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1 hour ago, RetroInferno said:

My two biggest gripe with the movie: Saw Guerrera and the first act pacing.

Was there any motivation on why he wished to stay back? I could have seen his crazy butt leading his terrorists band ( his alien captain gets SO MUCH screen time, it's criminal they were not fighting at the end ) on Scariff helping Jyn and the rest of the group, only to get mowed down by Death troopers, which would have gotten them more screen time. 

I'm guessing, due to his cybernetic legs, he wasn't able to run to the ship and realised if they waited for him to board it probably would have made their escape less likely.


Saw it a few hours ago, I enjoyed it thoroughly although I did find the beginning to be somewhat choppy. The Visual Dictionary better have some explanations on what the hell was going on with the imperial rank insignias.

Saw the movie today, thought it was really good, especially the second half. :wub:

The one thing that bothered me... when the Rebels bombed the research facility, despite taking multiple runs, nobody thought it might be a good idea to shoot at Krennic's shuttle on the landing pad. :wacko:

The send-off with the Tantive IV was fantastic as well.

Edited by mediumsnowman

1 hour ago, mediumsnowman said:

Saw the movie today, thought it was really good, especially the second half. :wub:

The one thing that bothered me... when the Rebels bombed the research facility, despite taking multiple runs, nobody thought it might be a good idea to shoot at Krennic's shuttle on the landing pad. :wacko:

The send-off with the Tantive IV was fantastic as well.

What would that have achieved? Nobody was on board.

59 minutes ago, Calanon said:

What would that have achieved? Nobody was on board.

Krennic would not have been able to get off the planet and thus couldn't report to Tarkin and Vader. 

5 hours ago, mediumsnowman said:

The one thing that bothered me... when the Rebels bombed the research facility, despite taking multiple runs, nobody thought it might be a good idea to shoot at Krennic's shuttle on the landing pad. :wacko:

Lol I wouldn't say it bothered me by any means but I thought the same thing when I watched the movie an hour or two ago. I really liked the r2 and 3po cameo it keeps their record in tact as being in all the movies(prequels, original trilogy, The Force Awakens,  Rogue One, not counting other things) I really enjoyed it overall. I was dissapointed halfway through I didn't get to see more of Vader but then he returned for the final act and had some great action scenes I liked a lot. I just felt like it came together well. I didn't even realize Tarkin was part CGI, though when I first saw him I was super surprised how close to the original he looked. I really felt like the sets were good. I hope we get more sets. Maybe something cheaper with K-2 to spare my wallet from buying the big set. I saw quite a few set opportunities between rebel ships, and all sorts of locations I certainly hope we see more in the future :sweet: now time to figure out which one of the characters in rogue one is really snoke hmmmmmm

I keep forgetting about this, and didnt even notice until days after seeing the movie, but that god-awful "I rebel" line was cut. The "rebellions are built on hope" line also works a lot better in the film. There was some seriously bad writing, and some seriously bad line delivery, for Jyn in the trailers, and Im so glad that didnt make it to the final product. I came out of the trailers fully expecting to absolutely hate Jyn, and came out of the movie not hating her. So that was nice.

Actually, in terms of specifics, the trailer really misrepresented the film, while still overall representing it accurately enough, and Im... pretty ok with that.

Edited by Magmafrost

Pretty good film. There was a lot going on in the first half and too many characters. I would have liked fewer with more backstory. Didn't care for Saw character or any of the aliens. Didn't like Bodhi much but he got better toward the end. But the rest was mostly very good. I liked K2SO was good comedy relief. Blind guy was interesting enough without getting annoying. Liked Jyn Erso a lot. Vader scenes very powerful. I lied the dark ending but it was a little abrupt but I think that helped you not dwell on the fact that everyone just died. I liked Krennic also but thought he was underused. 


As as far a source lego I didn't care for most of the ships. The U wing was okay. I liked the ending showing all the OT ships a lot. I might grab the K2SO figure. Other than that not much interesting to me. Maybe Krennic shuttle if I'm bored. 

