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What would you ant to see?

I think I'd like to see some sets from NJO, it is to me an enought important turn in SW universe to make it the best EU story.

I'd like to see:

Jade Shadow,

Chiss claw

Newest X-wing models, E-wing too

a Mon-calamari ship

Transport ship

coral skipper

and some additional yuuzhan vong technology

I'd like to see as building:

inside of a coral worldship

inside of bothan cruiser of admiral kre'fey

the command bridge of the star destroyer with wedge at command

lando and his droids :)

as figurine i'd like:

luke, han, leia, mara, jacen, jaina, wedge, kre'fey, cal omas, tahiri/riina, nom anor, tsavong lah, shimraa & omini, nem yin, fel, galactic alliance pilot, chiss pilot, yuuzhan vong warrior, lando, lando's droid.



I have not read any of the books so I don't know alot about EU. I would like to see a Mon-calamari ship though as it features in RoTJ in the battle at then end and I always thought it looked cool.


As a fan of the new jedi order, I wish we could see some k-frey ship.

I also wish to death seeing an e-wing

yeah, E-wing would be great, only representation i saw was in some SW comic

for the chiss claw i'd love to see one too with fel minifig cause i think this tie-cockpit based fighter is just awesome:



yeesss tie-phantom would be so nice ^^

i wonder if in the third episode there will be news ships...maybe we just have to wait and they'll be there and beeeaautiifulll :lol:


never read any books from eu... the only "non-movie" things i know are from the clone wars cartoon (i would like to see that awesome troop-stomping thing from the trade fed... minifigscale with LOTS of battle droids!!! :D

oh and of course i know some ships from all the amazing customs out there... ;)


I found this post on fbtb and hought it was really interesting :P

anyone else finally catch on to the part that would "make us scream"? seems pretty obvious to me: EU. strange. strange strange strange. EU before sandcrawler. before tauntaun patrol. before sail barge. before so many other basic things. a bantha herd. who wouldnt buy a bantha herd? but they opened the pandora. the EU. now they will have fans crying out for an outrider, for a mara jade mini, for a thrawn mini (followed by a debate about thrawn's blue skin or... i dunno, but a debate about color, just seems to fit) mr horn. the twins. yuuzhan vong. whoever that miserable bothan senator is. isard and them funky munky eyes. oye. if that doesnt make you scream...
  • 3 weeks later...

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