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70 members have voted

  1. 1. Before Reginald dies:

    • Get him to program Defense Bot
    • Fix Radio Equipment
    • Mod up ATV and Jeep
    • Improve Base
    • Build more weapons
    • Be honest, tell him he's going to die
  2. 2. Food is still a necessity, should you:

    • Keep eating Runts, avoiding the Queens
    • Just hunt Squents and Boulder crabs
    • Go into the mountains
    • Follow the Swarm Path
    • Go to the Saltflats
    • Go to the Wastelands
  3. 3. While searching for food, look for:

    • More survivors
    • More fuel
    • Other shelter/bases
    • scrap to build up base and vehicles

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Welcome back to Interactive Apocalypse *skull*


For those who STILL aren't familiar with this expanding game, here is something to read up on:

The Introduction

Part 1 - Safe Season

Part 1.5 - Strangers

Part 2 - Surviving

Part 2.5 - The Deadzone

Now, what has happened since your decision to go into the Deadzone?

Reginald Jameson has built you more weapons. Here are the grenades:


The yellow grenades are small blasts, the red grenades are fuel bombs and spread a wide arc of fire. The single blue grenade is compact dynamite, very rare, extremely destructive.

The power Rifle:


The most powerful weapon you own yet. It has the ability to fire a laser spray every few minutes. Unfortunately, the laser addition makes it very heavy, and must be carried with two hands.

A Defense Turret:


It is fixed onto the front of the base, where the Swarm attacks most. It eats up a lot of ammo, which is why Reginald opted for average ammunition gun, as opposed to a specific clip or shell.

He also upgraded the ATV:


It now has a heavily armoured trailer which can carry supplies and weapons. A person can also sit in it. It can barely fit in the base now but it is worth it.

You managed to train the Weaver too:


Your trained Weaver, Sammy has become feircely loyal to you. He is of much use, especially after you mods to him, whuch includes armour, defense spikes, a seat for riding him, and a clip for dragging supplies. You have taken a liking to him aswell.

Now EB, your decisions last voting time were these:

To go into the Deadzone.

To welcome Reginald to the group.

To train the weaver.

And to let your teammate eat a Runt first.

Now, you know you have trained the Weaver, but what of the Runt problem. Your unstable teammate ate it, and was fine, and with caution you ate too. However, Exobuilder foolishly ate a Queen Runt, which was found to have mild poison in it, and entered a mild delirium unknown to you.

Here is what happened in the Deadzone:

Your group arrived at the hellish location, finding terror, but also weapons galore, a tank, a jeep, some food, and much else.


You found all and more that you wanted, but trouble lurked:


From nowhere burst the horrifying Black Dragon, intent of live flesh:


Before he could use a grenade, your unstable teammate was slaughtered:


Exobuilder followed, his delirium preventing him from acting fast enough:


This left you, Reginald and a whole lot of equipment. Unable to get the tank in time, the jeep was used instead and a lot of goods had to be left behind in the escape:


Unfortunately, in the battle Reginald was mauled, and IS going to die. You yourself aren't faring well, having lost a leg to the beast. The trip was a disaster, but you managed to recover the jeep, fuel, radio equipment, a bit of food, a lot of weapons and the remains of the defense robot:


Reginald's time is short, but you have convinced him he will pull through. He won't. Before he dies should you:

a) Get him to fix and program that defense bot?

b) fix the radio equipment

c) mod up ATV and Jeep

d) improve base

e) build more weapons

f) be honest, tell him he's going to die

Food is also still a necessity, should you:

a) Just keep eating Runts, avoiding Queen ones

b) Just hunt Squents and Boulder crabs

c) Go into the mountains, there may or may not be anything there

d) Follow the Swarm Path, guaranteed food ,just be quick now that you've lost a leg.

e) drive the ATV or Jeep to a new spot: The Saltflats

f) go to the Wastelands out back, not much there, but relatively safe.

