December 15, 20168 yr Hi Guys, watched it last night at the 12.01 viewing. From a Star Wars point of view loved it, really good film, need to watch it a few more times to get a good sense of where it fits into my list of best star wars films but its definitely in the top 5! From a Lego Star Wars perspective: Spoiler I was bit disappointed... as far as I remember the ATST was in the film for only a few frames, the hover tank played a very minor role, the Tie Striker was almost non-existent... fleetingly in the space battle at the end. Yes the U wing and Krenicks shuttles had bigger parts. The Imperial battle pack that is coming has 2 storm troopers and 2 death troopers but there where very few death troopers in the film, kind of feel it would of been better for the battle pack to have storm troopers and shore troopers which made up the majority of the Battle on Scarif troops. I'm also not sure what else they might release from the film. A tie fighter or x-wing maybe but quite a few versions already done... AT ACT maybe?
December 15, 20168 yr On the movie: Spoiler I liked the movie, but I think episode 7 was better, but that's also because of all the hype last year. Even though I like seeing SW based movies I don't think they should do it every year. Anyway first act was slow and sometimes even boring. Second act was okayish and the 3rd act makes up for the first 2. Great visuals, scenes and story. I like how they killed off everyone as you don't see this very often in a movie and it fits the story. CGI on Tarkin was good, on Leia it was okay, but can't complain about using technology of (dead) peoples faces on the big screen. The absolute end with Vader killing those rebels was amazing. Hands down best scene with a lightsaber in any SW movie imo. Also liked all the easter eggs like the Darksaber and stuff like that. I'm gonna watch it again this weekend. On the Lego related sets: Spoiler Yea TFA all over again. Doesn't bother me that much as TLG only gets to see concept art. Hoover Tank: Max 20 seconds of 'screen'time and gets blown up. AT-ST: Same as Hoover Tank, but is iconic enough to get remade. Tie Striker: You see this a few times in the 3rd act, but it's cool to get something new. U-Wing: Good representation of the real thing. Krennics Shuttle: See U-wing. The new wave that features the YWing (little screen time, but same reason as the AT-ST), Scarif bunker (I think movie/legowise this set is one of the better sets, but could have been made more accurate/bigger) and the battle packs. I think that the Rebel battle pack is better if you want to recreate let's say a scarif scene than the Imperial one. Stormtrooper, shoretroopers and Death Troopers (only with Krennic) are featured not as much as I thought they would. Of course you need the Imperial side, but you don't see them as in TFA (Takodana battle). Also: the main thing that I found interesting was that figs like Moroff, Pao and Bistan don't have much screentime or aren't even mentioned by name. Nice to have though.
December 15, 20168 yr A really good movie, I liked it a lot despite some minor criticism on my part. But what it did right, it did excellently!
December 15, 20168 yr 2 hours ago, Kevii23 said: On the Lego related sets: Hide contents Yea TFA all over again. Doesn't bother me that much as TLG only gets to see concept art. Hoover Tank: Max 20 seconds of 'screen'time and gets blown up. AT-ST: Same as Hoover Tank, but is iconic enough to get remade. Tie Striker: You see this a few times in the 3rd act, but it's cool to get something new. U-Wing: Good representation of the real thing. Krennics Shuttle: See U-wing. The new wave that features the YWing (little screen time, but same reason as the AT-ST), Scarif bunker (I think movie/legowise this set is one of the better sets, but could have been made more accurate/bigger) and the battle packs. I think that the Rebel battle pack is better if you want to recreate let's say a scarif scene than the Imperial one. Stormtrooper, shoretroopers and Death Troopers (only with Krennic) are featured not as much as I thought they would. Of course you need the Imperial side, but you don't see them as in TFA (Takodana battle). Also: the main thing that I found interesting was that figs like Moroff, Pao and Bistan don't have much screentime or aren't even mentioned by name. Nice to have though. So here's the thing. I you think about it, lots of the OT sets are also based on stuff we barely see in the movie. Just a couple of things that come to mind: A- and B-wings, TIE Interceptors, heck even the Slave-I in in a few shots only. The aliens: not many of the featured LEGO aliens are more than a glorified cameos. These are just background characters who got fan favourites, because they look interesting. Boba Fett's name was for example never mentioned in the OT.
December 15, 20168 yr Han mentions Boba Fett's name twice during the Sarlacc battle, right before he sends him flying against the sail barge.
