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Yeah, I saw it too...poor Aayla....poor Kit Fisto....poor Ki Adi Mundi :'(

poor Anikan.

Aah well, that's life (or death?) BEST MOVIE EVER!

Hey, now sinse this topic has only just started, I'd like to ask everyone "what's your favourite starwars movie?"

-Cyclonis. :X:


The hype for this movie has me already feeling that i will be let down (see Episode I & II |-/ ). And for me to say that it is the "best movie ever" it would have to be amazing, well written, with a great storyline, and most important...great acting. Considering that Hayden Christensen will be playing a major role in the film, you can toss out the 'greeat acting'... A snail shows more emotion... I expect to see the film in a few weeks (hopefully dissipating the 'hype factor' for me ;) )...

Life is Good.



I really thought we where going to see HIM whipe out a big amount

of those well known Jedis

Whatch it Vader!! *devil* ;)

  • Governor

Well supposedly the TV series set between Episode III and IV is going to cover Vader's extermination of the remaining Jedi - but I'm not going to get my new hope up.


Great film, enjoyed it a lot...could've done with a bit more Kashykk fighting but overall an entertaining romp.

The music score was a little bit subdued to me but that did not retract from what is the best of the prequels.

For those that are swaying in their judgement of seeing it..i say..go, well worth it..except for the bloke next to me munching his way through a large box of popcorn :oD

By the way i saw a 13.15 showing in the uk today..only 20 people in the cinema..and the annoying one had to sit by me *wacko*



i saw the 15.30 show. about 100 people showed up.

i don't really know what to think of this film.

1) it's great entertainment. if you like the star wars universe, then you won't be disappointed

2) to me, however, there are two parts in this film: the part before the jedi killings and the part after that; the part before is brilliant, better than i expected. at that point i thought "this is the best sw film ever"; than there was part two... and the film crashed... i won't go into much details not to spoil it for others, but one example: the acting of N. Portman is not convincing and her story line is a joke, especially when hearing that anakin is part of the dark side. she just sits there, not really in shock or histerical or anything, she doesn't cry, shout,... whatever... she doesn't "act" at all...

All right, i'll give a second problem: there's no epic battle. sure, vader and Obi are fighting each other, but i didn't feel anything during the fight. i wasn't excited or thrilled or whatever... it was just another battle between jedis... no big deal... in any case, this battle doesn't even come close to the duel between Luke and vader in ep6

3) the most brilliant element is the cgi. unfortunately, you can't create the greatest film of all time, only based on scenery, you need a good story, good actors and a very good script; that's not the case for ep 1, ep 2 and ep 3

after part two, this film doesn't even reach my top 10 of all time... but i will see it again and i will buy the dvd, because there's so much to see in this film. I've also seen lots of craft that i would like to see as a lego set one day...


Just got back from the 16:45 showing.


What! a! film! I am actually stumbling for words, I want to talk about the film but I was so amazed by nearly everything that I don't think I can say anything (but I will try ;))

Before the film had started I was enjoying it, me and my mate took some plastic sabers with us and has fights in the queue. There were at least 15 other people who had the same idea and we ended up ganging up on two jedi-robed attendants who has sabers too. There was someone dressed up as a stormtrooper and one as Vader, there was also someone in a Jar-Jar mask :/

We were second in the queue and we got the very middle seats at the back! It was a great view.

As for the movie.. **SPOILERS**

I thought that space battle at the beginning went on a little too long, the special effects were amazing though. Dooku die too easily, Grevious died too easily. From the Jedi temple scene onwards I thought it was great. Although, when Anakin killed the kids I felt really bad inside, also when we see all the Jedis being turned upon and killed. I thought it was great that the Emporer turned deformed as Mace forced the lightening onto him, his death was pretty good. Yoda vs. Sidious was not what I was expecting, Yoda seemed to give in too easily. "The Duel" between Anakin and Obi was great, although some people didn't like it, I thought it was great when we saw Anakin being burnt! I also loved the fact that Lucas tried to fit many OT links in. Obi-wan took anakins saber to give to Luke, the Tantive V looked great and when we see the 2 moons setting on Tatoine at the end I felt so.. <insert happy feeling here>

Overall: Jar-Jar didn't speak much at all, great! C3P0 has his mind wiped, bad.

But it was a great film and I will definately go see it once or twice more.



Ive just got back from the 5.15 pm showing.....Well what can I say.... :')

Its finally over. I was in a jam packed screening and it was boiling hot. Many little children were complaining that they needed the toilet!

As for the film I thought it was absolutely fantastic. Grevious was a bit annoying because he had a cough and walked like a chicken; The dialog was a bit chunky but it all made sense....

O well its over...I cant wait to see it again!!!


perhaps there were too many bad guys, so Lucas couldn't really focus on just one...

