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Wow, that Captain Jack is amazing! :wub::wub::wub: Totally spot on - your best fig yet. The hair is absolutely perfect, in Series 1 it was a bit shorter and spikier than it was in Torchwood and S3.

Great work, Mr Spielbrick.

I've been busy trying to turn two popular companions into minifigs. I kinda like how Sarah Jane turned out, but Rose can definitely be improved, I think.


And then, there's always... the DALEKS! I've tried to "improve" the design Doctor Sinister posted...


...and I came up with a design of my own.


To be honest, I'm not extremely pleased with either of them. The upper version was quickly put together, using any part at hand (hence the random colour scheme). The lower version looks quite big and bulky. Again the colours bother me, in this case the various shades of grey. Hmm... I might get back on the Daleks some other time, if I can figure out a better design.

Have a look (if you want) at both versions of the Dalek from all sides on my Flickr page.

Wow, that's just fantastic.....

I'm not really a doctor who fan, but this is awesome!


  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
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That's a cool way to make a Cyberman, Hewkii! If we wanna go the easy route though, why not take these guys:


It's been a while since I posted here. Let's catch up on the lost time with an extra big batch of photo's.

A new Eccleston design


Time to give good old Jack his iconic costume (or a stab at it, anyway)


Speaking of iconic: the original Doctor, as played by William Hartnell


"Sonic WHAT?" "Screwdriver!"


That is my favorite Jack of them all. Where'd you get the torso?

Although I feel that Battle Droid Cybermen are a bit of a cop-out.

And will you make a Colin Baker? All you need is him and a McCoy and you'd have a full line-up.

That is my favorite Jack of them all. Where'd you get the torso?

I believe that's the torso of Mad-Eye Moody from the Harry Potter set "Hungarian Horntail" - sans the hook-hand. But I agree with what's been said: you've really captured the essence of Jack Harkness!

I'm not so sure about the Ninth Doctor, though - the chosen hair just doesn't give that shaved feeling that it should. The torso's sinister enough, though.

*turns to look at the new Doctor Who poster on the wall with glee*

Edited by Sandy

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Yeah, Nine is really a challenge, haha. I'm never pleased with how my figs of him turn out. The torso, face and hair provide problems (that's quite a large percentage of a minifig right there: torso, face and hair!). Like you said, he misses the shaved look. But I don't know how to deal with that with official LEGO pieces. I'm open to suggestions. The jacket... Somehow it never quite fits. The Snape thing doesn't have the rugged look, the ancient jacket-with-red-shirt has too crude printing for my taste (HUGE white stripes, printings are much more subtle these days) and the Mutt jacket is too short with too light-coloured a shirt under it.

Maybe if I tried the Mutt torso with the Cannonball Taylor (from Speed Racer) face...?

Love these designs Mr Spielbrick - I'm a big fan of Dr Who and some of these are spot on - I think this torso is better for Doctor #9. One thing I think you could improve though - I think Captain Jack's face needs a change. Every time I see my Mutt minifig I think he is Captain Jack, so I'd use his head aswell as his hair. Just an idea.

That Captain Jack is spot on. Do you plan to do the entire Torchwood Crew?.

I third it. You'll be hard pressed to find a minifig head as nice as Gwen's, though...

  • 1 month later...
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Hmm, Torchwood eh? Ianto and Owen are do-able I guess... Gwen... Difficult face, difficult hair. LEGO-wise that is, obviously the actress is beautiful!

Been delving into what one might think is my favourite Doctor again. Eccleston's appearance won't stop haunting me! Yet another attempt to turn him into a minifig:


I'm gonna keep messing with Eccleston until I get him right! ... Okay, that came out wrong. Re-installed the black leather jacket with the red shirt, this time putting the Cannonball Taylor (Speed Racer) face on him. Looks more individual than the other Nines, doesn't he?

As for the again raging New Doctor Debate (though evidence that Tennant is staying is also strong)... Jack Davenport, anyone?

I like this new Eccleston, I think it's either this or the frowny face...for fleshie I'm leaning toward this as his cheeks do go in a bit.

And Gwen is tricky, indeed. Maybe Trace's hair? Can't for the life of beans think of a good fleshie face, however.

By the way please refrain from spontaneous Sixth Doctor building, I want to make him first :tongue:

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Sixth? Funny you should say that... I did some research on him this weekend. :tongue: Rest assured though - I found his coat impossible to make with the official parts I have.

So I'm looking forward to your version!

