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From the representatives of the Prio Seas:

3 yays for the ETWC proposal!

Monezterrell stood up. Gov. Guilder, if you so desire, I may as well revoke my proposal, as I quite like the ETWCs proposal as well. I'll vote for it, and thus for Captain Whiffo's latest proposal - we may also consider just keeping the suggested Town bank tax in place. 
I may as well announce it now - we haven't heard anything from Captain Lamar
Evercrees, so we had to quickly find a temporary replacement for him - welcome Tomvaximus to the round! 
*Doors open, he steps in*
I've heard of Captain Whiffo's proposal while preparing, and I agree! One vote from me!
Farrucio Paraja gets up. You really want me to vote for us building Royal Properties with our own recources for Eslandola? I would rather pay some taxes! I won't vote for this absurdity!

2 Yays, 1 Nay for Captain Whiffo's proposal from the MAESTRO bench.

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"Senor Monezterrell, it appears we are in agreement, not only about Captain Whiffo's proposal, but the town bank tax as well. I revoke my proposal, and speaking for the entire MCTC delegation, we officially offer 3 Yea votes for ETWC plan." Guilder cleared his throat, then continued. "And with that, I believe the plan has 12 votes in favor, a guaranteed majority, and therefore the ETWC proposal passes!"

"Excellent, excellent," remarked Captain Whiffo.

Agent Guelds only folded his arms and looked smugly out the window.  

"In the absence of the Admius Legistrad at the moment, I'll go ahead and make sure it gets a-noted in law books.  The tax part, of course, will come into play at the beginning of next month.  Sec!" continued the former.

The secretary of the Parliament quickly jotted the whole matter down.

"Oh," the Captain resumed, just before sitting down again, "and if anyone here could engage to show the signing of this letter to the world as we send it out, that would be splendid.  In fact, if no one else volunteers, I may just do so myself."

And, as a matter of fact, Captain Whiffo did end up going and doing it himself! :laugh:


Just to celebrate the passing of Captain Whiffo's first proposal in the Colonial Council - may it be the first of many!  (Well, it might be better if he's not too busy that way :grin: :laugh:)

After a few days of absence Román Esteban Fontonajo returned to the council, informed about the most recent voting already of course.


"Fellow councilmen", he started. "While I cherish your enthusiasm to improve our colonial laws, I ask all of you to stick to the procedures we have decided upon and lived by so far. That is: First of you do not start a vote just like this without discussion. Second, a vote needs parameters, like a clear set timeframe. Third, the voting should be done in the appropriate voting halls, to create an official record.

As such I, as Admius Legistrad and thus the one responsible to keep order within the decision proccessed of this council, declare all votings regarding taxes invalid. However as I see the vast majority of you is in unison regarding these matters, I will immediately set up an official voting to not waste much time.

As for my personal opinion, I think the proposal is not elaborate enough yet and still has flaws. Why would we put taxes on pioneering gains [freebuilds]? And how will administration be managed? But again, I will not stand in the way of our progress, and if that is the commong consent of this council, I will just abstain."




Edited by Elostirion

Lord Maximilian Damaximus was laughing after the words of Román Esteban Fontonajo. It is clear that Román is the one holding the Colonial Council together.

"Dear Román, we knew we forgot something, and I'll head to the voting hall right away. But I think we had to find a consensus first before knowing what our final proposal would be.

Anyway, even I applaud the proposal and will vote aye when the option becomes available, I fear we still need a tax system to build up a reserve. 5% would have resulted in 600 db's for Eslandola this month, wich still is peanuts comparing the 12000 db's players and companies made this month..."


  • 1 month later...

"Fellow councilmen. Regarding the recent changes in financial affairs of Eslandola, I think we - the members of this council - should set a shining example, saving Eslandolan money as well. I want to openly discuss with you, whether a monthly salary of 25 DBs for a representative - or even 50 DBs for the Admius Legistrad - is still appropriate. My suggestion would be to cut the salaries down to 10 DBs for councilmembers and 15 DBs for the Admius Legistrad. What do you think?"

No money anymore? Noooooo!!

