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Great show ;)


  • 2 weeks later...
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Thank you!!

This week sees a familiar face return to Ballabreek...

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Those of you who saw last year's Ballabreek thread might remember Oswald Cobblepot - the businessman behind the very popular penguin themed Christmas ice skating rink. Well now he's back to promote his new venture.... Duck Boats!!

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He's developed one-person amphibious Duck-themed boats which he plans to hire out to people for trips around Ballabreek Bay. 

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This weekend sees the first customers using them and they already seem to be a big hit!!

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Safety is of course very important and here you can see the rear mounted GPS system that allows the boat's position to be constantly monitored. It also means the boats can be programmed to follow a set route or stay within a certain area.

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Now visitors and locals alike have a new activity to look forward to!!

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I've had a couple of these Penguin sets lying around for a while an thought this would be a great way to use them. The idea came from the yellow amphibious tourist buses that I've seen used in cities like London and Liverpool (although I think they've now been stopped as they kept sinking or catching fire!!!) 

A minor MOD replaced the "Health and Safety nightmare" that would be the rear mounted propellor on these craft with an aerial for the onboard GPS system. I also added wheels so they could be used on land as well as sea. Anyway, thanks for looking... comments are always welcome!!

Edited by greg3

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This week sees the re-opening of the beach cafe - since being taken over by a new owner it's been undergoing a bit of a revamp!! 

Originally built almost 4 years ago, the cafe had provided beach goers with tea/coffee, cold drinks and snacks such as toasties, sandwiches and ice creams but with the owner retiring it was put up for sale. The new owner is finally fulfilling his dream of running his own place after years of operating a mobile hotdog stand!! He's given the building a new colour scheme and plans to make it THE place to come for good quality, good value food; freshly prepared using local ingredients!! Here are a few before and after shots...

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As you can see - it's had a lick of paint and some new signage which is a tribute to the new owner's father who once owned a hamburger stand in the village (set 6683 was always one of my childhood favourites!!) and who has recently passed away. The inheritance he left paid for the purchase of the building and so it was only fitting to recreate the signage from the old man's first business!!

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Inside has also been redecorated and just a few minor changes have been made to the kitchen...

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Here is the new owner...

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He hopes that as well as the great location, specials such as the "monster burger challenge" will pull in the customers and get his place talked about!!

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But he's not forgotten the basics... polite, friendly and efficient staff!!

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Not to mention a clean attractive environment; even the bins have been replaced with seagull proof containers...

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So there we go, the newest place to dine in Ballabreek!!

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As you can tell, this was inspired by the CMF hot dog guy!! Now I'm going to have to find a way to use all the other series 17 CMF figures!! Will I do it? Who knows... you'll just have to watch this "space" (little hint there to the next update!!)

Thanks for looking!! Comments/suggestions welcome as always...

  • 2 weeks later...
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The people of Ballabreek are used to seeing unusual loads being transported through the town but this morning a very unusual load held up the traffic...

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A life-size rocket ship - recently restored and once used as prop in a popular 1950s Science fiction serial "Space Squad"!!

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The rocket ship is being transported from the restorers back to it's owner (a wealthy local business man and self confessed sci-fi geek!!) but before that, it's making a stop off in Ballabreek for a mini convention.

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"Space Squad" it turns out has quite a cult following among my minifigs and with this year marking the 60th anniversary of the filming of an episode of Space Squad in Ballabreek's mine, it's the perfect opportunity for a bit of Cosplay!! As well as the rocket, there's also the added attraction of a signing with one of the original actors. Now in his 80's he still relishes his time as a "hero of the galaxy"... 

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A happy fanboy gets his limited edition helmet signed...

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There's also a chance to pick up a few collectibles... replica helmets, ray guns and even a rare model of one of the spaceships (this gold coloured one appeared in "Invasion of the Hawkmen" (other classic episodes included "The Slave Mines of Mars", "Rise of the Robots" and "Planet of the Insects")

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All in all, everyone seems to have enjoyed the day and a new generation have been introduced the wonders of "Space Squad"!!

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Unfortunately, the episode filmed in Ballabreek is one several lost episodes but a number of still images are said to exist in private collections... who knows, maybe one day we'll see them in a future update!!

Finally, a few more shots of the rocket...

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I wanted to try and make something similar to the CMF rocket suit and was inspired by the work of a fellow Eurobricks member...

My version is still a bit of a WIP (will probably extend the red fins forward towards the cockpit) but when finished, I'll post it in it's own topic in the ski-fi forum. In the meantime, thanks for looking and comments are always welcome.

Edited by greg3

  • 3 weeks later...
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This week has seen the new Summer wave of Lego sets appearing in my local toy shop so the next few updates should see some new additions to Ballabreek...

