Posted April 10, 20177 yr Kingsport Advertiser and Ship List Special Edition, MAY 617 [This section was quite long by itself, so it was printed as a special edition, ship results are still on their way. Anybody who wants to MOC any of these actions, should, and post a link on this thread] The Battle of Five Fleets PART ONE [Sorry had to go to work in the middle of the write up] Oh, dear reader, we have this most special of editions that reports the most factual and true account of the Battle of Five Fleets that you have heard about from the rumors coming from the far isles. It is known that our grand fleet has blockaded many of Eslandolan ports. And by this time it is no surprise to many of you that Garvey’s Rear Admiral Akabarra, Admiral of the Yellow, sailed on our fleet at Elysabethtown and forced Admiral Yomta, of the Grey, to yield that port. The survivors of that battle have already made port here in Kingsport (MOC of this Wanted!) To provide us with some consolation, what was left of our Grey fleet shelled Weelond in response for two days before returning back to this port. But now I must tell you have the horrific story of what has now become known as the Battle of Five Fleets. Our two small navies who were bottling in the Eslandolan money-grubbers at the ports of Trador and Convict Town (Fuerte Unido for you of Eslandolan persuasions). Eslandola sent their finest fleets against our small, insignificant, but greatly effective fleets. The first fleet that we have learned was called “The Impressive Trador Ships” fleet sailed for Trador to meet our Commodore El’Reily. On the 28th of last month, the ships met within site of the settlement. El’Reily, having the wind at his back set forth to attack the much larger “TITS” fleet. [Seriously?] The eight vessels of the ESL fleet came at El’Reily in a three squadron formation. El’Reily’s flagship “HMS Blue Bonnet” took the brunt of the shots from Raging Fire and Tribute, and was boarded and finally taken by the former after losing 90% of its crew. El’Reily was killed in the action, but heroically gave his final orders – “Fight until our dying breath, may this ship never fall!” His words shall most certainly be enshrined in the Hall of Naval Greatness back in our glorious capital. His words inspired the rest of his fleet to fight until the very end. The HMS Cadance was taken by The Tribute within the hour, but the smaller vessels, HMS Trigger, HMS Peter, and HMS Longone were all torn to shreds and sunk by the Purple Reign and Migery of ESL. Thus the TITS fleet opened up Trador for trade once more. A resident of that port wrote a small account to a the rag they call a newspaper, which we copy here: “We were starving, no supply could get into Trador, when over the horizon came our wonderful fleet. Within an hour and a half, three of the blockaders were at the bottom of the ocean, and the two largest ships were captured. The leaders of our rescuers came to town, and we held the closest thing resembling a parade in their honor. We had a feast that evening, but morning was all business for our new naval heroes. Knowing that the FUN fleet was due to rendezvous, Commodore Matt Lenoir of the Purple Reign ordered his fleet back to sea. We now await news of our combined fleet’s actions.” Here at the KPA, we have learned that the second fleet, of eight vessels, called the “Fuerte Unido Navy” sailed for our small blockade fleet at that port, commanded by Commodore Petra Vrinsky. After piecing together reports that came from our settlements on Isla de Medio, this is what transpired. Vrinsky was anchored within the natural bay that protects much of the southern coast of the island, and Convict Town. He had five ships, his flagship HMS Logan’s Nightmare was a mighty vessel who had taken many an Eslandolan ship in the last year, well up to the task of blockade duty. She had one of the most decorated careers of the war. The FUN fleet seemed to be joint commanded by Captain Ben Zwitsers, and other famous ESL captains. It consisted of three flotillas as well, and what we have learned is that it got the drop on Commodore Vrinsky at night on the 30th, rounded the head of the bay, and smashed Vrinsky’s navy at anchor. Vrinsky had the forthought to burn his ships, but Logan’s Nightmare and Capt’n Bones (a privateer) were both extinguished by the enemy and captured by Morning Fog and Cardinal. Vrinsky was captured by the enemy, but many of his officers swam to shore. Our fleet got off at least a few volleys before Vrinsky saw that it was a losing effort. At this point Convicnt’s Town was liberated. One of Vrinsky’s men stayed behind and kept watch of the town from a hill a few miles out. A celebration was in full swing the night after the battle. At about the same time, Vrinsky’s first officer, Jan Rebold made it to La Puebloto on the other side of the island and reported the results of the battle. What happened the next morning was related to us by a spy in Convict Town, and printed here for your pleasure. “As the morning came on, a fog blew into the harbor. Many of the town’s residents, new to this island, were still partying in honor of their victory and liberation. Not one soul, save the crews of the Eslandolan ships, was sober. For some reason, the commanders of their fleet had not allowed for celebration, and it seemed were ready to take to sea as soon as possible. I noticed that the fog began to burn off around noon, and their fleet began to set into the bay. This is when the tower bells rang. On the horizon, and whole fleet of eight vessels came into view, they flew the Eslandolan flag. The town recognized them as the fleet that was dispatched to Trador to break the blockade. The celebration in Fuerte Unido intensified when they realized that they had been victorious. As the fleet, flying Eslandolan Colors came closer, I may have been the first that counted nine sails… I knew what this meant instantly“
April 11, 20177 yr What a cliff hanger! For clarity sake, can you specific who the indefinite pronouns are referring to? Sometimes it seems to be referring to Mardier, but other times the printers of the KPA.
