Posted November 15, 20168 yr TECHNIC PNEUMATIC CONTEST 1st MTS Dino 5 on a Arocs Longnose by Efferman Entry Topic - Discussion Topic 2nd Backhoe by Lipko Entry Topic - Discussion Topic 3rd Vermeer TS44A Tree Spade Trailer By Milan Entry Topic - Discussion Topic  CONTEST INFORMATIONName: Technic Pneumatic ContestStart Date: 16-08-2016Entries: 37Valid voters: 140Total points: 3640Members participating (building and/or voting): 155WINNERS1. MTS Dino 5 on a Arocs Longnose - 581 Points (78 votes) Efferman (entry 1)2. Backhoe - 424 Points (73 votes) Lipko (entry 20)3. Vermeer TS44A Tree Spade Trailer - 227 Points (48 votes) Milan (entry 25)CONTEST RESULTS1. MTS Dino 5 on a Arocs Longnose - 581 Points (78 votes) Efferman (entry 1)2. Backhoe - 424 Points (73 votes) Lipko (entry 20)3. Vermeer TS44A Tree Spade Trailer - 227 Points (48 votes) Milan (entry 25)4. Little Bulldozer - 203 Points (50 votes) Appie (entry 3)5. Customs Checkpoint - Toll Road - 180 Points (32 votes) Paul Klop (entry 16)6. Liebherr 914 Compact excavator - 165 Points (40 votes) mpj (entry 12)7. 4-8-2 Pneumatic Locomotive - 145 Points (34 votes) The_Brown_Hornet (entry 32)8. Ikarus 280 Non-Articulated Bus - 133 Points (36 votes) josszo (entry 6)9. Mini Underground Mining Loader - 125 Points (31 votes) Tamas Juhasz (entry 34)10. Mercedes Atego Side Loaded Recycling Truck - 124 Points (33 votes) RabbiT_CZ (entry 21)11. Dancing Clone Trooper - 115 Points (29 votes) BusterHaus (entry 17)12. Snow Groomer - 110 Points (31 votes) Wiseman_2 (entry 19)13. LEGO Front Loader Garbage Truck - 107 Points (37 votes) Minique85 (entry 11)14. Pneumatic Rock Loader - 92 Points (23 votes) desert752 (entry 30)15. Pneumatic Scissor Lift Cart - 88 Points (28 votes) lindr6 (entry 5)16. Lil Excavator - 88 Points (24 votes) jono.rocky (entry 9)17. Heavy Lift Telehandler - 82 Points (21 votes) luukietechnic (entry 33)18. Man TGS 6x4 With Container Hook - 76 Points (20 votes) Ti-Max (entry 27)19. Scraper Caterpillar - 64 Points (18 votes) juGSI16V (entry 4)20. Useless Box - 62 Points (17 votes) GroundskeeperWillie (entry 24)21. Volvo Handler - 60 Points (16 votes) steph77 (entry 22)22. Box Factory - 60 Points (14 votes) Ludo Visser (entry 23)23. Pneumatic Classic Locomotive - 56 Points (22 votes) Samer (entry 36)24. Side Loader Garbage Truck - 46 Points (14 votes) Paave (entry 15)25. Concept Bulldozer - 41 Points (10 votes) Thirdwigg (entry 31)26. Log Skidder - 35 Points (12 votes) nikolyakov (entry 37)27. Pneumatic Lift GBC Module - 32 Points (7 votes) Captainowie (entry 18)28. Volvo EW180e excavator - 21 Points (5 votes) Technivor (entry 10)29. Grabber Excavator - 21 Points (7 votes) HorcikDesigns (entry 14)30. Front Shovel Mining Excavator - Liebherr R9800 - 17 Points (8 votes) falconluan (entry 13)31. Pneumatic press - 16 Points (5 votes) roppie11 (entry 7)32. AmphiTruck - 13 Points (3 votes) cyberdyne systems (entry 2)33. Car Transporter - 9 Points (4 votes) Offroadcreat1ons (entry 28)34. Genie Man Lift - 9 Points (5 votes) gmshades (entry 35)35. The Claw - 7 Points (3 votes) Seasider (entry 8)36. Telescopic wheelloader - 4 Points (1 votes) nick97 (entry 26)37. Small robust compressor - 2 Points (1 votes) 9v System (entry 29)Total Points: 3640VALID VOTERS1. 9v system2. AdamL3. agrof4. AkiyamaWataru5. Alasdair Ryan6. alenvprekrsku7. allanp8. aminnich9. AndroTech10. AOW11. arik12. braker2313. Brickis38542f14. brickless_kiwi15. brunojj116. BusterHaus17. Captainowie18. carebear19. carver051020. cehtunger21. Chade22. Charbel23. chi6524. Chilly25. cookiedent26. Dave2127. dernorden28. desert75229. dokludi30. DTom31. Edwin Korstanje32. efferman33. Erik Leppen34. filsawgood35. Focus36. GBCPeter37. GBTechnic38. GI_Jack39. gmshades40. Good old Lego builder41. GroundskeeperWillie42. grum6443. HallBricks44. Hefe45. Hersbrucker46. higgins9147. HorcikDesigns48. Interceptor49. Ivka50. Jarema51. Jay Psi52. Jeroen Ottens53. jgw54. JGW300055. JJ256. Jonfensu57. jono.rocky58. jorgeopesi59. jotta9360. Jubuilder61. juGSI16V62. Juize7563. JunkstyleGio64. Jurss65. KikoTube66. kinggregus67. Kippo68. kjm16169. Kmuffin70. Krall71. krisandkris1272. kubic73. Lego Nerd74. legolijntje75. Leonardo