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Update 22/11/17 Project abandoned, LDD file here for anyone interested: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wwc7v3p2s2yep72/UCS UT-60D Rebel Transport.lxf?dl=0


Welcome everybody, :classic: 

After recently seeing Rogue One, which is an amazing film, I decided to redesign my U-Wing and make it UCS by recommendation of @brobert as it wasn't very accurate. I have managed to get the model to approximate minifigure scale. The cockpit can accommodate two pilots and the cargo bay around 10 troopers. I am pleased that I have managed to keep the sleek aerodynamic look, as that was my original goal that I set out for myself. For the sliding doors, I have mainly kept TLG's design, but I have hidden the function almost completely as theirs is clearly visible. The wings do swoop back, however, I was having difficulty rotating them on LDD so I do not have any images. Hopefully, I will fix this issue!I have also used their UCS Y-Wing stand as I thought it suited my model well. There is not a transparent piece/cockpit large enough for the bottom of the ship, so I used four transparent 6180s instead. My design is made up of 888 bricks, which is not a great amount for a UCS set. However, this is because there are a lot of big bricks throughout the model. This MOC surprisingly only took 5-6 hours to create. It would not be a UCS Star Wars ship without greebling, so I have included this at the rear next to the engines. The only noticeable issue with the model is the lack of the cannons at the front of the ship, I will incorporate this at some point Please give me your suggestions, so I can improve my model, as this is a work in progress. 



Thank you for reading!

Kind regards, Ellis.

Edited by Ellisss_2

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30 minutes ago, kylefriz said:

INCREDIBLE!  any chance you'll upload the LDD?

Hello, thank you for your reply!  And yes, at some point I will once I have made the final version.

Edited by Ellisss_2

Just now, Ellisss_2 said:

Hello, thank you for your reply!  And yes, at some point I will once I have made the final version.

yaayyyy and your'e very welcome!  i love the U-Wing it's one of my favorite ships now!  haha

whoooooaaaa! great job. I think I try somthing like this. what's part number of this windscreen?

Woaw your UCS is amazing ! Minifig-scale ships are far more bette imo.

I was wondering if we could have more pics of the interior, troop bay etc ? And are the cockpit and the troop bay connected like in the movie ?

Just 2 things that could be improved :

-The wings are thiner at the end.
-The space bewteen thrusters and  hinges is less steep


Here is a pic from wiki http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/e/e3/U-wing-SW_Battlefront.png/revision/latest?cb=20161213062352

Edited by legoSWfan

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1 hour ago, legoSWfan said:

Woaw your UCS is amazing ! Minifig-scale ships are far more bette imo.

I was wondering if we could have more pics of the interior, troop bay etc ? And are the cockpit and the troop bay connected like in the movie ?

Just 2 things that could be improve :

-The wings are thiner at the end.
-The space bewteen thrusters and  hinges is less steep


Here is a pic from wiki http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/e/e3/U-wing-SW_Battlefront.png/revision/latest?cb=20161213062352

Pleased you like it! Also I will upload more images of the interior when I get time. Yes the cockpit is connected with the troop bay.  I will try to add your improvements!

Edited by Ellisss_2

Looks neat! I doubt the wings will hold when the S-foils are out though, with its one connection point :wink:

Also, the engines look a tad small.

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31 minutes ago, TWP said:

Looks neat! I doubt the wings will hold when the S-foils are out though, with its one connection point :wink:

Also, the engines look a tad small.

Thanks, for your reply. I will make the engines longer/bigger and try to strengthen the connection point.

This is the right size ship I was thinking about doing. I look forward to seeing the interior 

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Update #1:

Hello guys,

I have modified my model to your suggestions! I have also added images of the interior as many of you requested them! The total brick count is now: 1005.

I used this image for reference: http://img00.deviantart.net/98d0/i/2016/280/e/6/u_wing_schematics_by_ravendeviant-dak92nh.jpg


To begin with, I have lengthened the engines and added detail to the intakes based on the @ChristopherLee Arc-170 Engine design mod.  @TWP


I then slimmed the wings down as they were too thick @legoSWfan


Finally some images of the interior, I had to remove the left side of the ship to show you, as it was difficult with the LDD camera positioning.


Thank you for reading!

Kind regards, Ellis.