I watched it last Tuesday night, and am looking to seeing it again soon with some friends.
I really liked it. Probably, actually top two, right after Empire. Lots of great characters, and honestly a fine balance between them. I would have liked to have more backstory for Baze and Chirrut (Chirrut being my favorite character in the movie) but whatever.
This is just kind of a random question, but what planet was Vader's base on? I've seen a lot of people saying it was Mustafar, but to me it looked more like Sullust.

7 hours ago, The Brick King said:

I watched it last Tuesday night, and am looking to seeing it again soon with some friends.
I really liked it. Probably, actually top two, right after Empire. Lots of great characters, and honestly a fine balance between them. I would have liked to have more backstory for Baze and Chirrut (Chirrut being my favorite character in the movie) but whatever.
This is just kind of a random question, but what planet was Vader's base on? I've seen a lot of people saying it was Mustafar, but to me it looked more like Sullust.

I don't think it was Sullust.  From my admittedly limited knowledge, I remember Sullust being a Rebel stronghold.

Mustafar makes sense.  Remembering what Obi-wan did to him there would be a constant refueling of hatred, i.e. Sith power.

Someone wrote that Pablo Hidalgo confirmed on Twitter or something that Vader's castle is indeed on Mustafar.

Yeah, I remember reading something like Vader wanting to "reflect on the man he once was" by staying in the place that almost killed him.

Edited by Tariq j

Sith power comes from hate and anger, no? I imagine Mustafar helps him channel that. 

Wasn't it weird that every other planet, even Yavin IV got its name flashed on the screen momentarily, but not at the beginning of the one for Vader's castle?

I saw Rogue One last night and I was very pleased with the film. It's was exciting and nostalgic in all the ways that AFA was not. The battle scenes, both air and ground, evoked the same since of awe and wonder that I had when watching ANH and ESB 30 years ago. Great fun!

Random musing/thoughts:

 - Very glad that R2 and C3PO were not in the film doing their very tired Laurel and Hardy routine. I didn't need the cameo but it was mercifully short. 

- K-2 lines did made me laugh although I'm glad that they didn't push the C3PO-esq "the odds of....." line too far.

- Nice to see that Jen was "Force-sensitive" but that didn't try to turn her into a Jedi stud with no training (cough....Rey....cough). 

- X-wing and Y-wing and TIE fighters, oh my! Glad to see these staples from ANH get some good screen time.

- AT-AT, and AT-ST's and Rebel transports, oh my! ..........ESB/ROTJ......... (see above). 

- Enjoyed the Probot Easter egg. It would have been fun to see K2 take one down during the street fight.

- As already mentioned, there were a lot of scenes in the trailers that did not make the film. The TIE threatening Jen on the comm tower would indicate that the TIE was piloted by somebody important in the film. Vader perhaps? I wonder what other plot lines were left on the cutting room floor.

- Absolutely thrilled with the space battle scenes with many different kinds of ships duking it out. One thing that mildly bugged me was to see UMARMED Rebel transports in the thick of things. Maybe they were Spec Ops or perhaps one was supposed to get through the gate so it could unload some much needed equipment for the ground troops.

- That is one resilient Rebel fleet. First they get their butts kicked on Sarif and then just (hours? days?) later they are forced into fighting the Death Star “with small snub fighters”.


-  I liked the nod to the Kyber Crystals. According to the book, The Making of Star Wars, Kyber Crystals were a central part of the original ANH script. As the story evolved, they were written out.

-  How does Bail Organa know about Obi-wan?

-  I never really thought about it before but the Death Star can jump though hyper space! With no visible engines, I wonder how this is done. 

- With Carrie Fisher now in the hospital, we may very well see more CGI Leia if she is a large part of the next film. 

I would definitely go see this film again. My faith in the franchise has been restored.

Just saw the movie for the second time. It's still as good as my first viewing but unlike the others here, something else about the movie just doesn't click with me. After the 2nd viewing, I finally realize what's my biggest problem with the movie. The movie just feel like a 2 hours long deleted scenes cramped to become a movie (Just my thought) Some of the scenes are unnecessary and Vader didn't feel like...... Vader.

