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14 hours ago, Kintobor said:

"I hope so as well, Commodore. I hope with your presence things will go... um, smoother than they have been so far." As Martin utters the words "rest" and "tonight", Annienal opens her coin purse and begins counting her gold. "I assume you're staying here, sir? Do you know how much a room costs for the night?"


"Please, put away your purse. As I said, your accommodations are on me tonight." With a winning smile he lays his hand on Annienal's purse and ushers it back towards her pocket.

9 hours ago, Cutcobra said:

Heckz flauntingly strutted towards his room after another day of 'hard work'.


The harlot makes an attempt at impressing the high-ranked commodore with the most charming smile at his disposal.

"Heckz Brutenhal, Your Commodorence, at your service."

He bows slightly.

"I have been dragging this raggity team of nobodies until now, but I am confident that I'll keep on fighting in the name of the Sungold Alliance."

He winks and then leans in closer to whisper.

"And, friendly advice, watch out for the toddler and the ridiculous-hat man. They've been trying to bargain for luxury through every single step of the way, going so far as intimidating a man to give up a room key for free. If I were you, I'd keep a reluctant eye on them."



"Hm, glad to meet you!" The Commodore beams as Heckz bows. It is easy to tell that though he is well respected, he is not the sort of man who people bow to all that often. His smile remains plastered on his face as Heckz leans in and whispers, and the Commodore sweeps his eyes over the others... but mostly keeps his gaze on Heckz. "I will be sure to keep my eye on everyone in the group. I find that actions often reveal the content of ones character, as opposed to gossip."

6 minutes ago, Comrade Commander said:

The assassin rolls his eyes as the harlot bows, and either doesn't hear, or chooses to ignore the words whispered after.

Returning the conversation back to the topic at hand, he asks the Commodore

"Will any of your men be accompanying us tomorrow, or shall it be just our lot?"

"I am curious if there will be any survivors of previous trips among them."


"No, just us. The boys loading up the lumber are just hands hired at the Trading Post. The Bonaparte soldiers who have survived the previous attacks have fled south to Eubric, which was their original destination, but it is my understanding that they have been little help in identifying their attackers."

With a big day ahead of them, and probably some danger, the heroes retire early. Rising with the sun the next morning they are greeted by Commodore Largus and take off down the road. They have five hours of smooth travel before they spy a single man approaching from afar. At first uneasy, they quickly recognize Filip Fenix, who greets them with a wave and a soggy approximation of a smile.


"Hope you don't mind a little extra company," he says. "Your shade invited me along for the journey, and I thought, why not? No better here than there."

Althior looks over the man. "If you can ho,d your own you can stay, but if you fall behind you get left behind." he continues walking. "What's it been, 5 years since Bric'Bay Largus? Had any contact with the lion knights since then?"

Darksten eyes the old man as he approaches, and after a moment, identifies him as the man from the inn. He hadn't chatted with him, but since he seemed to have been invited by one of the other heroes he had to trust he was good. Plus, since the old man carried a staff, he figured he had to have some sort of magical ability which the assassin hoped could prove useful.

He just prayed they weren't going to divide the loot another way now...

"Welcome, I'm Darksten."

  • Author
22 hours ago, K-Nut said:

Althior looks over the man. "If you can ho,d your own you can stay, but if you fall behind you get left behind." he continues walking. "What's it been, 5 years since Bric'Bay Largus? Had any contact with the lion knights since then?"


"I believe it has been that long, yes!" Martin rubs his chin, bemused by the intervening years or perhaps just the passage of time in general. "The Lion Knights have kept on establishing themselves on Land, particularly in the north. They seem to prefer to keep to themselves, but I imagine that sooner or later they will need to join the rest of us. The world grows more and more united and connected, and I suspect that Uland will continue to do the same."

Just now, Comrade Commander said:

Darksten eyes the old man as he approaches, and after a moment, identifies him as the man from the inn. He hadn't chatted with him, but since he seemed to have been invited by one of the other heroes he had to trust he was good. Plus, since the old man carried a staff, he figured he had to have some sort of magical ability which the assassin hoped could prove useful.

He just prayed they weren't going to divide the loot another way now...

"Welcome, I'm Darksten."


"It's as good as it can be to meet you," says Filip. "My name is Filip Fenix. That's a good plan your friend has. Whoever falls behind stays behind. Alas, tis the way of the world."

OoC: More significant update coming tomorrow.

He warily looked at the mytic knight and was on the verge of making a rather obnoxious comment on his beard and clothes, but he decides not to after having remembered that the commodore was nearby.

The harlot smiles

"Oh... yes. We need every strong brave man to keep on binding and curing the streets of Eubric!"

He says inspiringly after having considered the uses of the knight as a potential meat shield.

On 2/25/2017 at 3:34 PM, Zepher said:


"Hope you don't mind a little extra company," he says. "Your shade invited me along for the journey, and I thought, why not? No better here than there."

"Welcome! Glad ya came." Siercon offers a hand to Filip and steps strategically to include him into the groups circle.

Annienal puts her coin purse away, at leas happy there was no way for Heckz to weasel his way out of paying for a room tonight.

On February 25, 2017 at 7:24 PM, K-Nut said:

"What's it been, 5 years since Bric'Bay Largus? Had any contact with the lion knights since then?"

"Um... is it possible I could be filled in on this story? Just in case it winds up being important later? I, um, hate being left in the dark..."

  • Author
21 hours ago, Kintobor said:

Annienal puts her coin purse away, at leas happy there was no way for Heckz to weasel his way out of paying for a room tonight.

"Um... is it possible I could be filled in on this story? Just in case it winds up being important later? I, um, hate being left in the dark..."


"Some years ago Althior helped me and the Hinckwells assist the Lion Knights while they were building a Fort up north. At the time an Elvish faction on the island were at war with the Lion Knights, though things have settled down since. Still many things to worry about on the island, unfortunately, but I understand the elves have been more good than evil as of late."

The heroes make their way down the path as a light breeze picks up. The sun shines and things seem like they're going to be just fine...


A strange whistling sound interrupts the heroes revery before they notice anything is wrong. A arrow slams into Filip's chest, and he falls backwards, consumed by flames!

The heroes turn to face their foes.


"That was easy," grunts one of the two Pongcanis. "Who is next?"

The Enemies

av-pongcanissharpshooter.png Pongcanis Sharpshooter
Humanoid Beast 
*Immune to BlindedConfusedJinxed, and Sudden Death* *Ranged Fighter*
Health: 360/360
Defense: 12
Special: Death Blossom — The Pongcanis Sharpshooter fires arrows in quick succession, dealing 64 Damage each to the heroes above and below the target in the Order of Actions and Instantly Knocking Out the target itself. If the target is immune to Sudden Death, the Sharpshooter deals the Doomed effect instead.

av-pongcaniswarlock.png Pongcanis Charmer
Beast Ethereal
*Immune to Sealed, Confused, Jinxed and Sudden Death*
Level: 36
Health: 760/760
Special: Mind Control - The Pongcanis deals hexed to the hero and the hero directly below the hero.
Passive Special: Bugbear King - All damage dealt to the Pongcanis Charmer is divided by the number of Bugbear (mobs) currently in the battle (11). If the Charmer is defeated, each Bugbear has a 1/2 chance to flee at the end of each round.
Drops: Pongcanis Charms

heroicafog-monster-bugbeararcher.jpgheroicafog-monster-bugbeararcher.jpgheroicafog-monster-bugbeararcher.jpgBugbear Archer Mob (4)
*Ranged, fights from the back row*
Type: Beast
Level: 36 (4*9)
Health: 348/348 (4*87)
Special: Hail of Arrows – Causes 36 (4*9) damage to all opponents regardless of row.
Drops: Smoke Bomb

heroicafog-monster-bugbeardefender.jpgheroicafog-monster-bugbeardefender.jpgheroicafog-monster-bugbeardefender.jpg Bugbear Defender Mob (3)
Type: Beast
Level: 30 (3*10)
Defence: 15 (3*5)
Health: 342/342 (3*114)
Special: Take Cover – The next attack against the Bugbear Defender will miss.
Drops (varies by roll):
1-2: Wooden Shield (SP:5, immunity to wood-elemental damage)
3-6: nothing

heroicafog-monster-bugbearelder.jpgBugbear Elder A
Type: Beast
Level: 12
Health: 145/145
Special: Bugbear Gathering – Gives all bugbears in the battle an extra Free Hit for the current round.
Drops (varies by roll):
1: Emerald (Wood)
2-3: Phoenix Essence
4-6: nothing

heroicafog-monster-bugbearelder.jpgBugbear Elder B
Type: Beast
Level: 12
Health: 145/145
Special: Bugbear Gathering – Gives all bugbears in the battle an extra Free Hit for the current round.
Drops (varies by roll):
1: Emerald (Wood)
2-3: Phoenix Essence
4-6: nothing

heroicafog-monster-bugbearcaster.jpgheroicafog-monster-bugbearcaster.jpgheroicafog-monster-bugbearcaster.jpg Bugbear Caster Mob (3)
*Ranged, fights from the back row*
Type: Beast
Level: 24 (3*8)
Health: 177/177 (3*59)
Ether: 4/4
Special: Big Berry – Causes 48 (3*16) wood-elemental damage to the target at the cost of 1 ether regardless of row. If ether is at zero, nothing happens.
Drops: Tonic

heroicafog-monster-bugbearscout.jpgBugbear Scout A
Type: Beast
Level: 11
Health: 107/107
Special: Sneak Attack – Causes 11 damage regardless of defense, the poisoned by 1-effect and steals 11 gold from the target.
Drops: Venom