While searching for food, look for:

a) more survivors

b) fuel for ATV and Jeep

c) other shelters/bases

d) scrap to build up base

I've planned out all the consequences EB, so be careful. Hopefully you've learnt your lesson, seeing as a place like the Deadzone and a man who refuses to help you fight is a bad combination.

Can you survive?


Choose wisely. Thanks to Hinckley for the permission for this series, and to Exobuilder for letting me use and murder him :-D

Comments appreciated, enjoy!

Batbrick Away! >:-)


Well, I voted to go on the swarm path, but NOOO. You guys HAD to go to the deadzone!

Sorry, I just had to let that out. Ah, well. I voted for Reginald to program the Defense Bot, to look for food on the salt flats and to find more survivors.


Geez, I knew Neron would have come in Handy!!! Who called it?!?! Jameson was a joke. The whole party couldnt' even use their weapons and tech in time! Neron surely would have the skill to dodge the dragon for a bit to use the grenades so you could get the hell out of there all right. At least I think so... But anyways, what's done is done and I must say...this is very...very dissapointing. Geez, it's just terrible that now the main character is crippled and may be left alone soon! But I have to hand it to you BatBrick, this is an exciting and well done story and this is a MAJOR turning point now. We've gone from reaching glory to...miserable loss. Hopefully EB can think about our decisions a bit more carefully but anyways I do have a question. If the guy lost a leg then how the heck is he living all right? There isn't an option on there but I say Jameson should make you a mechanical limb! And what about the ATV and the Weaver creature? Were the stuck in the Deadzone? But geez...this is scary. Okay, here are my decisions:

1. Fix and program the Defense Bot.

Reason: Soon you will be the only one left in your party. Whether mechanical, beast, or man, you will need more party members. The defense bot could at least scout ahead, maybe serve as bait, or maybe even hunt for you.

2. Head to the Wastelands.

Reason: Right now you are very crippled. Literally too. You need to regroup and set up a defense and get your bearings together. It will be easier to formulate a new plan if you get yourself settled and out of danger. There are enough supplies to last at least a while in the Wasteland. And who knows, if it's a safe place, it may have attracted more survivors.

3. More Survivors

Reason: Party members can contribute their own supplies and talents as well as having the comfort of a human companion.


It's all this cloudiness of "TANK!?! GIMME!!!"

Now we're in trouble... Good thing we used Reginald before he died :-D .



I just pretty much voted what Micvash voted for, for I think those are the best as well.

Posted (edited)
Well, I voted to go on the swarm path, but NOOO. You guys HAD to go to the deadzone!

Sorry, I just had to let that out. Ah, well. I voted for Reginald to program the Defense Bot, to look for food on the salt flats and to find more survivors.

:-D , good choiecs Lt. Veers, or are they?

Geez, I knew Neron would have come in Handy!!! Who called it?!?! Jameson was a joke. The whole party couldnt' even use their weapons and tech in time! Neron surely would have the skill to dodge the dragon for a bit to use the grenades so you could get the hell out of there all right. At least I think so... But anyways, what's done is done and I must say...this is very...very dissapointing. Geez, it's just terrible that now the main character is crippled and may be left alone soon! But I have to hand it to you BatBrick, this is an exciting and well done story and this is a MAJOR turning point now. We've gone from reaching glory to...miserable loss. Hopefully EB can think about our decisions a bit more carefully but anyways I do have a question. If the guy lost a leg then how the heck is he living all right? There isn't an option on there but I say Jameson should make you a mechanical limb! And what about the ATV and the Weaver creature? Were the stuck in the Deadzone? But geez...this is scary.

Thanks MicVash, I'm glad you like it. Or not, seeing as you say, you have come to miserable loss. I'll answer your questions. You lost a lot of blood at the loss of your leg, but it wasn't exactly chewed off, more mauled, so you had to amputate it yourself later, as it was unuseable. You secaped by dragging yourself to the jeep and getting the heck outta there. Reginald can't make you a mechanical limb becuase he has no medical knoweldge of biotechnology. However, there is a character who does know about and is a cyborg, who is slated to appear later, based on your decisions. And in one of the older topics I believe I stated that the Deadzone lies not far from your base, so transport was not necassary, so only the ATV was taken and left at a safe distance. You then retrieved it after the failed mission.