Mcgreggar did a very good job this time... you can clearly see this obi wan turning into the old Obi Wan

did you see the blue jedi starfighter? so we at least have a yellow, red and blue starfighter :P

i was also a bit surprised to see r2d2 being so "active", killing robots in the process. i really liked that opening sequence... all the way to killing dooku. i think that was a natural consequence of anikin's state of mind, however, it was weird to see Windu (almost) doing exactly the same with the emperor, 'cause he's not supposed to do that as a Jedi... I was also surprised to see that two jedis almost immediately fell in the fight between the four jedis and the emperor. surely they were better than that.

i also feel that the duel between obi wan and ani lost a lot of intensity because of the scene with Yoda and the emperor was constantly stepping in. the production of this film, including the music, could have been better, i think, more intense... the way i see it, this film has two major stories and they're both extremely dramatic, tragic almost; one is the fall of the republic, the conflict between good vs evil; the other is the human tragedy of two individuals who love each other and could have had a great life together, but somehow, it all falls apart... i think Lucas could have done a lot more with that story...

I also don't understand why this film has a pg13 rating in the us...

the killing of the jedis was, from an emotional point of view, one of the highlights for me, one of the only moments during the film that touched me...


I was on the 00.03 showing together with RAS74. A lot of people in costumes and laserswords. And the cinemaboss guarded by a Stormie wishing everybody a great show.

I think Anarkin gave in a little to easy. It was like Jedi - well no, I


I saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw it !

(Don't read me if you don't)

First : I disagree with snefroe1, there are two parts in this film :

- before Anakin says Windu Palpatine is Sidious

- When Anakin and Padme look at differents windows the sunset and that Anakin decide to help Windu.

- After that ...

And I like better oh A LOT better the second part (in fact I found too that Anakin gave him too easily to Sidious who is more mad as I expected ... a little bit too mad maybe)

Why ?

The first -flight and save Palpatine- was too long and the Anakin helping Obiwan with droids not interesting.

There was too "funny" things in this part I don't find so funny (but the audience was laughing). I don't really like too Grievous even if it's not bad, it's not somebody I have interest for (maybe too much bad guys...) The way to make Anakin change of position is not so convincing (go to help the one who knows Anakin has troubles with Padme knowing that he's a Sith and that he began the war and that his friend and mentor Obi-wan fear .... Windu is the only one (with his untrust to Anakin) to make this believable.

But after : WaoW

death of Jedis : :'( :'( so saaaad and very well filmed.

transition scenario : One point for Lucas : almost perfection : Organa and his cornellian corvette, uncle ben, Padme saying the names of Luke and Leia and after her death, Palpatine saying Vader he killed her (I didn't think of that !), Anakin who takes Anakin's sabre to five Luke, Yoda exiling, even this immortality (they went to far i find, Anakin is "immortal" too at the end of VI he's with Yoda and Obi-wan, the transformation of Anakin to Vader, Palpatine taking control of the Senat, ships, ... I liked it

the fight(s) : I liked better Yoda/Sidious (hum I like both of those characters :P) I looked forward for this :oo but the other is not bad ... Obi-wan could have been a little bit more optimistic (the "So you're lost" :-D )

I don't understand why Yoda send Luke with ben ... He doesn't know Vader doesn't know they are born so it could be risked ...

Argh I'm going to see it again tomorrow !!!

Ps : did you notice the Millenium Falcon (or a kind of) after the first battle if I remember in a city view right-bottom of the view ? I did and *wub* *wub*


Wow.................................. is there any others words i can use?................nope ..................Wow......



Greatest movie ever? Sorry, NO!

A great movie and one of the best that were in the cinemas lately?? YES! YES! YES!!!! :oD :oD

This movie was in one way very shocking, scary and also a bit disturbing and in the other way just great and cool!!!!


- All this fantastic action and the whole cinematic things! Almost perfectly directed!

- Artoo ROCKED!!!!! Coolest Robo action ever!!!

- Ani's development, even if it was shortened you get the idea of it (showing this aspect even more had shortened the action part)

- The scene with the Jedi kids... Ani's lightsaber blade coming out of the hilt... :() I really was shocked....

- McGregors acting: Superb!!!

- New vehicles: *wub* (Loved that GG craft)

- The "Code 66" Jedi execution scenes... almost as scary as the padawan killing.

- Also have seen the falcon!!! :oo

- fits almost perfectly in the gap of PT and OT

- ... for more I have to see it twice to get a clear mind about it (just returned from the theater and am still a bit whoo-hoo in my mind...)


- Grevious was wether as great nor as important for the storyline as I expected ... Shame, this part could have been done way better...

- Wassup with Palpy's face??? Hadn't he this scary face already at Ep.1 and Ep.2?? This movie told us that Mace made him looking like that, or am I wrong here??

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