heroicafog-monster-bugbearscout.jpgBugbear Scout B
Type: Beast
Level: 11
Health: 107/107
Special: Sneak Attack – Causes 11 damage regardless of defense, the poisoned by 1-effect and steals 11 gold from the target.
Drops: Venom

heroicafog-monster-bugbearscout.jpgBugbear Scout C
Type: Beast
Level: 11
Health: 107/107
Special: Sneak Attack – Causes 11 damage regardless of defense, the poisoned by 1-effect and steals 11 gold from the target.
Drops: Venom

heroicafog-monster-bugbearscout.jpgBugbear Scout D
Type: Beast
Level: 11
Health: 107/107
Special: Sneak Attack – Causes 11 damage regardless of defense, the poisoned by 1-effect and steals 11 gold from the target.
Drops: Venom

heroicafog-monster-bugbearscout.jpgBugbear Scout E
Type: Beast
Level: 11
Health: 107/107
Special: Sneak Attack – Causes 11 damage regardless of defense, the poisoned by 1-effect and steals 11 gold from the target.
Drops: Venom

heroicafog-monster-bugbearhealer.jpgheroicafog-monster-bugbearhealer.jpgheroicafog-monster-bugbearhealer.jpgheroicafog-monster-bugbearhealer.jpgBugbear Healer Mob (4)
*Ranged, fights from the back row*
Type: Beast
Level: 28 (4*7)
Health: 384/384 (4*96)
Special: Bear Hug – Restores 120 (30*4) health to self and all allies.
Drops: Potion

The Heroes

18679652234_a20d7689fc_t.jpgAlthior Emorith, The Dragonslayer (K-Nut)
36 years old male (undead) human Prophet
Level 57.4 *Clairvoyance* *Glossolalia* *Intimidation* *Permanently Transcended and Hastened*Immune to Petrified, Cursed, Bound, and Slowed* *Absorbs Earth* *Immune to Ice and Darkness*
Power Bonus: +3 Spellpower Bonus: +18
Defense: 11 (+3 Flagpole) (5+6)
Health: 91/91 (5+56+15+1+1+5+5+2)
Ether: 106/106 (5+56+15+10+15+2+2)
Gold: 4094
GP: 14
Equipment: Mythril Scepter of Divine Affinity (WP:35, Has ⅙ chance to deal cursed effect on successful spells and ⅙ chance to deal blessed effect on successful healing, staff), Gloves of the Aspirant Zieg-Friend (Spellpower +5, Max Ether +5; suitable to those with reputation with the Ziegfrieds only, if reputation is great, values doubled, if reputation is outstanding, values tripled; handwear), Winged Sandals (protects from bound and slowed effects, footwear), Garuda Wings (Makes the user permanently hastened; Power +50 to winged warriors; backwear), Robes of Illumination (SP: 5, +10 Max Ether, wearer is permanently transcended, suitable to prophets; bodywear), The Black Hat (wearer is immune to cursed, grants Intimidation), Sungold Medallion (+3 Power, +2 Health), Warlord’s Helmet (SP:6, healing through ether in a battle encourages targets as well, suitable to clerics and chi monks; headwear), Medal of Glory (Wearer earns triple experience; accessory), Counterstrike Gloves (if the wearer is damaged by a free hit, they counter with strength equal to their level; handwear),
Weapons: Staff of the Supreme Necromancer (WP:25; damages undead; +5 level to raised undead; suitable to necromancers; staff), Boon Rod (WP:22; healing is guaranteed to restore health at least equal to WP at cost of one ether; staff, suitable to clerics), Scorching Staff (WP:20; attacks and fire elemental spells deal blinded; fire elemental staff), Doom Axe (WP:19, has 1/6 chance to cause doomed; axe), Bone Saw (WP:17, causes weakened and fragile to humanoids, beasts, vermin and flying enemies; longsword), 
Artifacts: Lieutenant's Helm (SP:4, protects from fragile; headwear), Feathered Hat (Max Health +4; a consumable item named 'feather' can be stored in the hat and used without spending a turn during battles; comes equipped with [Feather of Lithe]; headgear), Pink Ribbon (Max Ether +3, grants immunity to sealed, afraid, and doomed; accessory), Lens of Speed Reading (allows one scroll to be used per round in addition to a normal action, suitable for classes that have ether; accessory), Coat Hanger (allows wearing a second bodywear artifact regardless of the amount limit for artifacts; accessory), Robe of the Seneschal (SP:5; wearer absorbs earth-elemental damage and is immune to petrified, ice, and darkness elemental damage; suitable to clerics, mages, chi monks, necromancers, scholars, and weather mages; bodywear),
Spell Items: Ruby (Fire), 2x Aquamarine (Water), Garnet (Earth), Sapphire (Wind), Opal (Ice), Topaz (Lightning), Emerald (Wood), Diamond (Light), Amethyst (Darkness), Ethereal Amethyst (Darkness, deals blinded) Scroll of Frailty (Enables casting the fragile-effect to the target, causing it to take double damage for the next three rounds. Each casting has a 50/50 chance of success and costs 1 ether.), Scroll of Love (Enables casting the enamored-effect to the target, making it unable to damage the caster for three rounds. Each casting has a 50/50 chance of success and costs 1 ether.), Scroll of Luck (Enables casting the lucky-effect to the target for one battle. Each casting has a 50/50 chance and costs 10 ether.), Begone With The Winds (Grants the holder access to the Weather Mage expert job class upon reaching Level 30), Geode
Consumables: 3 Potions, 10 Grand Potions, Greater Potion (Restores 50 health to the target.), 6 Tonics, 4 Grand Tonics, 4 Ether Cores, 6 Remedies, 2 Elixirs, Phoenix Incense, 9 Meads, 5 Nostrums, Smoke Bomb, Rudra Bomb, Venom, Garnet Lamp of Summoning, Skeleton Decoy, Feather of Lithe (Makes the user nimble for three rounds), Feather of Flight (Allows the user to flee from the battle when used.), 2 Milks (restores 15 health and 15 ether upon consumption), Cup of Asmodeus (Max. health +6 but power -6 when merged into an artifact at a smithy.), Pumpkin Bomb (Causes stunned-, poisoned by 1-, asleep-, blinded-, sealed- and confused-effects to all opponents when used.)
Tools etc.: Bedroll, Pickaxe, Magnifying Glass, 4 Bones, Deaddy Bear (Causes 45 damage and doomed but has 1/6 chance to break whenever used), Sauce Pan (Tool; Can be used with a Potion, outside of battle, once per quest to restore full HP), Cornucopia (increases the holder's gold by 25% at the end of each quest)

31039225633_9f7006b89e_t.jpgJohn 'Heckz' Brutenhal, the Ghostbuster, the Super Sleuth, the School Inspector and the Matchmaker (Cutcobra)