Just kidding, living in Belgium where (mostly socialist) politicians are paid for doing nothing in fake agencies and earning 20k a year for attending 2 meetings a year in associations without lucrative purposes (one of them with the goal of helping homeless people), I totally agree with you...

Even the 10 db's could be 5 db's IMHO...

"We want to create wealth through building the empire. We as a council only decide which way to go, the hard part is not the decisions, but following up and building the road. As such, it is appropriate to cut our salaries. We do not create jobs, the builders do. For future reference, I think we should keep in mind the income/expenditures on incentives, to a bigger degree than we have done so far. Gold is abundant, status are not. Which raises the question: Can the state give representatives and builders bigger influence (PIPs) rather than DBs for services and building effort? Our last vote was in favor of royal builds for the state, but making an effort for those takes focus away from personal projects. And we need to get those built to relieve tax pressure".

  • Author

IC: With Gov. Guilder indisposed while recuperating from his war injuries, Aaron van der Meede rose to speak for the MCTC delegation. "I have no problem with a reduction in pay for the council members. I would even go so far as to suggest we eliminate our salaries entirely; that serving Eslandola in such an august capacity is payment enough."

OOC: I like the idea of payment in PIPs rather than DBs, but the mechanics aren't in place for us to do it. This came up regarding something else recently; I don't recall where, but it was discussed in leadership that it's not something we can do right now. FYI.

"Excellent," observed Captain Whiffo - "My dear Mr. van der Meede has hit the nail on the head.  If we're going to reduce the salaries, by all means, let's get rid of them entirely.  Also, as I'm sure the Admius Legistrad would agree, it's a ridiculous administrative hassle to go through all that work for 5 or 10Dbs a member!  Our time would be more usefully spent in making Dbs otherwhere instead of busily messing around with all the forms for such small sums."

"I don't care!" rejoined Agent Guelds.  "Or maybe I do.  Yes, that's an excellent idea!  I propose that all of you folks who want to reduce your salary can get rid of it, as long as half of each salary comes to me!  That's the only way I'll vote for something of the sort!"

Myles Bowditch had a sudden coughing fit.  Once he recovered, "I'm with Captain Whiffo!" he remarked.

And yes, Capt Wolf is right, *IPs are currently non-transferable, so unfortunately that won't be an option.  It does make sense though, since they're supposed to be influence points, and you can't really move those around from person to person :grin:

  • 2 weeks later...

Dear members of the Colonial Council,

Consul Don Isaac Montoya expressed one of his concerns considering the situation in Malto:


We are in Nova Malto on the request of the populace, represented by Captain Lorenzini (formerly of the Mardierian Army), who fears political prosecution from the invading forces of Garvey and Eslandola, repurcussions from Mardier, and the perils of plunder and chaos after the war with no stable government. Thus, our presence as a neutral party, known for upholding our promises and our principles of civil rights, was requested to protect the neutrality and safety of the settlement and its citizens.

Captain Lorenzini is a well-known officer who was the architect behind the surprise assault on the Garvey mortars. I talked this through with Garvey and they have no hard feelings against this Captain and even applauded him for his cunning and bravery.

As I always respect my enemies when they proof themself on the battlefied and as Captain Lorenzini refused to execute the Genocide orders ordered by Mardier, I would like to propose the regularisation of Captain Lorenzini as Eslandolan citizen, having all the rights and responsibilities.

As Eslandola Citizen, his past will be no reason for prosecution and he will be honoured by his fellow Eslandolan citizens. As a loyal subject of Eslandola, he will be able to stay mayor of Malto and granted safety against actions of his former nation (Mardier). We will garantee the safety of Captain Lorenzini, Malto and all of its citizens, no matter what background they have.

So this is my proposal.

@Elostirion: could you start the voting?

Will start both votings in about 6-10 hours (Captain Lorenzini as well as Council member salaries). Feel free to discuss until then.

  • Author

Aaron van der Meede spoke:

While Gov Guilder, Sec. Bowditch, Capt. Whiffo, and Gov. Monezterrell are all on Isla de Victoria negotiating with Corrington, is it wise to undercut one of their negotiating points? We can advise them of our sentiments in the matter, but we need to give them all the ammunition possible with which to confront the Corries. I propose we table this vote to allow negotiations to proceed unimpaired.

