April 21, 201014 yr How about The Secret Saturdays or even Chowder - it must be of now not then, remember it's a child's toy first, so half these themes are just dreams- our AFOL ones, where else a popular cartoon or kid's flick generally would sell well or even better than an 80's or even a 90's theme.! I'm a conformist! !
April 23, 201014 yr Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but what about more video game Lego like with The Force Unleased? I personally think that Assassins Creed or even Fable would be interesting ideas. I realize that the violence level of these games might not make them kid friendly but the set possibilities!!
April 24, 201014 yr Anyone seen Generator Rex, the new show on cartoon network? It's pretty good, and I think there's potential in a decent line of sets. And considering it's made by the creators of Ben 10, it's quite possible to happen if the show becomes popular enough. Also, I might have mentioned this already, but with the new season coming up (yay!), it would be awesome to have Futurama Lego! There are quite a few iconic things in it that could be great sets, such as the Planet Express ship and building, Zap Brannigan's ship, and the Robot Mafia's space limo. Maybe even the Cryogenic Lab, the sewers, or Panucci's Pizza. An impulse set with Nibbler in his mini-saucer would cool too.
April 24, 201014 yr After looking at the NCIS MOC minifigs, I wouldn't mind a short NCIS and/or CSI license.
August 7, 201014 yr I was thinking we have had all these awesome licensed themes and one of the best is sadly saying goodbye in 2011. yes its star wars but what will replace it my ideas are 1. Simpson's - i could be quite a good one with over 400 episodes to cover. (id love to see the treehouse of horrors made into sets). 2. Bat Man - hopefully it might make a comeback. we will just have to wait and see 3. phineas and ferb - is a show loved by kids all over. but it would be fun to see some of there wacky projects come alive in lego 4. spider man - again it could make a come back 5. family guy - could be a hit with teenagers but parents may have a problem with encouraging kids to watch it. those are the 5 ideas i could think of. but which one could last the longest and become quite popular. also do you have any ideas for the next license theme ???
August 7, 201014 yr 1. Simpson's - i could be quite a good one with over 400 episodes to cover. (id love to see the treehouse of horrors made into sets). 2. Bat Man - hopefully it might make a comeback. we will just have to wait and see Why not, I can agree with these 2. And my votes: 1. Tolkien 2. Tad Williams' books 3. Thorgal (the best ever European comic series, not very well known in English-speaking countries) 5. Thief games 6. Charles Dickens 7. Mario 8. Dungeons & Dragons 9. Back To The Future 10. some great rock bands
August 7, 201014 yr 1. Simpson's - i could be quite a good one with over 400 episodes to cover. (id love to see the treehouse of horrors made into sets). Simpsons isn't an appropriate kid friendly show for LEGO to make. 2. Bat Man - hopefully it might make a comeback. we will just have to wait and see I don't think it would happen, but if a new batman movie comes out it would be awesome! 3. phineas and ferb - is a show loved by kids all over. but it would be fun to see some of there wacky projects come alive in lego I was skeptical at first but I do think that it is popular enough that LEGO could do a few sets. 4. spider man - again it could make a come back I'd love it but I don't think it will happen unless a new movie comes out. 5. family guy - could be a hit with teenagers but parents may have a problem with encouraging kids to watch it. Definitely not kid friendly. LEGO wouldn't do something like this. I'm a teenager and am a bit offended by the show. My ideas for themes could be Tron (if the movie is successful), Pirates of the Caribbean (looks like they are doing this one), X-Men (I'D LOVE THIS and it's possible now that Disney bought Marvel), Iron Man/Avengers (Disney bought Marvel and I bet these would be popular). I REALLY want LEGO Doctor Who, and I really do think it would immensely popular with the AFoL. I would show my support by buying all that I could. Also, you'd be surprised at how popular it is here in America. ~MC Edited August 7, 201014 yr by MrCustomizer
August 7, 201014 yr This is pure speculation because LSW is not going to be stopped by Lego. You bring this info as "written in stone" and that is misleading. Edited August 7, 201014 yr by OneSnowTrooper
August 7, 201014 yr OK, here are some things I can't say often enough: There already is a thread for discussing license ideas right here. Why make a new thread for your own ideas/wishes which have all already been suggested many times before? How do you know for sure Lego wont renew the SW license? I would be very surprised if they would just let their most successful theme go. But if you'd like to discuss this, you can do so in this thread. Family Guy Lego sets? Really? There's nothing you could make a good set out of, not to mention that this is one of the last things I'd want kids to play with. Sorry for this little rant, but someone had to say it.
