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5 hours ago, Comrade Commander said:

With the battle over and the cargo destroyed, the assassin shifts through the wreckage. The pause refreshing after the  constant fighting. He helps gather the loot, hoping to find something of rare so he can claim it first. At the end really only the firebombs and the rubies interest him.

To the commodore he replies:

"There always seems to be something new in this line of work, yet it all seems the same in the end.

I get the feeling that won't be the last we saw of that bird, and for all we know there are more of them out there. Perhaps ones of ice or lightning too we will have to contend with. But yes, for now it would be wise to arm the men appropriately and perhaps hire a weather Mage or two to accompany the shipments for further support."

Seeing the Weeping Inn on the horizon he continues.

"Alas it is getting dark and I think our work here is done. Shall we retire to the Inn over there? Perhaps the innkeeper has some other interesting stories we may be interested in."


"Yes, of course, that makes good sense." Largus smiles ruefully as he begins to lead the horses to the Inn. "I guess if you see the same things enough times you begin to lose your sense of shock as well as your sense of wonder. There must be so many things in the world those of us stuck on Land do not often see."

3 hours ago, Siercon and Coral said:

"Most Certainly" Siercon created a little black rain cloud hovering around 6 feet in the air. For kicks and a bit of artistic value, he used his topaz as well to have the cloud spark tiny flickers inside its fluffy from. (1/6 chance of getting zapped/stunned for RP/story)


"if that doesn't do, you can certainly borrow the actual gen as well." Siercon held it out if she thought it needed further.

Siercon's little artistic flourish doesn't harm Annienal, but it does come back to bite him in the butt as the cloud rumbles and strikes him with a small lightning bolt, stunning him for a moment.

OoC: We're pretty much done here! Just waiting for loot division and what not/allowing folks to deal with Justin if they so choose.

13 hours ago, Zepher said:


"I'm used to dealing with competing groups of people, not with anything like that. I'll admit I sometimes have trouble parsing out exactly what each party wants, but they all at least want mortal things..." Largus grimaces. "To put a more fine point on things, no, I have no information on who Fenix might be or why he might have taken offense at the Sungold Alliance. Only time will tell, I suppose."

Night has begun to fall, and it will be impossible for the heroes to make it back to Eubric within the day. The Weeping Inn can be seen in the far distance, and it seems they'll have to spend another night at the morose place.

"I can understand that, I suppose. I've meet people on my journeys with... lofty goals that didn't always make sense. In all honesty, I'm not quite sure which one of us would have it worse." Annienal jokes. She looks to sky in the direction Fenix flew off in. She wondered if she'd meet him again. She had some much to ask him, although she doubted he'd be open to discussion.

Annienal heaved a sigh of relief. She was thankful to be spending the night at an inn again, although she knew she'd have to keep an eye on Heckz.

8 hours ago, Comrade Commander said:

Seeing the Weeping Inn on the horizon he continues.

"Alas it is getting dark and I think our work here is done. Shall we retire to the Inn over there? Perhaps the innkeeper has some other interesting stories we may be interested in."

"Indeed. Let us head in." Annienal agrees, nodding her armoured head.

6 hours ago, Siercon and Coral said:

"Most Certainly" Siercon created a little black rain cloud hovering around 6 feet in the air. For kicks and a bit of artistic value, he used his topaz as well to have the cloud spark tiny flickers inside its fluffy from. (1/6 chance of getting zapped/stunned for RP/story)


"if that doesn't do, you can certainly borrow the actual gen as well." Siercon held it out if she thought it needed further.

Annienal stands in the rain, allowing herself to soak off. The smell of smoke still hung to her, but at least she was a little cooler. She snorts in laughter as Siercon is zapped. "Thanks, Siercon. This wasn't what I had in mind, but, um, it'll do none the less. I appreciate your assistance." 

Althior steps back, his work done. "Anyone have any loot preferences?" he asks, simply.

Heckz bows before the Commodore with a smile.

"It has been a rare pleasure to have fought alongside you your Commodorence."

He stands back up, completely changing his stance and voice when addressing Althior.

