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This topic will be used as a voting topic for the Technic Battle Bots Contest.

Voting will be open for at variable period of time. Closing date will most likely be somewhere between one and two weeks.


  • Voting scheme uses the old Formula One style point distribution (10, 6, 4, 3, 2 and 1 POINT)
  • You need to assign 10 points to the 1st place, 6 points to the second and so one.
  • You need to vote for 6 ENTRIES (no more, no less)
  • Clearly mention the ENTRY NUMBER and the NUMBER OF POINTS per entry that you vote on.
  • If you joined Eurobricks after the start of the contest, you can be banned from voting (when vote rigging is suspected)
  • You may NOT vote for your own entry.
  • In the event of a tie for any place the Technic Staff will decide which entry wins. Our decision is final.
  • Questions about voting can be asked in the Discussion Topic.

For example (entries randomly chosen):

comments can be placed above the votes
5: 10 (no comments here please)
6: 6
1: 4
9: 3
7: 2
3: 1
Or comments can be placed below the votes



  • Please use this exact notation NUMBER: VOTES (with a colon).
  • Please don't type #1:10, 1 = 10 or 1) 10 or other notations. Stick to the example format shown above.
  • Please use this thread only for voting. You may explain why you made your choice, but any general discussion should take place in the Discussion Topic.
  • Comments should be placed ABOVE or BELOW the votes. Please don't comment on the same line as the votes.


All entries can be found in the entry thread:

Please visit the entry topic to see all entries.


1. Son of Aminnich by aminnich

2. destructobox v5.2 by Aventador2004

3. Regicide by krtwood

4. Blackout by Slewentogzz

5. Razor II by Burko-uk

6. Lancelot by TimberBrick

7. Son of Whyachi by braker23

8. Fire Fighter by nick97

9. Bison by agrof

10. The Reaper by Offroadcreat1ons

11. Bucket Wheel Terminator by paave

12. Nibbler by Seasider

13. Black Egyptian by romashkaman

14. Iron-Slammer-Alpha by roppie11

15. maximum impact by shadow_elenter

16. The Mammoth by luukietechnic

17. HammerAxer by cyberdyne systems

18. The Mould by Eddie_Young

19. Wave of Wrath by msk6003

20. Powerspin by Rennuh

21. The Blacksmith by Marxpek

22. Wheeled Scorpion by PKW

23. Square pancake by Zero (Zblj)

24. Monsta by LXF

25. Thumper by heyitsdisty

26. La Grange 3001 by teos

27. Harvester of Sorrow by pangniadek

28. Deathclaw by Wilbero79

29. Wimbledoom by Erik Leppen

30. Mr Cuddles by JTS

31. Devil's Tongue by AVCampos

32. Claw-Crawler by The Vooduist


Good luck!


  • Milan pinned this topic

For a unique design and great working mechanism, my ten points go to Wimbledoom. My six points go to a powerful flipper with the ability to self right with ease, Wheeled scorpion.

29: 10


20: 4

7: 3

19: 2

25: 1


Some great entries from everyone. I rated based on what I thought could win a battle, what I thought was original and what I just plain liked :)


15: 10

16: 6

24: 4

23: 3

25: 2

18: 1

23: 10
25: 6
11: 4
13: 3
1: 2
3: 1

This has been a fantastic contest , good luck everyone!

Edited by LXF

Voting for creativity, functionality of the weapon system, originality and/or likeliness to win a fight:

Good job and good luck everyone!

29: 10

22: 6

15: 4

23: 3

20: 2

3: 1


I choose these bots due to technics, main attack, and durability mostly.

10: 6
23: 4
31: 3
30: 2
15: 1

Good look you all!

All robot has great. Vote maximum impact, black egyptian, bucket wheel terminator, blacksmith, lancelot, blackout

15 : 10

13 : 6

11 : 4

21 : 3

6 : 2

4 : 1


Edited by msk6003
chose change

Arg! This was tough!

So many great entries.

I made my picks based on a bot I thought could win in a fight, creativity, durability, homage to famous bot, and coolness factor.

Great job everyone.

25 : 10

22 : 6

1  : 4

20 : 3

7 : 2

15 : 1


OK, now the big question, how are we to get everyone in one place and hold an actual fighting event?

By 10 points I mean the reaper


25: 6

17: 4

27: 3

20: 2

4: 1

to everyone: All entries were amazing!

Edited by TechnicRCRacer

All the entries were great, good luck to everyone! I had a hard time deciding who to vote for, it was tough. :thumbup:


9: 6

7: 4

20: 3

15: 2

25: 1


I have assigned my votes based on how likely a 'bot is to win against the others in the competition, based on weapon strength etc.

9: 10

20: 6

30: 4

27: 3

29: 2

1: 1

Good luck to everyone. You all did amazingly!

really, really tough choice, nevertheless, here are my votes based on creativity, functionality and innovativeness:

15: 10

20: 6

1: 4

29: 3

13: 2

21: 1

My votes were based on what would be the most destructive, but originality would go to Mr Cuddles (30) :classic:.

1: 10

14: 6

20: 4

22: 3

18: 2

30: 1 

Great contest everyone, here are my votes:

23 : 10

15 : 6

22 : 4

18 : 3

10 : 2

20 : 1

Another fun contest. I'm sorry I didn't participate in this one, but happy many of you did.

20: 10

9: 6

30: 4

21: 3

25: 2

29: 1

Edited by Thirdwigg
Did the numbers backwards.

Amazed at the variety and creativity of all entries. I have scored EVERY entry using (all but two of) @agrof's criteria despite it looking like I'm heavily influenced by bright colours!

I wish I could do this in a Eurovision-style announcement... But here goes:

24: 10

3: 6

29: 4

15: 3

16: 2

7: 1

15: 10

23: 6

20: 4

19: 3

24: 2

29: 1

23: 10

3: 6

10: 4

4: 3

20: 2

29: 1

This was a great contest, many awesome entries, and I wish had been able to finish my bot in order to compete*, but good luck to all!

*Final exams + illness + sports = no build time. :sceptic:

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