  • 3 months later...

Governeur Monezterrell stands up.
With merchant trade up and running again, it is, once again, time for at least one proposal. Given that we had multiple visitors from other factions in our bigger ports, even oversupplying them, I propose raising a 20% harbour tax on foreigners visiting our largest 3 ports. 

"A proposal worth considering. A tax implemented in this way, could help alleviate the profit losses due to oversupply. It is also in the new and coming settlements that needs to build trade relations the most." 

Marquis Alkurda (Mayor of an up and coming settlement) seconds the motion.

Colonel Oystridge and Victor Servadac is unavailable at the moment,

  • Author

Governor Guilder stood to speak.

"I'm not sure if we want to discourage traders from visiting our ports. Most of us are merchants, after all. But in light of developments coming from the palace in Granoleon, it seems reasonable to at least tax all Oleon vessels at all of our ports."

Guilder looked around the room to see the reactions. "What have the other delegations have to say on this matter? I would still like to hear from the ETWC." (Attention @Garmadon)

Captain Whiffo woke up suddenly and rubbed his eyes, looking about him slowly.

"What's going on, my dear Agent?"

Agent Guelds yawned.  "Captain Whiffo - I must say, I haven't the least idea."

"Of course not..." interjected Captain Bowditch under his breath.  "I believe, sir, that they are discussing taxing those who take refuge or trade in our settlements.  Oleon has called for an outrageous tax for all vessels trading in their ports."

"What!?!" exclaimed the captain.  "Well, in that case, I'll support a 100% tax on all Oleander ships stopping in our ports," he retorted, turning away and crossing his arms.

"You may put in place a 100% tax on all vessels in Eslandolan ports for all I care," added Agent Guelds, "provided at least half the taxes get handed over to a certain Agent Guelds of my acquaintance."

Captain Bowditch mused a bit.  "Well, Oleon's tax is outrageous, certainly, and as there currently is no benefit to a port to have more traders (rather the opposite), we might as well put a 100% tax on all vessels putting into Eslandolan ports except ETWC ships - but in the interests of common sense and good relationships, I'd support a small tax for Oleander ships, and none for all other nationalities - except for Mardier, maybe..."

"As long as the ETWC doesn't have to do any of the paperwork, at least," he added quickly.

General Samu "Whitedragon" nodded his head after hearing the ETWC delegation.

"I would like to agree with the fact that we should equally tax Oleon vessels as they will tax us. So a 25% for all Oleon vessels would be fine by me. However, as it seems that Corrington is not planning to tax our ships, maybe we should work out a 'trade rights' system with them? I have no idea tbh where to place Sea Rats. I don't feel very welcome in their ports to be honest".

Sir Yohannes Ethiximus:

" I agree with the 25% tax rate for Oleon vessels as well.

But in addition, I am playing with an additional city tax for Trador.

All vessels need to send in advance wether they will visit our port or not (to make sure there is no over capacity). The vessels with Trador trade rights (Trador Merchant Quay property or Soccer Cup property or any other Trador property) have no harbour taxes to be paid, unless they did not warn in advance, what would be a 10% penalty. Foreign vessels without trade rights will automatically face a 10% tax, even 20% if they did not warn in advance.

The national taxes would be added on these city taxes. So yes, Oleon vessels without Trador trade rights would face a 35% Tax..."

  • Author

A courier entered the council hall and delivered a letter to Governor Guilder. After the MAESTRO delegation finished speaking, Gov. Guilder rose again to address the council.

"I have received word just now of Corrington's reply to the Oleanders on this port tax matter. The Corries' Undersecretary of Trade has condemned the tax, but has pledged to keep their ports tax-free in the spirit of, and I quote, 'cultural exchange, amiable relations, and free trade.' I must commend the Corries for their action." Guilder shifted his weight off his pegleg, then continued. "While I am tempted to retaliate against Oleander protectionism with taxes against them in our ports, I must side with the Corrington stance on this matter. As Eslandola's Secretary of Trade, I feel I must advise we follow the same path and pledge to keep our ports open. Furthermore, if individual ports are given discretion by this council, I assert here and now, as Director of the MCTC, that MCTC ports will remain tax free."

