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Congratulations. You have decided to join the Block Block Contest. That was a very wise decision on your part.

Make sure you go through this checklist before submitting your entry:

Entry Checklist:

  • Only three pictures per entry.
  • The first picture in your entry post should be the overall shot that you would want included in the collage for the voting poll.
  • Entry must be accompanied with a design team pitch, including:
    1. set name
    2. piece count
    3. MSRP (Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price)
    4. full description (including relation to overall theme)
    5. and a theme name

See full contest rules here.

Post only entries here. Discuss the entries here. Any non-entry posts will be deleted...

Theme - The Studio

Set - 0037 Evolution of Stauder

MSRP - 8 - 12 $

Descreption - Re-Create the evoltuion of Stauder's SigFig! From Storm Trooper to Interviewer! Comes with all you need to run a mini Studio! Includes - Stormie Stauder, Red Stauder, White Stauder, Camera man, Evil ImperialShadows, and Larry The Pikeman!




Hope it makes you giggle at least :-P



Here's my entry. I don't know how to make the words like Stauder did, but you can live without them. X-D

Here's the overall set.


Don't fall for the trap!


Can't forget the minifigs!



Help! Help! The evil lord jung Li has kidnapped a civilian, even worse, he has the princess with him too!

Does Max have what it takes to rescue them? Burst into action and save the princess and girl in this action packed adventure. Watch out for the hidden trap along the stairs!

Set incudes trash can, Secret door, and other accessories.

Includes Jung Li, Civilian, Princess Maddie, Max and two evil henchmen! 8-

Edited by Exobuilder

Hey, here's mine:

The set:


Scared Eurobricks newbies, scared dropping their weapons and running away:


The figs:


From left to right: Robo-Sinner, random Pirate forum member, random Theater forum member, random City forum member, zero1312 and Exobuilder. Also includes the members weapons.

Description: Some new members have joined Eurobricks and zero1312 and Exobuilder are going to say their welcoming words. Suddenly Robo-Sinner, Sinner's evil robotic clone attacks the newbies. Are our experienced builders able to counter this threat? You decide!

Theme name: Eurobricks Stories

Set name: 1234 Robo-Sinner's Rampage

MSRP: 10 - 15$

Piece count: 70 parts

Edited by zero1312

Block Block presents

Mortal Street Admin Fighters Combat

317 pieces, 59




Theme Name: Total Garbage :-D

Set Name: The Litter Bug Walker

Pcs count: 193

MSRP: $29.99

Can the Litter Police stop the Trashers!? Join in the battle to help the girl band and the litter police team (girl in white/guy in blue) vanquish the Trasher Team! They are out on the loose, trying to spew trash through the streets in their fierce Litter Bug Walker! Armed with a trash ray and Can Mechas, they will stop at nothing! Who win will? Include Walker, street, 2 mini Can Mechas and 7 minifigures!




Good luck guys! *y*

Keep in mind these are preliminary sets:

Theme: Dancing Momo Cacti Kittens

Set Name: Penguin Death Door vs the Crossdressing Lightning Babe and Co.

Piece count: 199

MSRP: $5.73 AU

Oh No! The evil Penguin Overlord rides in on his Rolling Death Door of Doom, accompanied by his sinister henchman Orange-globe-headed-jet-pack-wielding-crazy-but-lovable-guy, who mans the Totally Unnecessary Quadruple Technic Shooter Thingy! X-O They are on a mission to invade the Holy Toilet Block, where in live the wise turd monster and his pet rat, Tim.

Luckily, the Crossdressing Lightning Babe is there to save the day, but can she do this without her friend Samantha, who is at that time of year when Popcorn begins exploding out her backside? Further more, can she draw power from the blue rock with a red hat in time? Will she be able to save the trash dwelling Yoda creep?

Maybe Extendo shark Head man can help! You decide!


Toilet Block includes turd monster and pet rat Tim. Totally Unnecessary Quadruple Shooter Thingy actually shoots unnecessarily! X-O

Extendo Sharkhead Man really comes with a sharkhead and broom.

Rolling Death Door of Doom actually rolls and does not much else!

Includes Limited Special edition Popcorn Samantha for loads of Popcorn Butt Explosion action!


Includes Holy Toilet Block, Rolling Death Door, Shooter Thingy, Trash Home, Blue Rock and Popcorn Backside Leakage kits.

Also comes with Penguin, Orange Globe Guy, Extendo Sharkhead Man and Crossdressing Lightning Babe minifigures.


Enjoy the third set in the Dancing Momo Cacti Kittens theme! *sweet*

Batbrick Something! *wacko*

Edited by Batbrick

Here is my entry:


The revenge of the mad Exoforce guy!