Not a bad movie, but still could have been better.

11 hours ago, rollermonkey said:

Wasn't it weird that every other planet, even Yavin IV got its name flashed on the screen momentarily, but not at the beginning of the one for Vader's castle?

I imagine it flashing up as "Vader's Sanctum, Mustafar" would spoil the reveal somewhat.

1 hour ago, ecmo47 said:

I saw Rogue One last night and I was very pleased with the film. It's was exciting and nostalgic in all the ways that AFA was not. The battle scenes, both air and ground, evoked the same since of awe and wonder that I had when watching ANH and ESB 30 years ago. Great fun!

Random musing/thoughts:

 - Very glad that R2 and C3PO were not in the film doing their very tired Laurel and Hardy routine. I didn't need the cameo but it was mercifully short. 

- K-2 lines did made me laugh although I'm glad that they didn't push the C3PO-esq "the odds of....." line too far.

- Nice to see that Jen was "Force-sensitive" but that didn't try to turn her into a Jedi stud with no training (cough....Rey....cough). 

- X-wing and Y-wing and TIE fighters, oh my! Glad to see these staples from ANH get some good screen time.

- AT-AT, and AT-ST's and Rebel transports, oh my! ..........ESB/ROTJ......... (see above). 

- Enjoyed the Probot Easter egg. It would have been fun to see K2 take one down during the street fight.

- As already mentioned, there were a lot of scenes in the trailers that did not make the film. The TIE threatening Jen on the comm tower would indicate that the TIE was piloted by somebody important in the film. Vader perhaps? I wonder what other plot lines were left on the cutting room floor.

- Absolutely thrilled with the space battle scenes with many different kinds of ships duking it out. One thing that mildly bugged me was to see UMARMED Rebel transports in the thick of things. Maybe they were Spec Ops or perhaps one was supposed to get through the gate so it could unload some much needed equipment for the ground troops.

- That is one resilient Rebel fleet. First they get their butts kicked on Sarif and then just (hours? days?) later they are forced into fighting the Death Star “with small snub fighters”.


-  I liked the nod to the Kyber Crystals. According to the book, The Making of Star Wars, Kyber Crystals were a central part of the original ANH script. As the story evolved, they were written out.

-  How does Bail Organa know about Obi-wan?

-  I never really thought about it before but the Death Star can jump though hyper space! With no visible engines, I wonder how this is done. 

- With Carrie Fisher now in the hospital, we may very well see more CGI Leia if she is a large part of the next film. 

I would definitely go see this film again. My faith in the franchise has been restored.

Jyn's not Force-sensitive. Also, with the deleted scenes it's because, as Gareth Edwards said in an interview, the original ending before re-shoots involved Jyn and Cassian surviving. The transports aren't unarmed. If you want to know how Bail knows about Obi-Wan, rewatch the end of Return of the Jedi.

1 hour ago, Calanon said:

If you want to know how Bail knows about Obi-Wan, rewatch the end of Return of the Jedi.

(Revenge of the Sith) :laugh: Or the beginning of A New Hope for that matter.

I feel like they could have just said "Mustafar" without explanation and it would have been fine.

Has anyone read Catalyst? I'm wondering if it fills in any important backstory that was left out of the film. I've heard it focuses on Galen and Krennic, but does it talk much about Saw, or even other characters? It might be cool to read it and then watch the movie again.

I agree that they should have had just the name Mustafar flashing, but it's not a big deal for me.

I think anyone who is a fan of Star Wars figured out it was Mustafar without too much trouble anyway.

1 hour ago, DarthHank said:

(Revenge of the Sith) :laugh: Or the beginning of A New Hope for that matter.

I feel like they could have just said "Mustafar" without explanation and it would have been fine.

Has anyone read Catalyst? I'm wondering if it fills in any important backstory that was left out of the film. I've heard it focuses on Galen and Krennic, but does it talk much about Saw, or even other characters? It might be cool to read it and then watch the movie again.