December 15, 20168 yr I saw Rogue One last night - I don't want to get into a review, because I'll be here for hours furiously typing out my love for the movie, so I'll talk briefly about how well they translated some of Rogue One into sets. SPOILER WARNING: I think they did, for the most part, a really good job. The TIE Striker has been translated very well into LEGO form, in my opinion, as has the Imperial Hovertank (but it lacks cargo crates, in comparison to its movie counterpart). The U-Wing is... meh. They got the basic features right, but I think the colouring of it is off. I don't think it should be as white as it is. The AT-ST is, well, just an AT-ST, really. No complaints there, however the AT-ST barely features in the film - I think it's only featurd on Jedha for a short period of time. Battle on Scarif isn't incredibly accurate in my opinion, but it does the trick. But the highlight here is Krennic's Shuttle. It's been translated into LEGO form excellently, no complaints there. The Y-Wing... well, it's just a Y-Wing really. I would've preferred one of the cargo shuttles they stole, with the whole RO crew on board, over an AT-ST or the Y-Wing, but oh well. LEGO did a reasonably good job with the sets.
December 15, 20168 yr 5 hours ago, brobert said: So here's the thing. I you think about it, lots of the OT sets are also based on stuff we barely see in the movie. Just a couple of things that come to mind: A- and B-wings, TIE Interceptors, heck even the Slave-I in in a few shots only. The aliens: not many of the featured LEGO aliens are more than a glorified cameos. These are just background characters who got fan favourites, because they look interesting. Boba Fett's name was for example never mentioned in the OT. Yea I know, not really complaining but just observing haha. I don't mind all the new stuff, but hope they make some more location build sets of this movie (like the scarrif transmitting tower).
December 15, 20168 yr Rogue One was yet another great addition to the Star Wars franchise. I loved the detail, particularly the ending with Vader as it linked in superbly with episode IV A New Hope. Alas this movie answers so many unanswered questions; the CGI characters such as Grand Moff Tarkin and Princess Leia were interesting. The brief appearance from C3PO and R2D2 were cool; my favourite though had to be the cameo appearance of the 2 thugs who Luke and Obi-Wan get into a fight with in Mos-Eisley (these bumped into Erso at the entrance scene of Jeddah city).
December 15, 20168 yr Just came back from watching the movie. It has some slow parts that are more average, but overall quite a good movie. The things I love: Spoiler - K-2SO and his funny lines, reminds me of a more laid-back C-3PO (and his one line was funny too) - the ground battle on the Scarif base - the space battle outside the shield gate above Scarif - Vader igniting his lightsaber and killing rebel soldiers Vader had few scenes, but oh, were they powerful!
December 15, 20168 yr I wonder if anybody noticed The Ghost from STAR WARS Rebels in the first shot of all the X and Y-Wings on Yavin? ;)
December 15, 20168 yr 4 minutes ago, Pablo94 said: I wonder if anybody noticed The Ghost from STAR WARS Rebels in the first shot of all the X and Y-Wings on Yavin? ;) I spotted that too! I was hoping to be the first to mention it but you beat me to it! Edited December 15, 20168 yr by Flandy typing error
December 15, 20168 yr It was In a teaser so I saw it but I haven't seen the movie but most of the spoilers are what I expected.
