April 4, 200816 yr In my opinion the yellow look more majestic and royal if you know what I mean. After all they are navy so if you were the king would you prefer to have your troops look like mismatched soldiers or grand and mighty forces? I'd go the latter. If you want to go historically correct as I often do, the English marines wich look like the gaurds, didn't wear epaulettes at all. they just wore the coats. Only the offiers uniforms were epauletted (is that even a word?) Good idea for a topic anyway. Regards, Captain Zuloo :-D
April 4, 200816 yr Yellow or white. More versatility as they work on both Red and Blue torsos. But I think yellow is more accurate for COs...
April 6, 200816 yr For the regular guys I like the blue epaulettes, but for the higher ranked I prefer yellow, just like they are in the official sets I think. White or red isn't prominent enough on the red/white torsos in my opinion.
August 13, 200816 yr Yellow all the way for me. I would rather have different torsos for different ranks then having different epaulettes. That being said, my soldiers don't have epaulettes, only the officers.
August 14, 200816 yr I prefer to stay with the LEGO colors. They seem to be the best. The only exception is white epaulettes for the single highest ranking admiral in the collection (one for the redcoat leader, one for the bluecoat leader). Brown shoulderpads are for non-military ship captains (pirates, merchants).
August 21, 200816 yr I guess we can add gold now to the list with the new pirate sets coming out ! Yep, gold gets my vote.
October 21, 200816 yr I've changed my mind... I prefer blue. Blue and red as well, maybe gold into the future.
October 22, 200816 yr Hmmmm... I like blue and yellow equally, but I voted blue because that's what the majority of mine wear.
October 23, 200816 yr Blue and red as well, maybe gold into the future. But then it might start to look a bit like warhamer. And I really like the plastic-y look of LEGO. If they went with gold for minifig wear, it could become a little to un-LEGO if anyone is insane enough to understand what I mean!
October 24, 200816 yr I like yellow on the blue people* and blue on the red guys*. I don't like gold that much no matter what color it is. Gold looks way too plasticey to me, it also ruins the feel of LEGO. It makes them feel like action figures, not the brand we love! I'm okay with gold being on rare minifigs (like C-3PO) and accessories like swords, helmets and coins but don't like it on minifigs that much. Pickerel *sorry for my highly technical terms. I'm not sure which one's which!
June 8, 200915 yr If I have redcoats with yellow eps and not blue ones? Also, what if I have spare bluecoats with blue eps, is that legal or am I committing a crime. Just wondering, I wasn't always a fan of redcoats with blue.
June 8, 200915 yr Not sure if it's heresy/blasphemy or anything, but IMO I'd also say to do as you please.
June 9, 200915 yr I'll merge these topics, and add a few more poll choices. If I have redcoats with yellow eps and not blue ones? Also, what if I have spare bluecoats with blue eps, is that legal or am I committing a crime. Well, TLG put yellow eps on redcoats, for the officers I'm not a big fan of blue eps on bluecoats, as the colours tend to blend, and they look a bit odd, in my opinion.
June 9, 200915 yr I usually use the LEGO standard colors. My black coats have red epaulettes because it looks better. I use some white epaulettes to make some distinction between some of my officers. Usually I give my ship captains white epaulettes. With my old school black coats, I still use brown epaulettes. Basically, whatever looks the best.
June 9, 200915 yr Yellow to me, they look good on almost every uniform. And they fit better with the classic pirate LEGO torso's then the new gold. However, the gold epaulettes are nice as well.
June 9, 200915 yr I like Yellow followed by Red. I like Blue a little bit, But Yellow is still my favorite.
June 11, 200915 yr I cant rilly say, mostly do to the fact that I use them to show rank among my Blues 6 and Reds 12. I dont rilly use them on my pirates do to I would think that be hot and combersom most of the time all thow I wont be removing them from Redbeards or Brickbeards sholders any time soon. with my sistem any one below blue had a napsack and was listed a privet 1st class. Brown and Black Ill keep among the pirates. My origanal ranking Startig at the top White Yellow Red Blue Revised do to sercomstances White Gold yellow red blue Edited June 11, 200915 yr by lego fox
January 22, 201015 yr I like blue the most... TLG did give the redcoat soldiers blue eps for a reason, didn't they? Edited January 22, 201015 yr by funkybrick
January 22, 201015 yr I like Blue the best for the standard redcoat soldier. I like yellow (and the new gold) for Sergeants and Lieutenents, Captains, etc. and I like white for flag officers. Edited January 22, 201015 yr by Commodore Hornbricker
January 22, 201015 yr Going for the historical accuracy, yellow, gold, white and silver are correct for the 1750's through the 1920's on most dress uniforms and some field uniforms. However, going for looks, I like the gold best. Ranking them it would have to be the following. Military (British, French, Am, Spanish, etc.) Gold, Yellow, Red, White, Blue Brown, Black. Pirate: Black, Gold, Brown, Yellow, Red, White, Blue.
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