Goodluck MicVash, hopefully the choices made are the right ones, another slip up and Game's over *skull*

It's all this cloudiness of "TANK!?! GIMME!!!"

Now we're in trouble... Good thing we used Reginald before he died :-D .

I did admittingly use the tank as a draw to see what people would do, hopefully they learn from their mistakes!

Batbrick Away! >:-)

Edited by Batbrick
Goodluck MicVash, hopefully the choices made are the right ones, another slip up and Game's over *skull*

Batbrick Away! >:-)

Is there actually a Game Over in this? (Or rather our character dies.)

Is there actually a Game Over in this? (Or rather our character dies.)

Yes, it could happen at any time. But it must be based on foolish decisions, not bad luck or coincidence. I let you off this time, because there has to be an incident to snap everyone into proper thinking, but it also needs to cost. MUHAHA! *skull*

Batbrick Away! >:-)

Posted (edited)

Defence bot, runts, and survivors.

With your severe lack of fighting force, and leg, you're gonna need some help. The defence bot can do for now. There's only you to feed right now, so you can keep extra runts in a pen or something, until you need them. Maybe stock up in case you find some more survivors. Look for survivors, maybe a mechanic to get you a new leg, or someone with a robot arm, that can give you advice on replacement limbs. X-D But yeah, you need survivors. *y*

This is coming along excellently mate, keep it up! :-D *y* *y*

Oh, and RIP post-Apoc Exobuilder and unstable team mat. You will be missed. :'-(


Edited by iamded

Oh, bad news here X-O :'-(

I chose fix the radio, go inthe mountains and look for more survivors ;-)

BTW: did Reginald give you a robot leg or something for the one you lost at the beast 8-| ?



Defense bot, hunting and looking for fuel.... and, of course, just try to survive in that

cool hell of a post apocalyptic world you

Posted (edited)

What a huge turn in events! Then again, what with the choice to go to the deadzone, I think we all knew deep down something bad was going to happen... It's all my fault! :'-(

Hmmm, sorry about that. Hopefully EB you have all learn't a lesson, for I sure haven't! :-P Great work Batbrick, this story is really exciting! Now it is very sad that the others died, but Exobuilder deserved it but we must always look to the future in these things >:-) . It is their fault for trying to steal that poor, defenseless, and utterly hard-done-by dragon's treasure! They should have asked first! >:-( What had that dragon ever done to them! All it wanted was a bit of peace in its humble home, with its few worldly belongings around it! Yet we, the supposed 'good' people of EB tried to kill it and steal its only real companions in its poor solitary life. Shame on you all!

Seriously though, that dragon is awesome! I *wub* it! Great work on all that building, it looks real cool! *y* Now on to my thoughts for the future. First, go and apologise to the dragon for stealing his treasure! He could be a true friend! Really, I believe any dragon is just looking for companionship, even if they seem evil and deadly and always hunt you. X-D It is how they behave! I am getting sidetracked though. First I voted for you to get Jameson to program the defense bot, as you will need someone to gaurd the base while you are out, and to play cards with in the evening. Secondly, I voted that you keep eating the runts, as at the moment you are on your own, so you don't want to take any risks by going into unknown territory just yet. Lastly, you should hunt for survivors, as you are going to need more than two players to play poker, and you really need the skills of others to help you defeat the swarm. You can never know how useful others can be!

So now EB, move onwards, vote wisely, and please be nice to dragons in future, that way they may not try to eat you! Good luck to us on our quest for... whatever it is *wacko*

Edited by dragonator
Posted (edited)

This is very great work Batbrick, I love the in-depth and interactive storyline *y*

I must admit though, that when reading that Exo-builder and our teammate got slaughtered by the dragon I started laughing like crazy X-D :-P

You see?All we wanted was a tank and we don't even get one! Very bad since everyone was obsessed with getting a tank!