August 10, 201014 yr I, too, would be astonished if LEGO really allowed the Star Wars license to expire next year, and I think it's profoundly even less likely they'd seriously consider doing sets based on Family Guy. It's just not going to happen. That said, here are some other licenses I think are both somewhat plausible and highly desirable: - anything Pixar. They already have some of this now, with both Toy Story and Cars, and I know I'm not the only one here who'd like to see more. (I could actually see them acquiring a sort of "blanket license" for all Pixar properties, with each movie or movie series eventually getting at least a few sets - they could move from one or two "subthemes" to another one or two every year or so, with some of the releases being tied to whatever Pixar's latest release is, and some of them not (and doing sets for earlier movies in Pixar series at the time they're gearing up for the later ones, as they're doing with Toy Story and Cars). They could even have a mix of mass-market sets tied to major marketing pushes, as with these current and upcoming movies, while doing other things (where appropriate for the movie) as more detailed, expensive, limited-availability collector items (say, UCS-like LEGO Exclusive renditions of, say, the Axiom, Carl Fredricksen's house or Gusteau's restaurant). And who here wouldn't love a whole line of The Incredibles sets?) - Tolkien's Middle-Earth. I know the movie adaptations of The Lord of the Rings were released years ago, but with The Hobbit coming up they could still tie a theme launch to that, and this is one epic myth that I think really fits LEGO well. It's already close to one of TLG's three "core" themes, while still having its own identity, and striking a fine balance between the level of conflict that helps sell stuff to today's kids while still being sufficiently family-friendly for TLG to be comfortable with it (it doesn't hurt that the stories are generally regarded as classics, of course). I know lots of AFOLs would go for this in a big way.
August 10, 201014 yr Well, Family Guy and the Simpsons are a no way. Tolkien would be perfect! And Phineas and Ferb would be a nightmare! Sure, they could have a lot of sets, but it would all get very monotonous. I could also see a lot of Pixar, which would be very neat, IMHO. And Batman and Spider-Man are possibilities, but slight ones at that. Ones that I would love to see, but I know never will, are: -Spartacus: Blood and Sand. (I've never seen the show, and I am offended by the content from hear-say, but it would be nice) -HBO's Rome (Another that would NEVER happen) -Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth novels (these are a somewhat possibility, if they ever made them into films, or if the show was picked up again, as it is a Disney/ABC production, but still a long shot) -Tom Clancy (way too violent, but hey, who wouldn't want to see Jack Ryan, Ding Chavez, and John Clark?)
August 10, 201014 yr Goodness, 'Oky wan' is right.....there is already a forum open for this topic.....I hope 'Svelte' locks this. I'm a conformist! !
August 11, 201014 yr Simpsons isn't an appropriate kid friendly show for LEGO to make. That's a matter of opinion... there's the occasional "adult" humor, but most of it is just stupid; I agree with you about Family Guy (I mean, really... one needs only think of Lois in her dominatrix outfit... giggity giggity). Moreover, there's a LOT of cool vehicles they could do with the Simpsons, which is something people seem to think TLG wants to make because that's what boys like, from rocket soap-box derby cars to the car Homer designed for Herb, as well as structures like the house, treehouse, the school, Mr. Burn's mansion, the power plant... I see a lot of possibilities there. Conversely, even if Family Guy were appropriate enough, I can't think of many sets you could build for it. But as far as "kid friendly" goes, I need to point out that Indiana Jones has some pretty gruesome stuff in it... from having a heart pulled out of a mans chest to the big mechanic getting chopped up by the blades of the flying wing... which they actually made a set for, for crying out loud! On top of that, they even had Darth Vader's transformation as a set... limbs chopped off, burned beyond recognition... I don't think it would happen, but if a new batman movie comes out it would be awesome! As I pointed out in another thread, don't lose all hope - they said the same thing about Harry Potter (and for the reasons you mentioned... ooh, getting too dark and scary for the little children), yet here we are, with a whole slew of sets being released in October). Of course, the movies were planned ahead of time, and this will be the first part of the last one, but still... it was enough to make LEGO rethink their decision. I wonder if they go on Bricklink and say "Hey, those sets we stopped making are selling for four times more than list!" I was skeptical at first but I do think that it [phineas and ferb] is popular enough that LEGO could do a few sets. I don't, but then that's just me. And I have two kids who like the show... but when we were in the Disney Store the other day, they were completely uninterested in actually getting Phineas and Ferb merchandise. I'd love it [spiderman] but I don't think it will happen unless a new movie comes out. I wouldn't love it, but that's just me - I know a lot of you guys are really into the superheros, so here's hoping for you. My ideas for themes could be Tron (if the movie is successful), I just don't see a lot of possibilities with Tron. Yes, the lightcycles... a couple of robot looking things... but then what? Of course, I'm thinking of the original, but I don't think the new movie