January 18, 20178 yr Author Willem Guilder turned to the MAESTRO delegation: "Thank you for joining the fortification committee, General Samu. A military man is appropriate for this." Aaron van der Meede, who had stepped out earlier, now returned to the council hall and handed some papers to Gov. Guilder. "Thank you Aaron." Guilder thumbed through the papers quickly. "Hmm, yes, yes." Then he looked up to address the full council again. "I have here an accounting of all our settlements, with fortifications, settlement size, and what those settlements need to do to grow. Addressing fortifications for the moment, towns can have up to two forts. Salida Este already has 2 small forts, as does Elysabethtown, but Trador can build an additional fort. Pontelli appears to have only 1 small fort and could build another. Montario has no fortifications and has the capacity for 2 forts. Fuerte Unido has 1 medium fort, which has been the understood limit in the past (1 medium fort equaling 2 small forts), but the continental council is about to change that. Nova Terreli could also add fortifications beyond its royal fortress if desired. The hamlet of Puerto Alijo should have a fort as well, although at this time that settlement is but a single residence." "Once the continental council confirms the lifting of restrictions on the size of fortifications, medium or large forts could be built in any settlement with the capacity to add a fort. OR, old fortifications can be torn down and replaced with newer, larger ones. So we have several options."
January 18, 20178 yr Author Guilder shuffled through his papers, found what he was looking for, and cleared his throat. "As for the issue of growth of our colonies, I have identified the settlements most in need of new building, or at least that could put that building to most effective use quickly. Bardo needs only 5 more properties (1 commerce, 2 factories, 1 educational, and 1 art/culture build) to become a large town, and with that could build another fort. Elysabethtown needs 6 more properties for the same (1 artisan, 1 factory, 1 art/culture, and 3 of anything). Nova Terreli needs 3 factories to grow to city status. Pontelli is woefully underprotected and could build another fort today, but could build a third (or larger) fort with the addition of 9 more properties (2 artisans, 1 commerce, 3 factories, and 3 residences). Fuerte Unido needs 14 more properties, and I could go on. Now that we're subsidizing property builds for a few months, these are the locations that could benefit most, and would strengthen our defenses as a result."
January 24, 20178 yr After a break, Fontonajo opened the next session: "Unsettling news have reached me about an Oleander settlement on hte island of Berreli! As many of you know the situation on the island still is unstable - only recently has my very person been attacked by a Mardierian assassin in our own town of Elysabethtown. An Oleander settlement might disturb the current balance of power between us, Corrington and the Ténotclaxcan. As Elysabethtown was founded and is administred by MAESTRO, I am looking towards you in particular, Lord Damaximus, but also to all other members in this hall - do you know any more about that settlement?"
January 24, 20178 yr It was suddenly silent in the Council. It was a complete suprise that Oleon founded a settlement on Berelli. Lord Damaximus answered: "It surprised me as well. I was sipping from my coffee this morning when a messenger brought me this message. My contacts in Oleon are assuring me that this is solely an initiative of the city of Ladros in Oleon. The tribe of the Tenotclaxcans are sharpening their spears and preparing for war as they are very hostile against Oleon. We are going to follow this further and will keep the Council updated"
January 24, 20178 yr "Thank you, Governor Damaximus", Fontonajo replied. "With someone of your grandeur taking the matter into his hands I feel that I have nothing to worry about anymore for the moment." "Speaking of conflict, though, my fellow councilmen, I would like us to openly discuss the further progression of our war with Mardier. I see that we have attacked each other at seas, that Mardier has raided our towns, and that we dispute about Isla de Victoria. But what is our goal? Where shall all of this lead us to? If Mardier started negotiating a ceasefire - or even better peace - with us right now, what would be our demands?" Román paused for a few seconds, before he continued: "Do not get me wrong. While I was against this war from the beginning and still am, I fully respect our national decision and am as much part of this war as any other Eslandolan. But in the world of business I do nothing without a goal in mind. Right now, I cannot see where this war might potentially lead us, what benefit awaits. So I ask you: What do you actually want?"
