Posted June 2, 201014 yr Even though the LU-mode palette includes a lot of bricks, there are still many missing. However, with a bit of fantasy and creativity, it possible to create and share alternatives to these bricks by making custom variants of the parts that are that available in LDD. If you want to participate and help add custom made pieces, read the rules and post what you got here Rules of the Topic (Please read these guidelines before posting) - Report piece number and piece description, in order to help to generate the index. - Use code and description provided on peeron website. - For example: 73037 - Winch 2 x 4 x 2 - Insert a thumbnail of your original piece, to provide an immediate identification. - Insert a thumbnail (or more, if you create different versions) of your creation, in order to provide a preview. - The thumbnails should be small, not more than 150x150 pixel (if the piece is complex, thumbnails should be bigger). - Report a comment of your work, specifing limits and advantages. - and obviously... Share you lxf file! INDEX Technic 47224c01 - Pneumtaic Cilinder - by Zblj 2797c02 - Pneumatic Pump - by Zbl bb339c01 - Power Functions Switch - by Zblj x189c01- Pneumatic Cylinder - by Zblj x191c01- Pneumatic Pum Small - by Zbl 4694b - Pneumatic Switch with Pin Holes - by Zblj 5292 - Motor RC Race Buggy - by Zblj 6272c01 - RC Buggy Battery/Reciever Unit - by Zblj 58120c01 - Power Functions M motor - by Zblj 2847c01 - 9V Battery Box 4x14x4 - by Tore M 92693 - Mini Linear Actuator - by Tore M 47154 - Electric Motor 9V - by OrbitSoldier 46217c01 - 3x4x1-2/3 Gearbox - by OrbitSoldier x939 - Technic Thread Small - by bbqqq 47306 - Beam 5 with 2 Ball Joints - by Costy 87407 - Gear 20 Tooth Bevel with Pin Hole - by Zblj [OUTDATED] 64178 - Liftarm 5x11 Open Center Frame - by Zblj [OUTDATED] 64179 - Liftarm 5x7 Open Center - by Zblj [OUTDATED] 67761- Gear Rack 1x7 with Axle and Pin Holes - by Zblj [OUTDATED] 64781 - Gear Rack 1x13 with Axle and Pin Holes - by Zblj [OUTDATED] 63869 - Axle and Pin Connector Perpendicular Triple - by Zblj [OUTDATED] 62821- Gear Differential with innder Tabs - by Zblj [OUTDATED] 2850 - Technic Engine Cylinder - by Zblj [OUTDATED] 62531 - Technic Panel Curved 11x3 - by Zblj [OUTDATED] 6573 - Gear Differential - by Zblj [OUTDATED] Misc. 73037 - Winch 2x4x2 - by Calabar 30295 - Car Base 12x18x1-1/3 - by Deadalus304 71612cx1 - Cone 4x4x7 Drill - by Deadalus304 30299 - Cockpit 10x14x2-2/3 - by Deadalus304 30298 - Windscreen 10x14x2-2/3 Roll Cage - by Deadalus304 967 - Plate 4x8 with Helicopter Rotor Holder - by Giovanne 968 - 4x14x1 Trailer Base - by Giovanne 3137c01 - Brick 2x2 with Wheels - by Giovanne 2605c01 - Brick 1x2x2-1/3 Shcok Absorber - by Toa_Of_Justice x1957px1 - Black Cloth Sail 17x18 - by bbqqq x1957px1 - White Cloth Sail 17x18 with Red Stripes - by bbqqq x1957px1 - Cloth Sail 17x28 [version 2] - by bbqqq x1958px1 - White Cloth Sail 18x20 with red Stripes - by bbqqq 30184 - 6x26x2-2/3 Trailer - by Toa_Of_Justice 4228 - Inverted Slope 5x6x2 - by Giovanne [OUTDATED] Baseplates 2552 - Baseplate Raised 32x32 with Ramp and Pit - by Solidbrick 2552 - Baseplate Raised 32x32 with Ramp and Pit [updated version]- by zinfinion 6024 - Baseplate Raised 32x32 Canyon - by Solidbrick Figures/Animals 30486c01 / 30487c01- Kaadu (Gungan Beast) - by ADHO15 64800pb01c01 - Tauntaun - by ILikePi 64800pb01c01 - Tauntaun - by ADHO15 sw071 - Jabba the Hutt - by ADHO15 sw402 - Jabba the Hutt - by ADHO15 Edited October 21, 201212 yr by legolijntje Updated index
June 2, 201014 yr Last days I was thinking to open an "indexed" topic of custom parts made by EB users in order to replace missing parts in LDD. There are already some solutions, and now the topic could rise. What do you think about maintain index of such a topic?