will have that much more, but we'll have to wait and see. Pirates of the Caribbean (looks like they are doing this one), Yup... I hope that if they stopped pirates, that that's why. X-Men (I'D LOVE THIS and it's possible now that Disney bought Marvel), Iron Man/Avengers (Disney bought Marvel and I bet these would be popular). Not sure... while I like Batman, I'm not really into superheros... but who wouldn't want LEGO Wolverine or Iron Man? I REALLY want LEGO Doctor Who, and I really do think it would immensely popular with the AFoL. I would show my support by buying all that I could. Also, you'd be surprised at how popular it is here in America. Yeah... like Tron, even if it's popular, what is there to build? A Tardis, and what else? When I'm thinking of "Dream Licenses," it's not enough for me to like the license... there needs to be realistically enough to make a few different sets every year for years. With Pirates of the Carribean, not only is a new movie coming out, but they've got an established set of three movies that they could make a number of sets from... and not just boats... I mean a LOT of non-boat sets, I can think of five or six big locations off the top of my head in just a few seconds.... and then there's the boats! And Pirates was so popular, even if the next movie isn't that bad, it will do well and people will want sets from it. So... I'd say the Simpson's, for me, would be great, and POTC, because both would have numerous sets. While I'd love to see LOTR, because I think there is nearly endless possibilities there, too, I'd be happy if they released some generic "halflings" and "elves" to go with the castle theme... unfortunately they're already off fantasy, but I think they could have done some great sets with those... they already had orcs (trolls) and trolls (giant trolls) for the bad guys. So big deal, they couldn't use the word "orc." In that vein, they should release a "heroes" set of minifigs for Kingdoms/Castle/Whatever. So, I'm trying to think what else I would like, but they're all unrealistic adult themes... LOST, 24, The Matrix... While we're discussing Disney Licenses, there's a new Narnia movie coming out, so that could be interesting... again. already established with two successful movies with more on the way. Ok, so... before I write a novel, in short, what I would definitely buy, and what I think TLG could get a lot of cool sets from, are Simpson's sets, and LOTR sets (or, as I mentioned, unlicensed sort-of LOTR sets).
August 12, 201014 yr I think lego just needs to all-out buy the "street sharks" franchise from 15 years ago.
August 12, 201014 yr Okay, odd ball stuff.....well now I read a rumour that The Thunderbirds were to become an CGI series - what almost anyone give for a brickbuilt Thunderbird 2 eh ? F.A.B. I'm a conformist! everyone !
August 15, 201014 yr Doctor Who. Large scale technic builds for Daleks and Cybermen would be awesome. Minifig scale: The TARDIS, dalek pack, 11 doctors pack, Dalek saucer, Satellite 5, the Tomb of the Cybermen, there were so many episodes that this theme could last forever. Ghostbusters. Large scale technic build for Ecto-1. Minifig scale: Ecto-1, the firehouse, Slimer's ballroom capture, Attack of Marshmallow man, Gozer's rooftop defeat, subway with regular and ghost trains, the showdown at the art gallery, the Statue of Liberty, and the iconic encounter in the library stacks. Plenty of opportunity to do New York buildings, cross-theme possibilities between this and town, cross-theme possibilities for trains (I love trains) with the ghost train in the subway (which was what got me thinking of this... saw Sava's Rail Zombie in Train Tech!), and plenty of cross-theme possibilities with skyscrapers for Batman. Terminator LEGO would be awesome. Technic builds of the T-800 would be literally the ultimate set. They could charge thousands if they figured out how to make a PF life-sized T-800. I would buy it even if it meant not eating for a year. I really want to see Ghostbusters and Doctor Who emerge as licensed themes, though I fear they never will. It'd be awesome though. Come to think of it, Ghostbusters isn't the only 80's film I'd love to see done in LEGO. Back to the Future would be amazing (the train would be the best bit, obviously), and... whilst typing this, I suddenly thought of Tremors. Has anybody even tried to MOC the town from Tremors? Anyhow, 80's films. The Karate Kid might make a decent set (probably couldn't carry a whole theme though) and Gremlins would make a kickass theme. LEGO gremlins would be so cool. There's so much stuff LEGO could release that would keep AFOL's flocking to stores... and intrigue kids who have *heard* of Ghostbusters and Gremlins, but never actually watched them until they saw the awesomeness that is them rendered in LEGO. Finally, I want a Futurama theme. A technic Bender, PX ship, and Nimbus with minifig scale PX building, ship, Nimbus, characters, and sets detailing various parts of New New York would be amazingly cool, but the crowning jewel would easily be Robot Hell. The concept art alone for Robot Hell seems MADE to be interpreted in LEGO. As does the Near Death Star, come to think of it. If I could pick any theme for LEGO to adopt, it would be Futurama. Spaceships, skyscrapers, and weird aliens... Futurama has so many things that LEGO designers, AFOLs and TFOLs would have immense fun with. Now I think I'll read back through this thread, see if there's anything anybody else wants that I agree with.
August 15, 201014 yr I would love a licence of a big car brand, like GM, so we can get some Cadillacs, Corvettes, etc... and not just a small brand model wise like Lambo or Ferrari.
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