May 20, 200519 yr I saw it last night and I loved it! Hayden was much better in this one, Ian and Ewan were brillient like always but I'm still not buying Natalie Portman as Padme. I thought she was good as the Queen in Episode 1, but the rest of the time she just didn't seem to pull of the role as well as she could.
May 20, 200519 yr Governor Overall: Jar-Jar didn't speak much at all I don't recall Jar Jar speaking at all... Or did I miss it?
May 20, 200519 yr No, he didn't speak. We only saw him at Padme's funeral. Kid Padawan:- "Theres too many of them, what are we going to do, master Skywalker?" Anikan: - (...ignites lightsabre) *pishouunk!*
May 20, 200519 yr Which one was that? The speeder / fighter that is standing at the platform where Grevious dies. Obi steals it afterwards... It is looking a little bit like a Vulture droid, just more bulky and a real ship and not a Droid...
May 20, 200519 yr Which one was that? The speeder / fighter that is standing at the platform where Grevious dies. Obi steals it afterwards... It is looking a little bit like a Vulture droid, just more bulky and a real ship and not a Droid... there is an official name for this thing. something like "Utapaun bomber", i recall... it's in the sw book: i would love to see this one in lego, also the other aircraft, that ani uses later in the film, the shape is like half a circle, with the cockpit in the center of it by the way, these vulture droids have rockets... did they have those in (ep1? ep2?) as well?
May 20, 200519 yr by the way, these vulture droids have rockets... did they have those in (ep1? ep2?) as well? Not that I
May 20, 200519 yr also, did anybody see george lucas? he's supposed to be in there somewhere... i wonder why TLC chose to build the turbo tank and the wookiee attack. after all both sets aren't playing a very important role in the film at all. you hardly see the tank...
May 20, 200519 yr Governor He's supposedly done up in blue in the Opera Scene, except I was far too close to the screen so I couldn't get a decent view and missed him...
May 20, 200519 yr well as usual you dont get any set that is really important in the movie. i'm missing that padme/anakin duet set sooo muucch :-D
May 20, 200519 yr WOW! ok i loved the film. very dark as we were told it would be. my only small critisisum is the light saber duels are filmed so close that you can't always see the great choreography. which is a shame.
May 20, 200519 yr Oh well.... Everyone here will throw stones at me but I was actually really disapointed with ROTS for several reasons (I' not kidding and I'm not playing Devil's advocate either): * it was supposed to be the darkest movie BUT I didn't know it was supposed to be a comedy during the first part (and the new clown is...R2 yeahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!). Also among other things, Yoda's battles and his lines when fleeing from Kashyyyk to his wookie friends!!!! * all the greatest parts I really wanted to see were stupidly short!!!! Was there actually a battle of Kashyyyk or the parts we see in the TV spots and trailer is the whole battle, I wonder, resolution 66 in 4 min yeahhhh brilliant!!! Massacre??? * all the villains (who were supposed to be by far the most dangerous and brilliant swordsmen) died really really easilly - 30 secs to cut both of GG arms (well done!!!) and dooku is killed like a stupid youngling!!!! Anakin is defeated like a stupid novice too (I'v got higher grounds and you're going to fry!!!!!!) * you see hardly any violence: dooku's death, jedi temple massacre, resolution 66... * I thought that this stupid Padme would be more of a secondary character but she is just ruining the hole thing - why do we want a long ground assault on Kashyyyk when we can have miss one hair style/dress/cheesy line by scene?????? Whio just wanted to shut her up during the whole movie!!!!! * sometime putting too much CGIs just kills the whole thing - Obi/Ani duel is the perfect example - you see more the lava and lightsabers than their facial expression - much too colorfull. * like in ep 2: total lack of background on main characters - who is GG, who was he, why is he sick... * what is that crap about eternal life at the end when it is said that Qui Gon still "lives"???? thats really BS!!! * last point: what is the thing between Lucas and beasts!!!! This green lizard is as horrible as annoying!!!! (horrible sounds, really horrible). OK, I think that is a short resume of all bad points. However its by far the best of the prequel trilogy (not that hard though) and its really entertaining. I really like the ending!!!!! It just leaves an impression that Lucas did the strict minimum!!!!! Also great potential of future sets I sense!!!!!!!!!!! * GG's starfighter: Belbullab-22 * Yoda's escape pod * 2 cool speeders: Bail Organa's one (when he escapes from the Temple) and the triangular one (Ani's one going to the temple) * Big walker * blue version of ep2 JSF * 2 versions of Obi's JSF * V-wing (how cool when the wings turn when it lands) * Imperial Shuttle * Padme's ship * Minifigs: all jedi masters & some younglings!!!!!! Most importnt Kashyyyk clones (not the scout but the "regular" clone in camouflage), Palpatine and friends (when he proclaims the Empire)
May 20, 200519 yr The coughing Gutsack mistery! So, how did Gutsck get pwned os easily, and why was he coughing so much? People, did any of you watch episode 25 of the clone was cartoon!??! Greivous: "Hahah, I pwned you and stole your Palpy!" Mace Windu: "FOO" *Force crush on exoskeleton* "PWNED" Greivous: "Ow, n00b, u used force, cheating n00b!" Well, Greivous was weakened by Mace Windu, and it caused his cough.