First off, a new bus company has begun to operate services linking the village to nearby towns/cities. They've invested in a new bus shelter and of course a new "fleet" (can one be a fleet?) of buses.

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After a delay while the bus was converted to drive on the left (left train doors in black are surprisingly hard to find!!) the service is now up and running!! The buses themselves are the latest environmentally friendly hybrids and are fully accessible for prams and wheelchair users. They can even carry bicycles on the back so people can get the bus to Ballabreek and then enjoy the surrounding countryside on two wheels.

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Also this week sees the opening of a small newsstand selling papers and drinks. 

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As you can tell, I've recently bought the new Bus Station set... as well as changing the bus to right hand drive, I MODed the bus stop slightly to make it lower and I got rid of the ramp (in my "world" the buses have retractable ramps for wheelchairs/pushchairs). 

Anyway, thanks for looking... as always comments are very welcome.

I know it's a tiny thing, but I like the Newsstand.

Properly integrated, that newsstand looks really good, as does the bus stop. I was wondering who was going to change the bus to right-hand drive, and what it would look like. My next step would be to change it to a local UK colour scheme, such as Stagecoach (white, orange, red and blue), Johnson's (white, yellowish-orange and blue) or even easier Diamond (all dark blue) although I do see green and yellow hybrid buses a lot - they're just a lot smaller! I don't know where you live, or where your city is supposedly located, so I can't suggest any good alternate liveries.

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  On 6/6/2017 at 8:05 AM, ColletArrow said:

Properly integrated, that newsstand looks really good, as does the bus stop. I was wondering who was going to change the bus to right-hand drive, and what it would look like. My next step would be to change it to a local UK colour scheme, such as Stagecoach (white, orange, red and blue), Johnson's (white, yellowish-orange and blue) or even easier Diamond (all dark blue) although I do see green and yellow hybrid buses a lot - they're just a lot smaller! I don't know where you live, or where your city is supposedly located, so I can't suggest any good alternate liveries.

Thanks for the comments... I live in the Isle of Man where our buses are still run by the government and are currently a silver/grey colour (not very exciting!!) My town is vaguely based on local towns and villages but with a large slice of artistic license so I'm quite happy with the green/yellow for the time being - especially after going through the hassle of finding a suitable door to convert it to drive on the correct side of the road!!! :wink:

  On 6/6/2017 at 11:51 AM, greg3 said:

I live in the Isle of Man

Should've guessed from the profile picture...

Fair enough. I can't help but be reminded of certain south-american flags with that colour scheme! And although silver/grey is possible given the grey train doors are (relatively) common in both sides, it does sound somewhat dull.

Greg, I've been over twice for the TT and Manx GP and ridden around a fair bit. A good friend and his family live in Port Erin. Where on the island do you live?

The big rocket is awesome! The new sets fit good in the city.

Why are all your photos private? I can't see them on flickr.

Another great & fun update, which may have pushed the bus station up a few notches on the ol' "to buy" list. 

I love how compact your city is and how nicely everything fits together! Keep it up! 

  • 1 month later...
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It's been a while since the last update (don't you just hate when real life work eats into your Lego playing time!!? :laugh:) but now I've got a few weeks off so it's back to business in Ballabreek!!

First off I decided it was time to replace the bank but why just close it down when I can use the opportunity for... Ballabreek's first ever bank robbery!?

The first the residents knew of it was when an explosion shattered the peace in the early hours of the morning. Daylight revealed the extent of the damage, criminals had used explosives to blow the cash machine from the wall, before entering the bank through the resulting breach and making off with what the police have described as a "significant amount of money" in gold bars and 100 pound tiles. The area has been sealed off and a full investigation is now taking place...

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Police officers secure the area and deal with curious onlookers.

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Damage to the building and the nearby bench reveals the force of the explosion as forensic teams begin the search for clues.

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Photographs of the scene and samples of explosive residue yields vital evidence...

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As does surviving CCTV images which show that the infamous Red Hood Gang might be responsible...

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...as a result detectives from nearby Gotham city (where the gang are believed to have originated) are called in to help with the investigation.

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So is this crime wave going to continue? If so who will stop it? Watch this space to find out... (maybe)

Thanks for looking... comments are always welcome!!





Edited by greg3

I always love reading the updates from Ballabreek!

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Here's a quick follow up to the events of the previous update... and a demonstration of the resilience of the citizens of Ballabreek!

While the police investigation into the robbery continues, less than a week after it was almost destroyed the local bank has been rebuilt and reopened - with a few changes. As internet and phone banking have led to fewer people needing to visit a conventional branch, CityBank have taken the opportunity to move with the times (and save some money!!) by converting the bank to an automated branch. Customers can use the latest cash machines to withdraw money, as well as pay in and transfer funds - they also have the option to video chat with a real person if needed. While some locals have objected to the loss of a "proper bank", most see this as a necessary compromise to still provide a service but keep costs down (where I live most small bank branches have closed completely!).