January 24, 20178 yr Lord Damaximus answered: "Let's wait a few days!" Edited January 24, 20178 yr by Maxim I
January 24, 20178 yr Author Governor Guilder rose to speak. "Regarding Berreli, I can at least confirm that Nova Terreli's royal fortress did in fact aid Pontellii's defense against the Mardier raid, so our defenses are better there than I initially believed." "As for our war aims, might I urge my fellow councilmembers to discuss this in a private session? I have thoughts on this matter, but would prefer to discuss them away from the press."
January 27, 20178 yr Fontonajo looked around. Most members of the council were awkwardly silent those days. Maybe they just needed some more time to warm up? Or another location? Hard to say... He looked around, not fixating a specific councilmember, when he continued to talk: "In my campaigns I talked about the Colonial Knowledge Mission which we all have here. Well, I have done my part. My scribes have done their work and set up some papers, ready for you to fill in. We have also gathered all available information about natural ressources like gold, silver or iron from the recording of the Fontonajo Mining Ventures. Those sheets will be handed to you in a minute. I really hope for your intensive contributions!". Fontonajo gave them a while to take a closer look at the documents. It had been some tough work, but he was almost certain that it would pay off. Information is the foundation of knowledge, and knowledge is the foundation of power. Well, a bit overblown, maybe, yet still it might help fill Eslandolan coffers further. Now to emptying coffers... "As you all know our constitution defines salaries for all members of our glorious Colonial Council. How will we handle the payments? Is there any voluntary who is willing to take upon himself this task for the next four months? Or do you naturally consider this a task of the Admius Legistrad as head of this Council? And also: Do you agree that we should aim for a payment between the 25th and the 29th of a month, for that very month?"
January 30, 20178 yr Joaquin Seramon Fontonajo, Román's son, took the word: "This morning I have been noticed that construction in Montario has finished. On behalf of the Fontonajo family and the people of Nellisa, I invite you all to be our guests in the Lion Hall in Montario, and have some council sessions on Nellisa, before we return to this beautiful lecture hall in Weelond. One of the fastest ships, providing all comforts you can expect, awaits us at the docks. When we arrive at Nova Terreli you will have the best accomodation for a few days, to take care of your business, before some of the finest carriages bring us to Montario, where we will return to deciding about the future of Eslandola once more. For those of you who have never been to Nellisa - look forward to experience the beauties of the island. And those who return will most likely jubilate as much as I do at the prospect of seeing Nellisa again!" 'And seeing my fiancee again', he thought. So far noone knew what was about to come, except his grandmother, who helped Poca out. But they wouldn't be able to keep it secret for much longer. Little did Poca understand his reasoning, but she had trusted him. She always had.
February 12, 20178 yr Noone had objected Joaquin Fontonajo's suggestion. Now, almost two weeks later the Council had travelled to Montario on the island of Nellisa, and had just started the first meeting in the Lion Hall. Román Fontonajo opened up the session with some warm words of welcome, but quickly started with the first real subject: Fortification. "Recently the scholars have brought clarification into how much money fortresses really cost us. I am quite certain you have all read the article. Now I think what we need to discuss most is who will pay for what in our efforts: First: I think we need to give the architects and master builders incentives to construct forts. How high should those incentives be - dependent on the size of the fortress - and who should pay those? [payment for the MOC just like with warships]. Second: Who should finance the actual construction [licensing fees] of the fortress? Third: Who sould pay the newly clarified monthly upkeep costs for the fortress? In general I see the towns themselves, the owners of the towns (so Trade Companies or Eslandola), or just Eslandola. We might also go for a mixture, so that for example construction might be paid by Eslandola, upkeep by the owner of the town, but an incentive for construction by the town itself. Or that upkeep might be paid by the owner, but 50% might be sponsored by our national coffers? I am looking forward to what you think, fellow councilmen!"
February 13, 20178 yr Author I think for the moment upkeep is paid by the licensee, so it would be coming out of the faction coffers at the moment (since ESL has licensed all the forts to this point, I believe), but I agree that having upkeep come out of the settlement coffers makes more sense. We have to make sure each settlement can afford it, though. I'm not sure that we need to subsidize the building of forts at the moment. I think increasing settlement size is more important. The forts will come.
February 13, 20178 yr Somehow, the forts in Trador (Crown & MAESTRO) and Elysabethtown (MAESTRO and myself) are not licenced by the crown, so I find this an interesting question :)
March 5, 20178 yr Román Fontonajo informs all Council members that the payments for January, February and March 617 AE have been made.