May 21, 200519 yr I saw the film for the second time ... First the same model than MF is here (after the palpatine save, when they come back to Coruscant, before Obi Wan says he does'nt want to come because he don't like politic ...) Then I agree with xwingyoda on many points but it's a good film (hard to do) The most important : GG and his story .... I haven't seen Clone ware (and I should have of course but couldn't.) I was told his story (and all story before epIII) is in .... They should not have made him so important. To add (with the second view) - Padme is not good, either actress or her dialogues .... - Ewan McGregor is *wub* The best actor of the film in my opinion .... the OT's character is exactly him in 15 years. - The music is not very good, it doesn't fit with action ... not enough intensity, except the Yoda/Palpatine (with the chorus *sing* *wub* *wub* *wub* ) - Anakin's (or Vader's) gesture at the end is pathetic (makes me think of Rambo or Schwarzenneger's films) "WOW! ok i loved the film. very dark as we were told it would be" -> *wacko* It could have been darker (it would have been better) "what is that crap about eternal life at the end when it is said that Qui Gon still "lives"???? thats really BS!!!" They try to justify (they always want to and it's most of the time weird like this "little pilot anakin *sick* because Obi-wan said Luke that when he knew his father he was a pilot) the fact that Yoda Obi-wan (and Anakin at the end of Ep VI) is able to appear whereas they are dead. On one side yoda and obi-wan learn that from Qui-gon from the other side Vader learn that with Palpatine (remember the story about the sith which had power and gnagnagnagna and after Palpatine say there was one of us who discovered that but we will try to too)
May 21, 200519 yr "what is that crap about eternal life at the end when it is said that Qui Gon still "lives"???? thats really BS!!!"They try to justify (they always want to and it's most of the time weird like this "little pilot anakin *sick* because Obi-wan said Luke that when he knew his father he was a pilot) the fact that Yoda Obi-wan (and Anakin at the end of Ep VI) is able to appear whereas they are dead. On one side yoda and obi-wan learn that from Qui-gon from the other side Vader learn that with Palpatine (remember the story about the sith which had power and gnagnagnagna and after Palpatine say there was one of us who discovered that but we will try to too) Luigi, I am right, this is total BS: Lucas just put this crap story because he F*d up the OT, especially at the end of ROTJ >:( Its like he is justifying his 2005 BS version of the OT, that is really pathetic for real fans of the OT (pre 1997!!!!!!).
May 21, 200519 yr "what is that crap about eternal life at the end when it is said that Qui Gon still "lives"???? thats really BS!!!"They try to justify (they always want to and it's most of the time weird like this "little pilot anakin *sick* because Obi-wan said Luke that when he knew his father he was a pilot) the fact that Yoda Obi-wan (and Anakin at the end of Ep VI) is able to appear whereas they are dead. On one side yoda and obi-wan learn that from Qui-gon from the other side Vader learn that with Palpatine (remember the story about the sith which had power and gnagnagnagna and after Palpatine say there was one of us who discovered that but we will try to too) Luigi, I am right, this is total BS: Lucas just put this crap story because he F*d up the OT, especially at the end of ROTJ >:( Its like he is justifying his 2005 BS version of the OT, that is really pathetic for real fans of the OT (pre 1997!!!!!!). wow!!! master yoda spared no- one this time, ... well... almost no-one... I think Obi one, Windu and the emperor gave a splendid performance, but then, ... these people are actors :P sure, the opening scene with r2d2 was a bit of a comedy, but i can live with it. it's not annoying, like jar jar binks; granted, it may be a bit over the top... the balance between r2d2 and 3po was gone, you hardly got to see 3po, even tho i think they did best when they were together... i don't see why Lucas did not choose to create a 3 hour film, like the lord of the rings films. it would have given him more options to make a stronger film, i think, without necessairily losing the dynamics of the film; if you look at the last LOFR film, you can clearly see a lot of action, but also quite a lot of intense scenes of Frodo being consumed by the ring. you don't see that in sw, even tho both men are in the same type of crisis.
May 22, 200519 yr There was supposed to be a scene where Yoda is meditating and Qui-Gon's voice speaks to him. I think that aspect could have been a lot better if they left that part in.
May 22, 200519 yr Guys, I'm watching the Monaco Grand Prix and I love the paint job on the Red Bull Racing cars - ROTS paint !!!!!!!! The better is whats 's written inside the cokpit "powered by the dark side" :-D Funny when you know they will not make a podium hehe. Maybe the dark side is not that powerfull afterall :D ;) EDIT: Coulthard out, yeahhhhhh for the dark side :-D
May 22, 200519 yr Governor * what is that crap about eternal life at the end when it is said that Qui Gon still "lives"???? thats really BS!!! He obviously drank from the cup that gives ever lasting life... Ooops! Wrong LucasFilm... Master Yoda, you've raised some very valid objections but was there anything you actually liked about the movie?
May 22, 200519 yr Phes, Let me ad another objection: why is Obi a sissy in the movie ????? First the jsf incident, then he get smashed by dooku in 2 secs, then he leaves to let anie in the spotlights - OK he's cool after ;) As for the good points: * i liked the humour, but i think it was misused * i really like the opening scene - great action * i like GG * the ending is nice (apart from the crappy vader "nooooooooooooo") * ... the problem is that the good points are kinda left off due to all my previous objections ;)
May 22, 200519 yr Governor The Vader assembly scene... That could have be so much more... Han Solo had the full on Imperial March playing when he was encased in carbonite... What did Vader have when he was being slapped together? Groans of pain... Then when he frees himself from the shackles and the big "NOOOOOOOOOOO" what's with that stance? That's as bad as a Imhotep at as the end of The Mummy Returns after Rick catches the Staff of Osisoris and uses it to kill the Scorpion King... As my friend put it... "Too Frankenstien"
May 22, 200519 yr As forcasted, ROTS made history in term of box office!!!! "Revenge of the Sith" sold an estimated $108.5 million worth of tickets for the Friday-to-Sunday period, taking its total to $158.5 million since it opened after midnight on Thursday" G that is REALLY impressive as always check it here:
May 22, 200519 yr How cool did the pit crew looked in the F1 today!!! I could kill someone to get such a helmet... well not really kill... but give a hugh amount of money to someone!!!
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