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  • Governor

Oh well. Me either...

What do you remember about Episode III? What are you feelings about it now that you've watched it and (pressumably, correct me if I'm wrong) distanced yourself from it?


well... i've been reading quite a few reviews on rottentomatoes.com and it seems it has a "fresh percentage" of 83%, i believe... so lot's of people seem to like it... however, people who don't, refer to the same arguments: lack of decent acting, dialogue and story... the very essence of a film, i should say...

i also feel that people use different standards to judge this sw film compared to other films they review. take Roger Ebert, for instance, a well known film critic. i believe he gives this film four stars, which is very high, even tho he agrees there is a lack of acting, dialogue and story. it seems an adventure story like sw desn't have to be a good film to get good points... i won't go and see it for a second time... i'll just wait for the dvd in November...

i was also a bit surprised to see that the film no longer takes the number 1 slot at the US box office... if it wants to be in the US top 5 of all times, it's gonna have to add another 100 - 150 million $ to its current record. beating Titanic or even return of the king is out of the question (worldwide, i mean). it has to double its current record to even come close to LOTR

  • Governor

Back when it was first released, Titanic also had the advantage of people not being able to download it or obtain pirated copies as easily. Personally I like to see movies like Star Wars on the big screen for the experience, but I know plenty of people who will quite download them and watch them on their computers.

Back when it was first released, Titanic also had the advantage of people not being able to download it or obtain pirated copies as easily. Personally I like to see movies like Star Wars on the big screen for the experience, but I know plenty of people who will quite download them and watch them on their computers.

i don't think that's a problem. if you look at the box office records of all time, you will see that there are lots of recently released films among the best 30, downloading or not. for some reason, Titanic just hit the jackpot. besides, the internet also has a major recruiting aspect. it is widely used by producers and distributors to send people to the cinemas.

i'd also prefer watching sw movies in the cinema...

  • Governor

Now, if we take inflation into account Star Wars: A New Hope and Gone With the Wind technically recieved more at the box office. However A New Hope still takes the record for total sales (I.e. The VHS/DVD, Books/comics, collectables, etc).

the internet also has a major recruiting aspect

Does it really? I haven't researched these matters so I don't have any reference material and I'm half asleep so I probably don't know what I'm on about.

Now, with these Internet connections sometimes reach over 1GB in speed (Ok, so maybe few places have connections that fast, but point is one day everywhere will) movies are accessible in seconds. Despite not being as fast, most DSL connections allow for pirated new releases to be downloaded within a couple of hours.

If 10 million people world wide decided to download rather than go to the cinema that would be a rather large chunk of the profits lost to downloading. Every bit counts?

Now, if we take inflation into account Star Wars: A New Hope and Gone With the Wind technically recieved more at the box office. However A New Hope still takes the record for total sales (I.e. The VHS/DVD, Books/comics, collectables, etc).
the internet also has a major recruiting aspect

Does it really? I haven't researched these matters so I don't have any reference material and I'm half asleep so I probably don't know what I'm on about.

Now, with these Internet connections sometimes reach over 1GB in speed (Ok, so maybe few places have connections that fast, but point is one day everywhere will) movies are accessible in seconds. Despite not being as fast, most DSL connections allow for pirated new releases to be downloaded within a couple of hours.

If 10 million people world wide decided to download rather than go to the cinema that would be a rather large chunk of the profits lost to downloading. Every bit counts?

that's right; the real top 30 of all time looks entirely different to the popular one...

much of these downloading sites depends on traffic. if more poeple download stuff , more time will be needed to complete your own film...

you're also uploading the part of the film you already have and there are limits to speed if you reach certain percentages of uploaded bits...

i've tried it once with the sw ep IV. quality wasn't really good, took ages even tho i've got one of the best connections in world...

  • Governor

Learn all about Bit Torrents and you'll never look back...

I know people that download entire seasons of series like Lost, 24, StarGate, etc. They have no problem whatsoever finding DVD quality media. Then they burn them to DVD and share with all their friends...

Learn all about Bit Torrents and you'll never look back...

I know people that download entire seasons of series like Lost, 24, StarGate, etc. They have no problem whatsoever finding DVD quality media. Then they burn them to DVD and share with all their friends...

Sounds a lot like me.

I've got all the seasons of Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, The Simpsons, Joey, Top Gear and a few more. If you know how to look, you'll easily find the right stuff. I've got all the above stuff in very good quality, HDTV-rips. I also came across a Star Wars EP3 Dvd-rip. I've seen the movie in theaters but it's so good that I decided to download it until the real DVD comes out.

Learn all about Bit Torrents and you'll never look back...

I know people that download entire seasons of series like Lost, 24, StarGate, etc. They have no problem whatsoever finding DVD quality media. Then they burn them to DVD and share with all their friends...

unfortunately, that's illegal...

Learn all about Bit Torrents and you'll never look back...

I know people that download entire seasons of series like Lost, 24, StarGate, etc.  They have no problem whatsoever finding DVD quality media. Then they burn them to DVD and share with all their friends...

unfortunately, that's illegal...

To download TV episodes? No. It's not. You can do the same using a DVD recorder. But movies, games, music... that's another story.

Learn all about Bit Torrents and you'll never look back...

I know people that download entire seasons of series like Lost, 24, StarGate, etc.

  • Governor

Absolutely I do. I don't own or distribute any pirated DVDs whatsoever! I don't have DLS or even have a DVD player. So its not possible for me to do so.

Know many who do though. They're the real pirates!

  • 1 month later...

Sorry to get this thread active after a while but I have a questiona and I don't really want to start a new thread for it.

Anyway do ARC 170 really drop bombs like in the Lego set or is it just a feature Lego made?

I need to know because I'm writing about a Republic/Empire bombing and need to know what ship to use.



Yeah thats what i would believe them to be also, since we didnt see no sign of the ARC dropping bombs id say it was a fair assumption.

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