December 16, 20168 yr Not going to give my opinion about the movie until I've seen it again, except to say that I liked how it runs straight into the start of Episode IV. Now onto the Lego sets, and whether the sets released were good choices or not. Note: SPOILERIFIC, but that's what this thread is for? AT-ST: blink and you'll miss it. I'd skip the set, but I like the minifigs and 1 of them is a main character. Wasted set, except to appease OT fans. Hovertank: prominent in the brief scene it appears in. Good set to release. TIE Striker: a bit of screen time but not very prominent. Way more normal TIEs featured. A super variant that appeared (blink and you'll miss) will never be a set, or seen again. Good minifigs, will probably never see this ship again. Good set to release. U-Wing: very prominent, stacks of screen time. Ships will never be seen again. Very good set inclusion. Krennic's Shuttle: very prominent, stacks of screen time. Will never be seen again. Very good set inclusion. Rebel battle pack: most rebels were humans and not uniform, the battle featured prominently. Good set inclusion. Imperial battle pack: only a handful of death troopers in the movie (although very prominent), so there should probably be 1 of the beach gear "shore" trooper in the place of a death trooper. (Or 3 stormies & 1 shorie) Stacks of stormies so 2 is right. Very good set inclusion. Scarif battle: hero minifigs weren't present (although the 2 main characters should probably appear in multiple sets), but the shore troopers are important additions. A bit of scenery to go with the battle packs. Good set inclusion. Y-Wing: not a lot of screen time, but one for the OT fans, there hasn't been one for a few years (unlike X-Wings). I'd skip it, the minifigs weren't very prominent apart from the admiral. Reasonable set inclusion. Microfighters are all fair enough. Minifigs are all good to have multiples, except I wonder who out there really feels that they don't have enough TIE pilots? [BONUS: CTT... minimal screen time but very noticeable] [BONUS 2: Death star... very prominent, plenty of screen time, but wrong minifigs] What else could there have been as a set? AT-ACT: Very prominent, albeit brief appearances. Won't see it again. Cargo transport shuttle thing: Very prominent, fair bit of screen time. Won't see it again. Should be a set. Star Destroyer (white!?!): Quite a few, very prominent and stacks of screen time. Could be a set, but very expensive. Last one was only a couple of years ago, we'll see them again. X-Wing: Heaps of these had heaps of screen time. Too many sets recently, forget about it. We'll see them again. Shouldn't be a set. TIE: Billions of these. Too bad the last plain TIE wasn't actually a plain one. Could've been a set, but the striker variant won't be seen again (unlike this one) so the right choice was made. Vader's TIE: Blink and you'll miss it. Was just released AND retired as a set this year. Hammerhead ram-ey ship: Brief important appearance, you'll survive without it. Were there A-Wings? Probably. A few of those sets recently so forget about it, there'll be heaps again. Big rebel ships that sit there doing nothing but being shot at: I have no interest so no comment, haha Yavin IV base: not much action, but that shouldn't matter. Could this be an upcoming rumoured set? Saw Guerrera's base prison thing: No way else to get that minifig... apart from his hoodlums everyone else that could appear in it is available elsewhere though. Vader's Orthanc/Barad Dur: (is that on Mustafar?) huge, and unlikely. Galen Erso's house/bunker: did I see blue milk there (or was it somewhere else)? Could do without, unless you want a young Jyn, young(er) Galen and Mrs Erso. Already have Krennic, his shuttle and more than enough Death Troopers. What minifigs were a waste? Bistan who? Moroff who? Pau who? More Death Troopers than we needed. What minifigs are badly (or slightly badly) missing? Saw Guevara (yes I know that's not his name), his main hood, Galen Erso, Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, the kill-everyone-blow-everything-up rebel boss guy, Darth Vader, Tarkin. More stormtroopers than we got, and extra droids like K2-SO. 2 hours ago, Pablo94 said: I wonder if anybody noticed The Ghost from STAR WARS Rebels in the first shot of all the X and Y-Wings on Yavin? ;) Did you also hear the announcement after the big debate: "General Syndulla report to briefing"? 3 hours ago, Kez said: my favourite though had to be the cameo appearance of the 2 thugs who Luke and Obi-Wan get into a fight with in Mos-Eisley (these bumped into Erso at the entrance scene of Jeddah city). How did those guys get to Tattooine after that? Think about it. Edited December 16, 20168 yr by Artanis I
December 16, 20168 yr Just got back from seeing it. It's a good movie; I'm satisfied with it as a standalone film. I approve of tying up all the loose ends and enhancing the gravity of the original by literally killing all the characters who aren't shown in the OT. There were a lot of insider references, but for the most part, they weren't too in-your-face, so I liked that. The Death Star plans being on tapes (the general aesthetic of anything to do with computers was quite close to that of the original, which was great), Ponda Baba and Dr. Evazan, and even some more subtle set up for Star Wars, like specifically killing off Red Five. Overall story was fine, although some of the physics in the final battle were...questionable. It's Star Wars, though, so physics never apply. I wish Jyn had a bigger role; it seemed like she was just there because she happened to be Galen's daughter. Other than that, and one stereotypical speech, she doesn't contribute anything special. The entire setup of the consoles and area around the comm dish was utterly ridiculous, but not more ridiculous than the vane in Empire, so I guess I have to forgive it. CGI (presumably) Gold Leader and Red Leader looked fine, though they had the benefit of short shots, low screen time, and helmets. CGI Tarkin was acceptable; CGI Leia definitely looked fake. I need to go listen to more of the soundtrack before I pass final judgment, but the music me for whatever reason. There were a lot of sweeping camera shots with swelling music, and the music just didn't sound entirely like Star Wars. Like in this track. Can't put my finger on why, but I'm not a music person, so maybe someone else can put my gut feeling into words. I have a couple friends, not serious Star Wars fans, who said they're much more onboard with the premise of the original film after seeing this one. I put it somewhere better than Sith but not as good as Jedi or The Force Awakens. (and, obviously, far better than Menace and Clones, not as good as Star Wars or Empire.) Not only is it a good standalone film, but it makes the original better. Obligatory "would've been better if Jyn turned out to be Mara Jade instead of Inigo Montoya."