32 year old male human Harlot *Immune to Poisoned* *Immune to Free Hits unless last hero standing* *False*
Level 30.5
Power Bonus: +3
Defense: 2 (+3 Flagpole)
Health: 39/39 (5+29+4+2)
Ether: 46/46 (5+29+1+5+1+5)
Gold: 2598
Equipment: Solemn Dagger (WP: 12, darkness-elemental dagger, 1/2 chance of causing sealed), Harlot's Outfit (SP: 2, immune to poisoned; suitable for Witches, Sorcerers and Harlots; bodywear/footwear), False Lips (Rolling Pleasure House and KISS AND MAKE UP causes poisoned by 5 in addition to other effects, suitable for harlots only, accessory.), Buffoon's Hat (Prevents anyone from taking the wearer seriously; protects from Free Hits unless the wearer is the last hero standing; headwear), Sungold Medallion (+3 Power, +2 Health)
Weapons: Weatherfax Broom (WP:25, makes weather forecasts instant instead of being applied at the end of the round, broomstick), Rawr (WP:9, dagger), Wand (WP:5; suitable for mages, necromancers and scholars.), Bone Whip (WP:9, damages undead, whip), Assassin’s Crossbow (WP:4, each successful assassination increases WP by one permanently; suitable to assassins; crossbow), Torn Whip (WP: 7; Has a 1/2 chance of causing afraid on attacks; suitable for rogues, artisans, beast warriors, harlots, marauders and necromancers.)
Artifacts: Cloak of Blood Magic (+5 ether, attacks made with darkness magic cause weakened; suitable for mages, necromancers and chi monks; bodywear), Magician's Gloves (Spellpower +10; suitable for mages; handwear), Venomari Helmet (SP:2, absorb poison as health; helmet), Bad Luck Charm (Makes the sorcerer’s spells - including Razzmatazz and Sleight of Hand - cause an additional jinxed-effect, increasing their ether cost by 1; suitable for sorcerers; accessory), Watt's Artifact (Makes the user’s attacks and spells three times more effective against demons; accessory), Robe Of The Archmagi (SP:3, Max. Ether + 5, immune to sealed; bodywear)  Rich Man's Shirt (suitable for anyone, +5HP, +10 ether; bodywear), Rich man's trousers (suitable for anyone, immune to Jinxed and Bound; footwear)
Spell Items: Opal (Ice), Garnet (Earth), Amethyst (Darkness), Aquamarine (Water)
Consumables: 2x Remedy, 6x Mead, 2x Nostrum, 3x Smelling Salt, 2x Tonic, 2x Phoenix Essence, Danab's Apple (Revives all fallen party members, restores full health and ether to the whole party and removes all negative effects from them; consumable), Soma, Poison Bomb, Seal Bomb, Smoke Bomb, 2x Deadly Venom, 7 Bones, Forbidden Apple (has a half chance of causing blinded or transcended to the user),
Tools, etc: Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Magnifying Glass, Telescope, Magic Compass, Blue Jelly, "Fifty Shades of Bley" (Grants access to Harlot), "Begone With the Winds" (Grants access to Weather Mage), Black Market Insignia (Allows the owner to seek out a black market dealer from any city they visit on a quest, as decided by the QM.), Vindicator's Seal (Grants access to the Vindicator expert job class; cannot be given away)
0d825d83-ba7e-453f-b4cc-22d12430c2fe_zps0b0c6c04.jpg Siercon (Siercon and Coral)
Male, Wraith (Visual appearance of hollow black smoke in human form.)
Level 26 Battlemage (Darkness to all Attacks; Immune to Darkness, Asleep) *Encouraged* *Immune to Ice*
Power Bonus: +9 (# of Enemies)
Defense: 9 (Dark Phibbian Cloak +5, Robes +4) (+3 Flagpole)
Health: 39/39 (5 base + 24 lvl + 5 class + 4 robes)
Ether: 32/32 (5 base + 24 lvl + 1 class)
Gold: 305
-Dark Phibbian Cloak (SP:5, Adds Darkness-element to attacks and protects from darkness, suitable for magic users, body wear, Immune to Sleep,)
-Telethia's Robes (black robes that Telethia wore into battle. SP: 4, Max HP +4, backwear.)
-Immortal Essence (+1 power for every enemy still standing. Accesory.)
-Giant Spear (WP:17, causes Bleeding 5, Hollow upgrade [Potion Stored])
Gems: Topaz (Lightning), Diamond (Light), Ruby (Fire), Emerald (Wood), Sapphire (Wind), Aquamarine
Bombs: 7x Bone (Distracts monster for 1 turn when thrown)
Consumables: 3 Remedies, 1 Tonic, Everlasting Venom (Adds Poisoned +10 effect to one weapon permanently; consumable) 2 Meads, smelling salts, Nostrum, Skeleton Decoy, Venom, Feather of White (Allows the user to hide for up to three rounds, avoiding Free Hits. The effect ends if the user targets an enemy, Consumable), x3 Grand Tonic, x3 Potion
Inventory: Scroll of Magic Disguise, Crystow Feather (half damage from Electric and Flying type enemies, accessory), Sylvania's Cowl (Artifact, Head Wear, Animal Talk)
Tools: Magic Compass, Shovel, Magnifying Glass, Decamodifier, Telescope
For Sale: (Message if interested): Hood of the Dark Druid (wearer absorbs Wood- and Darkness-elemental damage; headwear, suitable for druids only), Sanctified Rito Spear, (WP:4, doubled against Flying enemies, Hollow upgrade [Potion Stored])
Decamon: 3x Mud Frog (Rock 2), 3x Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), 2x Woodwose (Plant 7), Treant (Plant 9), 2x Unicorn (Luminous 5), Will-o'-Wisp (Fiery 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1)
Quest: (Good Rep: Shadeaux, Rito, Bonapartes); 1 Feather from each of these Eschaton's Generals: Telethia, Glaz, and Charon's Black archangel wings.
Glory Points: 151

Darksten (Comrade Commander) *Immune to poisoned, bleeding, cursed, jinxed, blinded* *Inspired*
36 year old male human Assassin
Level 25.66
Power Bonus: 3 (+3 [Sungold Seal])
Health: 48/48 96/96 (6 [base health] + 26 [level] + 5 [advanced class] + 1 [drumstick] + 5 [raw meat] + 1 [Quest #153 Reward] + 2 [Sungold Seal] +4 [Feathered Hat])
Defense: 2 (+3 Flagpole)
Gold: 1581
GP: 46
Equipment: Composite Bow (WP:11, ignores defense, bow)Sand Worm Hide (SP: 2, bodywear), Tribal Amulet (Wearer is immune to poisoned, bleeding, cursed, jinxed, and blinded; suitable to barbarians, rangers, beast warriors; accessory); Sungold Seal (+3 Power, +2 Health); Feathered Hat (Max. health +4; a consumable item named “feather” can be stored in the hat and used without spending a turn during battles, comes equipped with [Feather of Lithe]; headwear)
Inventory: Weapons: Spider String Bow (WP: 4, darkness-elemental bow), Crossbow (WP:6), Fang Dagger (WP:5, deals double damage to beasts; dagger), Pongcanis Crossbow (WP:8, crossbow)(loaned from Matthias), Rusty Dagger (WP: 2, Poisoned -2)
Artifacts: Vampire Cape (Halves damage from undead enemies; backwear); Safety Blanket (SP:1, protects from Afraid, backwear)
Spell Items: N/A
Consumables: 5x Potion, 5x Grand Potion, Health Core, 4x Remedy, Elixir, 2x Phoenix Essence, 1x Smelling Salt, 6x Mead, 3x Nostrum, Soma, Ambrosia, Root Beer (Restores 10 health, or can be used as a bomb against undead enemies for 20 damage. The Root Beer does not affect non-undead enemies), Aeolus Bomb, Neptune Bomb, Floral Bomb, x1 Lightning Bomb, Smoke Bomb, 6x Venom, Deadly Venom, 5x Bone, Gold Ring (worth 15 gold; can be given to someone to make them enamored with the giver), 4x Shattering Arrow (Lowers Enemy SP by 5, suitable for classes with bows and crossbows)
Tools: Bedroll, Pickaxe, Shovel, Magnifying Glass, Telescope, Magic Compass, Cornocopia (Increases the holder’s gold by 25% at the end of each quest.)

Annienal Anavir (Kintobor)
"20" year old elven female *Bonaparte Reputation* *Immune to Sudden Death, and Fragile. Immune to Earth* *Takes Half Damage from Elemental Attacks* *Reinforced*
Level 20.66 Mystic Knight
Power Bonus: 0
Defense: 20 40 (9+5+3+3)
Health: 34/34
Ether: 23/23
Gold: 14
Equipment: Hollow Flagpole (WP:12, +3 SP to the whole party whenever equipped, Hollow (Grand Potion), lance), Crescent Shield (SP:9, Halved Damage from Elemental Attacks, shield), Heavy Armour (SP: 5, immunity to fragile, body wear, suitable for barbarians, knights, dragoons, skirmishers, regulators, and vindicators), Lethauros Fellwings (SP: 3, wearer is immune to sudden death, back wear), Locustoid Greaves (Max Ether +4, immune to Earth elemental attacks, footwear, suitable for ether users)
Inventory: Bonaparte Cutlass (WP:11, doubled if the user has reputation with the Bonapartes: longsword), Ammit (WP: 6, user gains 5 ether on kills, great sword), Anointed Gladius (WP: 8, deals damage to undead, great sword), Sanctified Rito Longsword (WP: 4, hits doubled against flying enemies, longsword), Gnarled Wand (WP: 7, Wood elemental, wand), Training Sword (WP: 4, longsword), Sharks Tooth (Power increased by 5 when attacking an aquatic enemy, accessory), Tridentian Cape (Max ether +3, protects from the blind effect, back wear, suitable for mages, clerics, necromancers, and scholars), Tobacco Pouch (1/2 chance to blind enemies with attacks, accessory), Cauldrons (SP: 2, accessory, suitable for knights, dragoons, and skirmishers), Lethauros Mask (SP: 2, wearer deals double damage to beasts and vermin, headwear, suitable for everyone), Tapshoes (Has a 1/6 chance of dealing the enamoured effect on each attack, Footwear), Captains Leather Helm (Provides immunity to stunned, blinded, and sealed, headwear, suitable for cannoneers, Rangers, Rogues, and Marauders), Ring of Hopeful True Love (Max. Ether +3; immunity to enamoured and fire, suitable for Annienal), Heavy Armour #2 (SP: 5, immunity to fragile, body wear, suitable for barbarians, knights, dragoons, skirmishers, regulators, and vindicators)
Emerald (Wood), Sapphire (Wind), Amethyst (Darkness), Topaz (Lightning), Ruby (Fire), x2 Mythril Shard
Consumables: 2x Potions, Grand Potion, Tonic, Grand Tonic, 4x Remedies, Venom, Smoke Bomb, Fire Bomb, Bedroll, Shovel, Telescope, Pickaxe, 4x Depleted Ether Cores (Restores half of users Ether upon consumption), Wine from the Vine (Consumable, restores full health and confuses consumer), Tiger Balm, Phoenix Essence, 2x Dragon Scale (grants lucky and blessed effects when consumed), Mead
Scrolls: Scroll of Fire Warding (1/2 chance to make target immune to fire elemental attacks for the duration of one battle. Costs 1 ether per casting.), Scroll of Ice Warding (1/2 chance to make target immune to ice elemental attacks for the duration of one battle. Costs 1 ether per casting.), Scroll of Water Warding (1/2 chance to make target immune to water elemental attacks for the duration of one battle. Costs 1 ether per casting.), Scroll of Wood Warding (1/2 chance to make target immune to wood elemental attacks for the duration of one battle. Costs 1 ether per casting.), Lapis Lamp of Summoning (Summons djinn Mayrene to conjure an etherial barrier around the target at the cost of 5 ether, giving them a 50/50 chance to avoid Damage, Free Hits, and Special Damage. The barrier dissipates when the target takes damage from any source.), Scroll of the Dragon's Roar (Causes Stunned and Burning-5 to the target 50/50 chance of success, costs 2 ether)
Roleplay: Underdeveloped Organ (A curious organ from the felled dragon Lethauros.)

ava-largus.png Commodore Martin Largus
Ability: Martin Largus can use one item from anyone's inventory each round at no extra cost to that hero.