Edited by Ellisss_2

Ellis, this just keeps getting better and better. You've done a great job capturing the sleekness of the U-wing. The old X-Wing canopy looks great, and is exactly the right size.

I can't find any really good reference on the U-Wing, so I can't say for sure, but it looks almost TOO long and sleek. I'm not complaining, mind - it's a great antidote to the chubby chibi lego TLG model - but I wonder if the engines are too narrow and the troop compartment too shallow?

Good luck with this, and I hope to see a final version in real bricks sometime.

I love your design although I think the cargo bay it's too large (it should allow sit 6 minifigs looking to each side) and the doors too small


Overall, you've done a good work, congrats!

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1 minute ago, ScottishDave said:

Ellis, this just keeps getting better and better. You've done a great job capturing the sleekness of the U-wing. The old X-Wing canopy looks great, and is exactly the right size.

I can't find any really good reference on the U-Wing, so I can't say for sure, but it looks almost TOO long and sleek. I'm not complaining, mind - it's a great antidote to the chubby chibi lego TLG model - but I wonder if the engines are too narrow and the troop compartment too shallow?

Good luck with this, and I hope to see a final version in real bricks sometime.



Just now, Capitan Tenderete said:

I love your design although I think the cargo bay it's too large (it should allow sit 6 minifigs looking to each side) and the doors too small


Overall, you've done a good work, congrats!


Thank you guys!

@ScottishDave I will most likely end up deepening the compartment, as you can not fit troopers in with helmets. I am not sure about the engines, I will look at some more plans/blueprints etc. Hopefully one day I will have a version in bricks!

 @Capitan TendereteI would agree I think the cargo bay might be too large, but that is an easy fix. With regards to the doorsI, will see what I can do.

Great improvement indeed ! And thank you for additional pics 

I agree that doors could be bigger. Regarding height/depth, if it could provide you a rough estimate,  accoprding to Wookiepedia U-Wing's height is 3,35m so around 2 minifigs and length 25m which is equivalent to 14-15 minifigs.
2 pics from the interior: https://boardgamegeek.com/camo/5e21303af920b2b25627b1c4fe524787b04fe30e/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f4f6d6f34784f632e706e67

Note that both pics are from the "support" U-Wing, not from Cassian/Jyn's U-Wing, which has supplement seats.

Concerning engines, they could be indeed more ... bulky ? By the way, intakes of U-Wing's engines are like X-Wing's engines intake, but it's just a small detail.

Again: vey good job !

Edited by legoSWfan

Those are great pictures of the interior, legoSWfan.

I also found some fore-and-aft pictures cropped from the visual guide on a Star Wars news blog

I can see that my initial concern was misplaced - the total height of the ship may be fine. You certainly seem to have the correct amount of height above and below the wings.

However, maybe the top section needs hollowing out some more :-).

This being the case - I think that the troop compartment may be too long.

Edited by ScottishDave

Wow...I am new to this site and, overall, world of Lego...but...loving the movie...this is a great U-Wing improvement!  Would love to be able to build one!

wow, great job! now as others mentioned too, the fuselage seems just a bit too long, and the wings look a bit off too, as I see they are approx. the same witdh all the way?

Now I realise making those accurate will be a challenge because of the danger of sagging, but they need to be gradually slimming from base to end. If you figure that out, it's pretty much perfect.

The interior is a home run, really nicely done, lots of space in there as I see.

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13 minutes ago, brobert said:

wow, great job! now as others mentioned too, the fuselage seems just a bit too long, and the wings look a bit off too, as I see they are approx. the same witdh all the way?

Now I realise making those accurate will be a challenge because of the danger of sagging, but they need to be gradually slimming from base to end. If you figure that out, it's pretty much perfect.

The interior is a home run, really nicely done, lots of space in there as I see.

Thank you very much! I am working on all the points you stated :grin:. The model will be perfect one day.

Nicely done, I look forward to seeing engines and wings done. Once done I'll have few improvements to suggest. 

Merry Christmas ! 

@Ellisss_2 I don't think anyone's posted a picture yet but the Rogue One Ultimate Visual Guide has thec ross sections of all the new ships (its like the cross sections and visual dictionary in one book essentially) including the U-Wing and its very helpful so try to get your hands on that it will help a lot!

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