December 16, 20168 yr Things I liked about the "Tragic Rogues": - It is not a rehash like TFA. - It's a breath of fresh air to see a movie where: a. a bunch of 'normal' people accomplished their mission without the always convenient aid from the Jedi. b. all the protagonists die - the proverbial "ultimate sacrifice by an ensemble crew for the bigger cause", something you never see in big movie franchises. - It finally answers one of the biggest mysteries in Star Wars lore - why the F there was a stupid fatal flaw in the design of the Death Star - the movie for me convincingly adresses that. - The ending seamlessly tying to A New Hope (Tantive IV, Leia!) My 3rd best SW film behind ESB and RotJ. One nitpick though: No iconic Star Wars intro music with rolling text.
December 16, 20168 yr How about the prison transport vehicle as a possible set? Very minimal screen time I know but so has a few of the others... 29 minutes ago, KielDaMan said: One nitpick though: No iconic Star Wars intro music with rolling text. I read or watched something that stated that was done on purpose so to set this as something different to the trilogy of trilogies.
December 16, 20168 yr 3 hours ago, Ahzeal said: How about the prison transport vehicle as a possible set? Very minimal screen time I know but so has a few of the others... I read or watched something that stated that was done on purpose so to set this as something different to the trilogy of trilogies. Prison transport is Clone Turbo Tank so....we got it 3 times already and last ep3one is still in shops.
December 16, 20168 yr I really love the movie. Battles were awesome, epic. Love how they linked rebels cartoon to movie -ghost, sindulla, hamerhead corvette that played major role,y-wings from reclam station episode. Vader killing off rebels on raddus command ship was epic. And tantive 4 scene in the end was oh my good! That TFA is crap compaired to Rogue one.
December 16, 20168 yr 14 hours ago, Artanis I said: Did you also hear the announcement after the big debate: "General Syndulla report to briefing"? Yeah, that was rather obvious. ;) 15 hours ago, ChiefPie said: It was In a teaser so I saw it but I haven't seen the movie but most of the spoilers are what I expected. No, that not that shot. I meant that we see it on ground in rebel base.
December 16, 20168 yr 16 hours ago, Pablo94 said: I wonder if anybody noticed The Ghost from STAR WARS Rebels in the first shot of all the X and Y-Wings on Yavin? ;) Definitely saw that. Nobody else has pointed this out anywhere else but I'm almost 100% sure that when the team is leaving Yavin 4 to go to Scarif. Over the speaker system you can hear Captain Syndulla being asked to report to the council. That's two Rebels easter eggs
December 16, 20168 yr 1 hour ago, Pablo94 said: Yeah, that was rather obvious. ;) No, that not that shot. I meant that we see it on ground in rebel base. Ohh well that's really cool! Hmm I wonder if this means Rebels will finish with the Ghost crew landing in yavin 4.
December 16, 20168 yr Just back from second viewing and noticed a couple of extra things... the imperial 'hovertank' clearly has in-universe wheels. Not so much for the hovering it would seem. Spotted the Ghost twice during first viewing, but manged to spot and hear Chopper this time (left of screen as Mon Mothma wasks out of temple as she's being informed about the fleet leaving for scarif). Also spotted wreckage of the Ghost as the fleet jumps away from Scarif Edited December 16, 20168 yr by Richpepperell
December 16, 20168 yr Chopper was in the movie!?!? Like you see him?? In terms of how Rebels could end, maybe a live action movie? If you look at the cast some of them are actually pretty close to their characters.
December 16, 20168 yr Just saw it, and it's awesome! Not sure if I needed to repeat that, so I'm going to directly discuss my opinion about future sets: -I'm pretty sure that Saw Guerrera will be the next May the Fourth minifig. -That Hammerhead scene was very cool. I think that it could become a set at some point. -The Imperial Cargo Ship (freighter?) had a prominent role and may become a set at some point. It could include Jyn's father and some imperial engineers. -The confirmed rebell hangar will probably be for both EPIV (for it's 40th aniversary) and RO, and include an OT X-Wing (because, althought it would be the third on shelves, the set would be incomplete without it).
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