June 4, 20204 yr @Bregir Counsel Montoya, I am not sure how familiar you are with the purpose of the RNTC’s operations in Terraversa, but allow me to repeat that they are of a mercantile nature. Unlike your organization, our simple party does not include agents trained in espionage, and I fear our officials currently present in Terraversa simply do not have the experience to make informed decisions on matters regarding insurrection and covert actions. Normally we would simply request the necessary personnel be sent to assist us, but I trust you would agree that any nation sending agents and spies around Terraversa would be viewed with distrust. Such an action might even lead to accusations they are to blame for the troubles you detailed. Make no mistake, I am as concerned with Terraversa as you are, and would be happy to discuss the matter with you and the Eslandolan authorities at length, but I fear my lack of experience with such matters may result in much delay, especially if said inexperience means my superiors must send additional correspondence to ask questions should I fail to make the appropriate inquiry. Should you still feel such a meeting would be beneficial, I would of course be happy to discuss the matter at length. Vive le Roi! Henri Hollande Agent de la Compagnie Royale de la Nouvelle Terre
June 11, 20204 yr @Captain Genaro Monsieur Hollande, Should I ever be in a position where I should find your particular branch of skills, insights, and experience in any way helpful, you shall be the first to know. Until then, I shall not disturb you and your doubtlessly purely commercial ventures any further. In Her Majesty's Service Don Isaac Montoya Consul, Corrington
June 12, 20204 yr 21 hours ago, Bregir said: Until then, I shall not disturb you and your doubtlessly purely commercial ventures any further. A little dash of salt I see!
June 12, 20204 yr Author What you see is not salt. It's pure mud on the face of a proud nation! Edited June 12, 20204 yr by blackdeathgr
June 12, 20204 yr Montoya resents any suggestion that he should have been less than cordial in his correspondence with Hollande - he is simply confirming what Hollande himself has said about his own skills and the nature of the RNTC mission. ;) The accusations implicitly placed in Hollande's letters, though, have not gone unnoticed. :P
September 8, 20204 yr Can someone tell me what's up with " Aurelia" and "Dragonstone" ? As far as I can tell, y'all just renamed the settlement, but I can't find any forum posts detailing that happening. Or are they separate settlements?
September 8, 20204 yr 1 hour ago, Mesabi said: Can someone tell me what's up with " Aurelia" and "Dragonstone" ? As far as I can tell, y'all just renamed the settlement, but I can't find any forum posts detailing that happening. Or are they separate settlements? It's been renamed.
September 8, 20204 yr 1 minute ago, Bregir said: It's been renamed. Any particular story? Or just behind the scenes stuff?
September 8, 20204 yr No, the wealthiest man on this island decide of the name... This man change twice since you paused BOBS
September 8, 20204 yr 8 hours ago, Mesabi said: Any particular story? Or just behind the scenes stuff? Behnd the scenes stuff, as the founder wanted a more fitting name. :)
October 3, 20204 yr Edward Beauchamp. Son of Retired Admiral Jean Beauchamp, yes... "The" Admiral Beauchamp. The old Sea Wolf took Edward to sea at age 10 to learn the family business. At 17, determined to make his own way, Ed asked for his father's support in joining the Army. As a young Officer, Edward made a name for himself as a fearless warrior. The reputation coming at the cost of an eye to a pirate cutlass. When not seeking glory, he and Madeline raise the twins and keep up the Sea Wolf's estate. Many believe the mustache and cape are a bit much, but his exploits on the battlefield leave few willing to tell him as much to his cutlass lashed face. Edited October 3, 20204 yr by CapOnBOBS
October 3, 20204 yr Author @CapOnBOBS Welcome to (objectively) the best BoBs faction and enjoy your staying. Feel free to ask anything here or in the pm group in which you will be invited soon. For now, go blues, go!
October 3, 20204 yr Welcome to the Brick Seas @CapOnBOBS! 1 hour ago, blackdeathgr said: (objectively) the best BoBs faction The jury is still out on this one...
October 3, 20204 yr @CapOnBOBS Welcome to Oleon. Nice introduction and an intriguing character (and just in time to join the fighting in Terraversa). I will add you to Oleon's PM where happenings in the empire can be discussed away from prying ears. Feel free to reach out with any help in getting started.
October 4, 20204 yr 14 hours ago, CapOnBOBS said: Edward Beauchamp. Well, welcome to BoBS! The coolest pirate themed brick RPG around. (And the only, as far as I know.) Good to see OL getting some sign ons. Corrington has been getting quite a few recently, and I like a little balance to the game.
October 4, 20204 yr Do my terraversa mocs require points applied, like if I show 10 soldiers do I need them "recruited"? And when does this turn end?
