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Citizens of Nova Malto, 

As Mayor of our city, I have been in close contact with Don Isaac Montoya, the Corrington representative, as he has negotiated with the conquering Eslandolian armies. He has attempted to secure the peace and security of our city apart from their empire, but Eslandola has adamantly insisted on occupation of the entire island they have seized as their prize of war. We have all suffered in this recent war. Not one of us has not lost belongings, property, homes, and even friends and family to this war. In order to avoid any further suffering and death, Corrington has graciously offered to relocate the entire city. This will enable us to live free from the Eslandolian armies, and protect us from the dangers of having to find a suitable location to build. Eslandola has promised in their negotiations with Montoya to treat all individuals who remain the same as their own citizens so those who wish to remain are free to do so. However, for those of you who like me do not trust a nation that would invade a peaceful island such as ours, we will be able to relocate to the new city that Corrington is building on the island of Alicentia. Also anyone who wishes to travel elsewhere in the world has been guaranteed by Eslandola safe passage off the island. Evacuation of all who wish to leave to our new city will begin very shortly. We will be assigning departure groups so that there is consistency and order in loading of the vessels that will arrive. Please have your belongings packed and ready when it is your turn to board the ships as it will be impossible to coordinate belongings in any other way. 

May our endeavor be smiled upon. 

Mayor Giovanni Lorenzini



Great writing, the Maltoans should be very grateful for Corries's help.

Interesting wall technique , it worked perfectly, the roof looks nice too, although I wonder what would be looked like if you cover it with 1*2 plates, and I like also the cutaway house, it surely enhances playability.


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