And also: I'll be off to London Wednesday. Gonna be there for 4 days. Lots of Doctor Who shopping and exhibition visiting to do! Might even get a chance to see a play featuring David Tennant live. -Mustn't get too excited... Mustn't get too excited...-

Yes, Six is quite tough...I've designed a solution, but I don't know how well it'll work, or when I'll be able to get the parts, for that matter :tongue:

And lucky! Tell us if you see any specials-filming!

  • 3 weeks later...
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Wow, I almost missed my own first anniversary here. November 1, 2007 - November 1, 2008. It's been a fun year, and it looks like the second one is going to be even better. Thanks to all of you for making it so much fun here! (Goes for the whole forum really, but this thread is sort of my home base, haha.)

My trip to London was great. Three and a half days of actual time to spend in the city itself. Obviously, I went shopping for Doctor Who merchandise and visited the exhibition at Earls Court. Some photos (not too many, copyright fears are keeping me back) can be seen on my Flickr page.

As for my LEGO Who... Coming soon:

- Martha in UNIT gear

- Rose in season 4 outfit

- Jack Harkness in blue shirt with... what do you call them? holdups? suspenders?

- a hopefully better Donna

- new Dalek design

- TARDIS interior

So, yeah. Lots of plans. The wait is for the parts to arrive. I expect them some time next week.

How's your Sixth Doctor coming along, Hewkii?

Sadly still incomplete... I've only got the hips, but the arms and head'll be coming soon. I'm going to be getting a sand red cape in my trades as well, and I'm thinking of adding it to Six.

Wait. Martha in UNIT? What head are you using?

  • 2 weeks later...
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Sand red cape, eh? Sounds like a good idea for Six, Hewkii!

Last time, I said I was working on six things: Martha, Rose, captain Jack, Donna, the Daleks and the TARDIS interior. Time to present the first three. Mind you, Martha is a work in progress (I'm not happy with the face and hair). Been goofing around with Dalek pieces, but it's looking less cool than when I was taking notes of which parts to use. Haven't put Donna together yet. As for the TARDIS: it's exactly what I want it to be so far, but one Bricklink order being late is causing some delay.

Anyway... New captain Jack, WIP-Martha and series 4 Rose:


Wow, love the captain jack!

  • 1 month later...

What are the captain jack tops Called (in bricklink) looking to make torchwood, ive got gwens hair , Tosh's face, Ianto , i need jack Mainly, although i might jus do the NEW torchwood team as we last seen em Gwen Jack and Ianto

EDIT: Found jacks torso its under Blue Lego torso with suspenders well thats what i searched :P im waiting for one arriving, im going to do my TW in yellow people faces KEEP THE CLASSIS LEGO GOING

Edited by Mike Yates

  • 2 weeks later...


ive got gwens hair , Tosh's face, Ianto , i need jack Mainly

What are you using for Tosh, Ianto, and Gwen?

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Time for some classic Doctors, I reckon. (You're growing classic Docs like corn, Hewkii, so I couldn't stay behind!)

In chronological order. Two versions of Pertwee.


Davison once more, with longer hair. If only Anakin's clone wars hair came in (dark?) tan...


And then on to my first attempt at recreating Colin Baker's sixth Doctor.


Rounding things off this time is Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart a.k.a. Sir Alistair, in his UNIT days.


Edited by Mr Spielbrick

Time for some classic Doctors, I reckon. (You're growing classic Docs like corn, Hewkii, so I couldn't stay behind!)

In chronological order. Two versions of Pertwee.


Davison once more, with longer hair. If only Anakin's clone wars hair came in (dark?) tan...


And then on to my first attempt at recreating Colin Baker's sixth Doctor.


Rounding things off this time is Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart a.k.a. Sir Alistair, in his UNIT days.


Wow, some more great figures there Mr. Spielbrick! :thumbup::thumbup:

Wow, some more great figures there Mr. Spielbrick! :thumbup::thumbup:

Nice work, Mr Spielbrick.

You know, I'd almost swap the purple torso from your first Pertwee fig with the Colin Baker torso, and then change the arms (pink and dark purple) as you have already done.

That Pertwee hair doesn't seem quite right either - maybe because I remember the bouffant years better :tongue: - but I think even the tan hair from your sigfig might suit the Long Nosed One better.

I could see a potential use for the new Willie hair in tan or another colour for a male fig too.

I shall do the like in chronological order [although my Doctor Corn growing seems to have hit a standstill now]

3 and 3 - Like the hair, face seems a tad youthful for him. I prefer the purple torso, just looks nicer to me.

5 - Likin' it a lot, although it's a coincidence - once I get that head in yellow I'll be using it for 7.

6 - HURRAY! Torso and head are perfect, but I might switch the yellow legs to tan. I don't remember Colin Baker streaking :tongue:

The Brig - Good, gonna do an Old Brig next?

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