"The eyes are mine, unless someone wants them, in which case they are still mine."

Edited by Cutcobra

5 hours ago, K-Nut said:

Althior steps back, his work done. "Anyone have any loot preferences?" he asks, simply.

"I wouldn't mind a ruby and those fire bombs among my loot, but I am flexible" Darksten replies "I am always happy to take those eyes for the gold value if you want to give them to me... just because"


"Yes, of course, that makes good sense." Largus smiles ruefully as he begins to lead the horses to the Inn. "I guess if you see the same things enough times you begin to lose your sense of shock as well as your sense of wonder. There must be so many things in the world those of us stuck on Land do not often see."

As the assassin continues to the inn, he turns to the commodore "true, yet it seems these lands have thousands of secrets they have not yet revealed. One could spend a lifetime in the city and not see everything"

12 hours ago, K-Nut said:

Althior steps back, his work done. "Anyone have any loot preferences?" he asks, simply.

"Adding natural fire to my darkness attacks would be perfect. Black flames... I would greatly appreciate the eyes."

11 hours ago, Cutcobra said:

Heckz bows before the Commodore with a smile.

"It has been a rare pleasure to have fought alongside you your Commodorence."

He stands back up, completely changing his stance and voice when addressing Althior.

"The eyes are mine, unless someone wants them, in which case they are still mine."

"Besides, 'he' wants them... " he gave a disregarding wave at Heckz. "I say karma is happy as long as it's someone else who gets'." Siercon never liked demanding selfish sort of people.

  • Author
8 hours ago, Comrade Commander said:

"I wouldn't mind a ruby and those fire bombs among my loot, but I am flexible" Darksten replies "I am always happy to take those eyes for the gold value if you want to give them to me... just because"

As the assassin continues to the inn, he turns to the commodore "true, yet it seems these lands have thousands of secrets they have not yet revealed. One could spend a lifetime in the city and not see everything"


"Eubric is easy. It's heart is politics and gold, and politics and gold I can understand, no matter how many wizards or alchemists you add into the mix. It's the lands beyond I find problematic."

The heroes continue to make their way towards the Inn, waiting for the loot to be distributed.

10 hours ago, Siercon and Coral said:

"Adding natural fire to my darkness attacks would be perfect. Black flames... I would greatly appreciate the eyes."

"Besides, 'he' wants them... " he gave a disregarding wave at Heckz. "I say karma is happy as long as it's someone else who gets'." Siercon never liked demanding selfish sort of people.

"I'm ok if the wraith gets the eyes" Darksten states simply, as if the loot distribution was some sort of democracy.

"I don't know if you noticed, Mister Quackskin and Mister Don't Touch Me, but as much as my raw strength is awesome in comparison to yours, I have no need for it in battle."

Says Heckz, aggressively snapping at the two other men, or other man and other thing.

"What I like to do instead is making my enemies slowly suffer in a wide-raging variety of pain and agony which was caused by my subtle blows."

He distressingly brushes his dagger whilst giving the two an ill-natured scowl.

"In conclusion, in the likely case that you haven't figured it out, I strongly suggest giving me the eyes before I scoop out yours!"

Just saying it makes Heckz have to hold his stomach, which just threatened him with an abrupt release of previously ingested apple.

5 hours ago, Cutcobra said:

"What I like to do instead is making my enemies slowly suffer in a wide-raging variety of pain and agony which was caused by my subtle blows."

"I make an effort not to 'blow' the enemy. And you all hear it from the whoreses mouth. We have a harlet who blows. Not shocking to us, I mean it's your 'job'. And again that it would be torture, is not shocking either. I am surprised that you would admit this yourself though..." Siercon said with a laugh unable to pass up the opportunity...

"As for my eyes, I'd gladly scoop them out myself if I ever witnessed... that." He said motioning his hand to all off Hectz with a shudder.

"Also, the burning eyes aren't ours to give anyways." Siercon said standing with Darksten.  "You should redirect your... groveling... threats? elsewhere."