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Security has been a major factor in the design... the walls are specially strengthened and access is limited to bank customers via a card swipe/keypad system.

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Inside are the latest in state of the art, multi-function cash machines...

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A rear view... as the building is now smaller, it's left space for a small bench for those waiting for the bus!! (I may add a roof/shelter at some point)

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As you can probably tell, I've based this on the recent Spiderman ATM Robbery set - I was originally going to use the official build but the colours just didn't look right (and I didn't need the exploding play features) so I built my own version (adding an extra cash machine and roof). I'm quite pleased with the result and it continues my plan to use official builds to phase out open backed buildings in the centre of the layout. Here are a few more pics...

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Anyway thanks for looking... 

Edited by greg3

  On 7/26/2017 at 3:39 PM, AFOLguy1970 said:

A lot of fantastic details to look at.  My favorite part is the building facades, but the minibuilds and interior are very nice as well.  

I'm glad that you like it.

  On 7/27/2017 at 7:49 AM, Morgoth924 said:


Fantastic buid, and the details, and the outside, and the ... , and, wow...

Very well done!


  On 7/27/2017 at 12:03 PM, WhiteFang said:

Outstanding MOC, Vincent. I can totally relate this build as is such a common sight among the Straits Settlement. :wub: 

The details are splendid. 

LOL. Thank you.

  On 7/27/2017 at 12:56 PM, Superkoala said:

The only word coming to my mind is 'incredible'.

Absolutely outstanding.


  On 7/27/2017 at 4:44 PM, greg3 said:

A stunning build... Love all the little details (the birds on the wire are great!!) and the interior looks perfect too (The rickshaw is a nice finishing touch!)  Excellent work!!


  On 7/27/2017 at 6:38 PM, Gunman said:

Really nice build... The birds on the power cables are a great touch.

KInd of poetic right  :)

  On 7/28/2017 at 4:53 PM, Hobbythom said:

A stunning build. No concessions to scale so excellent details. Wonderful stuff

Thank you.

  On 7/29/2017 at 3:12 AM, BrickFit26 said:

Outstanding work. The details on the outside and inside are so good. And those furniture builds on the inside are fantastic.

Thank you.

@greg3 Glad to see the storylines back, I had begun to miss them. I like what you've done with keeping the original bank (as in the company) but changed the building to a more complete one. Nice work, I'm already looking forward to future installments. 
Side note: have you ever considered stop-motion animation? There are some good kits (such as HUE animation, as I used) to get you started, and it's surprisingly easy to get fairly good results after a few attempts.

@Vincent Q I think you managed to post your response in the wrong thread somehow. :wink: I have no idea how this could have happened, but a MOD should be able to move it to your thread.

  On 8/2/2017 at 1:15 PM, ColletArrow said:

@greg3 Glad to see the storylines back, I had begun to miss them. I like what you've done with keeping the original bank (as in the company) but changed the building to a more complete one. Nice work, I'm already looking forward to future installments. 
Side note: have you ever considered stop-motion animation? There are some good kits (such as HUE animation, as I used) to get you started, and it's surprisingly easy to get fairly good results after a few attempts.

@Vincent Q I think you managed to post your response in the wrong thread somehow. :wink: I have no idea how this could have happened, but a MOD should be able to move it to your thread.

Thanks ;)

  • Author
  On 8/2/2017 at 1:15 PM, ColletArrow said:

@greg3 Glad to see the storylines back, I had begun to miss them. I like what you've done with keeping the original bank (as in the company) but changed the building to a more complete one. Nice work, I'm already looking forward to future installments. 
Side note: have you ever considered stop-motion animation? There are some good kits (such as HUE animation, as I used) to get you started, and it's surprisingly easy to get fairly good results after a few attempts.

Thanks for the comments... I've toyed with the idea of stop-motion but to be honest it takes long enough to set up the stills photos (and I guess I'd need proper lighting - space for sets etc) so for now at least it's just pics on my phone - but I do like setting up scenes/stories (makes me feel like a kid again!!) Speaking of which... what's been happening in Ballabreek today?

Well it seems the locals have taken to the streets in protest!! But what's got them so cross?

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Here's our answer... a consignment of potentially deadly toxic waste due to be stored in a disused part of the mine!!

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ACE Chemicals, the company behind the plan, claim that it poses no risk as the waste will be closely monitored and is transported/stored inside concrete cylinders tested to withstand a direct hit from a tank shell.

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The locals are unconvinced however and fearing the effect the plan could have on public health, the environment and the local tourist industry they launch a legal objection to the plan. Fearing they might lose the case, ACE Chemicals bring forward the first delivery of waste and so to buy time for their lawyers to do their thing, the locals are left to resort to direct action!!