April 11, 20177 yr 3 hours ago, MKJoshA said: What a cliff hanger! For clarity sake, can you specific who the indefinite pronouns are referring to? Sometimes it seems to be referring to Mardier, but other times the printers of the KPA. I do follow you here, if I am not mistaken, King's Port is independent from Mardier nowadays...
April 11, 20177 yr It appears the Eslandians have carried the day. But what do we have in store? So far, I have only counted 4 navies... ;)
April 11, 20177 yr 7 minutes ago, Bregir said: It appears the Eslandians have carried the day. But what do we have in store? So far, I have only counted 4 navies... ;) The fifth one just appeared :/ - Trador blockading fleet: 0/5 vessels (2 were captured, 3 lost) - Fuerto Unido Blockading fleet: 0/5 vessels (2 were captured, 3 lost) - TITS: 10/8 vessels (2 captured, none lost) - FUN: 10/8 vessels (2 captured, none lost) - 5th Navy (Mardier, flying under green flag): 9 vessels really looking forward to the final battle between TITS'n FUN and Mardier :D
April 11, 20177 yr Interesting read. So the blockades were broken... I'm guessing it shouldn't be too hard recruiting sailors for a combined naval fleet named "FUN TITS"...
April 12, 20177 yr Herr Otto Flick is quoted as saying, "The good news is that there is no more bad news."
April 18, 20177 yr Author To clarify, Kingsport is firmly under the thumb of Mardier now (since about November I believe) KPA has been decidedly pro-MARDIER the last couple issues, this one is no exception – the use of “OUR” means Mardier’s in most cases, unless they directly say here at the KPA or something to that extent. PART II Picking up with our spy in Convict Town: “ The Eslandolan Vessels in the town began to strike an alarm. They too had realized there was an extra ship, and none of the vessels looked as if they had been through a battle. The extra ship was probably not a capture. However, I knew that our privateer fleet had left Puebloto two mornings past, and I assumed they had made their way here after hearing guns in the distance. Sure enough, as the Eslandolans entered battle formation in the bay, the incoming convoy dropped the ESL Jack and raised the MAR colors. We were saved!” The reports of the action have got back to us here at the KPA, and this is what followed: The ESL fleet lined up in line of battle and spread into three squadrons. Logan’s Nightmare was manned by a fresh crew taken from Convict Town, while Capt’n Bones was manned by a prize crew. The line attempted to sail out of the bay, but the wind shifted, giving neither side the major advantage. The first to reach each other was the Puck’s Jest, Catfisth, and Hade’s Trumpet of the Mardieran Privateers and the ESL ships Wolf II, Great Scott II, and Soldier – the smaller ESL ships were no match for the privateers. Soldier was hit in the powder magazine by the first broadside from Hade’s Trumpet, while Wolf II was borded and captured by Puck’s Jest and Great Scott surrendered to the guns of Catfish. Things progressed poorly for the ESL fleet, as the wind shifted completely in favor of the privateers. The Queen Anetta’s Revenge, captained by the dread pirate [er, privateer!] Captain Morgan, sailed fully into the ESL line of battle, with three broadsides the Dragon’s Revenge was ravaged – she sunk about two hours after the battle. The QAR quickly maneuvered to her portside, brought guns to bare on the Blessed Angel. The Angel surrendered, but as the QAR approached, they brought down the white and attempted to board the QAR in a hand to hand action. Morgan rallied his crew, and had his boatswain go below deck during the fight and light the Angel’s powder magazine. He then pulled off and was barely clear of the ship when the Blessed Angel exploded. Meanwhile, Logan’s Nightmare’s crew was not up to the fight, and surrendered to Hera’s Fury after a few minor exchanges of fire. Poseidon’s Revenge got caught up with Capt’n Bones, their rigging entwined, and it seemed as if Poseidon was about to fall, when the QAR came up behind the Bones and raked her with grapeshot. Her captain killed, they surrendered. Finally, ESL struck some luck as the Jade Piranha was sent to the deep by the Morning Fog after only five minutes of fighting. The Morning Fog then turned on the Peregrine, and after another 20 minutes of firing, the two engaged in boarding action. The Peretrine, a privateer, had sunk the Golden Snake after it overpowered it by three times as many guns, and in revenge, after the Morning Fog took the Peregrine, it put much of its crew to the sword. The privateer Corporal Milton, was able to capture the Cardinal, with a long fought fight that bloodied both decks. At this point, the Puck’s Jest had doubled back around to the back of the battle line, and moved in on the Morning Fog. After the Fog’s captain, first mate, second mate, boatswain, surgeon, and marine captain