Althior: Ruby, Potion, Tonic

Heckz: Eyes, Venom x2, Fire Bomb

Annienal: Pongcanis Charms, Phoenix Essence, Venom, Fire Bomb

Darksten: Smokebomb, Venom, Ruby, Fire Bomb x2

Siercon: Black Knights Shield, Venom, Fire Bomb x2

"Very well." He said cheerfully and unphased. Siercon picks up the skull shield and inspects it.

OOC: any specifics in this item? Like starting SP or anything. Has this been giving in other quests where I might find a description?

5 minutes ago, Siercon and Coral said:

"Very well." He said cheerfully and unphased. Siercon picks up the skull shield and inspects it.

OOC: any specifics in this item? Like starting SP or anything. Has this been giving in other quests where I might find a description?

OOC: From the Wiki: Skull Shield (SP:6; immunity to dark-elemental damage; suitable to Black Knights only; shield)

Annienal furrowed her brow as Heckz was handed what he demanded, something that reminded her of a small child whining belligerently in front of it's parents without understanding consequence. She kept her hand away from her blade, but should he attempt to do anything at the inn, she would not hesitate to act against him. 

"Let us proceed to the inn. As nice as Siercon's shower was, I'd appreciate some time to wash myself and my armour thoroughly. Appearances make good first impressions, after all."

  • Author


"Hello," murmurs Justin as the heroes trudge back into the Inn. "Welcome back, heroes. I hope you haven't brought anything ghastly with you? The fire just nearly burned me to death, jumped right on out of the fireplace... will you be staying the night? Prices are the same as before..." his eyes meet Heckz before he casts them to the ground.

1 hour ago, Zepher said:


"Hello," murmurs Justin as the heroes trudge back into the Inn. "Welcome back, heroes. I hope you haven't brought anything ghastly with you? The fire just nearly burned me to death, jumped right on out of the fireplace... will you be staying the night? Prices are the same as before..." his eyes meet Heckz before he casts them to the ground.

Annienal swiftly moves in front of the party, not losing eye contact with Justin. Lifting her visor up, she strides to the bar and drops her bag of gold onto the bar, the gold inside jangling loudly.

"Justin, I'm renting every room in your inn. Anything not covered in this I will personally trade you for in items." Annienal replies diplomatically. She places her Wine from the Vine on the bar as an added incentive. Her usual timidness had washed aside for the time being, having been replaced with a passionate and steely resolve which could be seen from her eyes. She breathed heavily as she rode a high of action and bravery. She was going to have every key on the rack behind Justin. Nothing was going to stop her. 

Edited by Kintobor
Minor edits to dialogue and action

Heckz satisfyingly takes the eyes, ignoring the wraith as he haughtily walks to the Inn.

Even if his brain capacity didn't allow him to comprehend what Annienal was doing, the harlot quickly walks to the Innkeeper with intentions to object.

"Now, I don't know about you, Mr Muscular Smelterbed."

He seductively winks.

"But if a heavily armed, dreadful-looking mercenary walked into my inn, wanting to buy all my rooms, I'd have serious reason to distrust. Then again, with all these stories about the Wolfgang renting whole inns just to rob them dry going around, I'd probably also ban this certain hideous individual from ever entering my inn again."

21 minutes ago, Cutcobra said:

Even if his brain capacity didn't allow him to comprehend what Annienal was doing, the harlot quickly walks to the Innkeeper with intentions to object.

"Now, I don't know about you, Mr Muscular Smelterbed."

He seductively winks.

"But if a heavily armed, dreadful-looking mercenary walked into my inn, wanting to buy all my rooms, I'd have serious reason to distrust. Then again, with all these stories about the Wolfgang renting whole inns just to rob them dry going around, I'd probably also ban this certain hideous individual from ever entering my inn again."

Annienal turns to the Commodore. "Commodore Largus, you wouldn't mind vouching for me in this purchase, would you? As a member of the Hinckwells, you've seen me both in battle and out, and can testify my character. Would you be willing to do so now, so we can dispel any notion of any of us as being Wolfgang members here to pilfer Mr. Featherhead's inn?" She asks diplomatically. Heckz would not undermine her statements again, and she wouldn't allow him to bully others.