Instead everybody gets mauled/killed reducing our group!! Very sad yet awesome!

For the choices

Before Reginald dies you should get him to program the defense bot! Since it will be like a companion and can defend the base! Plus robots never complain and you don't need to feed them! At first I thought he should make more weapons but we already collected a lot form the deadzone extravaganza :-D

For finding food I chose to play it safe and go to the wastelands......Nah I actually chose to explore the saltflats since finding new areas could be useful! But if the deadzone was an option I would have picked that :-D

While finding food, search for more survivors since they are companions and offer unique skills.


Edited by Piranha
Reginald can't make you a mechanical limb becuase he has no medical knoweldge of biotechnology. However, there is a character who does know about and is a cyborg, who is slated to appear later, based on your decisions.

Batbrick Away! >:-)

o0o0o, I seem to have drawn a sneak peek from you!


Thanks hollisbrick, Asuka, VBBN.

Look for survivors, maybe a mechanic to get you a new leg, or someone with a robot arm, that can give you advice on replacement limbs. X-D But yeah, you need survivors.

This is coming along excellently mate, keep it up! :-D

Oh, and RIP post-Apoc Exobuilder and unstable team mat. You will be missed.

Thanks bud! :'-) You also seem to have caught onto a sneakpeek ;-)

Don't you just love it how I never gave "Unstable Teammate" a name? :-D

BTW: did Reginald give you a robot leg or something for the one you lost at the beast 8-| ?

No, you have a pegleg for now.

Have we determined yet that they are safe to eat? Especially since our dummy unstable teamate got munched into oblivion.

Runts are safe to eat, but the Queen Runts cause slight sickness and should be avoided.

What a huge turn in events! Then again, what with the choice to go to the deadzone, I think we all knew deep down something bad was going to happen... It's all my fault! :'-(

Hmmm, sorry about that. Hopefully EB you have all learn't a lesson, for I sure haven't! Great work Batbrick, this story is really exciting! Now it is very sad that the others died, but Exobuilder deserved it but we must always look to the future in these things >:-) . It is their fault for trying to steal that poor, defenseless, and utterly hard-done-by dragon's treasure! They should have asked first! >:-( What had that dragon ever done to them! All it wanted was a bit of peace in its humble home, with its few worldly belongings around it! Yet we, the supposed 'good' people of EB tried to kill it and steal its only real companions in its poor solitary life. Shame on you all!

Seriously though, that dragon is awesome! I *wub* it! Great work on all that building, it looks real cool! *y* Now on to my thoughts for the future. First, go and apologise to the dragon for stealing his treasure! He could be a true friend! Really, I believe any dragon is just looking for companionship, even if they seem evil and deadly and always hunt you. X-D It is how they behave! I am getting sidetracked though. First I voted for you to get Jameson to program the defense bot, as you will need someone to gaurd the base while you are out, and to play cards with in the evening. Secondly, I voted that you keep eating the runts, as at the moment you are on your own, so you don't want to take any risks by going into unknown territory just yet. Lastly, you should hunt for survivors, as you are going to need more than two players to play poker, and you really need the skills of others to help you defeat the swarm. You can never know how useful others can be!

So now EB, move onwards, vote wisely, and please be nice to dragons in future, that way they may not try to eat you! Good luck to us on our quest for... whatever it is *wacko*

I had to quotes this thing because i was laughing out loud reading it! :-D

Glad you love the dragon dragonator, even if you are protective of it. Man you had me laughing! :-D

Don't worry, the dragons fine. And thanks for your comments, greatly appreciated.

This is very great work Batbrick, I love the in-depth and interactive storyline *y*

I must admit though, that when reading that Exo-builder and our teammate got slaughtered by the dragon I started laughing like crazy X-D :-P

You see?All we wanted was a tank and we don't even get one! Very bad since everyone was obsessed with getting a tank!

Instead everybody gets mauled/killed reducing our group!! Very sad yet awesome!