were all killed, the ship finally struck its colors and Puck’s Jest had another prize. The Catfish, engaging its former brethren, Peregrine took a shot to the bow that was inseparable after the battle, and she now lies at the bottom of the bay. At this point in the battle, only the captured Peregrine flew the flags of ESL – yet Captain Morgan would not have that. The QAR moved in and boarded the Peregrine, killing most of her crew and taking the ship one plank at a time. At the end of the battle, the Mardier Privateer Fleet was victorious, with no vessels of Espanola escaping. They were able to rest and repair for two nights on the shores outside of Convict’s town, when a new navy came over the horizon – this time it was ESL’s The Impressive Trador Ships fleet looking for their sister fleet. The Sea Rat Privateers were up for the challenge. They sullied forth from the beaches and made their line of battle, again flying ESL jacks, with new captures manned to battle and taking their place in line. Throughout their rest, many in Convict Town were convinced to sail for the privateers – this shows the loyalty of Eslandola! Commodore Matt Lenoir of the Purple Reign saw through this ruse. He ordered a full attack, and a spearhead maneuver to sever the privateer line. The Cadence, a capture from Mardier, led the line, and quickly found its victim, the Logan’s Nightmare, with a weak crew. They forced the surrender and kept sailing after a small prize crew was able to sail the Logan out of the battle and back to Convict Town. However, the second ship in the spear, the Raging Fire, met the full guns of the Puck’s Jest, and Davey Jones claimed every man on board, as Raging Fire was extinguished by Puck’s broadsides. The ESL warship Tribute fought hard, but the Hade’s Trumpet managed to board her and haul down her flag. Captain Morgan’s luck from the first day did not hold, as he was unfortunate enough to come up against ESL’s greatest flotilla. After a brutal assault by both the Purple Reign and the Migery, the Queen Annetta’s Revenge went to the bottom. Nobody can recall seeing what happened to Morgan, but it was determined after the battle that Migery had struck his ship its final blow. Hera’s Fury attempted to board Purple Reign, but the crap MAESTRO troops were able to repel the invaders, and counter attack Hera’s Fury. They took the ship, and placed a prize crew to operate the guns in the continuing battle. Also Poseidon’s revenge was sunk by the mighty guns of Migery. The privateer Cardinal was taken by the Blue Bonnet. However, the repaired privateer Peregrine was able to take the ESL vessel Blue Bonnet at the end of their battle line, while the Corporal Milton, back in the hands of the Sea Rats, was able to board and overtake the HMS Pendragon. The Sea Sweeper was taken by the Peregrine after minimal fighting, and the whole rear of the line was falling apart for the Eslandolans. Commodore Matt Lenoir turned what was left of his fleet on the center of the Sea Rats line. The Migery was able to force a boarding of Puck’s Jest, but a frenzied Sea Rat crew repelled, and ultimately captured the Migery. Hera’s Fury was able to take the Sea Rats’ new capture, the Tribute, and this led to Puck’s Jest taking offense to the Hera’s Fury and Tribute in enemy hands, and laid four broadsides into the former, foundering her, and sending her to the bottom of the bay. The Hade’s Trumpet boarded the Purple Reign, and Commodore Lenoir was captured and tied with his men on the deck of the Purple Reign. Half of the crew of the Trumpet got on the small boats and rowed over to the Tribute and took her by surprise, while Puck’s Jest forced the surrender of the Sleeping Siren II. Meanwhile, back on the deck of the Purple Reign, Lenoir had gotten loose and got weapons to his men. While the prize crew was whooping and hollering about the other captures going on as the battle was winding down, Lenoir and company took them from behind and began to sail the vessel back towards Convict town. Hade’s Trumpet saw its prize leaving, and opened up hellfire upon the Purple Reign using explosive shot. The sails caught, and the mast came down, igniting the Stern castle. The commodore knew the ship was lost, and in the remaining longboats, he ordered the ship abandoned. But they were not out of hot water yet, the Puck’s Jest opened fire on the boats, and sunk one, killing all aboard. Lenoir knew that he needed cover, and fast, so he did the unthinkable. He rowed straight for the Sleeping Siren, now in the hands of a very thin prize crew from the Puck’s Jest. The enemy crew tried to bring the long guns to bear on Lenoir, but he zigged and zagged to the Siren. His men went up the side and were able to fight and free the captive ESL crew. Together they took out the Sea Rat’s crew, and got the sails set before the remaining Sea Rat ships could narrow their sights on them. The Siren raced into the harbor of Convict Town, and the battle was over. Victory is Mardier’s! and surely this means that ESL, now powerless in the far seas, will soon fall! The final tally of ships left from the battle of Five Fleets: Eslandola Sleeping Siren II (4A, Capt Wolf) Dark Spirit (2A, Kai NRG) Logan’s Nightmare 5A SEA RATS Puck's Jest - (5HA) Hades' Trumpet (formerly Strumpet) - (5HA) Peregrine - (5A)Corporal Milton - (5HA) SEA RATS CAPTURES Tribute (4A) Blue Bonnet (5A) Migery (5HA, ESL) Cardinal (5HA) 4A “Cadance” Morning Fog (5HA) 4A Capt’n Bones – Wolf II (3A, Capt Wolf) Great Scott II (3A) HMS Pendragon 5HA
