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I found A larger version of the Tie and I so glad about the figure choices and am now a lot more excited for the film. Now if I am correct the 3rd fig across is an ISB agent which leaves me disproportionately excited for a multitude of reasons.

Mainly it shows that they will keep the galaxy well connected, something that I was glad was in rogue one (e.g seeing species again like bib fortuna's brother), I also just like the ISB and there costume designs,Also they appear to caped which matches the design seen in this concept art below.  Image result for visceral games star wars

Oh my, that tie-fighter looks really good, been wating to get an OT one. Better start saving up some money for this baby. The rest of the sets are great to, but I will skip them since I only want the tie-fighter. 

Interesting that the Kira minifig is positioned first, ahead of Han, in both sets that they appear in. Looks like the far-right fig in the Falcon may be a droid of some kind. Without really knowing who they are, I like the variety of figures that come in these sets. It seemed like a lot of the TLJ sets relied too heavily on duplicates of the same army builders, at the expense of named characters (like Leia, DJ, and Luke). I wonder if this means LEGO is planning fewer Solo sets and wants to get the principal named characters released in the first wave or so. Though I don't see Woody Harrelson's character in any of these... perhaps in another set, if there are any more in this wave? (I hope so?)

19 hours ago, Agent Kallus said:

I found A larger version of the Tie and I so glad about the figure choices and am now a lot more excited for the film. Now if I am correct the 3rd fig across is an ISB agent which leaves me disproportionately excited for a multitude of reasons.

Mainly it shows that they will keep the galaxy well connected, something that I was glad was in rogue one (e.g seeing species again like bib fortuna's brother), I also just like the ISB and there costume designs,Also they appear to caped which matches the design seen in this concept art below.  


I thought that concept art was from the abandoned Visceral Star Wars game???

Edited by Lobot
: Please don't quote images, thanks :-)

18 minutes ago, Renegade Clone said:

I thought that concept art was from the abandoned Visceral Star Wars game???

It hasn't been abandoned, EA  are "overhauling" it but as far as we know it's still in development and still being released.

From the leaked minifigure, I can totally buy that alien being a Pyke, which I think would be suitable for a Han Solo movie. I’d love to see things from tv shows and other media appearing on the big screen - I’m still hoping we see AT-DPs and imperial troop transports show up. 

Oh my, so much goodness.

I love the blue speeder. Nice asymmetrical design and it would look great parked next to Luke's speeder and a custom V-35. Further you get Han in a cheap set and one of those dogs.

Not sure about the bigger speeder, but the alien is great, and it looks like TLG finally made a new, sleeker "frock" peace (which in future hopefully will be used on many Jedi robes and such). At least it seems to be full of interesting parts and pieces for modding.

The Imp Battlepack is great also. The new OT trooper variant is dope, and I think the naval tropper's helmet is also slightly different (and he has a new print as well). The speeder is simple, but i like design, slightly reminiscent of Rey's speeder. Need at least two of those!

Complete list of minifigures are posted by the brickshow

75209 – Han Solo’s Speeder
Minifigures: Han Solo, Qi’Ra, Corellian Hound

75210 – Moloch’s Speeder
Minifigures: Moloch, Rebolt, Corellian Hounds(2)

75211 – Imperial TIE Fighter
Minifigures: Mimban Stormtrooper, Imperial Pilot, Han Solo (Imperial Disquise), Tobias Beckett (Imperial Disquise)

75212 – Kessel Run Millenium Falcon
Minifigures: Qi’Ra, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, Quay Tolsite, Kessel Operations Droid, DD-BD

75207 – Imperial Patrol Battle Pack
Minifigures: Imperial Officer, Death Star Trooper (Female), Stormtroopers (2)

8 hours ago, Seaber said:

If that imperial officer does have no rank insignia, it would fit well with Episode IV, where quite a few imperials are seen without the badges. 

It's a yes to both speeders and the battlepack for me, possibly the TIE and the falcon will have to decide after seeing the movie. Can't wait for the trailer!



Where in episode IV can those officer's be seen? I watched it recently, but it can't recall seeing some without a badge. I always welcome new imperial officers, but I think I prefer them with a new, lower rank. Hope the one in the TIE fighter then has the admiral rank, none has been released yet with that rank and the new torso

And is that new millenium falcon WHITE? If so, I might buy it, that's something different for a change. Because parting out both the TFA and OT millennium gave me way enough of those lbg wedges and other parts.

21 minutes ago, TWP said:

Where in episode IV can those officer's be seen? I watched it recently, but it can't recall seeing some without a badge. I always welcome new imperial officers, but I think I prefer them with a new, lower rank. Hope the one in the TIE fighter then has the admiral rank, none has been released yet with that rank and the new torso

And is that new millenium falcon WHITE? If so, I might buy it, that's something different for a change. Because parting out both the TFA and OT millennium gave me way enough of those lbg wedges and other parts.

Watch the scene where Han, Luke and Chewie are waiting for the lift, I think one passes then without a cap if I remember rightly. 

2 hours ago, Renegade Clone said:

I thought that concept art was from the abandoned Visceral Star Wars game???

It is .It was to show the ISB agents with capes, one of which I believe comes with the tie set from Solo, sorry for any confusion.

Also it appear to me that the disguises are ISB uniforms in the case that they are disguises.

Edited by Agent Kallus

36 minutes ago, Richpepperell said:

Just seen a port on Fb from someone saying they've bought the FO speeder battlepack, but there are new style TO stormtrooper helmets. There's a photo too. Anyone know anything about this? https://www.facebook.com/groups/257818974402353/permalink/848392632011648/

Happened to me too. Got them the week before Christmas after they got restocked

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 @ChiefPie If its from the summer bp then its not a leak so it can go here. 

The helmet change really bothers me as its a jarring difference to the lego but in the film its barely noticeable and it doesn't make sense in the story with the lack of a time gap between TFA and TLJ.

Edited by Agent Kallus

Thanks! Interesting they did that but I guess not unexpected. I can’t tell which is better. 

Damn, that makes me pretty jealous. I never minded my ducktroopers but when I actually look at them next to the FO Executioners I got, they look extremely jarring. This is like the the Phase I clone trooper transition all over again!

This wouldn’t be the first time Lego have made a ‘running change’ to sets. Back in 2013 I got the a 2012 DC Set where the batman cowl had been updated to the new 2013 mould

I can't emphasize enough how much you all are going to love the Range Trooper buildable figure.

3 hours ago, Falconfan1414 said:

75211 – Imperial TIE Fighter
Minifigures: Mimban Stormtrooper, Imperial Pilot, Han Solo (Imperial Disquise), Tobias Beckett (Imperial Disquise)

And I´ve thought, that would be Phasma working for the Empire.:grin:

There is a leak of the Han Solo figure out there, and it seems to be the Millenium Falcon variant.

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