June 2, 201014 yr Author 20 tooth cown gear 5x11 frame 5x7 frame big pneumatic cylinder big pneumatic pump 13 studs long rack technic axle joiner perpendicular triple new 3 studs wide differential old 4 studs wide differential 11x3 panel power functions switch fake piston engine small pneumatic cylinder pneumatic compressor pump 7 studs long rack pneumatic valve (new studless style) Edited June 4, 201014 yr by Zblj
June 2, 201014 yr @ Zblj: I like your custom LDD parts. They would allow Technic fans to create building instructions for their MOCs. Perhaps one of the reasons for a lack of Technic LDD files is that key pieces are missing from the LDD parts pallette (like the ones you substituted). Of course, it WOULD BE NICE if LDD 4.0 just added the additional parts. I've noticed that any Technic parts that have a moving element (like the pneumatic piston, Power Functions switch, shock absorbers, clutch gear, etc.) are not in the existing LDD 3.1 parts pallette. @ Calabar: Yes, if you created an "indexed" topic of custom LDD parts, I bet you that folks would contribute to it.
June 2, 201014 yr I think an index topic for alternative parts is a brilliant idea. If one creates a group of the parts too, they can easily be selected as one part. Who can maintain it. Zblj? The person who shall maintain the index should probably start the topic it so he becomes the owner with edit rights. When the index topic is created, I can see if I can pin it (don't know if I have the power, I'm just regulator, otherwise I will fix it).
June 2, 201014 yr I think that it would be more useful with a single lxf file for every simulated piece. And the index should be similar to the one of "Official lego set made in LDD" topic. For every piece: - piece number (peeron number I think will be more useful) - with link to the post where an EB user has posted the file and description - piece description (peeron description?) - author (there could be different variants of the piece) Piece ordered by code number. example of a single line: - 73037 - Winch 2 x 4 x 2 - by calabar In the single post: - piece number - piece description - a little image of the original piece - a little image(s) of the simulated pieces(s) Edited June 2, 201014 yr by Calabar
June 2, 201014 yr Good point I think there should be a small image (Peeron image?) also in the index so you visually quickly can look for "your" part. OK, so maybe we don't need the index topic since this topic was actually started by Zbjl and he can edit the first post continously with info according to Calbars post. Have I understood it correctly?
June 2, 201014 yr The only issue should be the topic title: perhaps only a moderator can change it with a more appropriate one. About images in the index, I think that when pieces will be many, this will make the index too huge and then few readable. Besides create the index could became a too binding task! Piece code number should be enough comfortable for a fast search in the index! Edited June 2, 201014 yr by Calabar
June 2, 201014 yr The only issue should be the topic title: perhaps only a moderator can change it with a more appropriate one. About images in the index, I think that when pieces will be many, this will make the index too huge and then few readable. Besides create the index could became a too binding task! Piece code number should be enough comfortable for a fast search in the index! I can change the topic title. What shall it be? Then I guess Zbjl can get started with some help from Calabar?
June 2, 201014 yr Then I guess Zbjl can get started with some help from Calabar? No problem for me, I could help to create a first drawing up of the index. @Zblj: you should modify the first post inserting "rules of the topic" and the index. If you want I can send you the "form factor" of the other topic's index. The current content of the first post should be moved to a new post, splitting single pieces in single LDD files. Let's start a toto-title: for me the title could simply be: "LDD missing parts: archive of custom alternative"
June 3, 201014 yr Author Sorry for double post, but i now uploaded all 16 different parts and added them in OP:
June 3, 201014 yr Here is a replacement for: 73037 - Winch 2 x 4 x 2 I made two versions. The first is more "good looking", but has a problem: it is impossible to use it if the winch is covered by other bricks. The second is a variant that can be covered by other bricks. Dowload HERE
June 4, 201014 yr Copied from my topic: 2552px6 groundplate (lxf) 6024px2 groundplate (lxf) Building proof made. Image Image Temporary download link till I find another host here: Pro's: So far after building a few sets on them I could place everything as in the instructions. No need to swap pieces for offset creations. No longer need to worry about the groundplate. Just start building on it! Easy to recolor with the color selection tool to any color you like. Con's: Takes up quite a few extra pieces and there could be some flaws. (I don't own them but build it based on topside and instruction book pictures!) Does not come with printed rocks on the side! Enjoy Edited May 25, 201311 yr by Calabar
June 4, 201014 yr @Solidbrick Very good work! Has you just propose yourself to create the .lxf file for Black Knight's Castle? We expect your work on "Official Sets made in LDD" topic! PS: try to respect thumbnail size suggestion written in the first topic!