Althior rolls his eyes. "I can tell you're pissed at the harlot, Anavar, but don't try and megabluck me out of a room." he throws his share of gold on the counter. "Just get me my own room, Justin,"

With the the argument at the counter in full swing, the assassin misses the hint from the innkeep that their old enemy may be around.

"Harlot, you are a fool. You came in here last time and conned this man out of his pay, and now you try to slander others as if he won't remember who stole from him? The knight has a good reputation amongst members of the Sun Gold Alliance, and the noble Commodore has seen her fight for the cause. Just stand down already, we are tired of your antics."

  • Author
16 hours ago, Kintobor said:

Annienal swiftly moves in front of the party, not losing eye contact with Justin. Lifting her visor up, she strides to the bar and drops her bag of gold onto the bar, the gold inside jangling loudly.

"Justin, I'm renting every room in your inn. Anything not covered in this I will personally trade you for in items." Annienal replies diplomatically. She places her Wine from the Vine on the bar as an added incentive. Her usual timidness had washed aside for the time being, having been replaced with a passionate and steely resolve which could be seen from her eyes. She breathed heavily as she rode a high of action and bravery. She was going to have every key on the rack behind Justin. Nothing was going to stop her. 


5 hours ago, K-Nut said:

Althior rolls his eyes. "I can tell you're pissed at the harlot, Anavar, but don't try and megabluck me out of a room." he throws his share of gold on the counter. "Just get me my own room, Justin,"


"Well, um, I have eight rooms, but one of them belongs to Fenix, and he should have his key on him wherever he is..." Justin looks out the window at the growing darkness. "I hope *sniffle* he's alright. But that'd be seventy gold if you'd like all the rooms, and you only have fourteen here..." Justin looks at the leering Harlot, and Althior's gold on the counter. "I suppose I can give the prophet his own room, which means you're down to sixty gold *sniffle* with your fourteen that's forty-six gold you'll need, but if you factor in the wine *sniffle* and I'll take both your grand potion and a potion and *sniffle* we can call ourselves even." Justin flashes the briefest smile of relief as he hands Althior one key and Annienal six. Scooping up her gold and the three items, he rushes off to a back room and the heroes can hear him lock the door behind him.

Pulling Althior aside the Commodore addresses him quietly.


"I don't recall this much in-fighting the last time I hired Heroica. Has something happened within the organization, or was I simply blind last time?"

OoC: Pretty much just role play from here, I can close up shop whenever! I'll give it until tomorrow and then we can wrap things up back in Eubric!

"It's something of the times I guess. These newer recruits still think that were anything but mercs on a job. But those of us who have been here a while know the truth," he states, heals-heartedly. "Hel, when we were at Bric'Bay all those years ago I was just like them, thinking I was going to stop a war. Just another job..."

With the innkeeper locked behind the door, and the negotiations concluded, Darksten suddenly realizes he is in the same position as the harlot as he does not have a room for the night. Turning to the knight he asks:

"May I share in one of your rooms tonight? I will pay of course"

Annienal snatches her keys up gleefully. She turns to thank Justin but is greeted by the sight of the back door locking.

8 minutes ago, Comrade Commander said:

With the innkeeper locked behind the door, and the negotiations concluded, Darksten suddenly realizes he is in the same position as the harlot as he does not have a room for the night. Turning to the knight he asks:

"May I share in one of your rooms tonight? I will pay of course"

"No need to pay. Rooms are on me, tonight." Annienal hands Darksten a key. She then hands one to the Commodore and Siercon.

"Thank you ma'am." Darksten replies as he takes his key. Having slipped into old formality, he realizes his opinions of the knight had changed since they first started out on this quest. It probably helped too that compared to the harlot, anyone seemed better he surmised to himself.

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The heroes spend the night in the Inn, with everyone spending a lovely evening in their nice warm beds, except for Heckz who sleeps sitting in an uncomfortable chair.

The next day they make the rest of their way back to Eubric. Largus leads them to a cliff nearby Eubric, where they meet three faces from a few days ago.



"Well? Where is the lumber?"

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