Siercon attacks the bugbear healer mob from the front row with a fire spell. 

(If agreed with by party, the commodore can continuously throw Siercon a bones at the sharpshooter for several rounds...) thoughts?

"Curse you damn bear rip offs!" Siercon blasted seeing Filip fall.


OOC: Love the sharpshooter's bow ;P

Edited by Siercon and Coral

Annienal draws her weapons as the bugbears begin to swarm.

"If I, um, can be hastened, that'll allow me to ensure some of the free hits come my way and into the direction of my shield and armour. If you put me first and someone takes on the Sharpshooter, I can still take most of our enemies attacks."

Annienal strikes the Bugbear Caster mob using her Ruby (Fire) from the front row.

"I dont care what the Commodore does so long we are bothliving at the end of this. Now, let's get these LICE-RIDDEN BEHEMOTHS OUT OFMY PRESENCE."

He says as he desperately attacks the bugbear scout A from the front row.

Edited by Cutcobra

"Largus I need a Nostrum from my inventory," Althior heals himself then uses darkness on pongcanis sharpshooter from the back row.

Battle Order







His trained ear picks up whistling arrow as it streaks by Darksten, but it is too late as it strikes old man soon after. As the flames consume him, the assassin returns fire by unleashing arrows into the mass of raiding beasts.  

As his arrows fly, he says a quick prayer, to the gods he doesn't really believe in, that he does better in this battle than last...

Darksten attacks Bugbear Defender Mob from the back.

  • Author
20 hours ago, Siercon and Coral said:

OOC: Love the sharpshooter's bow ;P

OoC: It's a great build, but it's a Brickdoctor build/picture through and through, so I can't take credit. :laugh:

Round One Pongcanis Bandits Battle
Largus uses Althior's Nostrum on Althior
>Althior heals himself - Failure/Failure
>Althior (Darkness) v. Sharpshooter - Miss/Hit ([[35+57+18]*2]-12=208 Damage, No Cursed)
Heckz v. Bugbear Scout A - Hit (30+3+12=45 Damage, No Seal)
Annienal (Fire) v. Bugbear Caster - Damage (24-40=0 Damage)
Siercon (Fire) v. Healer - Damage (28-12=16 Damage)
>Darksten v. Defender Mob - Critical Hit ([11*2]+25+3=50 Damage)

Free Hits
Charmer + Scout C v. Althior - ([36+11]/2-14=10 Damage)
Archer + Scout D v. Heckz - Immune
Elder A + Scout E v. Annienal - ([12+11]-40=0 Damage)
Elder B v. Siercon - (12-12=0 Damage)
Scout B v. Darksten - ([11/2]-5=1 Damage)

The Enemies

av-pongcanissharpshooter.png Pongcanis Sharpshooter
Humanoid Beast 
*Immune to BlindedConfusedJinxed, and Sudden Death* *Ranged Fighter*
Health: 156/360
Defense: 12
Special: Death Blossom — The Pongcanis Sharpshooter fires arrows in quick succession, dealing 64 Damage each to the heroes above and below the target in the Order of Actions and Instantly Knocking Out the target itself. If the target is immune to Sudden Death, the Sharpshooter deals the Doomed effect instead.

av-pongcaniswarlock.png Pongcanis Charmer
Beast Ethereal
*Immune to Sealed, Confused, Jinxed and Sudden Death*
Level: 36
Health: 760/760
Special: Mind Control - The Pongcanis deals hexed to the hero and the hero directly below the hero.
Passive Special: Bugbear King - All damage dealt to the Pongcanis Charmer is divided by the number of Bugbear (mobs) currently in the battle (11). If the Charmer is defeated, each Bugbear has a 1/2 chance to flee at the end of each round.
Drops: Pongcanis Charms

heroicafog-monster-bugbeararcher.jpgheroicafog-monster-bugbeararcher.jpgheroicafog-monster-bugbeararcher.jpgBugbear Archer Mob (4)
*Ranged, fights from the back row*
Type: Beast
Level: 36 (4*9)
Health: 348/348 (4*87)
Special: Hail of Arrows – Causes 36 (4*9) damage to all opponents regardless of row.
Drops: Smoke Bomb

heroicafog-monster-bugbeardefender.jpgheroicafog-monster-bugbeardefender.jpgheroicafog-monster-bugbeardefender.jpg Bugbear Defender Mob (3)
Type: Beast
Level: 30 (3*10)
Defence: 15 (3*5)
Health: 292/342 (3*114)
Special: Take Cover – The next attack against the Bugbear Defender will miss.
Drops (varies by roll):
1-2: Wooden Shield (SP:5, immunity to wood-elemental damage)
3-6: nothing

heroicafog-monster-bugbearelder.jpgBugbear Elder A
Type: Beast
Level: 12
Health: 145/145
Special: Bugbear Gathering – Gives all bugbears in the battle an extra Free Hit for the current round.
Drops (varies by roll):
1: Emerald (Wood)
2-3: Phoenix Essence
4-6: nothing

heroicafog-monster-bugbearelder.jpgBugbear Elder B
Type: Beast
Level: 12
Health: 145/145
Special: Bugbear Gathering – Gives all bugbears in the battle an extra Free Hit for the current round.
Drops (varies by roll):
1: Emerald (Wood)
2-3: Phoenix Essence
4-6: nothing

heroicafog-monster-bugbearcaster.jpgheroicafog-monster-bugbearcaster.jpgheroicafog-monster-bugbearcaster.jpg Bugbear Caster Mob (3)
*Ranged, fights from the back row*
Type: Beast
Level: 24 (3*8)
Health: 177/177 (3*59)
Ether: 4/4
Special: Big Berry – Causes 48 (3*16) wood-elemental damage to the target at the cost of 1 ether regardless of row. If ether is at zero, nothing happens.
Drops: Tonic

heroicafog-monster-bugbearscout.jpgBugbear Scout A
Type: Beast
Level: 11
Health: 62/107
Special: Sneak Attack – Causes 11 damage regardless of defense, the poisoned by 1-effect and steals 11 gold from the target.
Drops: Venom

heroicafog-monster-bugbearscout.jpgBugbear Scout B
Type: Beast
Level: 11
Health: 107/107
Special: Sneak Attack – Causes 11 damage regardless of defense, the poisoned by 1-effect and steals 11 gold from the target.
Drops: Venom

heroicafog-monster-bugbearscout.jpgBugbear Scout C
Type: Beast
Level: 11
Health: 107/107
Special: Sneak Attack – Causes 11 damage regardless of defense, the poisoned by 1-effect and steals 11 gold from the target.
Drops: Venom

heroicafog-monster-bugbearscout.jpgBugbear Scout D
Type: Beast
Level: 11
Health: 107/107
Special: Sneak Attack – Causes 11 damage regardless of defense, the poisoned by 1-effect and steals 11 gold from the target.
Drops: Venom

heroicafog-monster-bugbearscout.jpgBugbear Scout E
Type: Beast
Level: 11
Health: 107/107
Special: Sneak Attack – Causes 11 damage regardless of defense, the poisoned by 1-effect and steals 11 gold from the target.
Drops: Venom

heroicafog-monster-bugbearhealer.jpgheroicafog-monster-bugbearhealer.jpgheroicafog-monster-bugbearhealer.jpgheroicafog-monster-bugbearhealer.jpgBugbear Healer Mob (4)
*Ranged, fights from the back row*
Type: Beast
Level: 28 (4*7)
Health: 384/384 (4*96)
Special: Bear Hug – Restores 120 (30*4) health to self and all allies.
Drops: Potion