May 8, 20177 yr Author With the disappearance of automatic "free" taxes going to the faction coffers, we need to fund our treasury (which is responsible for maintaining our forts and our navy). Willem Guilder proposes the following, to take effect in June: 20% tax on build submittal income (so you'd get 8 DBs instead of 10 DBs for you first builds of the month), 20% tax on property license fees (so, for example, that small artisan would cost you 30 DBs to license instead of 25), 10% tax on ship licenses (so a 4T2 would cost 330 instead of 300 to license), and 10% tax on town banks (I've looked at the numbers and it should work; if town banks can afford more, we can adjust it to 20% in the future). I'd like to call this proposal to a vote. @Sir Stig, @Maxim I, @Garmadon, @Legostone, @Elostirion, what do your delegations say?
May 8, 20177 yr (The door swings open and in walk Captain Whiffo, Myles Bowditch, and Agent Gilles Guelds [this chap, who after that deal had been hired by the ETWC]. After a liberal number of bows and nods, all three took their places in the ETWC seats.) "I call for a vote," Governor Guilder had just exclaimed. Agent Gilles looked around, nudged his neighbor quietly, and asked, "I say, sir, what exactly is going on here?" "Taxes, my dear sir - taxes," replied the other. Up started the worth agent, exclaiming, "Never, my good sirs! You'll never catch me voting for taxes!" and he sat down as abruptly, to the surprise of every member of the assembly (except the ETWC bench, who had already guessed what was coming). At least it had the good effect of waking some of them up... Captain Whiffo very nearly joined him in expressing the selfsame sentiment, but after a hearty discussion with his first mate, both decided that given the current state of things, the tax proposed by the good Governor wasn't such a very bad idea - provided, at least, it was put to good use and the frivolous state expenditures were promptly halted (most of which had thankfully just expired anyways...). Two "Aye's," One "Nay," from the ETWC bench.
May 8, 20177 yr *Coughs* I oppose the above proposal, and instead hand in my own. I propose a 5% tax on both MRCA income and property income. This doesn't have a nearly as big immediate impact on the buyer of a property or ship - while with the 20% base tax proposal a typical property takes 6 months to pay for itself, with my proposal it only takes a little bit over 5 months. It also gives us a secure income, which I see as much needed, as properties aren't bought all of the time. I do, however, have no complaints against a small tax for FBs and a decent tax for the Town Banks, which tend to collect money anyways. Table form: 5% on income for properties 5% on income for ships 20% on Free Builds 10% on Town Banks I, Jerome Monezterrell vote for my own proposal, and, unless there is no way either proposal takes place, vote against the other one! I,Farrucio Parajo, support the proposal from Senor Monezterrell! *silence* *Jerome Monezterrell begins to talk again* I guess this is as bad of a time as any to tell you this information - I haven't heard anything from him since he went out on the Cardinal to free ourharbours from the Marderian Scum. We don't have a confirmation what happened to him just yet, but we suspect he went down without his ship. As bad of a time this is, we are working on a solution internally. For now, this vote will remain uncast. 2 votes Governor Guilders proposal: nay 2 votes Senor Monezterrell proposal: yay 1 vote waiting for replacement; will be cast later Edited May 10, 20177 yr by Legostone
May 8, 20177 yr Author Willem Guilder rose (with some difficulty, due to his injuries in the latest MRCA -- details to come) to address the council: "I welcome Senor Monezterrell's input to the debate on taxes. We are in agreement that taxes on free builds and town banks are appropriate, and we agree on the tax rate for those items. However, I cannot support taxes on property yields and MRCA results. I much prefer a system of one-time taxes on licenses, not perpetual taxes on yields. As such, I must vote Nay to Monezterrell's proposal." Philip Janszen then rose from the MCTC delegation. "I concur with Gov. Guilder regarding taxes on MRCA income. As a sailor and captain of a trading vessel, the MRCA income is our life blood. I will also vote Nay to the Monezterrel proposal. And I will vote Yea for the governor's proposal." Finally, Aaron van der Meede spoke. "As a city councilman, I applaud the proposals to tax the town banks. They are nothing but an enticement to piracy, and the 10% rate should still leave our towns with adequate funds for raising troops or offering inducements for new construction. The builders of ships and properties in these seas seem quite capable of bearing the cost of increased licenses, but I am wary of the effect taxing property yields and shipping results will have on the general populace. If we discover that taxing the licenses is not enough, we can always look to other taxes in the future. But for now, I too will vote Nay on the Monezterrel proposal and Yea for the Guilder proposal." Guilder spoke once more, although he remained seated this time. With a wry smile, he said: "And just to make it official, I vote Yea for my proposal."