The Minifigs(from left to right):jelly alien girlband,mad Exoforce guy,black Spartan,Jimmy the hero and the drunk guy.

MSRP: 19,99$

Enjoy the useless crap theme! :-)

Edit:Removed some of pics.

Edited by Stealth Hunter

Time to post my entry *sweet*

Box art


Minifigs detail and theme name


Extra detail


Description and Co.:

Warehoure confrontation

Will Strider Hiryu be able to defeat the powerful robot Gorilla and stop the Dark Boss for good?

- Includes Strider Hiryu minifig, Dark Boss minifig, White Lady minifig and 3 girl band minifigs.

- Robot Gorilla stands 15 centimeters tall.

Set number - 1958

Pieces - 350

Price - $40 /

...and now for something completely different.




Set Name: Balrog

Piece Count: 364

MSRP: $40 AUD ;-)

Set Description: While the Balrog was a huge ship, this version is just a light fighter styled to resemble the Flying Fortress. For some odd reason we decided to include a walrus. The ship has many details, such as a removable front weapon module, retractable front landing gear, thrusters front and back, three rotating turrets and a Star Blazers rip-off front gun design. (You can see this ship in the background of both Block Block pictures. As to that ship being "Balrog", it's just a guess. :-$ It matches the description though!)

Theme: Game Ships. This theme will include iconic ships and vehicles from computer games. Companies who have agreed so far include Square, Capcom, Insomniac and Bungie.

NOTE: Packaging is not final yet. Market research has indicated that the set might be more popular if we include dancing girls and an overflowing bin...

So here's my attempt:


The theme is called 'space travelling pirates'.

The set is called 'the day they met hinckley on the beach'.

It has 82 pieces.

Suggested price is 0,50 US dollar.

I made a little promotion story to explain the story, enjoy!








So, that's it!

Vote for me, i can make it worth ya while! :-D

Theme - Block Invasion

Set - Blockington Battle

MSRP - 40$

Peice Count - 328

Description - The city stands in ruins! Your team faces a platoon of opposing Block enemies, when searching for an energy crystal. Can your mono-wheel, golden swords, and recycling abilities stop the wasteful Blockers in their fortified evil Garbage truck? Inculdes 8 figures, pleanty of weapons, accessories, monowheel, and garbage truck with teeth. You controll the battle.


X-D Note the garbage, garbage truck (sporting the baring teeth!) and the apocolytpic ruined wall in the backround. I love how it all came out, especially the monowheel - as that was something I've always wanted to do :-$ (pilot see's via a red camera and a display inside the wheel - picture here)


Here they are, all lined up. There are 8 figures in total - one more in the garbage truck of doom >:-)

Again note the bared teeth - the radio blasing music! - and the ruined wall with rebar showing on the left, and pleanty of holes. (and note the energy crystal hidden in a clam! this is what they are fighting over)


Heres a better shot of the wall. You can see the rebar again, radio, garbage (including a brush, so you can brush the kitty!) Also note the brown minifigure head on the palm tree, as a coconut! *wub* A finishing touch.

Full gallery here when moderated.

Hope you enjoyed X-D I tried to put in alot of detail while keeping it on a reasonable scale. I tried to make it purple infantry vs the grey Blockers. ;-) The I tried to keep it recognizeable to the first photo while putting in hints of my own, and trying to keep it set-like. Hope you like it :-P



theme name : Lego can't be bothered anymore.

age range= 7-99

peice count= roughly 220! X-D


  • 3 weeks later...

:-) Alright, here's my entry:

Theme name: Garbage Mechs.

Set name: Dipsy's hideout

Piece count: 219

MSRP: 20$

Description: Strider must defeat the cute but evil Dipsy before he destroys all old game systems and arcades! Dipsy has stolen the Garbage man salary to fund the destruction of all game systems which will erase Strider and his friends permanently X-O ! Of course noone here would care about ol' Strider and his friends unless Hinckley made an amazing one of him. And he did! So all EBers must help Strider face the Garbage mech and Dipsy's bodyguard to save the garbage fund! Which shouldn't be hard, after all, he is a Dipstick. :-|

Box art:


Includes play features and safe with money!


Here is the Bug Walker:


The Figs from left to right: Henchman, Dipsy, BobI, and garbage bot.


Enjoy! Wish I had good hair for the main Character, :'-( Though I will if I win!

Edited by kill will

Theme: Superbots Earth-Save

Set #: DDT12

Set Name: Recyclotron vs Compostia!

Piece Count: Approx 260

Price: $24.95 (AUD)


The evil Compostia uses her deadly weed-whip to convert the residents of Blocktown into zombie plant-slaves to guard the source of her power - the pink Poison Pod! As these poor souls decay from human to plant to skeleton, Compostia feasts on their delicious human nutrients. Can the valiant Max Tastic in his vaguely feline Recyclotron mulch Compostia before the entire population of Blocktown is devoured? Or will Compostia use her fatal flowergun to triumph against the forces of good? Only you decide! Superbots Earth-Save!