da Bricki76. Lipko77. Lucio Switch78. LucyCol79. Ludo Visser80. luukietechnic81. LXF82. Madoca 197783. madsen199784. MajklSpajkl85. majusnica86. MangaNOID87. Mark27588. Meisterschnorrer89. micek90. Minique8591. mixlaproduction92. model85093. Morgoth92494. muffinbrick95. mutaling96. mzoli97. mzzl8898. Nalyd99799. naugem100. Nequmodiva101. nerdsforprez102. nick97103. Nightfall104. nikolyakov105. NXT45106. Offroadcreat1ons107. omardib21108. parngon109. Pat-Ard110. Paul Klop111. paul_delahaye112. pet-tho113. PiotrekJ114. PistenBully 600115. proran116. pyro690117. RabbiT_CZ118. Rail Co119. Rainbow120. Renji888121. Rishab N122. Rockbrick123. Samer124. Samolot125. Sarmatian126. schraubedrin127. Seasider128. sebitsena129. SERVATOR130. SilentWolf131. steph77132. Technivor133. The_Brown_Hornet134. Thirdwigg135. TinkerBrick136. Tomik137. Tommy Styrvoky138. WilrickB139. WvG_853140. zuxINVALID VOTERS1. Bartybum - Did not allot all 26 points
November 15, 20168 yr Congratulations to the winners! Well deserved. I am pleasantly surprised to see that my entry came in 4th place with all all these great entries as competition. Thanks people for voting!Â
November 15, 20168 yr Author Congratulation guys! Really great work. I will do the tag assignment when I return from my Holiday. I don't have time for that today, sorry about that. Efferman, Lipko and Milan, please PM me your address data today, so I can relay the info to the guys at Vengit.
November 15, 20168 yr Congratulations to all! It was a tough competition. I'm happy to see that the non-construction vehicle entries didn't do as bad as I feared (although I'm slightly disappointed at my entry )
November 15, 20168 yr Congratz! Big and great models won, I favorized smaller or more original stuff in this contest but that's only my opinion. Anyway, I think this it the best contest so far if it comes to the count of really great and quality entries. I really like most of them. Great job everyone!
November 15, 20168 yr Congratulations to the winners! Very well done, the competition was tough. Edited November 15, 20168 yr by BusterHaus
November 15, 20168 yr Well done everyone. This competition had some great entries. Looking forward (already) to the next one.
November 15, 20168 yr Congratulations to the winner! And also congratulations to all the participantsÂ
November 15, 20168 yr Many thanks Guys for all the votes and the great contestants. Never i had thought to win against this great bunch well designed models with this type of unique model. In second row many thanks to Jim to have a look on this contest and anwers all the questions. Edited November 15, 20168 yr by efferman
November 15, 20168 yr Congrats to the winners, and all the great entries! (Thanks everyone, who voted for my build, I'm a bit surprised about it's popularity, since it's not a big model with tons of functions.) Â
November 15, 20168 yr Congrats to the winners and all participants. It will be in my memory having  my 1st ever entry for a LEGO contest in this great one. It was also very inspiring to watch all the models  with a lot of varieties of shapes, techniques and functionalities. Now I cannot wait to be in next contest. Many thanks to Jim and Milan for enabling this joy! Edited November 18, 20168 yr by Samer
November 15, 20168 yr Congrats to all the contestants. This has been one of the best contests we had on this forum. And a special thanks to Jim for organizing it.
November 15, 20168 yr Although I have been a member for a while,  this is only the second contest I have participated in voting for.  lots of fun, thanks everyone for the entries. I also think it would be interesting to know more how people voted.  What criterion they used.  looks? functioning? creativity?  I know it is probably a mixture of all three plus more,  but having an  idea might help future contestants.  say....for example,  to know of looks is more popular with voters than creativity  that would be good to know.
November 15, 20168 yr Thanks to all the people involved in this great contest, maybe the best one so far, with amazing models! Edited November 15, 20168 yr by Milan
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