The Heroes

18679652234_a20d7689fc_t.jpgAlthior Emorith, The Dragonslayer (K-Nut)
36 years old male (undead) human Prophet
Level 57.4 *Clairvoyance* *Glossolalia* *Intimidation* *Permanently Transcended and Hastened*Immune to Petrified, Cursed, Bound, and Slowed* *Absorbs Earth* *Immune to Ice and Darkness*
Power Bonus: +3 Spellpower Bonus: +18
Defense: 11 (+3 Flagpole) (5+6)
Health: 81/91 (5+56+15+1+1+5+5+2)
Ether: 106/106 (5+56+15+10+15+2+2)
Gold: 4094
GP: 14
Equipment: Mythril Scepter of Divine Affinity (WP:35, Has ⅙ chance to deal cursed effect on successful spells and ⅙ chance to deal blessed effect on successful healing, staff), Gloves of the Aspirant Zieg-Friend (Spellpower +5, Max Ether +5; suitable to those with reputation with the Ziegfrieds only, if reputation is great, values doubled, if reputation is outstanding, values tripled; handwear), Winged Sandals (protects from bound and slowed effects, footwear), Garuda Wings (Makes the user permanently hastened; Power +50 to winged warriors; backwear), Robes of Illumination (SP: 5, +10 Max Ether, wearer is permanently transcended, suitable to prophets; bodywear), The Black Hat (wearer is immune to cursed, grants Intimidation), Sungold Medallion (+3 Power, +2 Health), Warlord’s Helmet (SP:6, healing through ether in a battle encourages targets as well, suitable to clerics and chi monks; headwear), Medal of Glory (Wearer earns triple experience; accessory), Counterstrike Gloves (if the wearer is damaged by a free hit, they counter with strength equal to their level; handwear),
Weapons: Staff of the Supreme Necromancer (WP:25; damages undead; +5 level to raised undead; suitable to necromancers; staff), Boon Rod (WP:22; healing is guaranteed to restore health at least equal to WP at cost of one ether; staff, suitable to clerics), Scorching Staff (WP:20; attacks and fire elemental spells deal blinded; fire elemental staff), Doom Axe (WP:19, has 1/6 chance to cause doomed; axe), Bone Saw (WP:17, causes weakened and fragile to humanoids, beasts, vermin and flying enemies; longsword), 
Artifacts: Lieutenant's Helm (SP:4, protects from fragile; headwear), Feathered Hat (Max Health +4; a consumable item named 'feather' can be stored in the hat and used without spending a turn during battles; comes equipped with [Feather of Lithe]; headgear), Pink Ribbon (Max Ether +3, grants immunity to sealed, afraid, and doomed; accessory), Lens of Speed Reading (allows one scroll to be used per round in addition to a normal action, suitable for classes that have ether; accessory), Coat Hanger (allows wearing a second bodywear artifact regardless of the amount limit for artifacts; accessory), Robe of the Seneschal (SP:5; wearer absorbs earth-elemental damage and is immune to petrified, ice, and darkness elemental damage; suitable to clerics, mages, chi monks, necromancers, scholars, and weather mages; bodywear),
Spell Items: Ruby (Fire), 2x Aquamarine (Water), Garnet (Earth), Sapphire (Wind), Opal (Ice), Topaz (Lightning), Emerald (Wood), Diamond (Light), Amethyst (Darkness), Ethereal Amethyst (Darkness, deals blinded) Scroll of Frailty (Enables casting the fragile-effect to the target, causing it to take double damage for the next three rounds. Each casting has a 50/50 chance of success and costs 1 ether.), Scroll of Love (Enables casting the enamored-effect to the target, making it unable to damage the caster for three rounds. Each casting has a 50/50 chance of success and costs 1 ether.), Scroll of Luck (Enables casting the lucky-effect to the target for one battle. Each casting has a 50/50 chance and costs 10 ether.), Begone With The Winds (Grants the holder access to the Weather Mage expert job class upon reaching Level 30), Geode
Consumables: 3 Potions, 10 Grand Potions, Greater Potion (Restores 50 health to the target.), 6 Tonics, 4 Grand Tonics, 4 Ether Cores, 6 Remedies, 2 Elixirs, Phoenix Incense, 9 Meads, 5 Nostrums, Smoke Bomb, Rudra Bomb, Venom, Garnet Lamp of Summoning, Skeleton Decoy, Feather of Lithe (Makes the user nimble for three rounds), Feather of Flight (Allows the user to flee from the battle when used.), 2 Milks (restores 15 health and 15 ether upon consumption), Cup of Asmodeus (Max. health +6 but power -6 when merged into an artifact at a smithy.), Pumpkin Bomb (Causes stunned-, poisoned by 1-, asleep-, blinded-, sealed- and confused-effects to all opponents when used.)
Tools etc.: Bedroll, Pickaxe, Magnifying Glass, 4 Bones, Deaddy Bear (Causes 45 damage and doomed but has 1/6 chance to break whenever used), Sauce Pan (Tool; Can be used with a Potion, outside of battle, once per quest to restore full HP), Cornucopia (increases the holder's gold by 25% at the end of each quest)

31039225633_9f7006b89e_t.jpgJohn 'Heckz' Brutenhal, the Ghostbuster, the Super Sleuth, the School Inspector and the Matchmaker (Cutcobra)

32 year old male human Harlot *Immune to Poisoned* *Immune to Free Hits unless last hero standing* *False*
Level 30.5
Power Bonus: +3
Defense: 2 (+3 Flagpole)
Health: 39/39 (5+29+4+2)
Ether: 46/46 (5+29+1+5+1+5)
Gold: 2598
Equipment: Solemn Dagger (WP: 12, darkness-elemental dagger, 1/2 chance of causing sealed), Harlot's Outfit (SP: 2, immune to poisoned; suitable for Witches, Sorcerers and Harlots; bodywear/footwear), False Lips (Rolling Pleasure House and KISS AND MAKE UP causes poisoned by 5 in addition to other effects, suitable for harlots only, accessory.), Buffoon's Hat (Prevents anyone from taking the wearer seriously; protects from Free Hits unless the wearer is the last hero standing; headwear), Sungold Medallion (+3 Power, +2 Health)
Weapons: Weatherfax Broom (WP:25, makes weather forecasts instant instead of being applied at the end of the round, broomstick), Rawr (WP:9, dagger), Wand (WP:5; suitable for mages, necromancers and scholars.), Bone Whip (WP:9, damages undead, whip), Assassin’s Crossbow (WP:4, each successful assassination increases WP by one permanently; suitable to assassins; crossbow), Torn Whip (WP: 7; Has a 1/2 chance of causing afraid on attacks; suitable for rogues, artisans, beast warriors, harlots, marauders and necromancers.)
Artifacts: Cloak of Blood Magic (+5 ether, attacks made with darkness magic cause weakened; suitable for mages, necromancers and chi monks; bodywear), Magician's Gloves (Spellpower +10; suitable for mages; handwear), Venomari Helmet (SP:2, absorb poison as health; helmet), Bad Luck Charm (Makes the sorcerer’s spells - including Razzmatazz and Sleight of Hand - cause an additional jinxed-effect, increasing their ether cost by 1; suitable for sorcerers; accessory), Watt's Artifact (Makes the user’s attacks and spells three times more effective against demons; accessory), Robe Of The Archmagi (SP:3, Max. Ether + 5, immune to sealed; bodywear)  Rich Man's Shirt (suitable for anyone, +5HP, +10 ether; bodywear), Rich man's trousers (suitable for anyone, immune to Jinxed and Bound; footwear)
Spell Items: Opal (Ice), Garnet (Earth), Amethyst (Darkness), Aquamarine (Water)
Consumables: 2x Remedy, 6x Mead, 2x Nostrum, 3x Smelling Salt, 2x Tonic, 2x Phoenix Essence, Danab's Apple (Revives all fallen party members, restores full health and ether to the whole party and removes all negative effects from them; consumable), Soma, Poison Bomb, Seal Bomb, Smoke Bomb, 2x Deadly Venom, 7 Bones, Forbidden Apple (has a half chance of causing blinded or transcended to the user),
Tools, etc: Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Magnifying Glass, Telescope, Magic Compass, Blue Jelly, "Fifty Shades of Bley" (Grants access to Harlot), "Begone With the Winds" (Grants access to Weather Mage), Black Market Insignia (Allows the owner to seek out a black market dealer from any city they visit on a quest, as decided by the QM.), Vindicator's Seal (Grants access to the Vindicator expert job class; cannot be given away)
0d825d83-ba7e-453f-b4cc-22d12430c2fe_zps0b0c6c04.jpg Siercon (Siercon and Coral)
Male, Wraith (Visual appearance of hollow black smoke in human form.)
Level 26 Battlemage (Darkness to all Attacks; Immune to Darkness, Asleep) *Encouraged* *Immune to Ice*
Power Bonus: +9 (# of Enemies)
Defense: 9 (Dark Phibbian Cloak +5, Robes +4) (+3 Flagpole)
Health: 23/39 (5 base + 24 lvl + 5 class + 4 robes)
Ether: 32/32 (5 base + 24 lvl + 1 class)
Gold: 305
-Dark Phibbian Cloak (SP:5, Adds Darkness-element to attacks and protects from darkness, suitable for magic users, body wear, Immune to Sleep,)
-Telethia's Robes (black robes that Telethia wore into battle. SP: 4, Max HP +4, backwear.)
-Immortal Essence (+1 power for every enemy still standing. Accesory.)
-Giant Spear (WP:17, causes Bleeding 5, Hollow upgrade [Potion Stored])
Gems: Topaz (Lightning), Diamond (Light), Ruby (Fire), Emerald (Wood), Sapphire (Wind), Aquamarine
Bombs: 7x Bone (Distracts monster for 1 turn when thrown)
Consumables: 3 Remedies, 1 Tonic, Everlasting Venom (Adds Poisoned +10 effect to one weapon permanently; consumable) 2 Meads, smelling salts, Nostrum, Skeleton Decoy, Venom, Feather of White (Allows the user to hide for up to three rounds, avoiding Free Hits. The effect ends if the user targets an enemy, Consumable), x3 Grand Tonic, x3 Potion
Inventory: Scroll of Magic Disguise, Crystow Feather (half damage from Electric and Flying type enemies, accessory), Sylvania's Cowl (Artifact, Head Wear, Animal Talk)
Tools: Magic Compass, Shovel, Magnifying Glass, Decamodifier, Telescope
For Sale: (Message if interested): Hood of the Dark Druid (wearer absorbs Wood- and Darkness-elemental damage; headwear, suitable for druids only), Sanctified Rito Spear, (WP:4, doubled against Flying enemies, Hollow upgrade [Potion Stored])
Decamon: 3x Mud Frog (Rock 2), 3x Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), 2x Woodwose (Plant 7), Treant (Plant 9), 2x Unicorn (Luminous 5), Will-o'-Wisp (Fiery 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1)
Quest: (Good Rep: Shadeaux, Rito, Bonapartes); 1 Feather from each of these Eschaton's Generals: Telethia, Glaz, and Charon's Black archangel wings.
Glory Points: 151