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The original protest group (in the skeleton outfits) block the entrance to the mine site and are soon joined by many other locals keen to lend their support and defend their community against the "Corporate Bullies"!!

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Like all good protests, they have signs and chants -

"What do we want?"

"Ace Out"

"When do we want it?"

"As soon as possible!!" 

and of course a protest song "We shall not, we shall not be moved..."

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The local police are soon on the scene 

Officers manage the traffic around the demonstration.

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A negotiator talks to the protesters...

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While another officer talks to the transport driver to avoid him escalating the situation.

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As the protest is noisy but peaceful, the police allow it to continue but when a protester armed with a hammer tries to damage the transporter she's quickly dealt with!! (despite claiming that she was an eco-warrior standing up for the rights of Planet Earth, Pamela Isley was later found guilty of criminal damage)

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The protesters understand the importance of the media - here one of the leaders is being interviewed

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The protest attracts residents of all ages!!

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After a stand-off lasting most of the day, the protesters finally hear that their legal challenge has been successful and the judge has overruled the original planning decision. ACE are left with no option but to withdraw - a victory for people power!! 

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Later, the head of Octan, ACE chemicals parent company, releases a statement criticising the police for their response but accepting the court decision - ending by saying that they are now looking at an alternative plan for the waste but giving no further details...

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This update was inspired by the recent Lego Batman Movie Bane set... I love the truck but decided to lose the heavy weapons and use it to transport toxic waste... it should also lead into a future story...

Anyway, thanks for looking... comments are always welcome...



Edited by greg3

Love your story line!

Great work!


Oh no! The Red Hood is back! What nefarious dealings is he involved in now?!:tongue: Another fun update, well done. I look forward to the next. 

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Well, following the PR disaster that was the last update, the local mining company are now trying to rebuild trust with the local community by pointing out the good they've done for Ballabreek.

Obviously there's the jobs they create but they've also put a lot of effort into projects such as the walking trail, constructed on old waste ground belonging to the mine...

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Most recently the mine owners have invested in an advanced drainage system to prevent the trail flooding during bad weather. Part of this has included new water storage tanks under the mine itself.

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Here workers finish inspecting the storage tanks.

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While the decision to work with ACE Chemicals may have been a mistake, the company is proud to have worked closely with other local businesses. One such example is the neighbouring Space-Tech company which they provide with areas for testing newly developed equipment. Here a new manned rover that one day could be exploring the Moon or even Mars is being put through its paces.

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Today's test is of the rover's laser drill, designed to vaporise rock so it can be analysed by an array of sophisticated sensors.

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While the rover is the work of local scientists, the laser itself has been developed by the Garmadon Institute of Technology (G.I.T). This institute, based in the far off land of NInjago, has recently made great strides in laser technology and the testing is overseen by a G.I.T scientist.

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The mine owners hope that sharing this work will improve the company's tarnished image but many locals still aren't convinced and as a precaution, following the recent protests,  security at the mine has been stepped up.

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This week I finished getting the Ninjago Movie CMFs and thought I'd try and use a few... in the next few weeks we might learn more about the links between Ballabreek and Ninjago!! (I also wanted a reason to use the Creator 3-in-1 Space set... I especially like the rover - once I'd tweaked the colour scheme and got rid of the yellow pieces)

Anyway, thanks for looking - comments are always welcome...

Edited by greg3

  • 2 weeks later...
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This week sees some success for the local police force as they finally capture the Red Hood Gang that was beginning to gain a foothold in the area!!

According to a police spokesperson, the gang were apprehended at the local mine attempting to illegally dump toxic waste. 

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4 key members of the gang were captured... but it's believed their leader died trying to flee through the sewer system (probably poisoned by the very waste he'd been paid to dump!!) but his body is yet to be located. Here a police officer gathers evidence before specialist teams move in to safely remove the waste. (the open drain can be seen to the officer's left)

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The gang had been behind a number of high profile robberies in recent weeks and a number of firearms were recovered from the scene...

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In a press conference, the local chief of police announced the arrest of the mine's owner and the head of ACE Chemicals for their parts in the conspiracy. He was also keen to thank the Gotham Police Force for their assistance in the case, but refused to comment on rumours that the Gotham vigilante known as "Batman" had been involved... 

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So what really happened? Was the Dark knight involved? And what will become of the mine (an important part of the local economy)? Find out soon!!

This rather short update is a teaser for comic style story I'm just putting together (an attempt to get more superhero sets involved in village life!!) The pictures aren't the best as they're a couple of rather rushed shots that I was going to use but then didn't!! Hopefully the story will appear soon in the Comics Forum.

Thanks for looking - comments are always welcome. 



Nice work! What happened to the kite guy? You know, the one from about February... wasn't he employed by this lot toward the end? I'm enjoying watching these stories unfold, they're pretty good.

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