbdown:

Edited by Jack Bricker

And your squeamishness means that the thread should be locked? Stop being a pussy.

- Tilius

Edited by -Tilius-

And your squeamishness means that the thread should be locked? Stop being a pussy.

- Tilius

I am not squeamish I am just normal. :hmpf_bad:

Back on topic. :sadnew: I would love to see a POTC license. I think a Lego Black Pearl would be really cool and I would like a jack sparrow minifigure to go in pirate MOCs. I would also like it if Lego came out with King arthur theme or something similer. A big set depicting Camalot would be really cool. And why can't Lego come out with a Jurassic Park license. A new T-Rex with the trailers from the first movie would be really cool. :sweet:

Not every idea will be to everyone's taste, but this is an AFOL site - emphasis on 'Adult' - so let's all behave like grown-ups. Tasteful or not, the figure of the 'serial killer' is a popular one in fiction and open to discussion. However it doesn't really fit as a 'Licensed' theme so I don't think there's much to add. Thanks!

I might have already mentioned it in this thread, but I'd love to see a full Nintendo license. I would only buy a little Mario set for the mini-figs, but the other two big Nintendo series, Zelda and Metroid would be phenomenal. I've been playing different Zelda's for the last month, and the setting is perfect, kind of foresty/castle stuff. I finished Metroid Prime last year, and the same thing, a perfect setting, a mixture of ruins and sci-fi. I don't know if the license would be powerful enough to justify though. Wii is number one, but those three series seem to only sell great when packed in Smash Brothers.

A lot of potential there though.

Not every idea will be to everyone's taste, but this is an AFOL site - emphasis on 'Adult'

I thought the 'A' stands for Artie. :tongue:

Anyway, I really think Lego should pick up the Batman license again by making a line based on the TV show "Batman: The Brave and the Bold". It would satisfy all the people who missed out on Batman sets due to the abrupt cancellation of the line and would give us tons of new characters from the DC universe along with sets based around them. :thumbup: Just imagine a Batmech set! :wub:

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

Unrealistically, I'd like a Halo line (already taken by Megablocks! Oh no!), a Doctor Who line, and lots of other things that I like.

Realistically, I'd like them to extend the Star Wars license (=P), and maybe make a proper war theme revolved around a movie or series. I'm a fan of the Great Escape, but since that movie was released back in 1963, it probably wouldn't become a line. Another movie or series could be featured, though. Indiana Jones had some German and Russian soldiers, I think, so it might work.

EDIT: I'd also like a Kirby theme, I strangely like the series, for some reason...

Edited by Delta 38

A THX-1138 would be nice and could be easy to get because of the connection between lego and lucasfilms. The chrome parts that could be made would be really useful and its a pretty good story. Whether they could make sets for scenes im not exactly sure about. I would love to see batman be picked up again. Any media of Batman would be good, movies, comics books or tv shows it doesnt really matter for me

I might have already mentioned it in this thread, but I'd love to see a full Nintendo license. I would only buy a little Mario set for the mini-figs, but the other two big Nintendo series, Zelda and Metroid would be phenomenal. I've been playing different Zelda's for the last month, and the setting is perfect, kind of foresty/castle stuff. I finished Metroid Prime last year, and the same thing, a perfect setting, a mixture of ruins and sci-fi. I don't know if the license would be powerful enough to justify though. Wii is number one, but those three series seem to only sell great when packed in Smash Brothers.

A lot of potential there though.

As a kid I remember seing Lego knockofs of Mario and some other of his friends. I also remember they had flesh / pink colored bricks and I was tempted to buy one of these sets because of that, but still even then I only wanted Lego, not some megablocks wanabe.

I would really like to see a Prince of Persia license based off of the game not the movie. I mean having a dark prince minifig and some sand monsters would be really cool. :sweet: I also think that there is a lot they could do with it. The really old Prince 2 the shadow and the flame had the smugglers cave, the dead city, the temple, and the palace. Just with that game alone they could make 3-4 really large sets. I would also like to see a giant hour glass for the daggar of time and a Farah and evil vizier minifig would be great. Oh well, :classic: I guess I can thank my lucky stars that they got the movie license and that I can make those sets as MOCs. :tongue:

Unrealistically, I'd like a Halo line (already taken by Megablocks! Oh no!),and maybe make a proper war theme revolved around a movie or series. I'm a fan of the Great Escape, but since that movie was released back in 1963, it probably wouldn't become a line. Another movie or series could be featured, though. Indiana Jones had some German and Russian soldiers, I think, so it might work.