April 18, 20177 yr @SkaForHire This is completely megablocks. Stating that the sea rats found new man in Fuerto Unido is giving the SR an advantage that can not be true... The troops at Fuerto Unido are well trained and loyal and let us not forget that there are multiple platoons stationed in that city, so even when blockaded, the blockaders can not simply enter Fuerto Unido. For the love of this game, please keep it fair for everyone and not keep pulling magic bunnies out of your hat, just so you can keep favoring Mardier. I know we can have a bit of bad luck (losing 10 vessels against 9 enemies is having bad luck, second time as well), but making a completely damaged SR fleet being recovered and remanned in 2 days is just unreal...
April 18, 20177 yr Just a quick note to the Sea Rats out there: Both Migery and Morning Fog were unmocced vessels. Only Cardinal, Tribute, Wolf II and Great Scott II were mocced.
April 18, 20177 yr Oh and in addition, have you taken in mind the the twenty extra man I had put on the Purple Reign when you boarded her? @SkaForHire
April 18, 20177 yr Author 3 hours ago, SkaForHire said: They were able to rest and repair for two nights on the shores outside of Convict’s town Maxim, as we talked about in PM -- they didn't go to FU, they were on the shores outside FU. The distance between puebloto and the other side of the island are about 20 miles - this is a distance that could easily be crossed in time to resupply - especially if the fleet knew it was about to hit FU. Also, this is a MAR island, with 3 MAR settlements, there are plenty of men willing to fight here. Skaford heights by skaforhire, on Flickr 1 hour ago, Maxim I said: @SkaForHire This is completely megablocks. Stating that the sea rats found new man in Fuerto Unido is giving the SR an advantage that can not be true... The troops at Fuerto Unido are well trained and loyal and let us not forget that there are multiple platoons stationed in that city, so even when blockaded, the blockaders can not simply enter Fuerto Unido. For the love of this game, please keep it fair for everyone and not keep pulling magic bunnies out of your hat, just so you can keep favoring Mardier. I know we can have a bit of bad luck (losing 10 vessels against 9 enemies is having bad luck, second time as well), but making a completely damaged SR fleet being recovered and remanned in 2 days is just unreal... I could have just reported the battle statistics.... I didn't do anything here -- none of those MAR ships are MAR ships, I had nothing to do with that fleet other than rolling the dice and making up a story to go along with one heck of a battle. No game mechanics were altered, and the same opportunities that have always been in the game when it came to combat were used. The privateer fleet was built better. There is no mechanic for being worn down in combat and entering another combat. That would be an incredibly hard mechanic to make without some heavy programming. I am sorry you disliked the story, but if I would have reported the dice rolls, and that is it, wouldn't that have been worse for the game than putting together a story to tell? The dice rolls came first, I added the story. So the holes in the story can be attributed to the newspaper reporting what they thing is the truth, in the end that list of ships were the ones left standing on each side. I am not sure what magic bunnies you are claiming, because never has a rule been changed. I am sorry that you think that there is no consequence to poking another nation. But in all honestly, their war plan has been completely weak -- they attacked once and stuck ships in front of your harbors once, the NPCs have not had an impact on ESL at all other than maybe a few vessels taken. You take casualties for once, and you think I am rigging the game? I had no part in sending that fleet. Nor did the NPC MAR recruit any PCs other than offer a letter of mark. MAR hasn't made a battle plan with anyone, and their next three moves (if the war goes that long) are already planned out... They are there to beat up on, but you can't just walk over them. Pick up your pieces and fight. I just want to reiterate... the story did not happen first, it comes from the result of the rolls.