June 4, 201014 yr Interesting ideas, Solidbrick, but what's the difference other than having a plate on top?
June 4, 201014 yr Interesting ideas, Solidbrick, but what's the difference other than having a plate on top? The reason I covered the tops with plates was otherwise it wouldn't be the right height (3 bricks). My first attempt I didn't covered the tops with plates but that left me with using costum piece to replace 2449 inverted slope. Which didn't look so great. But to compensate that I had to heighten the edges by 1 plate. Fortunatly it doesn't look bad in the LDD. So in the end I went for functionality over looks.
June 4, 201014 yr I have 2 or 3 mods to replace the launcher that is used in a lot of SPIII, Batman, Star Wars, and other action sets. if you download my bat tumbler or my hot pursuit LXFs, you'll have two of them. I had to use something different for the Lunar Limo, I can make an lxf of all three modded bits. Though, with the limo, I had to mod more than just the launcher. I had to replace some of the anchors. When I get to it, I'll edit this post (if I remember to)
June 4, 201014 yr I have 2 or 3 mods to replace the launcher [...] Here is the right place for your work! Read the topic guidelines and post your mods here! The piece will be added to the index.
June 23, 201014 yr Here's my custom Kaadu [Animal Kaadu Complete Assembly - (30486c01)] from the Star Wars set, 7115 Gungan Patrol. LXF File The studs are in the same places and the accessories, such as the saddle, fit on fine. It doesn't have the prongs by its mouth for attaching reigns, however. Edited June 23, 201014 yr by ADHO15
June 23, 201014 yr Please note that I had to use the BrickLink catalog for this custom "brick" because Peeron only lists the tauntaun as separate pieces, and not as a complete assembly. Tauntaun, Complete Assembly (64800pb01c01) from LEGO Star Wars 7749 Echo Base: LXF file It comes in both white and light bley because the prototype was in white, and the real version is in light bley. It doesn't come with a place to hold the reins, but comes with two "teeth" instead. Saddles can fit onto them just fine. I take no credit at all for the design; it was created by LEGO designers as seen in LEGO Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary. (I have no idea at all how to add custom backgrounds, so I used the "building guide mode" to get a blue one. ) Edited June 23, 201014 yr by ILikePi
October 9, 201014 yr Here's a bunch of Rock Raiders parts. If you click the thumbnails of my parts it will link to the full size picture if you would like to see more detail. :) 30295 Car Base 12 x 18 x 1 & 1/3 I built this replacement: The only functional difference is that I needed to use those smooth slider plates on the bottom to keep the sloped plates in place. Download the LXF! 71612cx1 Cone 4 x 4 x 7 Drill with OldGray Axle Connection I built this replacement: Big difference here, as I added a Technic Half-Clip to the previously open side. It wouldn't connect recieving a clip in LDD so I had to alter it - can be easily removed if you wish. Download the LXF! 30346c01 Electric Light Brick 4 x 12 x 2 Complete Assembly I build this replacement: Obviously it doesn't light up, and it's height is 1/3 a brick taller than the original. This was so that it could still be attached to flat surfaces without having to remove portions of the lower sloped sections. I'm not sure I like how bulgy the front is, but it was the best way I'd found to get the proper stud-out connection and keep the rail on the left side. This piece was a bundle of compromise. Download the LXF! 30299 Cockpit 10 x 14 x 2 & 2/3 30298 Windscreen 10 x 14 x 2 & 2/3 Roll Cage I built this (somewhat) combined replacement: This was the biggest pain as far as custom parts went. As far as the 30298 Windscreen part it alone is ALMOST an entirely independant piece, minus the two struts attached to the 30299 custom. The 30299 custom itself has mostly the same amount of functional space inside (To my knowledge anyhow), and can seat mini-figs in configuration with ALL rock raider sets so far. It also has the lower three stud sections of the left and right wall, as well as the rear attach points for the part. (Although thanks to the awkward measures they're not a continuous object. Sorry if I should have split these two pieces into separate files, both the replacements and the originals seemed co-dependent enough that this would be alright. Download the LXF! Sorry for that long list! XD I wanted to build the Chrome Crusher and ran into all these. Please let me know if -anything- in this post (or even parts) structure needs fixed/changed, and I will do so. :)
November 15, 201014 yr Author Here's the RC unit, RC motor and PF M motor all custom made: They are all grouped and ready for use. DOWNLOAD
November 21, 201014 yr A simple replacement for the Electric 9V Battery Box 4 x 14 x 4. All color variants included. Download LXF file
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