Thanks Piranha! Do'nt you love the cruel irony? Everyone wanted a tank but never got one! :-P

Glad you thoughyt it was funny that Exo died. (pssst, I did too!)

o0o0o, I seem to have drawn a sneak peek from you!

That you have, my friend, that you have.........

Batbrick Away! >:-)


I had to quotes this thing because i was laughing out loud reading it! :-D

Glad you love the dragon dragonator, even if you are protective of it. Man you had me laughing! :-D

Don't worry, the dragons fine. And thanks for your comments, greatly appreciated.


What! Laughing!? At the terrible catastrophe that caused this noble beast to be hunted like an animal?... Yeah I can see your point. :-P I suppose I did get a little carried away... As long as the dragon is fine, then who cares about the other dead people? *sweet* Right? 8-|

Hmmm, why is it nobody else seems to see things the way I do...

What! Laughing!? At the terrible catastrophe that caused this noble beast to be hunted like an animal?... Yeah I can see your point. :-P I suppose I did get a little carried away... As long as the dragon is fine, then who cares about the other dead people? *sweet* Right? 8-|

Hmmm, why is it nobody else seems to see things the way I do...

I can see you forming PETG (People for the Ethical Treatment of Dragons). :-D

I can see you forming PETG (People for the Ethical Treatment of Dragons). :-D

What a great idea! :-D Or how about the PDP (Protection for Dragons against People-who-are-always-trying-to-kill-and-slaughter-and-abuse-and-hurt-dragons-and-steal-their-treasure

-and-kill-their-children-and-just-make-dragon's-lives-miserable-in-any-way-possible-because-they-just-don't-understand-that-the-dragon-simply-wants-a-friend) :-)

Crazy Dragon Protection Funds ON! :-D

(No but seriously, this is no laughing matter, every year, dragons are tortured and killed by people who don't understand. YOU can help! *sweet* )

I can see you forming PETG (People for the Ethical Treatment of Dragons). :-D

Too late, I already did. Would you like a pin? Only one dollar. *sweet*

Whoops, this was a bad turn. :-D Since we only have the one left and crippled, I think we need to play it safe and get as much help as we can get. For starters, get the robot fixed. It'll be able to take the weight off of your back, and perhaps keep you from going insane yourself. 8-|



That was exciting... 2 deaths, a mauling and a legless hero, just like a t.v. soap! It serves them right for taking the 'obvious' route in search of the tank.

I think our future lies with using the animals so I vote for taking Sammy on a walk through the saltflats, looking for other survivors. (Maybe a cyborg, if we're lucky!!!). It may be possible to find a way of befriending the black dragon and becoming an ally... like finding an injured one and helping or similar. That'll please dragonlover dargonator!!!!

I think we're a bit 'short on legs' ;-) for following the swarm and vehicles eat fuel, so we should go for using transport that uses the same fuel as us, so we can share. While we're at it, Reginald has got to be told he's on his deathbed, at least he'll have some warning as to his fate.

As an alternative, the queen drones could be crushed up, distilled and made in to a delicious alcoholic drink (drone pilsner). A sun lounger could be built and you could watch your automated base destroy the swarm on t.v.!! (while you run out of food and your liver is destroyed!!).

Well done Batbrick, another well crafted episode.

Posted (edited)

Wow this is getting good 2 deaths a mauling and that dragon *wub* . I voted to tell Jameson he's going to die. By doing that he'll either panic or try to do something to help you before he dies, like program the defense bot. You should also go to the wastelands. It may not be completely safe but if you thought of it other survivors might have as well. You should also look for survivors because if Jameson can't program the defence bot in time you don't want to be alone. You'll be driven to the point of insanity.

Edited by idontknow877

Be honest, tell him he's going to die Besides being the nicer thing to do, it might give him a sense of urgency, and he might do or tell things out of desparation! X-D

Keep eating Runts, avoiding the Queens Better the devil you know!

More survivors We seem to be running out! :-D

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