Darksten (Comrade Commander) *Immune to poisoned, bleeding, cursed, jinxed, blinded* *Inspired*
36 year old male human Assassin
Level 25.66
Power Bonus: 3 (+3 [Sungold Seal])
Health: 48/48 95/96 (6 [base health] + 26 [level] + 5 [advanced class] + 1 [drumstick] + 5 [raw meat] + 1 [Quest #153 Reward] + 2 [Sungold Seal] +4 [Feathered Hat])
Defense: 2 (+3 Flagpole)
Gold: 1581
GP: 46
Equipment: Composite Bow (WP:11, ignores defense, bow)Sand Worm Hide (SP: 2, bodywear), Tribal Amulet (Wearer is immune to poisoned, bleeding, cursed, jinxed, and blinded; suitable to barbarians, rangers, beast warriors; accessory); Sungold Seal (+3 Power, +2 Health); Feathered Hat (Max. health +4; a consumable item named “feather” can be stored in the hat and used without spending a turn during battles, comes equipped with [Feather of Lithe]; headwear)
Inventory: Weapons: Spider String Bow (WP: 4, darkness-elemental bow), Crossbow (WP:6), Fang Dagger (WP:5, deals double damage to beasts; dagger), Pongcanis Crossbow (WP:8, crossbow)(loaned from Matthias), Rusty Dagger (WP: 2, Poisoned -2)
Artifacts: Vampire Cape (Halves damage from undead enemies; backwear); Safety Blanket (SP:1, protects from Afraid, backwear)
Spell Items: N/A
Consumables: 5x Potion, 5x Grand Potion, Health Core, 4x Remedy, Elixir, 2x Phoenix Essence, 1x Smelling Salt, 6x Mead, 3x Nostrum, Soma, Ambrosia, Root Beer (Restores 10 health, or can be used as a bomb against undead enemies for 20 damage. The Root Beer does not affect non-undead enemies), Aeolus Bomb, Neptune Bomb, Floral Bomb, x1 Lightning Bomb, Smoke Bomb, 6x Venom, Deadly Venom, 5x Bone, Gold Ring (worth 15 gold; can be given to someone to make them enamored with the giver), 4x Shattering Arrow (Lowers Enemy SP by 5, suitable for classes with bows and crossbows)
Tools: Bedroll, Pickaxe, Shovel, Magnifying Glass, Telescope, Magic Compass, Cornocopia (Increases the holder’s gold by 25% at the end of each quest.)

Annienal Anavir (Kintobor)
"20" year old elven female *Bonaparte Reputation* *Immune to Sudden Death, and Fragile. Immune to Earth* *Takes Half Damage from Elemental Attacks* *Reinforced*
Level 20.66 Mystic Knight
Power Bonus: 0
Defense: 20 40 (9+5+3+3)
Health: 34/34
Ether: 23/23
Gold: 14
Equipment: Hollow Flagpole (WP:12, +3 SP to the whole party whenever equipped, Hollow (Grand Potion), lance), Crescent Shield (SP:9, Halved Damage from Elemental Attacks, shield), Heavy Armour (SP: 5, immunity to fragile, body wear, suitable for barbarians, knights, dragoons, skirmishers, regulators, and vindicators), Lethauros Fellwings (SP: 3, wearer is immune to sudden death, back wear), Locustoid Greaves (Max Ether +4, immune to Earth elemental attacks, footwear, suitable for ether users)
Inventory: Bonaparte Cutlass (WP:11, doubled if the user has reputation with the Bonapartes: longsword), Ammit (WP: 6, user gains 5 ether on kills, great sword), Anointed Gladius (WP: 8, deals damage to undead, great sword), Sanctified Rito Longsword (WP: 4, hits doubled against flying enemies, longsword), Gnarled Wand (WP: 7, Wood elemental, wand), Training Sword (WP: 4, longsword), Sharks Tooth (Power increased by 5 when attacking an aquatic enemy, accessory), Tridentian Cape (Max ether +3, protects from the blind effect, back wear, suitable for mages, clerics, necromancers, and scholars), Tobacco Pouch (1/2 chance to blind enemies with attacks, accessory), Cauldrons (SP: 2, accessory, suitable for knights, dragoons, and skirmishers), Lethauros Mask (SP: 2, wearer deals double damage to beasts and vermin, headwear, suitable for everyone), Tapshoes (Has a 1/6 chance of dealing the enamoured effect on each attack, Footwear), Captains Leather Helm (Provides immunity to stunned, blinded, and sealed, headwear, suitable for cannoneers, Rangers, Rogues, and Marauders), Ring of Hopeful True Love (Max. Ether +3; immunity to enamoured and fire, suitable for Annienal), Heavy Armour #2 (SP: 5, immunity to fragile, body wear, suitable for barbarians, knights, dragoons, skirmishers, regulators, and vindicators)
Emerald (Wood), Sapphire (Wind), Amethyst (Darkness), Topaz (Lightning), Ruby (Fire), x2 Mythril Shard
Consumables: 2x Potions, Grand Potion, Tonic, Grand Tonic, 4x Remedies, Venom, Smoke Bomb, Fire Bomb, Bedroll, Shovel, Telescope, Pickaxe, 4x Depleted Ether Cores (Restores half of users Ether upon consumption), Wine from the Vine (Consumable, restores full health and confuses consumer), Tiger Balm, Phoenix Essence, 2x Dragon Scale (grants lucky and blessed effects when consumed), Mead
Scrolls: Scroll of Fire Warding (1/2 chance to make target immune to fire elemental attacks for the duration of one battle. Costs 1 ether per casting.), Scroll of Ice Warding (1/2 chance to make target immune to ice elemental attacks for the duration of one battle. Costs 1 ether per casting.), Scroll of Water Warding (1/2 chance to make target immune to water elemental attacks for the duration of one battle. Costs 1 ether per casting.), Scroll of Wood Warding (1/2 chance to make target immune to wood elemental attacks for the duration of one battle. Costs 1 ether per casting.), Lapis Lamp of Summoning (Summons djinn Mayrene to conjure an etherial barrier around the target at the cost of 5 ether, giving them a 50/50 chance to avoid Damage, Free Hits, and Special Damage. The barrier dissipates when the target takes damage from any source.), Scroll of the Dragon's Roar (Causes Stunned and Burning-5 to the target 50/50 chance of success, costs 2 ether)
Roleplay: Underdeveloped Organ (A curious organ from the felled dragon Lethauros.)

ava-largus.png Commodore Martin Largus
Ability: Martin Largus can use one item from anyone's inventory each round at no extra cost to that hero.

As his arrow slams into its target, a smile starts to form on the assassin's face. It grows slightly wider as he watches the knight get knocked around a bit too. The scene at the bar hadn't played out as he had expected, but the whore had distracted them enough and made himself the bigger idiot, so Darksten was happy she wasn't getting hurt. Perhaps he could spin it as him having saved her with his drink? First he had to keep up his advantage though...

Darksten repeats from the back row

Heckz repeats.

Annienal shields herself from several Bugbear attacks, moving them away with a swift motion from her shield.

"Largus, perhaps, maybe, you could, um, pass me the Mead in my bag? I'd, um, appreciate it it. At least, um, if Althior agrees..."

Annienal continues to target the Bugbear Casters from the front row.

Siercon siphons off the potion from his staff and repeats

Althior repeats, healing with his boon rod then attacking with his scepter. Largus uses mead on Annienal. Same Battle Order.

  • Author

Round Two Pongcanis Bandits Battle
Largus uses Annienal's Mead on Annienal
>Althior heals himself - Failure/Failure
>Althior (Darkness) v. Sharpshooter - Special Damage/Special Damage (Althior KO'd, 64 Damage Heckz, Heckz KO'd)
Annienal (Fire) v. Bugbear Caster - Enchant (-13 ether, Flagpole 13 WP)
Siercon Uses Potion in Hollow Space
Siercon (Fire) v. Healer - Shield ([12+17+26]*2=110 Damage (Divided by 10 for Charmer)(Divided by 2 ranged fighters), Bleeding -5) (55*2*2=220 Damage All Enemies, -8 Ether (Divided by 4 for Charmer))
>Darksten v. Healer -  Assassination (1,2 - Archer KO'd) (50 Gold Gained)

Free Hits
Charmer v. Annienal - 36-40=0

The Sharpshooter fires at the heroes, piercing both Alithior and Heckz, who both stumble to the side of the rood but do not, thankfully, burst into lames like Filip before them. In a huge sweeping ring of fire and blows, Siercon clears most of the Bugbears.