May 9, 20177 yr After watching how the events evolved, Lord Maximilian Damaximus finally said his opinion: Dear Brethren of Eslandola. If I earn 2000 a month, what does a 5% means if that is my insurance for my trade vessels? However, if I have a 100 db's on my bank, I prefer to invest it in 2 properties of 50 db's each and lose 5% of my revenues instead of only being able to licence 1 property, thus earning far less... In the current world we live in, we have to applaud investments to boom our settlements. If the quantity of investments is higher, won't the reward for Eslandola be higher as well? And what about those brethren of Eslandola who earn money every month, but are nowhere to be seen atm. Isn't it better to enjoy their revenues as well? Let's take a look to last month. Eslandola members and companies only licenced for 100 db's. That would be an income of 20 db's for Eslandola. If we however tax the revenues, Eslandola members and companies earned a total of 5847 db's, resulting in 292.4 db's for Eslandola! In march, this were the numbers: Licences: (150 land + 2150 vessels) ==> 30 + 215 = 245 db's for Eslandola Revenues: (5792 land + 11862 vessels) ==> 882.7 db's for Eslandola So why making it harder to purchase new licences when a meager 5% doesn't hurt anyone? To those who already have voted: please reconsider your vote and let our glorious nation prime above a part of your income you would never have noticed... So in quick: 3 votes to Governor Guilders proposal: nay 3 votes to Senor Monezterell proposal: aye
May 10, 20177 yr (Commotion in the ETWC bench) Once again Agent Gilles Guelds leapt to his feet. "Income taxes!?!" he exclaimed, "what is this I hear, sirs? Is this Eslandola's august Council or a band of marauding Sea Rats?" "Ahem! - actually, the Sea Rats don't have income taxes either." This, with an elbow, from the first mate. Ignoring him, however, Agent Guelds went on, "Why, I'll say, if all your grandmothers wouldn't be a-rolling over in their graves if they could hear you all now! Tell me, what kind of freedom is there when a nation's government claims the right to forceably take from its citizens the gains of their own diligence and labor and use it for its own purposes?! THIS IS ESLANDOLA!!!!!" The worthy agent leapt onto the desk before him, which crashed in half with a resounding bang. Two monkeys quickly took it out and brought in another one. Captain Whiffo now stood up as well, and likewise condemned in sounding voice the notion of instituting any such thing as an income tax. Myles Bowditch thought that the assembly had probably heard enough from the ETWC bench on the subject, and just wrote his vote down on the tiny slice of paper. Three 'Nays' from the ETWC bench for the latest proposal.
May 10, 20177 yr Again Lord Maximilian Damaximus stood up. So dear captain, when everything is free for all, you are very eager to profit from the advantages Eslandola has to offer. Paying a part of the licencing costs? Thank you Eslandola! Paying licence costs and upkeep for war vessels to protect your tradevessels? Thank you Eslandola! paying licence costs and upkeep for thd forts and soldiers protecting your villages? Thank you Eslandola! But oh no if I have to give something in return!!! I know it is one of our talents to think about our own wallets, but we still have to be strong as a faction to defend our own wallets! Yes we have some money in our banks, but without input, that stack will be vanished rather sooner than later! So why the buzz about a meager 5%, if that 5% will make Eslandola continuing defending its citizens. I don't see the ETWC assembling its own warfleet so their two trade vessels can be protected...
May 10, 20177 yr Author Members of the MCTC delegation had been huddled in discussion with members of the ETWC delegation. Gov. Guilder emerged from the confab and again addressed the room. "First, let me say that I agree with the esteemed Lord Damaximus that we shouldn't seek something for nothing, and that is why we are here discussing these tax proposals. That said, I stand with Captain Whiffo and Agent Guelds in their disdain for taxing income. And so the ETWC folks have come up with a novel suggestion that merits discussion. Instead of giving up our hard-earned income, we can pool our labor to build properties for the state that would produce the desired income, replacing the need for taxes. While I still support my modest tax proposal for the near term, I am willing to commit MCTC resources toward building income-producing properties on a royal scale so that the state can continue to fund our forts and navy at the level we are accustomed."
