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I got it, and it was new in a sealed box, or atleast thats what the auction said. My mom brought for me and when I open the bag se gives me with all the bricks in it I find, much to my dismay, that the minifigs are all missing. I was checking carefully and noticed that bag#1 had a small hole in it as I had found a 1x2 tile loose. So, I opened the bag and began to build the ship (which is pretty freaking awesome by the way *y* , but thats NOT the point) Once I was done, I noticed that the pieces couln't have fallen of because conviniently the only missing pieces were the lightsabers and the minifigs. So, I was wondering if anyone could post a pic of the model, straight out of the box, becuase I want to see if the figs came in the big bag marked 1 or in a smaller one. Before I send an angry letter and a lawsuit to the seller I want to get all my facts straight. Please help me ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank You

EDIT: 7672 is Rogue Shadow

Edit by Hinckley: removed all the "!" and extra letters. Sorry :-$ it was annoying me.

Edited by Hinckley

Can you post a link to the auction? It could have said no minifigs. Also what was the sellers feedback? i only bid on sellers with 100% feedback.

That sucks, I don't like eBay much for that reason.

Listen to PSPguy, that might be a good idea. ;-)

Something like this happened to me before. I bought 20 pirate swords on Ebay but I never got any.

But since it was only a 10 dollar loss I just quit using ebay.

Thats one of the many reasons why i dont use ebay |-/

And it might not be the seller who is the rip off artist

I have bough sealed 7127s from a LEGO store in USA, had them shipped to NY, then picked them up on a trip to Buffalo, opened them and found NO MINIFIGS, they were very carefully reglued back. Heck the second one contained just a bunch of crap they scraped together to return to the LEGO store.

So just be careful since it could be an honest buyer, who bought/resold a ripped off box possibly.

Listen to PSPguy, that might be a good idea. ;-)

Yes, listen to the gungan.

Complain and send an email, if there was no mention of no minifigures. If all else fails, give him negative feedback, and expose what he does. Is what I would do.

That really sucks, I feel for you |-/ Dont have much replacement for those minifigures, if you want them, looks like youll have to buy a new set. The minifigures alone seem to be as much as the set :-| Which leads me to see why people would do such a thing.

If you paid by Paypal, contact them and initialize a chargeback for item not as represented (assuming you don't reread the auction and find that it didn't include figures). I despise "new without figures" or any variation on that, and it's just as bad at Bricklink, though they now require sellers to very specifically state it.

I've had a lot of good luck on eBay, but never bought any full sets that were supposed to be sealed. I don't trust anything I can't see directly in the auction, and so far everything has been as pictured (taking into account the incredibly poor quality of photography on that site).

Bottom line, it sucks. Hope you can get your money back.

And it might not be the seller who is the rip off artist

I have bough sealed 7127s from a LEGO store in USA, had them shipped to NY, then picked them up on a trip to Buffalo, opened them and found NO MINIFIGS, they were very carefully reglued back. Heck the second one contained just a bunch of crap they scraped together to return to the LEGO store.

So just be careful since it could be an honest buyer, who bought/resold a ripped off box possibly.

ouch. i hate people who does that. buy the box, open it, steal parts from it and return the rest. the new foldable box really sucks because of that. i much rather have the older version where the entire box is sealed.

no way around it other than to carefully scan the seals to make sure they weren't tempered with. i noticed on older sets, the glue on the seals tends to run a little so if a seal has been opened before it won't stay sticky. i like those. you can detect opened box immediately.

There are honest people on e-bay who will tell you right off in the auction, as they should, that they separated the minifigs from the set. But of course, there are always going to be shady people pulling this kind of stuff. When you got it, was the box indeed truly sealed? Did anything look amiss? The bag thing sounds kind of suspicious. There is an incentive to take the figures out of Star Wars sets, as they sell for ridiculous amounts on e-bay, sometimes for more collectively than in the sets they came in (like the battle packs). Check the other guys listed and previous auctions, as there might be a possibility he listed the figs. Either that, or he could be hoarding them.