Yeah, I read Catalyst. It definitely gives a good insight into the relationship between Orson, Galen and Lyra as well as why they need Galen. Saw is involved near the end. It's a good book and I would definitely recommend it for the added depth. Don't expect any action though.

4 hours ago, Error404 said:

I agree that they should have had just the name Mustafar flashing, but it's not a big deal for me.

I think anyone who is a fan of Star Wars figured out it was Mustafar without too much trouble anyway.

I thought it was Mustafar at first, but at what point was the sky not blood red in RotS? It seemed weird to have it just moldy cloudy. Oh well, guess I was wrong.

I don't remember too well which color the Mustafar sky had in Ep3, I just remember the lava and stuff.

Well, we finally saw it.  It was a great movie, although there are a couple of puzzling issues I have with the plot.  

Spoilers ahead




First of all, why use the Death Star on Scarif?   Not only did the archives have the plans to the DS, from the look of it there was a lot else there.  It would be like blowing up your own Library of Congress.  It seems like they would have been better off just sending a force to the ground to mop up or chasevany remaining rebel forces for the sake of preserving the archives.

Then there was the ending.  It was enjoyable, however the continuity between Rogue One and A New Hope seems puzzling.  We end with Vader watching Leia's ship making the jump and in the very next movie, he is bearing down on them over Tatooine with a star destroyer.  It would appear that Leia made poor choices if indeed Tatooine was the next stop.  It would have taken some time for Vader to leave the inoperable rebel cruiser and get back to the star destroyer to begin his pursuit of Leia.  Plus, he would have had to have known where they were going.  So how did the imperials catch up then?  Did Leia stop at a Sonic on the way in?  Did she go somewhere else first such as Alderaan?  Since they have the only copy of the Death Star plans, it seems like they themselves could have beamed them to another rebel source and/or transferred them to a safer location.  That way, you have backups and the rebels can now start analyzing the plans.  Continuing to Tatooine with them does not seem smart.  I would have brought them to Yavin IV first and then gone off to look for Obi Wan.  Regardless of what transpired between the two movies, I do not get how Vader knew where to find them and caught up with them so quickly.  

Blowing up the base - I think Tarkin believed if he blew it up fast enough they wouldn't be able to transmit the plans out in time. There are other things, like how they wouldn't want to risk any other plans falling into rebel hands, or how he didn't like Krennic, or how it would hurt the rebels more than the empire, but I think that was the chief reason.

Leia's head start was the only reason she got as far as she did. I assumed Star Destroyers are much faster than rebel corvettes, so Leia knew Vader would catch up with her and headed for the closest planet with a trustworthy agent for the rebellion - Tatooine. Earlier Bail and Mon Mothma were discussing Kenobi, so they must have planned that. I'm not sure how Vader knew where they were going, but tracking doesn't seem out of the question.

Or perhaps Tarkin chose to destroy the Scarif base to prevent the rebellion from accessing the archives and discover any potential secrets they could use against the empire, after the Hammerhead corvette pushed the two Star Destroyers into the gate of the shield that protected the planet and destroyed it.
As far as I could see, the base would be vulnerable without the shield to protect it.

When I left the theater I kind of enjoyed Rouge One, but the more that I actually thought about Rouge One, the more problems I ended up having with it. First of all I feel like most people that the first act of this film was messy. We went to many different worlds and as cool as it was to see all of them, there could have been a cleaner way of intoducting the characters to us. Second the characters themeselves I didn't care for that much. When the crew died it added some layer to the Death Star's plans, but I didn't care when any of them died. I might watch the movie again, but in the end I didn't get much out of the characters. The action and the way the film was shot looked cool was nice, but again because the characters didn't have much weight to me, I ended up not caring all that much. Darth Vader had some pretty cool scenes and honestly he should have replaced Tarkin. It was nice seeing Tarkin at first when you didn't see his face, but when he turned around it took me out of the movie. 


Overall I would rank the movies as such.

1. Empire Strikes Back

2. A New Hope

3. The Force Awakens

4. Return of the Jedi

5. Revenge of the Sith

6. Rouge One

7. Phantom Menace

8. Attack of the Clones

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