May 10, 20177 yr 1 hour ago, Capt Wolf said: Members of the MCTC delegation had been huddled in discussion with members of the ETWC delegation. Gov. Guilder emerged from the confab and again addressed the room. "First, let me say that I agree with the esteemed Lord Damaximus that we shouldn't seek something for nothing, and that is why we are here discussing these tax proposals. That said, I stand with Captain Whiffo and Agent Guelds in their disdain for taxing income. And so the ETWC folks have come up with a novel suggestion that merits discussion. Instead of giving up our hard-earned income, we can pool our labor to build properties for the state that would produce the desired income, replacing the need for taxes. While I still support my modest tax proposal for the near term, I am willing to commit MCTC resources toward building income-producing properties on a royal scale so that the state can continue to fund our forts and navy at the level we are accustomed." Wild cheering from the gallery!
May 11, 20177 yr 17 hours ago, Capt Wolf said: Members of the MCTC delegation had been huddled in discussion with members of the ETWC delegation. Gov. Guilder emerged from the confab and again addressed the room. "First, let me say that I agree with the esteemed Lord Damaximus that we shouldn't seek something for nothing, and that is why we are here discussing these tax proposals. That said, I stand with Captain Whiffo and Agent Guelds in their disdain for taxing income. And so the ETWC folks have come up with a novel suggestion that merits discussion. Instead of giving up our hard-earned income, we can pool our labor to build properties for the state that would produce the desired income, replacing the need for taxes. While I still support my modest tax proposal for the near term, I am willing to commit MCTC resources toward building income-producing properties on a royal scale so that the state can continue to fund our forts and navy at the level we are accustomed." "This sounds to me like a far better solution", Victor Servadac chimed in. "Let us build the nation together, so that we could conduct our business in peace. In lieu of taxation, we could create, perhaps, a royal market for the state. Run by the state, but the with market stalls manned by us, the people. Then we don't have to pay taxes, and we get a place to sell our goods. The White Glove Order are willing to contribute with labour towards this solution. In light of this new course of the discussion, the Sea of Storms representatives have decided to abstain their vote on taxation." So: Governor Guilders proposal: 3 abstain Senor Monezterell proposal: 3 abstain ETWCs suggestion for collaboration for the state: 3 YAYs!
May 11, 20177 yr Author Guilder turned toward the ETWC delegation. "Captain Whiffo, are you submitting your royal build plan for voting? It appears you already have three votes!" Muffled laughter flitted across the room. "If so, I am prepared to vote for your proposal, and will withdraw my tax proposal if Senor Monezterrell will do the same with his tax proposal."
May 11, 20177 yr "Excellent, excellent - things really get around fast in these halls!" Captain Whiffo began. "Well, then, my proposal would be this: "Until such time as the first Royal Eslandolan property may be licenced, or for the next two months (whichever ends sooner), I would propose that we put in place, A 20% tax on build submittal income, And a 10% tax on town banks, as per the good Governor's proposal. After said time expires, the treasury could be scrutinized, and any need for further taxation considered. "As for Royal Properties, I suggest that we send out a letter signed by the members of the Colonial Council to every settlement of Eslandola, asking for voluntary aid for the construction of three Royal Properties for the faction - the first to be completed between the first of June and the last of August, the second between the first of September and the last of November, and the third between the first of December and the last of February of the year 618. If they could be completed sooner - even better! But I do believe that is a modest goal to aim for at the moment, given that all our citizens have their own stories and wallets to be looking after as well." "Such is the proposal which the ETWC would like to see under discussion on the floor of the house." .... Agent Guelds, however, could not be persuaded to agree to even that, however, given the little thing about taxes contained in it... One 'Yea' One 'Nay' from the ETWC bench for Captain Whiffo's proposal. And, as it never even occurred to Captain Whiffo to vote either for or against his own proposal, One Abstention (and let's hope he doesn't get a fine for not actually writing it in...)
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