Before leaving bad feedback, contact him and confront him about it. If he dances around the subject and sounds fraudulent, leave bad feedback. I would file a claims dispute if you can't get replacement figs for the set through Lego.com.

Ouch :-/

I'm don't (and will not) ever use ebay,i simply go to my local toy store or i use lego shop.

Or perhaps i can try bricklink as well 8-

And it might not be the seller who is the rip off artist

I have bough sealed 7127s from a LEGO store in USA, had them shipped to NY, then picked them up on a trip to Buffalo, opened them and found NO MINIFIGS, they were very carefully reglued back. Heck the second one contained just a bunch of crap they scraped together to return to the LEGO store.

So just be careful since it could be an honest buyer, who bought/resold a ripped off box possibly.

I had something similar happen. I bought a 7240 Fire Station set on clearance from Walmart. The box appeared to be sealed. I should have been suspicious, because the box didn't feel right, but I was in a hurry. So I get it home, open it up (it was tough to open, which makes me think it had been opened and re-glued) and dump out on the floor a bunch of empty bags and broken baby building toys, none of them Lego. I took it back to Walmart and they wouldn't take it back. I had to get very indignet, threaten never to shop at Walmart again and to bad mouth it too all my friends, before they'd give me my $15 back.

Though I've never had a problem with ebay. Once time (cue the sad violins), I found the small paradisa pony set and bought it for $5. I was so happy, only to find out the seller shipped to the wrong address and I never got it. :-( She did return my $5 though.


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I had something similar happen. I bought a 7240 Fire Station set on clearance from Walmart. The box appeared to be sealed. I should have been suspicious, because the box didn't feel right, but I was in a hurry. So I get it home, open it up (it was tough to open, which makes me think it had been opened and re-glued) and dump out on the floor a bunch of empty bags and broken baby building toys, none of them Lego. I took it back to Walmart and they wouldn't take it back. I had to get very indignet, threaten never to shop at Walmart again and to bad mouth it too all my friends, before they'd give me my $15 back.

Though I've never had a problem with ebay. Once time (cue the sad violins), I found the small paradisa pony set and bought it for $5. I was so happy, only to find out the seller shipped to the wrong address and I never got it. :-( She did return my $5 though.


Wow, thats SAD! 8-|

I'm still trying to fo=ind the auction again, but it clearly said it was new and sealed, but hey, if they did it in a walmart, then they could've done it to me, but I guess its what I get for not waiting until the set is officially released. |-/

Though I've never had a problem with ebay. Once time (cue the sad violins), I found the small paradisa pony set and bought it for $5. I was so happy, only to find out the seller shipped to the wrong address and I never got it. :-( She did return my $5 though.


Ahem...excuse me for asking, but why is that sad? ;-)

All I'm hearing is bla bla bla scala/belville/clickits bla bla bla sad... :-P :-P

I could understand the need to grief if You missed out on a Yellow Castle X-D


To find the auction just log into "My Ebay" and it should still be there under items you have bought, or items you have bid on.

Contact the seller first, there's a good chance they were unaware and will be willing to help out to protect their reputation. I've only had one dodgy Ebay transaction out of a couple hundred, which turned out to be a couple of 13 year olds using a "hacked" ebay account. I tracked down thier names and addresses, made a phone call and had a good chat with some parents and my money was returned.

i just bought the Ferrari F1 Team (Felipe+Kimi) off ebay through buy it now about a week ago. i have tried contacting the seller several times about shipping dates and still no response (about 3 messages sent over a period of a week and a half). now the seller has hundreds of positive feedback and is a power seller. its gonna be 2 weeks with no response next week. should i be alarmed?

All I'm hearing is bla bla bla scala/belville/clickits bla bla bla sad... :-P :-P

All I'm hearing is a comically sad trumpet sound... :-P

bumping up for my question. really getting worried :'-(

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