April 18, 20177 yr 21 minutes ago, SkaForHire said: Excellent explanation I know, I can already relativate the story now... Oh well, my men are searching Captain Morgan day and night. Let's hope we find him...
April 18, 20177 yr Wow. What a blast. First of all, thank you Ska for picking up the challenge to roll and evaluate the outcome of this insane massive battle extraveganza. And such a fantastic read! It took my half an hour to get through every detail and I had to take notes to not lose the thread. I have several questions though, but first @Maxim I just a few words; I just want to clarify that there was no request by Mardier to recruit Sea Rat privateers. This whole action was just the insane idea of a few ruthless individuals seeking adventure. We were pretty unsure how this whole battle would turn out, since there has never before been a summoning of so many ships -what was it? 37?- and we played with high risk, actually, my personal hope was that Eslandola's fleet would have been wore down after engaging the blockade squadrons and we then could have raided the leftovers. And after the first part of the report that hope faded away. But by Hades, what a battle! I have never been prouder to set sail with my fellow breathren of the Sea Rats. This one is for the history books, no doubt. I suppose Morgan found a new arch enemy in Lenoir, given that he survived the wrrck of the Queen Annetta's Revenge. We don't know! Perhaps this was the righteous end of Captain Morgan... @SkaForHire 1. If a ship got captured several times by us (taken, re-taken, taken again) do we get two bounties from Mardier? 2. Do we also get bounty for one of our ships that was taken by Eslandola and then recaptured? 3. When I recaptured the Peregrine, does that mean that every further action of that ship goes into my account? (That's more a question about every prize ship that was used in battle after the capture, one of my major interest when analysing the report was to make notes was which ship was owned by whom at which time, very confusing, cheers to you for keeping track of that!) 4. The seventh paragraph states that the Sea Sweeper was also taken by the Peregrine, but it's missing in the list below. 5. Thanks again for the read, amazing! What a morning to wake up with such news! P.s.: @Legostone thanks for the information Edited April 18, 20177 yr by Jacob Nion
April 18, 20177 yr @Jacob Nion: Yeah, I figured out that Ska had nothing to do with this. Well played, seriously, congratz! Losing a battle against 9 class 5 vessels is not a shame for Eslandola. I would even dare to say destroying both the Jade Piranha and the notorious Queen Annetta's Revenge is very good for our prestige My men are searching for the dreadfull Captain Morgan. Let's hope we can find him. If we do, we will handle him with the most respect and treat him well. Who knows in exchange for some vessels (the Sea Rats captured 10 vessels), he will be a free man again :) The next MRCA publication (march 617 results) will show what happened with the captain
April 18, 20177 yr Woah - what a (series of) battle(s)! Many vessels sunk and changed hands - and a lot action to follow (could someone turn it into a film? :P) Here one thought the greenies had swept the seas clear and the sea rats sweep in to pick up the plums! (Although at great cost) What a month of action! 2 hours ago, Jacob Nion said: 1. If a ship got captured several times by us (taken, re-taken, taken again) do we get two bounties from Mardier? 2. Do we also get bounty for one of our ships that was taken by Eslandola and then recaptured? 3. When I recaptured the Peregrine, does that mean that every further action of that ship goes into my account? (That's more a question about every prize ship that was used in battle after the capture, one of my major interest when analysing the report was to make notes was which ship was owned by whom at which time, very confusing, cheers to you for keeping track of that!) 4. The seventh paragraph states that the Sea Sweeper was also taken by the Peregrine, but it's missing in the list below. 5. Thanks again for the read, amazing! What a morning to wake up with such news! Hmm, let me see what I can do. Ska can correct me, if I am mistaken. :) 1) One bounty per ship, I would say. 2) I think that would be a no. Whatever happens during the cause of battle is virtually impossible to validate, so as long as it all happens during the same battle, probably not. 3) I should think so. :) 4) No clue. 5) Indeed! Now we just need to start relentlessly pestering Ska for the rest!