The Enemies

av-pongcaniswarlock.png Pongcanis Charmer
Beast Ethereal
*Immune to Sealed, Confused, Jinxed and Sudden Death*
Level: 36
Health: 714/760
Special: Mind Control - The Pongcanis deals hexed to the hero and the hero directly below the hero.
Passive Special: Bugbear King - All damage dealt to the Pongcanis Charmer is divided by the number of Bugbear (mobs) currently in the battle (4). If the Charmer is defeated, each Bugbear has a 1/2 chance to flee at the end of each round.
Drops: Pongcanis Charms

heroicafog-monster-bugbearhealer.jpgBugbear Healer
*Ranged, fights from the back row*
Type: Beast
Level: 7
Health: 81/96 
Special: Bear Hug – Restores 30 health to self and all allies.
Drops: Potion

The Heroes

18679652234_a20d7689fc_t.jpgAlthior Emorith, The Dragonslayer (K-Nut)
36 years old male (undead) human Prophet
Level 57.4 *Clairvoyance* *Glossolalia* *Intimidation* *Permanently Transcended and Hastened*Immune to Petrified, Cursed, Bound, and Slowed* *Absorbs Earth* *Immune to Ice and Darkness* *KO'd*
Power Bonus: +3 Spellpower Bonus: +18
Defense: 11 (+3 Flagpole) (5+6)
Health: 0/91 (5+56+15+1+1+5+5+2)
Ether: 106/106 (5+56+15+10+15+2+2)
Gold: 4094
GP: 14
Equipment: Mythril Scepter of Divine Affinity (WP:35, Has ⅙ chance to deal cursed effect on successful spells and ⅙ chance to deal blessed effect on successful healing, staff), Gloves of the Aspirant Zieg-Friend (Spellpower +5, Max Ether +5; suitable to those with reputation with the Ziegfrieds only, if reputation is great, values doubled, if reputation is outstanding, values tripled; handwear), Winged Sandals (protects from bound and slowed effects, footwear), Garuda Wings (Makes the user permanently hastened; Power +50 to winged warriors; backwear), Robes of Illumination (SP: 5, +10 Max Ether, wearer is permanently transcended, suitable to prophets; bodywear), The Black Hat (wearer is immune to cursed, grants Intimidation), Sungold Medallion (+3 Power, +2 Health), Warlord’s Helmet (SP:6, healing through ether in a battle encourages targets as well, suitable to clerics and chi monks; headwear), Medal of Glory (Wearer earns triple experience; accessory), Counterstrike Gloves (if the wearer is damaged by a free hit, they counter with strength equal to their level; handwear),
Weapons: Staff of the Supreme Necromancer (WP:25; damages undead; +5 level to raised undead; suitable to necromancers; staff), Boon Rod (WP:22; healing is guaranteed to restore health at least equal to WP at cost of one ether; staff, suitable to clerics), Scorching Staff (WP:20; attacks and fire elemental spells deal blinded; fire elemental staff), Doom Axe (WP:19, has 1/6 chance to cause doomed; axe), Bone Saw (WP:17, causes weakened and fragile to humanoids, beasts, vermin and flying enemies; longsword), 
Artifacts: Lieutenant's Helm (SP:4, protects from fragile; headwear), Feathered Hat (Max Health +4; a consumable item named 'feather' can be stored in the hat and used without spending a turn during battles; comes equipped with [Feather of Lithe]; headgear), Pink Ribbon (Max Ether +3, grants immunity to sealed, afraid, and doomed; accessory), Lens of Speed Reading (allows one scroll to be used per round in addition to a normal action, suitable for classes that have ether; accessory), Coat Hanger (allows wearing a second bodywear artifact regardless of the amount limit for artifacts; accessory), Robe of the Seneschal (SP:5; wearer absorbs earth-elemental damage and is immune to petrified, ice, and darkness elemental damage; suitable to clerics, mages, chi monks, necromancers, scholars, and weather mages; bodywear),
Spell Items: Ruby (Fire), 2x Aquamarine (Water), Garnet (Earth), Sapphire (Wind), Opal (Ice), Topaz (Lightning), Emerald (Wood), Diamond (Light), Amethyst (Darkness), Ethereal Amethyst (Darkness, deals blinded) Scroll of Frailty (Enables casting the fragile-effect to the target, causing it to take double damage for the next three rounds. Each casting has a 50/50 chance of success and costs 1 ether.), Scroll of Love (Enables casting the enamored-effect to the target, making it unable to damage the caster for three rounds. Each casting has a 50/50 chance of success and costs 1 ether.), Scroll of Luck (Enables casting the lucky-effect to the target for one battle. Each casting has a 50/50 chance and costs 10 ether.), Begone With The Winds (Grants the holder access to the Weather Mage expert job class upon reaching Level 30), Geode
Consumables: 3 Potions, 10 Grand Potions, Greater Potion (Restores 50 health to the target.), 6 Tonics, 4 Grand Tonics, 4 Ether Cores, 6 Remedies, 2 Elixirs, Phoenix Incense, 9 Meads, 4 Nostrums, Smoke Bomb, Rudra Bomb, Venom, Garnet Lamp of Summoning, Skeleton Decoy, Feather of Lithe (Makes the user nimble for three rounds), Feather of Flight (Allows the user to flee from the battle when used.), 2 Milks (restores 15 health and 15 ether upon consumption), Cup of Asmodeus (Max. health +6 but power -6 when merged into an artifact at a smithy.), Pumpkin Bomb (Causes stunned-, poisoned by 1-, asleep-, blinded-, sealed- and confused-effects to all opponents when used.)
Tools etc.: Bedroll, Pickaxe, Magnifying Glass, 4 Bones, Deaddy Bear (Causes 45 damage and doomed but has 1/6 chance to break whenever used), Sauce Pan (Tool; Can be used with a Potion, outside of battle, once per quest to restore full HP), Cornucopia (increases the holder's gold by 25% at the end of each quest)

31039225633_9f7006b89e_t.jpgJohn 'Heckz' Brutenhal, the Ghostbuster, the Super Sleuth, the School Inspector and the Matchmaker (Cutcobra)

32 year old male human Harlot *Immune to Poisoned* *Immune to Free Hits unless last hero standing* *False* *KO'd*
Level 30.5
Power Bonus: +3
Defense: 2 (+3 Flagpole)
Health: 0/39 (5+29+4+2)
Ether: 46/46 (5+29+1+5+1+5)
Gold: 2598
Equipment: Solemn Dagger (WP: 12, darkness-elemental dagger, 1/2 chance of causing sealed), Harlot's Outfit (SP: 2, immune to poisoned; suitable for Witches, Sorcerers and Harlots; bodywear/footwear), False Lips (Rolling Pleasure House and KISS AND MAKE UP causes poisoned by 5 in addition to other effects, suitable for harlots only, accessory.), Buffoon's Hat (Prevents anyone from taking the wearer seriously; protects from Free Hits unless the wearer is the last hero standing; headwear), Sungold Medallion (+3 Power, +2 Health)
Weapons: Weatherfax Broom (WP:25, makes weather forecasts instant instead of being applied at the end of the round, broomstick), Rawr (WP:9, dagger), Wand (WP:5; suitable for mages, necromancers and scholars.), Bone Whip (WP:9, damages undead, whip), Assassin’s Crossbow (WP:4, each successful assassination increases WP by one permanently; suitable to assassins; crossbow), Torn Whip (WP: 7; Has a 1/2 chance of causing afraid on attacks; suitable for rogues, artisans, beast warriors, harlots, marauders and necromancers.)
Artifacts: Cloak of Blood Magic (+5 ether, attacks made with darkness magic cause weakened; suitable for mages, necromancers and chi monks; bodywear), Magician's Gloves (Spellpower +10; suitable for mages; handwear), Venomari Helmet (SP:2, absorb poison as health; helmet), Bad Luck Charm (Makes the sorcerer’s spells - including Razzmatazz and Sleight of Hand - cause an additional jinxed-effect, increasing their ether cost by 1; suitable for sorcerers; accessory), Watt's Artifact (Makes the user’s attacks and spells three times more effective against demons; accessory), Robe Of The Archmagi (SP:3, Max. Ether + 5, immune to sealed; bodywear)  Rich Man's Shirt (suitable for anyone, +5HP, +10 ether; bodywear), Rich man's trousers (suitable for anyone, immune to Jinxed and Bound; footwear)
Spell Items: Opal (Ice), Garnet (Earth), Amethyst (Darkness), Aquamarine (Water)
Consumables: 2x Remedy, 6x Mead, 2x Nostrum, 3x Smelling Salt, 2x Tonic, 2x Phoenix Essence, Danab's Apple (Revives all fallen party members, restores full health and ether to the whole party and removes all negative effects from them; consumable), Soma, Poison Bomb, Seal Bomb, Smoke Bomb, 2x Deadly Venom, 7 Bones, Forbidden Apple (has a half chance of causing blinded or transcended to the user),
Tools, etc: Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Magnifying Glass, Telescope, Magic Compass, Blue Jelly, "Fifty Shades of Bley" (Grants access to Harlot), "Begone With the Winds" (Grants access to Weather Mage), Black Market Insignia (Allows the owner to seek out a black market dealer from any city they visit on a quest, as decided by the QM.), Vindicator's Seal (Grants access to the Vindicator expert job class; cannot be given away)
0d825d83-ba7e-453f-b4cc-22d12430c2fe_zps0b0c6c04.jpg Siercon (Siercon and Coral)
Male, Wraith (Visual appearance of hollow black smoke in human form.)
Level 26 Battlemage (Darkness to all Attacks; Immune to Darkness, Asleep) *Encouraged* *Immune to Ice*
Power Bonus: +11 (# of Enemies)
Defense: 9 (Dark Phibbian Cloak +5, Robes +4) (+3 Flagpole)
Health: 33/39 (5 base + 24 lvl + 5 class + 4 robes)
Ether: 26/32 (5 base + 24 lvl + 1 class)
Gold: 305
-Dark Phibbian Cloak (SP:5, Adds Darkness-element to attacks and protects from darkness, suitable for magic users, body wear, Immune to Sleep,)
-Telethia's Robes (black robes that Telethia wore into battle. SP: 4, Max HP +4, backwear.)
-Immortal Essence (+1 power for every enemy still standing. Accesory.)
-Giant Spear (WP:17, causes Bleeding 5, Hollow upgrade [---])
Gems: Topaz (Lightning), Diamond (Light), Ruby (Fire), Emerald (Wood), Sapphire (Wind), Aquamarine
Bombs: 7x Bone (Distracts monster for 1 turn when thrown)
Consumables: 3 Remedies, 1 Tonic, Everlasting Venom (Adds Poisoned +10 effect to one weapon permanently; consumable) 2 Meads, smelling salts, Nostrum, Skeleton Decoy, Venom, Feather of White (Allows the user to hide for up to three rounds, avoiding Free Hits. The effect ends if the user targets an enemy, Consumable), x3 Grand Tonic, x3 Potion
Inventory: Scroll of Magic Disguise, Crystow Feather (half damage from Electric and Flying type enemies, accessory), Sylvania's Cowl (Artifact, Head Wear, Animal Talk)
Tools: Magic Compass, Shovel, Magnifying Glass, Decamodifier, Telescope
For Sale: (Message if interested): Hood of the Dark Druid (wearer absorbs Wood- and Darkness-elemental damage; headwear, suitable for druids only), Sanctified Rito Spear, (WP:4, doubled against Flying enemies, Hollow upgrade [Potion Stored])
Decamon: 3x Mud Frog (Rock 2), 3x Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), 2x Woodwose (Plant 7), Treant (Plant 9), 2x Unicorn (Luminous 5), Will-o'-Wisp (Fiery 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1)
Quest: (Good Rep: Shadeaux, Rito, Bonapartes); 1 Feather from each of these Eschaton's Generals: Telethia, Glaz, and Charon's Black archangel wings.
Glory Points: 151