Halo actually went to LEGO first, but they refused to make sets of a 'M' rated game. Funny, they make sets of PG-13 rated movies. Indiana Jones has already realeasedf some war vehicles and troops, such as trucks, jeeps, and soldiers. Though I agree. Movie such as The Great Escape and Tora, tora, Tora (as well as hndreds of others) would make great sets, and might just sell equally as well.

Anyway, I would love it if there was a Tintin license, possibly tied to the upcoming Spielberg movies. There could be sets like the small submarine, Haddock's mansion, or a mayan temple. :sweet:

Me too, I was trying to make a Tintin figure from Ron's torso from escape from private drive, but I have no idea what to do for the hair, I could probably also make a greeble snowy too, hopefully lego will sign on with Spielberg for one year just for the figs, then we can make our own sets off the comics.

And all this talk about a serial killers license is umm... well... ridiculous, why would lego promote murder in young children?

EDIT: Lego Tintin is closer then I once thought, I just realized I got the new city airport impulse set so I whipped up a quick Tintin


and the real one


Pretty good ehh, I'm working on others but I have to wait to apply decals.

Edited by sok117

A serial killers liscence, seriously? :wacko: If they wouldn't aliow LOTR, why do you think they would make that. If you really want that I'm sure you can get someone to create a decal for you.

My favourite liscence would be LOTR, or the Hobbit movie coming up. A Narnia liscence would be awesome too, fawns, centaurs, and minotaur's :wub:

Anyway, I really think Lego should pick up the Batman license again by making a line based on the TV show "Batman: The Brave and the Bold". It would satisfy all the people who missed out on Batman sets due to the abrupt cancellation of the line and would give us tons of new characters from the DC universe along with sets based around them. :thumbup: Just imagine a Batmech set! :wub:

Screw that! I want to see B:TAS sets! Let's see Poison Ivy's Greenhouse from "Pretty Poison", Rupert Thorne's Hideout with a Harvey Dent fig with a double-sided face (one face Harvey, the other Two-Face) from "Two-Face: Part II". I'd love to see the Riddler's labyrinth from "If You're So Smart Why Aren't You Rich?"!

I'd like to see Narnia LEGO, or Series of Unfortunate Events! :classic:

If all else fails, maybe Ratchet and Clank, too.

Avatar (james cameron) would be awe inspiring! i was thinking of sets, and here are some ideas:

$10.00: Panther attack

alone at night, Jake sully finds himself in danger of the beasts of pandora. Includes avatar Jake, avatar Neyreti and three Viperwolves. The avatars would be made using the new woody arms and legs. Includes trees.

$25.00: Avatar controll:

Jake and Grace retire to this far away mobile to switch bodies. Add to battle mech to stage the final fight! Pull the chord to switch Jake into his avatar form!

includes avatar jake, grace and Jake with minifig wheel chair. avatar pod is modified space police cell.

$35.00: battle mech attack:

The villainous commander miles suits up ready for his assault on the planet. Fortunatley, the animals fight back. who will win the epic battle? includes miles, a soldeir, a rhino thing and Na'vi warrior. also has cannon to throw explosive barrels.

$40.00: hellicopter assault.

Trudy flies her hellicopter into the heat of battle followed by Nyreti and Tsu'ty on their banshees. can they win the battle? Includes Human soldeir to increase your numbers.

$60.00: Command ship.

The hulking command ship flies the humans arround. Unfortunately, I'ts intentions are far from just. Drop the bombs, fire the lazers and deploy the troops before Jake's huge Toruk sweeps in to remove the wing! Includes miles, Jake, a piolot, and two RDA soldeirs

$80.00: RDA H.Q:

Theres so much to do at the base! drive arround the planet in the supply truck or scout ahead with the mini flyer! swich Jake, Grace and Norm into their avatar form! comand soldeirs in the radio tower, or send them packing into the next ship out! Includes Miles, Jake, Grace, Norm (in their avatar forms) Parker, two soldiers and a dire horse.


$125.00: tree of life

Welcome to the home of the Na'vi! Climb the trees, ride the direhorse or start a ceremony! includes exlusive minifigs including ceremony Jake, Ny'reti, Mo'at, Eutytan? and tsu'tsy. collapseable tree.

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