April 18, 20177 yr Oh-ho, I see you villainous Sea Rats are really starting to up your game a bit! It's about time! A very nice read, Ska, and a very dastardly but clever move on the pirates' part! Glad to hear that Captain Morgan's flagship is at the bottom of the sea, however! (Any chance we could get Oleon to pay us for that? ) Three cheers for Captain Matt Lenoir! Hey, and for the record, I had previously warned my compatriots about the predictability of some such occurrence and advised instead a full-blown attack on the probably unsuspecting Mardierian fleet around King's Port, so don't blame me for all this!
April 18, 20177 yr Fantastic account of the battle! A thrilling read, even if Eslandola suffered so many losses to the Sea Rat privateers. I was, however, under the impression that King's Port had thrown off the Mardierian yoke in the past month. I guess we now know what the sympathies of the KPA's editor and publisher are (as if we didn't before)! Perhaps they have moved their offices without changing their masthead. @SkaForHire, could you clarify whether the Logan's Nightmare captured by ESL is a 5LA or 5HA? Thanks.
April 18, 20177 yr 4 hours ago, Jacob Nion said: 1. If a ship got captured several times by us (taken, re-taken, taken again) do we get two bounties from Mardier? 2. Do we also get bounty for one of our ships that was taken by Eslandola and then recaptured? 3. When I recaptured the Peregrine, does that mean that every further action of that ship goes into my account? (That's more a question about every prize ship that was used in battle after the capture, one of my major interest when analysing the report was to make notes was which ship was owned by whom at which time, very confusing, cheers to you for keeping track of that!) 4. The seventh paragraph states that the Sea Sweeper was also taken by the Peregrine, but it's missing in the list below. 5. Thanks again for the read, amazing! What a morning to wake up with such news! 1 hour ago, Bregir said: Hmm, let me see what I can do. Ska can correct me, if I am mistaken. :) This isn't the final say in the matter, let's wait for a more unified answer before making any assumptions.
April 18, 20177 yr Full credit to MKJosh for dreaming up this idea and making it happen. Regardless of the write up (poor Jade Piranha), this was really his win.
April 19, 20177 yr Yes. Masterfully done. Really enjoyed the read. I've spent the last 24 hours trying to think how I could MOC this to do it justice. I think I am going to need another 24 hours to think about it some more.
April 20, 20177 yr On 4/18/2017 at 0:53 AM, Legostone said: Just a quick note to the Sea Rats out there: Both Migery and Morning Fog were unmocced vessels. Only Cardinal, Tribute, Wolf II and Great Scott II were mocced. Thank you! Can someone confirm the rest of the ships status for me please? Tribute (4A) - MOC'ed Blue Bonnet (5A) - ? Migery (5HA, ESL) - unMOC'ed Cardinal (5HA) - MOC'ed 4A “Cadance” - ? Morning Fog (5HA) - unMOC'ed 4A Capt’n Bones - ? Wolf II (3A, Capt Wolf) - MOC'ed Great Scott II (3A) - MOC'ed HMS Pendragon 5HA - ?
April 20, 20177 yr Just now, MKJoshA said: Thank you! Can someone confirm the rest of the ships status for me please? Tribute (4A) - MOC'ed Blue Bonnet (5A) - Was a fresh capture from our Battle with Mardier Migery (5HA, ESL) - unMOC'ed Cardinal (5HA) - MOC'ed 4A “ Cadance” - Was a fresh capture from our Battle with Mardier Morning Fog (5HA) - unMOC'ed 4A Capt’n Bones - Was a fresh capture from our Battle with Mardier Wolf II (3A, Capt Wolf) - MOC'ed Great Scott II (3A) - MOC'ed HMS Pendragon 5HA - MOC'ed
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