Guilder paused to see how his statements were being received. Reaction appeared to be somewhat mixed, but receptive. It looked like he might have allies in some of the ETWC delegation. He pushed on.

"However, I will send a letter to the powers that be in Oleon requesting the waving of their tax for shareholders in their RNTC. I think this act will give us a chance to see how reasonable the bluecoats will be on the matter. If they refuse, we still have the ability to respond in some fashion. But we are a nation of traders, and so, for now, I will stand against taxing ships of any nation that call in our ports, if and when the matter is called for a vote."

Captain Whiffo and Captain Bowditch had been deep in conversation ever since they had been last called upon to speak, and at this address from the MCTC delegation, a thunderous round of applause sounded from the ETWC bench...

"Excellent, excellent," exclaimed Captain Whiffo - "the very ticket!  Upon mature deliberation, both Captain Bowditch and myself agree heartily with our Corry friends, and would only vote for the self-same type of statement from our free Eslandola.  (The 100% tax was irony, of course, you know.)"

"No it wasn't!" threw in Agent Guelds - "I still support such a thing entirely."

"Well - whether we get our friend here to see reason or not," Captain Bowditch finished off, "I think we in the ETWC may safely promise the same freedom from taxes in any and all ETWC ports that our friends in the MCTC have assured us will obtain in their own."

And the ETWC delegation again took their seats, Agent Guelds muttering under his breath something about wishing good old George de Pontelli was there to back him up and help the others see the opportunities here...

Román Fontonajo had watched the whole discussion in silence. As he had done most of the time during previous months. However he was pleasantly surprised by the turn the discussion had taken.

"My friends", he said in his calm and collected voice when he finally rose from his chair. "Most of us haven't been there twenty years ago, when Catrelli claimed Nova Terreli, and when in our blindness we closed the island's ports even to our own kinsmen.", he explained as if he had been there himself. "And see where it has led us? It has formed a nation of anarchists in the Sea Rats, it has disunited nations, started an unhealthy race for further islands and supression of natives, and has even caused wars. Please let us prevent history from repeating itself."

He made a brief pause to let his words sink in, as he always did.

"But I know, my dear friends, that you will make the right decision. And with that knowledge I can already announce that the ports of Nova Terreli and Montario will stay free of taxes, and am most glad you are all with me on that decision. And someone must take care of our world, must we not?", he said, his voice suddenly changing to a dreamy tone. "We have come far with our Council, and I am glad to have been here by your side. But now is the time to take my leave. There are more important matters I must take care of, though maybe you disagree... But that does not matter. Willem, can you substitute for me and take the lead of this Council till the next elections? Sure you can, so thank you... I will see you all soon, I assume? ... Farewell, then."

And Román Fontonajo, the Admius Legistrad of Eslandola, walked out of the Council Hall, his mind already somewhere else. And the world would change.

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The council hall was silent, its members stunned at the sudden departure of Román Fontonajo. But Guilder had known this time was coming from his correspondence with Fontonajo in the prior months. The wanderlust had struck him, and there was no holding him back. Román had apparently just been waiting for the right time. Guilder had secretly hoped that Román would serve out the term to the end of the year, but knew that was a pipe dream. And so Guilder stood to break the silence.

"While I am saddened that the esteemed Román Fontonajo is stepping down from the council, we should not stand in his way. I will accept his request to fulfill the duties of Admius Legistrad for the remainder of the year as it pertains to the smooth operation of this council, but I will not exercise the voting privileges of the position, as I have not earned that right through election. The end of the calendar year will see all our terms of service come to a conclusion, and many of us have choices to make about what positions to seek for the year 618. December should be an interesting campaign month.

"Román has left us with business on the table. I have heard word from Oleon that they will suspend their port tax for RNTC shareholders, and we should return to discussion of port taxes shortly. But for now, my thoughts are to our first Admius Legistrad, Eslandola's first democratically elected leader, and to all he has contributed to founding this Colonial Council and keeping the principle of trade over war forefront in his efforts in all our diplomatic efforts. I say 'Yea!' Román Fontonajo!" and Guilder thumped his cane on the floor in acclaim, hoping the remainder of the council would rise and honor Román Fontonajo with similar applause.

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