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  • Governor
Editted is what I meant. But well editted, so mistakes aren't noticed without inspection.

Anyway, more importantly what do you mean by "mistakes"? What mistakes do you refer to?

No... No... I'm here looking out for mistakes... And the mistake I noticed is you spelt "edited" with two T's.


I think its probably just one of the models from the big display at C3 (was it C3?).

Surely someone must have keep all those ships, especially knowing that no other red starfighter exist at the moment.

  • Governor
Could this possibly be a discrpency in the photography? Many factors from the lighting conditions to the camera itself could cause the colour to appear differently than what it actually is.

I shall put forth my earlier query...

  • 2 weeks later...
It looks good but i do hope that should we get a combo pack that theres another new ship included and not just old ones repackaged again.

It will be a collection of four regular classic tie fighters with one OB1 Starfighter. |-/ ;) :D


Okay, it's time for me to have a go;

Well, on the Anikan starfighter, the other side of the wings have the grey design on them, but he hides away the other side of both of those red wings, by folding them into the ship. Maybe this is because he painted the whole thing red, or just found a red peice like that (where from, I do not know.)

And in both of the red fighter pics, the sticker on the red tile peice down the front has looked pink.

But no-one can edit a photo as good as this...


hey uh...maybe the person spray painted his ankains fighter.


obiwans fighter was a lighter red i think.

  • 3 weeks later...

It is spraypaint, notice the thin coat (no drips and evenly applied) and uniformity of the color across the 1 x 8 tiles, and wings, none of which are made in dark red, yet. The color doesn't match the normal dark-red as noted. I committed sin on a spare copy of Anakin's JSF, and unless you look at it under really good light, or take its picture using a direct flash, its nearly impossible to distinquish that the pieces are in fact painted, and not legit LEGO issued pieces. I used Krylon FUSION (burgundy) color, applying about 5 coats to each piece, and the color is spot on with Lego's dark-red. When viewed under good light, or via a direct flash, the painted pieces have a different "reflection" if you will, and you can tell the difference between the regular ABS in Lego's pieces, versus the slight reflection you get from the painted surface of the custom pieces. Also, unlike most spraypaints, I've found that Krylon FUSION brand actually bonds to the plastic in the pieces, and I've yet to end up scracthing one to the point of needing to repaint it.

Hope that clears up questions anyone may have had.



OMFGLOL! I found this here sandblue starfightor!

(This was just 2 minutes work. Just goes to show that pictures shouldn't be trusted all too easily. To those concerned, this was a Photoshop job.)

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