October 4, 20204 yr @CapOnBOBS Welcome to Oleon! Great to see a new face among us. 40 minutes ago, CapOnBOBS said: Do my terraversa mocs require points applied, like if I show 10 soldiers do I need them "recruited"? And when does this turn end? No, you don't need to recruit your 10 soldiers for your Terraversa build. But if you want to actually raise some troops, the first thing to do is to choose a settlement, build a troop raising moc (16x16 min.), state how many you want to recruit, fill the form, pay the licensing fee and upkeep.
October 4, 20204 yr Welcome to Oleon @CapOnBOBS! You chose for sure the best faction (objective and unbiased opinion) and probably one of the most interesting periods... there are settlements to build, islands to colonize, and a war to win! Your introduction is very nice, and your minifig is great! If you need help or suggestions to start feel free to PM me or ask in our "national" chat (you've been added or you'll be added soon)
October 4, 20204 yr 20 hours ago, CapOnBOBS said: Edward Beauchamp. Son of Retired Admiral Jean Beauchamp, yes... "The" Admiral Beauchamp. The old Sea Wolf took Edward to sea at age 10 to learn the family business. At 17, determined to make his own way, Ed asked for his father's support in joining the Army. As a young Officer, Edward made a name for himself as a fearless warrior. The reputation coming at the cost of an eye to a pirate cutlass. When not seeking glory, he and Madeline raise the twins and keep up the Sea Wolf's estate. Many believe the mustache and cape are a bit much, but his exploits on the battlefield leave few willing to tell him as much to his cutlass lashed face. Welcome to BoBS!
October 30, 20204 yr @Bodi, @Captain Genaro Westface Terraversa Oct. 620 AE To the representatives of His Most Sacred Majesty, King Philip I It is my solemn duty to inform you that Corrington now considers itself at colonial war with Oleon. In September 620, off Nola Mar, Terraversa, an Olean squadron under flagship La Recouvrance offered battle to the Royal Navy squadron (flagship HMS Greyhound) conducting legitimate inspections in search of a missing, presumed captured, Royal Navy Captain. Later, it has become blatantly obvious that the subterfuge and revolting rabble in Nola Mar was by the hand of King Philip I, and that the squadron was part of this outrageous endeavour to overthrow the independence of the free, neutral nation of Terraversa, adding insult to injury, Let it be known that Her Majesty's Royal Navy cannot accept such interference with its legitimate operations, and that such acts of war has left Her Majesty with no choice but to take direct action. Hence, captains and army commanders will by now be opening secret orders all across the Brick Seas, detailing this development and instructing them to take actions accordingly, including, but not limited to, to take, sink, or burn any Olean vessels, prepare for defensive and offensive action, and render any possible aid to the Terraversan cause. Further, I am instructed to convey Her Majesty's, and Her Government's, most intense protests against the dastardly, unprovoked assault upon the free, neutral nation of Terraversa. Attacking without a declaration of war, without a legitimate casus belli, and without provocation, acting only in narrow national interest, is a dishonourable act worthy of nothing but disdain. In respect of now dormant mutual diplomatic efforts to establish lasting peace between our nations after a history of warfare, no hostilities will be initiated in the old world, although all units are on high alert and will oppose any incursions into Corlander Territory. In Her Majesty's Service, don Isaac Montoya Consul, Terra Nova __________________________ Iacta alia est - IC we are outraged - OOC this could be fairly exciting!
November 12, 20204 yr Author A drunken sailor drinking some more in a local tavern after being read (being illiterate himself) the Corrish proclamation of "colonial war" as they like to call it: "Those Corries never learn... boohoo Corries...boohoo... More wine to everyone please and a toast to our gracious King Philip I"
November 12, 20204 yr 4 hours ago, blackdeathgr said: A drunken sailor [...] (being illiterate himself) Can the WTCM quote you on that for "Oleons finest"?
November 13, 20204 yr Author On 11/12/2020 at 6:35 PM, Darnok said: Can the WTCM quote you on that for "Oleons finest"? Ahahahahaha! To be fair, at the era we simulate here in BoBS, the majority of common people were illiterate so, slander away my dear! Post whatever you like in that yellow press of yours!
December 24, 20204 yr "I psychí mou kai i ypiresía mou ston Hades" Pierre Caron was left on the steps of an Oleon Monastery as an infant. Raised by priests of Hades, Pierre worked in the monastery cooking and cleaning until coming of age and taking on the monastic mantle and charge. After spending his formative years transcribing and copying the decrees and doctrines of the Order, Pierre became skeptical of the piety of political intrigue and the mingling of finance and faith in the dealings of the Order. But his faith in the Tripartite and desires to serve Hades are strong so he left the monastery to enter missionary service to the isles and seas in the east. Pierre sails to serve Oleon, deliver pure religion to the living, and to shepherd the dead on to the afterlife. Balance, Altruism, Justice. End Story Stuff I'm sorta new to Lego and have been getting into it to have something to spend time with my sons doing. I don't quite understand this game just yet but the idea of LEGO + Pirates + RPG appeals to me. Somebody point me in the right direction so I can contribute haha Edited December 24, 20204 yr by ChidJ
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