Darksten (Comrade Commander) *Immune to poisoned, bleeding, cursed, jinxed, blinded* *Inspired*
36 year old male human Assassin
Level 25.66
Power Bonus: 3 (+3 [Sungold Seal])
Health: 48/48 95/96 (6 [base health] + 26 [level] + 5 [advanced class] + 1 [drumstick] + 5 [raw meat] + 1 [Quest #153 Reward] + 2 [Sungold Seal] +4 [Feathered Hat])
Defense: 2 (+3 Flagpole)
Gold: 1631
GP: 46
Equipment: Composite Bow (WP:11, ignores defense, bow)Sand Worm Hide (SP: 2, bodywear), Tribal Amulet (Wearer is immune to poisoned, bleeding, cursed, jinxed, and blinded; suitable to barbarians, rangers, beast warriors; accessory); Sungold Seal (+3 Power, +2 Health); Feathered Hat (Max. health +4; a consumable item named “feather” can be stored in the hat and used without spending a turn during battles, comes equipped with [Feather of Lithe]; headwear)
Inventory: Weapons: Spider String Bow (WP: 4, darkness-elemental bow), Crossbow (WP:6), Fang Dagger (WP:5, deals double damage to beasts; dagger), Pongcanis Crossbow (WP:8, crossbow)(loaned from Matthias), Rusty Dagger (WP: 2, Poisoned -2)
Artifacts: Vampire Cape (Halves damage from undead enemies; backwear); Safety Blanket (SP:1, protects from Afraid, backwear)
Spell Items: N/A
Consumables: 5x Potion, 5x Grand Potion, Health Core, 4x Remedy, Elixir, 2x Phoenix Essence, 1x Smelling Salt, 6x Mead, 3x Nostrum, Soma, Ambrosia, Root Beer (Restores 10 health, or can be used as a bomb against undead enemies for 20 damage. The Root Beer does not affect non-undead enemies), Aeolus Bomb, Neptune Bomb, Floral Bomb, x1 Lightning Bomb, Smoke Bomb, 6x Venom, Deadly Venom, 5x Bone, Gold Ring (worth 15 gold; can be given to someone to make them enamored with the giver), 4x Shattering Arrow (Lowers Enemy SP by 5, suitable for classes with bows and crossbows)
Tools: Bedroll, Pickaxe, Shovel, Magnifying Glass, Telescope, Magic Compass, Cornocopia (Increases the holder’s gold by 25% at the end of each quest.)

Annienal Anavir (Kintobor)
"20" year old elven female *Bonaparte Reputation* *Immune to Sudden Death, and Fragile. Immune to Earth* *Takes Half Damage from Elemental Attacks* *Reinforced* *Encouraged*
Level 20.66 Mystic Knight
Power Bonus: 0
Defense: 20 40 (9+5+3+3)
Health: 34/34
Ether: 10/23
Gold: 14
Equipment: Hollow Flagpole (WP:13, +3 SP to the whole party whenever equipped, Hollow (Grand Potion), lance), Crescent Shield (SP:9, Halved Damage from Elemental Attacks, shield), Heavy Armour (SP: 5, immunity to fragile, body wear, suitable for barbarians, knights, dragoons, skirmishers, regulators, and vindicators), Lethauros Fellwings (SP: 3, wearer is immune to sudden death, back wear), Locustoid Greaves (Max Ether +4, immune to Earth elemental attacks, footwear, suitable for ether users)
Inventory: Bonaparte Cutlass (WP:11, doubled if the user has reputation with the Bonapartes: longsword), Ammit (WP: 6, user gains 5 ether on kills, great sword), Anointed Gladius (WP: 8, deals damage to undead, great sword), Sanctified Rito Longsword (WP: 4, hits doubled against flying enemies, longsword), Gnarled Wand (WP: 7, Wood elemental, wand), Training Sword (WP: 4, longsword), Sharks Tooth (Power increased by 5 when attacking an aquatic enemy, accessory), Tridentian Cape (Max ether +3, protects from the blind effect, back wear, suitable for mages, clerics, necromancers, and scholars), Tobacco Pouch (1/2 chance to blind enemies with attacks, accessory), Cauldrons (SP: 2, accessory, suitable for knights, dragoons, and skirmishers), Lethauros Mask (SP: 2, wearer deals double damage to beasts and vermin, headwear, suitable for everyone), Tapshoes (Has a 1/6 chance of dealing the enamoured effect on each attack, Footwear), Captains Leather Helm (Provides immunity to stunned, blinded, and sealed, headwear, suitable for cannoneers, Rangers, Rogues, and Marauders), Ring of Hopeful True Love (Max. Ether +3; immunity to enamoured and fire, suitable for Annienal), Heavy Armour #2 (SP: 5, immunity to fragile, body wear, suitable for barbarians, knights, dragoons, skirmishers, regulators, and vindicators)
Emerald (Wood), Sapphire (Wind), Amethyst (Darkness), Topaz (Lightning), Ruby (Fire), x2 Mythril Shard
Consumables: 2x Potions, Grand Potion, Tonic, Grand Tonic, 4x Remedies, Venom, Smoke Bomb, Fire Bomb, Bedroll, Shovel, Telescope, Pickaxe, 4x Depleted Ether Cores (Restores half of users Ether upon consumption), Wine from the Vine (Consumable, restores full health and confuses consumer), Tiger Balm, Phoenix Essence, 2x Dragon Scale (grants lucky and blessed effects when consumed)
Scrolls: Scroll of Fire Warding (1/2 chance to make target immune to fire elemental attacks for the duration of one battle. Costs 1 ether per casting.), Scroll of Ice Warding (1/2 chance to make target immune to ice elemental attacks for the duration of one battle. Costs 1 ether per casting.), Scroll of Water Warding (1/2 chance to make target immune to water elemental attacks for the duration of one battle. Costs 1 ether per casting.), Scroll of Wood Warding (1/2 chance to make target immune to wood elemental attacks for the duration of one battle. Costs 1 ether per casting.), Lapis Lamp of Summoning (Summons djinn Mayrene to conjure an etherial barrier around the target at the cost of 5 ether, giving them a 50/50 chance to avoid Damage, Free Hits, and Special Damage. The barrier dissipates when the target takes damage from any source.), Scroll of the Dragon's Roar (Causes Stunned and Burning-5 to the target 50/50 chance of success, costs 2 ether)
Roleplay: Underdeveloped Organ (A curious organ from the felled dragon Lethauros.)

ava-largus.png Commodore Martin Largus
Ability: Martin Largus can use one item from anyone's inventory each round at no extra cost to that hero.

Heckz throws a glare at Althior before doing what he is wont to do in every fight and falling to the ground.

OoC: Why is the Sharpshooter gone?


With the smell of burning fur filling the air, Darksten watches as the creatures fall to the flames and his arrows. With few enemies remaining, Darksten shifts targets.

Darksten attacks charmer from the back

"Commodore, could you take the Phoenix Essence from the harlot (Heckz) and use it on our undead friend (Althior)?" the assassin says with a bit of a smile as he sees a way to revenge the stolen room


Ooc: Can the Commodore use items from KO'd members inventory? (Aka rummage through their pockets as they lay limp on the ground)

Edited by Comrade Commander
Might as well get an action in to expedite quest

  • Author
6 hours ago, Cutcobra said:

OoC: Why is the Sharpshooter gone?

OoC: Because Siercon murdered the shiz out of the enemy party.

And Comrade Commander, I'm not strictly opposed to it but I feel a little bad allowing you to steal from Heckz. If it was the only option available, I may be more lenient, but there are lots of others with a Phoenix Essence...

Darksten saw the honorable Hinckwell hesitate at going into the pockets of the harlot and sympathized with with him as certainly no one could ever want to go into that man's pants. So the assassin spoke out, attempting to give the man some cover...

"You heard him say he was 100% behind serving the alliance so he should have no issue if you borrow it. But you can use one of mine on the prophet if you prefer. Just try not to throw of my aim when you are retrieving it from my pack please"


Ooc: haha, fair enough. It was worth a shot for role play, but alas I am stopped by the kinder powers to be. Lol! Nothing against you Cutcobra, I would have made sure you received a replacement through a third party after the quest was over.

Edited by Comrade Commander

"Ah more like it!"

Siercon repeats his attack on the healer from the front row.

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