Relation to theme: This set is third of six sets in the first wave of Superbots Earth Save, ranging from a small $5 set to a $90 base. Each set features earth-friendly battle machine vs villainous polluter!

Minifigs: Max Tastic (pilot of the Recyclotron), Compostia, three human zombie plant-slaves and half a skellie.




Design Notes:- I wanted a set that Lego (in a parallel universe) might reasonably release and considered what the characteristics of a small-to-mid range set might be - simple build, medium number of pieces, some play value (eg moving legs of the Recyclotron), small building (brown wall), treasure (pink watering can), one 'good' battle machine vs one 'evil' battle machine

- I wanted to include recognisable Block Block design elements such as the brown wall and dancing figs to establish it as fitting recognisably within the Blocko-verse

- I wanted the Recyclotron to look vaguely cartoony and animal like to also fit in with the Block Block theme - hence the tail and the attempt at a vaguely Hello Kitty-like face on the Recyclotron. Don't know if this worked though :)

- And for anyone who is wondering why the Recyclotron is a mod of the Recycle Truck - I was short on time and thought doing a straight-out mod of something related to the theme I wanted to explore would be easier and more fun than trying summon inspiration from out of the blue. Within the limits of only using pieces from the set (apart from Max Tastic's Troll breastplate armour), I think it worked quite well!

Edited by svelte_corps


Now that Hinckley has bullied me into entering, I might as well give it a shot... ;-)

Theme Name: Hippy '63

Set Name: Assault on Garbage Tower



Set: Black Santa vs Ninja-Powered Evil Car

MSRP: $35

Pieces: 361

Description: No one is safe! Rocket will kill Santa! Seven minifigs and motorcycle! Go Santa Go!




No extended gallery (yet), but I do have a so-so shot of the car's interior


Theme: Trash Wars

Set Name: Lord Trash's Factory


Set Name: Bandits Surprise

Parts: 102 pieces

Price: $19.99

Theme Name: Wild Blockers

The story goes that one day up at the LEGO head quarters they decided to do a Block Block Capcom based theme. However the designers down in the set designing department got it wrong and made the mistake for creating WW sets again with the Block Block name. Now I present the changed Block Block theme set "Bandits surprise"! It features a lost confederate who has a gold train and goes through a pass only to be ambushed by a gang of bandits. It features a tower with duel shotguns and some cool other features

Thanks to tyger for the custom Decals! *sweet*


As you can see they planted dynamite and there goes Hinckley Soldier Guy flying! :-P



Well I said it was barely related to Block Block, plus I thought the set theme wasn't great so I built whatever .This was last minute and my original idea was better but never materialized.

Dear LEGO Design Team,

With this post I'd like to make a suggestion for a great new line of products! The theme's name is "Apocalyptica" and this is its premise:

In a post-apocalyptic world ruled by a mysterious Evil Sorcerer, a small group of resistance fighters who are trained in the art of Tonfa Kung Fu Fighting battle for justice and freedom! These rebels did not only survive the apocalypse which was caused by the Evil Sorcerer, but they have also been mutated by it! Each of them now posses some kind of supernatual ability: Hiryu, the leader, can run lightning-fast, Osaka, his best friend, has superhuman strength, and Kiki, the girl in the gang with a secret crush on Hiryu, has certain telepathic powers and can project various copies of herself around her to fool enemies! Recently, the Evil Sorcerer has been on a quest for specific rare stones called Hora Emeralds. Legend says that, once essembled, these 5 mystical stones enable the user to travel through time! The Sorcerer is planning to use this power to reshape the universe in his dark image, but our heroic trio will not let him succeed! Should they be able to retrieve the emeralds before the Evil Sorcerer does, they might just be able to go to the past and prevent the Sorcerer from causing the apocalypse and rising to power! Who will win?

Here is what I think one of the sets could look like:


Emerald Escape

Pieces: 271

MSRP: USD 29.99

The Evil Sorcerer is getting away with a bunch of Hora Emeralds! Hiryu, Osaka, and Kiki must stop him before he can escape to the Space Dome, his orbiting space station, but the Sorcerer is not alone! He has one of his dangerous Domedrone henchmen with him! Will our heroic trio be able to get the emeralds back before it's too late? You decide! Includes 1 Domedrone, Hiryu, Osaka, Kiki, & Evil Sorcerer minifigures!



Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

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This contest is closed for entries. Be sure to vote!

Great entries everybody! Thanks for making this a fun contest. Best of luck! X-D

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